How do I interact with a grid using a 2D array (Proce55ing) - arrays

For a project I need to create Connect Four using Processing, I have created the grid which the game will be played in however I am lost when it comes to players interacting with it.
I have been told to use a 2D array however my knowledge of arrays is very limited. I am currently trying to code the bit where the program detects where a player has clicked and spawning a coin there.
int c = 8;
int r = 10;
int[][] grid = new int [c][r];
int CoinSpawn = -1;
void setup () {
size(1000, 800);
void draw () {
background(1, 1, 1);
translate(100, 100);
void keyPressed () {
for (int i=0; i<grid.length-1; i++) {
grid[i][i] = grid[i+1][i+1];
void drawRows(){
for (int i=0; i < r; i++){
int x = 80;
x = x * i;
void drawColumns(){
for (int i=0; i < c; i++){
int y = 80;
y = y * i;
void drawCell(){
Would I be able to assign the 2D array to the grid? so that each slot in the grid represents an element from the array? That is the best option I can see at the moment however I have no idea how to do it.
I really appreciate any replies as I am completely lost at the moment.

You have a pretty good start, I made a lot more changes than I had planned... got a little into it!
Let me know if you have any questions, I did use one simple OOP class called cell that tracks the value and the cell's position, as well as provides a display function, I converted a lot of your variables and hard coded numbers to constants (starts with final and has the same value for the entire program)
you will notice I left the win conditions to you!
I hope this is helpful, I feel like seeing 2D arrays used in a context you are familiar with might help you understand them!
My normal process using 2D arrays for processing:
use Setup() to set initial array values
use Draw() to call each of the item's display function
use other functions to modify the array data, which the display function of the cell knows how to display
Main File
// Grid Size constants
final int GRID_COLUMNS = 10;
final int GRID_ROWS = 8;
// Display constants
final int CELL_SCALE = 80;
final int COIN_RADIUS = 75;
final int BOARD_PADDING = 100;
final color[] PLAYER_COLORS = new color[]{color(0), color(200, 10, 10), color(200, 200, 10)};
// cell values
final int EMPTY_CELL = 0;
final int PLAYER_1 = 1;
final int PLAYER_2 = 2;
// game data
Cell[][] grid = new Cell [GRID_COLUMNS][GRID_ROWS];
int currentPlayer;
void setup () {
size(1000, 800);
ellipseMode(CENTER); // only needs to be set once per sketch
// method to populate the array with blank cells, used to initiate and reset the game
void setupBlankBoard() {
currentPlayer = PLAYER_1; // reset game and start with first player
// populate array
for (int y=0; y < GRID_ROWS; y++) { // for every vertical row,
for (int x=0; x < GRID_COLUMNS; x++) { // for every horizontal cell in that row
// rather than translates I prefer to calculate the actual x,y position and just display it there,
// we add the padding offset to every cell, and then take the column/row times the width of the square cell
void changePlayers() {
if (currentPlayer == PLAYER_1) {
currentPlayer = PLAYER_2;
} else {
// already was player 2, so change to 1
currentPlayer = PLAYER_1;
boolean placeCoin(int column) {
boolean coinPlaced = false;
// now we know the column, we need to find the lowest cell in that column that is empty
for (int y = GRID_ROWS-1; y >= 0; y-- ) { // let's start at bottom and move up to reduce computations
// for every cell, test if it is empty
if (grid[column][y].isEmpty()) {
// if found a valid cell, place current players token and exit the loop (break)
coinPlaced = true;
return coinPlaced;
void checkCoins() {
// scan the array for 4 of the same value in a row
for (int y=0; y < GRID_ROWS; y++) { // for every vertical row,
for (int x=0; x < GRID_COLUMNS; x++) { // for every horizontal cell in that row
// I will leave this to you ;)
// keep in mind to check neighbors all you need to do is add or subtract 1 from the x or y value
// however when you are at the edge of the board be careful not to try and look at a neighbor that is off the edge, you will get a null pointer or an array out of bounds exception
if (x+1<GRID_COLUMNS) {
Cell toTheRight = grid[x+1][y];
// for each cell you could look at the 3 above the current, 3 below the current, 3 to the right and 3 to the left, 3 diagnal in each direction and then manually try and find 4 adjacent same color cells
// or a bit more complicated is a recursive solution that checks its 8 immediate neighbor and for each that match the center cell run the same function to test its 8 neighbors keeping track of the current inARowCount and returning true when it is found.
// would be a bit hard because you would need to make sure the second cell doesn't follow back to the original cell, and start an endless loop
void draw () {
background(1, 1, 1);
// draw all cells
for (int y=0; y < GRID_ROWS; y++) { // for every vertical row,
for (int x=0; x < GRID_COLUMNS; x++) { // for every horizontal cell in that row
grid[x][y].display(); // draw this cell
// draw next coin floating above the board, contrain its positon to above the board
//currentMouseX = 40*(ceil(abs(currentMouseX/40)));
// press any key to rest the game, probably want to test for a certain key here!
void keyPressed () {
// on press attempt to place a coin
void mousePressed() {
// determine what column we are over
int column = (currentMouseX - BOARD_PADDING)/CELL_SCALE;
// if choice is a valid coin placement
if (placeCoin(column)) {
// toggle players if a coin was placed
// after each placement check win conditions
Cell Class
class Cell {
int x, y;
int value; // 0 for empty, 1 for team 1, 2 for team 2 (constants defined at top of main file)
Cell(int x, int y) {
// default constructor to create empty cell
this(x, y, EMPTY_CELL);
// allows cell value to be set at creation
Cell(int x, int y, int value) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.value = value;
boolean setValue(int value){
value = constrain(value, EMPTY_CELL,PLAYER_2); // keeps it from setting a value outside of our range
if(this.value == EMPTY_CELL){
this.value = value;
return true; // placed
return false; // was not able to place it as there is already a value
boolean isEmpty(){
return this.value == EMPTY_CELL;
void display() {
fill(0, 0, 255);
rect(this.x, this.y, CELL_SCALE, CELL_SCALE);
// Draw Circle color based on current value, could simply just put fill(playerColors[this.value]); but this seems a bit more clear
if(this.value == EMPTY_CELL){
}else if(this.value == PLAYER_1){
fill(PLAYER_COLORS[PLAYER_1]); // red
}else if(this.value == PLAYER_2){
fill(PLAYER_COLORS[PLAYER_2]); // yellow
ellipse(this.x + CELL_SCALE/2, this.y + CELL_SCALE/2, COIN_RADIUS, COIN_RADIUS);


