how to use mongoDB database for web application without installing mongoDB on machine? - angularjs

I have got a task to send an application to client, that will have angular at client side with nodejs server. I need to use the database, and mongoDB is the only one which i know to use. I have built various web application with mongoDB database to store the information. surely i have installed it on windows machine. My question is, how can i use the mongoDB without installing on the machine, considering that the client will not have to go through unnecessary steps like installing mongoDB on machine and then see my demo. All i want is he runs the node server and see the demp app.
is there any mongoDB service which i can use? how to connect with node server?
please help

You could try modulus, I made a simple project using their mongoDB host and it was pretty easy to implement.

Download the MongoDB for Windows binaries as zip file: open, select the version you need, Platform: Windows and Package: zip
Extract it anywhere you like, for example to C:\mongo
Create the data directory (e.g. C:\mongo\data)
Run C:\mongo\bin\mongod.exe --dbpath=C:\mongo\data
To stop the MongoDB, you may just use Control-C


Can't connect to SQL Server via dart

I need to create a windows REST app that runs on a SQL Server machine, to provide data from a SQL Server database to an Android app.
I know that it would be better to create the REST app in NODE, but since I'm learning Flutter I prefer build in DART to avoid learning 2 development tools.
After some searching, I found the DART library dart_mssql, but I get errors when I try to run the demo example:
Error: Dart native extensions are no longer supported.
Migrate to using FFI instead (
import 'dart-ext:dart_mssql';
Error: Cannot run with sound null safety, because the following dependencies
Is there a way to avoid this incompatibility with new DART 2 version?
I tried other SQL Server Dart libraries, but none seem to work...
sql_conn (Only Device Android). Work...

Server communication with database

I'm creating an online game and the client is going to be made using unity as well as the server and I'm wondering whether it's okay for the server to communicate with mysql database via PHP
For simple tasks, there is actually nothing wrong with that.
There is also a example of using this method in the wiki here:
But be aware: that is not the fastest solution.
You could make a faster direct connection with a plugin like this one:
And for native unity support on Android and iOS support i would go with a sqlite database plugin:

React Native - connect to PostgreSQL database

I would like to connect with React Native to an external database, like PostgreSQL, MySQL or what ever. Is this possible?
But first let me tell you something about my plan:
I will develop my application for multiple installations (multiple devices - one installation on one device). All devices are connected with a local network which is provided by a Windows installation (server). On the server runs a database (PostgreSQL) and I would like to connect to this database with all my devices.
The server (or in fact its database) should store tasks and each device should access to these tasks (read and write) locally.
I had also some other ideas like simple SMB-XML file storage (but the problem with collisions) and an SQLite database on an SMB shared file - but the website of SQLite tells that this will not avoid problems with multiple accesses. Therefore I need another local solution. This brought me to provide a database which is accessible from the local network.
I would be very grateful if someone has a note how to solve this problem.
Thank you!
In order to access a database directly from react native you would need a pure JavaScript database driver. A quick google search produced a JavaScript drivers for PostgreSQL ( but it is written for Node.js and I doubt it will work in JavaScript Core or Chrome. CouchDB works via a REST API and it's actually intended for direct access by multiple clients. There are multiple JavaScript clients available for that.
BUT why do you want your clients to connect to the DB directly? What you describe seems like a pretty standard application model. You'll just need a backend running on your server talking to the DB and providing an API. Good old web development. If you want to write JavaScript on the backend I suggest using Node.js
If you really can't or don't want to write a backend, there are several services that provide API for data storage and even some data processing. But of course they aren't local. Have a look at or for example.

Development Environment for RIDC in Java

I need to write code that communicates to Oracle Content Server 11g in Java. My understanding is that it's done using RIDC (Remote Intradoc Client).
The best I can find on getting started is this:
However, it doesn't cover the development environment setup. Where do I get the pieces to get started? I'm assuming I need JDeveloper R1, is that correct? Where do I download the SDK? Thanks.
You need to install WebCenter Support API in JDeveloper. Search for the updates shown in the following image in Help->Check for Updates.
I am in PS6.
You do not need the Oracle WebCenter Portal extensions nor JDeveloper.
You can develop code using the RIDC library with any IDE, all you need is to make sure you have the correct version of the RIDC jar file on your classpath. You can obtain it from your Oracle_ECM1 installation home, in the /ucm/Distribution/RIDC folder.

nodejs and database communication - how?

I've heard much good about nodejs and writting client-server application with it. But I can't get, for example, when developing IM client-server application, how nodejs server script is supposed to talk to database server to actually store it's data? Or may be I miss something and nodejs server scripts are not supposed to do that? If so, please, push me to correct direction.
I've noticed DBSLayer, but it looks like it's still in beta.
You need to grab a module that handles the communication to the database you want. See here for a list of modules for node.js. Popular databases that work well with node.js are MongoDB, CouchDB and Redis.
As stagas says, you can use a module that handles communication if you want to use an external database.
If you want an internal (=embedded) database, you can use one written in javascript you can require like any other module such as NeDB or nStore. They are easier to use and useful if your webapp doesn't need to handle a lot of concurrent connections (e.g. a tool you make for yourself or a small team), or if you write a desktop app using Node Webkit