C - How to check if at least one neighbor of a cell in a matrix respects a predication?

I'm on a project where I have to code a little game named "recolor", basically it's grid of a certain size, the grid is divided in cells (we have size*size cells), I can play a color (the color have to be in the grid or in the authorized colors) and each time I'm playing a color the grid will change from the top letf corner to color each cells directly connected to the top left corner that has the same color.
That's for the global context, now I already have all the functions to play this game but I have some problems with the function I use to play a move:
The game is defined using this type :
struct game_s
color **grid;
color **initial_grid;
uint width;
uint height;
uint nmb_cur_mv;
uint nmb_mv_max;
* Def :
* - neighbour_of_origin checks if a cell is in the neighborhood of the (0,0) of the game grid, to be in the neighborhood
* the cell should have the same color as the (0,0) and the cell and (0,0) have to be connected by a path of cells that have the same
* color as (0,0).
* Param :
* - cgame g : the game grid
* - int x, y : coordinates of the cell we are currently checking
* - bool** to_change_tab : 2D array of boolean that represent the game grid and have the same size as it. It is used to mark all the cells to
* modify. By default the whole grid is set to false except (0,0) which is changed no matter what.
* Ret :
* - void function, nothing to return.
void neighbour_of_origin(cgame g, int x, int y, bool **to_change_tab)
color origin = g->grid[0][0];
int offset[4][2] = {
{-1, 0}, /*W*/
{0, 1}, /*S*/
{1, 0}, /*E*/
{0, -1} /*N*/
int off_x;
int off_y;
for (int elem = 0; elem < 4; elem++)
off_x = x + offset[elem][0]; /*takes the 'x' coord in the offset matrix and add it to the current x*/
off_y = y + offset[elem][1]; /*takes the 'y' coord in the offset matrix and add it to the current y*/
if (((off_x >= 0 && off_x < SIZE) && (off_y >= 0 && off_y < SIZE)) && (to_change_tab[off_x][off_y] == true) && (g->grid[x][y] == origin))
to_change_tab[x][y] = true;
* Def :
* - game_play_one_move will change all the cells that are neighbors of the (0,0)that have the same color as it. The changing always begin
from the (0,0) and then it expands in all directions.
* Param :
* - game g : the game grid that will be modified.
* - color c : the color that will be applied to all the cells we have to change.
* Ret :
* - void function, nothing to return.
void game_play_one_move(game g, color c)
bool **to_change_tab = (bool **)malloc(sizeof(bool *) * SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
to_change_tab[i] = (bool *)malloc(sizeof(bool) * SIZE);
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
to_change_tab[i][j] = false;
/*getting all the cells we have to change*/
to_change_tab[0][0] = true; /*(0,0) is always modified */
printf("mark tab : \n");
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++)
neighbour_of_origin(g, x, y, to_change_tab);
printf("%d ", to_change_tab[x][y]); /*debbuging purpose*/
/*modification of the game grid */
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++)
if (to_change_tab[x][y] == true)
g->grid[x][y] = c;
g->nmb_cur_mv += 1;
/*free the temporary array of bools*/
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++)
to_change_tab[x] = NULL;
to_change_tab = NULL;
above we have the two functions I've made to change the color as described in the rules, It actually works pretty well but I have a big issue on it.
This is my grid at the very begining :
each number corresponds to a color, the grid is 12*12 cells.
Here is my grid when I play the following colors : 3 1 3 0
if I play any color (except 0 of course) as my next move I expect every 0 connected to the top left to change but i got this instead:
the 0 on the first line didn't changed whereas they were connected to the origin, I suspected that the bug is in my condition in neighbour_of_origin(cgame g, int x, int y, bool **to_change_tab) because i'm using a for on x and y so the first line is evaluated first and the 0 on the first line did not have any neighbor that corresponds to the if condition at this state, is there a way to evaluate in "the order of propagation",I wanted to rewrite it recursively but I'm really bad in recursion.
Very sorry for the long post, I wish someone could help me, have a good day.
edit : I got a ''''fix'''' I duplicate my for loops in the game_play_one_move() function so it will loop again and again to find each cells he couldn't find before, I know it's not a real fix because in the future i don't know how the grid will be displayed exactly, but i guess that a loop that will check again and again until it can't find any neighbor could be a solution too, in terms of colplexity it would be a real problem since i'm looping in the grid again and again and again

How can I fix this error : 'Cannot invoke loadPixels() on the array type PImage[]'?

I'm kind of a beginner with Processing and I've been having difficulty with my pixel array. I have 10 images numbered from 0-9 that are being shown one after another... What I am trying to do on top of that is take each image and change its brightness level, turning it either white or black.
I've already tried to just change the brightness using one image, so not an array of images which works perfectly! But when joining those two together it doesn't work for me.
int maxImages = 10; // The number of frames in the animation
int imageIndex = 00; //initial image to be displayed first
PImage[] picture = new PImage[maxImages]; //the image array
void setup() {
size(500, 500); //size of sketch
frameRate(1); //frames processed per second
//loading images with numbered files into the array
for (int i = 0; i< picture.length; i++) {
picture[i] = loadImage("spast_" + i + ".jpg");
void draw() {
image(picture[imageIndex], 0, 0); //dispaying one image
loadPixels(); //accessing pixels
picture.loadPixels(); //accessing the image pixels too
//THIS is where it stops me and gives me 'Cannot invoke loadPixels() on the array type PImage[]'
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { //loops through every single x value
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { //loops through every single y value
int loc = x + y*width; // declare integer loc
float b = brightness(picture.pixels[loc]); //give me the brightness of pixels
if (b < 150) { //if the pixel is lower than 150
pixels[loc] = color(0); //then make those pixels black
} else { //otherwise
pixels[loc] = color(255); //make pixels white
imageIndex = (imageIndex + 1) % picture.length; //increment image index by one each cycle
updatePixels(); //when finished with the pixel array update the pixels
I'm expecting as each image is displayed it brightness value is changed and then it goes on to image 2 and so on...
Your picture variable is an array of PImage instances. You can't call loadPixels() on the array itself. You have to get a PImage at a specific index of the array, and then call the loadPixels() function on that instance.
Here's an example:
This line of code gets the PImage at index 0 and calls the loadPixels() function on it.
Note that you're already doing something pretty similar with this line:
image(picture[imageIndex], 0, 0);
Shameless self-promotion: here is a tutorial on arrays in Processing.
This is the updated and working code:
int maxImages = 10; // The number of frames in the animation
int imageIndex = 0; //initial image to be displayed first
PImage[] picture = new PImage[maxImages]; //the image array
void setup() {
size(500, 500); //size of sketch
frameRate(1); //frames processed per second
//loading images with numbered files into the array
for (int i = 0; i< picture.length; i++) {
picture[i] = loadImage("spast_" + i + ".jpg");
void draw() {
loadPixels(); //accessing pixels
image(picture[imageIndex], 0, 0); //dispaying one image
imageIndex = (imageIndex + 1) % picture.length; //increment image index by one each cycle
picture[imageIndex].loadPixels(); //accessing the image pixels in the array
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { //loops through every single x value
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { //loops through every single y value
int loc = x + y*width; // declare integer loc
float b = brightness(picture[imageIndex].pixels[loc]); //give me the brightness of pixels
if (b < 150) { //if the pixel is lower than 150
pixels[loc] = color(0); //then make those pixels black
} else { //otherwise
pixels[loc] = color(255); //make pixels white
updatePixels(); //when finished with the pixel array update the pixels

Processing - Animation between two points

I am developing the below code. To give you a brief description, it is allowing the user to click on different points on the screen, then these mouse coordinates and positions are stored in an array and also seen on the screen. When the user clicks enter there is a movement from the first point to the last point, using the linear interpolation technique. I am having difficulty in the for loop as the PVector v is storing the coordinates. Could anyone please guide me accordingly?.
ArrayList vectors;
PVector v = new PVector();
boolean animate = false; //declare a boolean variable you can use to switch from building points to animating the movement
int FirstMouseClick; //declare an int variable to store the frameCount of the first mouseclick
int AnimationStart; //declare an int variable to store the frameCount of the animation start
void setup()
size(500, 500);
vectors = new ArrayList();
void draw()
if(!animate)//if the boolean variable animate is true
float output = frameCount - AnimationStart; // subract the animation start frameCount from the current frameCount so you know which framecount from the vectors array you should be showing
for(int i=0; i<vectors.size(); i++) //loop through the vectors array
//until you find the (next PVector's frameCount - frameCount of first mouseClick) > above subtraction result
v = (PVector)vectors.get(frameCount); //until you find the (next PVector's frameCount)
ellipse(v.x,v.y,10,10);// use the current pvector's xpos and ypos to draw the ellipse
void mouseClicked()
frameCount = 0; //if not yet set, set the first frameCount value
vectors.add(new PVector(mouseX, mouseY,frameCount));// <--- store the framecount in the z axis
println("Mouse Coordinates are: " + vectors);
void keyPressed()
if(keyCode == ENTER)
animate = true; //set the boolean variable animate to true
AnimationStart = 3; //set the framecount of the animation start
I'm really not sure, what you were trying to do, but if I got you right you want to do something like this:
Draw some circles, if user clicked on canvas
If user pressed Enter, start animation
Animation means: another circle (v) moves linear from circle to circle
I really don't know, what your frameCount was for. May be you can add it to this code easier now? Note, that you can add new targets by clicking with the mouse, even if animation is true.
You can do this:
ArrayList<PVector> vectors = new ArrayList();
PVector v = new PVector();
boolean animate = false; // true means, the circles moves
int nextTarget = 0; // defines the index of the next circle, the point is going to
void setup()
size(500, 500);
v = new PVector(width/2, height/2);
void draw() {
// draw background to delete old drawings
// show all circles
for (int i=0; i<vectors.size(); i++) {
ellipse(vectors.get(i).x, vectors.get(i).y, 10, 10);
// if the boolean variable animate is true
if (animate) {
// compute angle to target circle and remaining distance
float diffX = vectors.get(nextTarget).x - v.x;
float diffY = vectors.get(nextTarget).y - v.y;
float angle = atan2(diffX, diffY);
// defines the speed of the circle
float movement = 2;
// compute new position of v
v = new PVector(v.x + sin(angle)*movement, v.y + cos(angle)*movement);
// if v reached the target circle, move on to the next one
if (dist(v.x, v.y, vectors.get(nextTarget).x, vectors.get(nextTarget).y) < 1 && nextTarget < vectors.size()-1) {
ellipse(v.x, v.y, 10, 10); // use the current pvector's xpos and ypos to draw the ellipse
void mouseClicked()
vectors.add(new PVector(mouseX, mouseY));
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 10, 10);
println("Mouse Coordinates are: " + vectors);
// toggle animation mode
void keyReleased() {
if (key == ENTER) {
animate = !animate;
println("animation: "+ animate);

Interpolation function in processing

I am new new to processing and I am trying to experiment with the lerp function in processing. Basically what I am trying to do is, click on different point on the screen, these positions are being stored in an array. when the user clicks enter, the stored movements are replayed with an ellipse moving smoothly between the points. My problem is that when I click enter, I am getting the 'Arithmetic exception by zero'. Can you please guide me what I am missing? Thanks.
final static int numFrames = 30; //frames between keyframes
final static int numKeyFrames = 1; //frames between keyframes
Point[] keyFrames;
Point[] frames;
void setup()
size(640, 480);
void mouseClicked()
for(int i=0; i<numKeyFrames; i++)
keyFrames = new Point[numKeyFrames];
keyFrames[i] = new Point(mouseX,mouseY);
println("Mouse Coordinates are: " + keyFrames[i]);
void LinearInterp()
frames = new Point[numFrames*(numKeyFrames-1)];
for (int kf = 0; kf< numKeyFrames-1; kf++)
Point p0 = keyFrames[kf];
Point p1 = keyFrames[kf+1];
for (int f =0; f<numFrames; f++)
float a = f*1.0/numFrames;
int newX = int(p0.x * (1-a) + p1.x * a);
int newY = int(p0.y * (1-a) + p1.y * a);
frames[f+(kf*numFrames)] = new Point(newX,newY);
void animateFrames()
int i = frameCount % frames.length;
void drawFrames()
for (int i=0; i<frames.length; i++)
void draw()
if(key == ENTER)
Why did you delete your last question? Please don't delete questions after somebody takes the time to answer them.
Like I said in your last question, you need to store the index of which "leg" of the journey you're on. You also need to store how far along that leg the point should be. When you reach the next point, then increment the index and reset the percentage.
In any case, you need to break this problem down into smaller steps. Can you create a program that shows a circle travelling from one hard-coded point to another? Start with that, without worrying about user input. Get that working perfectly before moving on. Then get a program working that shows a circle moving from a hard-coded point to a point the user clicks. Get that working perfectly. Then get a program that shows a circle moving between two user clicks. Get that working perfectly. Notice a pattern?

Array of text don't fade out until the last one is appended

I want to make a group of array fade out until the last array in this group was appended. for example, I use append to create zoog[0], zoog[1], zoog[2], and I want these three objects not fadeout until zoog[2] is created and wait for a second, the same situation with zoog[3], zoog[4],zoog[5], these three objects don't fadeout until zoog[5] is created. But now what I can do is make each object fadeout as soon as it is created.
Zoog[]zoog = new Zoog[1];
float count=0;
int xpos =0;
int ypos =0;
String message="haha";
int ntextsize = 20;
int nopacity =200;
int thistime = 0;
int thiscount = 0;
//Zoog zoog;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
xpos = int(random(width/2-200, width/2+40));
ypos = int(random(height/2, height/2-40));
zoog[0] = new Zoog(xpos,ypos,message,nopacity);
void draw(){
for(int i=0; i<zoog.length; i++){
// if(millis()-thistime>4000){
// zoog[i].disappear();
// }
void mousePressed(){
count = count + 1;
// int thiscount = 0;
if(count%3 ==0){
xpos=int(random(30, width-30));
ypos=int(random(10, height-10));
ypos = ypos+50;
// thiscount = thiscount +1;
// thistime = millis();
// }
nopacity = int(random(100,255));
// text(message, xpos, ypos);
Zoog b = new Zoog(xpos,ypos,message,nopacity);
zoog =(Zoog[]) append(zoog,b);
Zoog class
class Zoog {
int x;
int y;
String thatmessage;
int opaci =0;
Zoog(int xpo, int ypo, String thismessage, int opa) {
x = xpo;
y = ypo;
thatmessage = thismessage;
opaci = opa;
void jiggle() {
x = x+int(random(-2, 2));
y = y+int(random(-2, 2));
void display() {
fill(0, opaci);
text(thatmessage, x, y);
print("x position is "+ x);
print("y position is "+y);
void disappear() {
for (int j=0; j<255; j++) {
opaci = opaci -j;
If I understand correctly you want to make 3 zoogs and then start fading those three out until they're gone. If this is correct there are a couple of ways I'd go about doing this.
First, I wouldn't use an array especially if you're dynamically updating the amount inside it. If you want to do that I'd use, arraylists. Here's the javadocs reference. Basically you'd initialize an arraylist of Zoogs and put the zoog.add(new Zoog...) in the mousepressed. The good thing about arraylists is that they have a number of member functions that can help you manipulate them. For instance, you can check the size of the arraylist in your draw function instead of the time. Once you're above 3 start fading the first 3 out until they're dead (using a Zoog member function to say they're dead). You can check that "isDead" member function in your draw loop and remove the correct dead Zoog while in your for loop.
Here's a rough implementation, assuming you created an isDead function in your Zoog class that just returns whether the opacity is greater than 0:
void Draw()
for (Zoog zoog : zoogs) //for each statement simplifying the code -
//says for each Zoog in zoogs do
if(zoogs.size() >= 3) {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (zoogs.get(0).isDead() && zoogs.get(1).isDead() && zoogs.get(2).isDead()) {
This is by no means a perfect example but it shows how to remove 3 zoogs at a time by lessening their opacity and checking whether they are dead. If you're clicking a million times then it will take a while for each chain of three to die.
