Gorilla websocket with google app engine - google-app-engine

I am getting following error when I am running "goapp serve myapp/" from Myproject folder inside src.
go-app-builder: Failed parsing input: parser: bad import "unsafe" in
github.com/gorilla/websocket/client.go from GOPATH
my file structure is some something like this
|-mainApp.go (which contain init function and part of app package)
Please let me know how to correct this.
on a related subject, I read that google app provide websocket support only in paid app. Is there a way for me to test my website before getting into payment mode? Or is there a better option that google app engine?


How to host a static file in a react app hosted on aws-amplify

so this is my react app hosted at:
for apple pay integration we need to host a file at:
I created a folder in public called .well-known and kept that file there. but the varication is not completed by apple. so it is not able to get the static file with that url path.What can I do now
I have followed those two post:
How to serve apple-app-site-association file on /apple-app-site-association page in ReactJS
How to verify my domain with Apple in a React App
but I think aws amplify has different way of handling things.
Please help

Error while deploying react based SSR app, using firebase-functions

I am trying to deploy my SSR app in Firebase originally forked from, after doing some modification in the app.
Which works fine when I do sudo firebase serve --only functions,hosting but throwing error when I do firebase deploy.
The reproducible repo has a package.json.
I am using the public directory as my function directory as well.
However, even if I am using a different function directory for my cloud functions, I see the same errors.
Function failed on loading user code. Error message:
Code in file index.js can't be loaded. Is there a syntax error in your code?
Detailed stack trace: TypeError: c(...) is not a function
at Object.<anonymous> (/user_code/assets/app.server.js:1:28950)
at Object.module.exports.n (/user_code/assets/app.server.js:1:29283)
Functions deploy had errors.
To continue deploying other features (such as database), run:
firebase deploy --except functions
Error: Functions did not deploy properly.
It is possible, but you cannot serve static assets with cloud functions. You need a mix of firebase functions and firebase hosting.
The guys at Firebase already thought on this and you also have an implementation available.
Check the following documentation:
Dynamic Content
Code Example
Youtube Video
Note: There is a delay that you need to take into consideration when using cloud functions.
When a new instance handles its first request, the response time suffers, which is called a cold start
More info
The problem is that firebase hosting only supports SPAs, which means that SSR is out of the picture, you need to run your SSR server in a different env where you can run nextJS, or if you're using a static page generator you could upload the files directly compromising on the ability to refresh the content, although, I'm sure a solution with cloud functions and gatsby is feasable.
Tl;DR: You won't get SSR out of Firebase Hosting

Google App Engine import issue (golang) in "App Engine flexible environment" (formerly known as "Managed VMs")

I am developing an API in golang directly on the "App Engine flexible environment" (formerly known as "Managed VMs").
So far, i have been using this kind of import in my .go files :
import (
Recently I decided to use Google Cloud Storage to store images. It requires the import of "cloud.google.com/go/storage". My problem is that i'm unable to deploy the app with this import (not found), or any other short version ("go/storage") like I use for the appengine import.
After much research, I found this : https://github.com/golang/appengine#user-content-3-update-code-using-deprecated-removed-or-modified-apis
It specifies how to migrate an application using short imports (deprecated, like mine) to full imports (with repository explicit like "google.golang.org/appengine")
I followed the procedure and used the script they provide to update my code (aefix). They also say to add this line to my app.yaml file :
vm : true
If I do, I got this error message running 'gcloud app deploy' :
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Your application does not satisfy all of the requirements for a runtime of type [go]. Please correct the errors and try again.
If I don't, none of my imports are working and I get the following error :
can't find import: "google.golang.org/appengine/datastore"
Here is my app.yaml file :
runtime: go
api_version: go2
#vm : true
- url: /.*
script: _go_app
Of course, all the imports are on the server under $GOPATH/src/ so they're not really missing, more badly referenced I guess.
I'm stuck on this problem since several days, any help of any kind would be appreciated !
So sorry - we have some docs to go update. You cannot use the golang/appengine package with the App Engine flexible environment. The aefix tool won't work here either. Instead of the App Engine Go SDK, you want to use the Go client library here:
If you were previously using vm:true, you will need to upgrade to env:flex - the instructions (and the note on the go app engine library) are here:
Let me know if you have any questions!

Invalid Credentials accessing Big Query tables from App Engine application

Could someone help me access Big Query from an App Engine application ?
I have completed the following steps -
Created an App Engine project.
Installed google-api-client, oauth2client dependencies (etc) into /lib.
Enabled the Big Query API for the App Engine project via the cloud console.
Created some 'Application Default Credentials' (a 'Service Account Key') [JSON] and saved it/them to the root of the App Engine application.
Created a 'Big Query Service Resource' as per the following -
def get_bigquery_service():
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
bigquery_service=build('bigquery', 'v2', credentials=credentials)
return bigquery_service
Verified that the resource exists -
<googleapiclient.discovery.Resource object at 0x7fe758496090>
Tried to query the resource with the following (ProjectId is the short name of the App Engine application) -
Returns the following -
<HttpError 401 when requesting https://www.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2/projects/#{ProjectId}/datasets/#{DatasetId}/tables?alt=json returned "Invalid Credentials">
Any ideas as to steps I might have wrong or be missing here ? The whole auth process seems a nightmare, quite at odds with the App Engine/PaaS ease-of-use ethos :-(
Thank you.
OK so despite being a Google Cloud fan in general, this is definitely the worst thing I have been unfortunate enough to have to work on in a while. Poor/inconsistent/nonexistent documentation, complexity, bugs etc. Avoid if you can!
1) Ensure your App Engine 'Default Service Account' exists
You get the option to create the Default Service Account only if it doesn't already exist. If you've deleted it by accident you will need a new project; you can't recreate it.
How to recover Google App Engine's "default service account"
You should probably create the default set of JSON credentials, but you won't need to include them as part of your project.
You shouldn't need to create any other Service Accounts, for Big Query or otherwise.
2) Install google-api-python-client and apply fix
pip install -t lib google-api-python-client
Assuming this installs oath2client 3.0.x, then on testing you'll get the following complaint:
File "~/oauth2client/client.py", line 1392, in _get_well_known_file
default_config_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/posixpath.py", line 268, in expanduser
import pwd
File "~/google_appengine-1.9.40/google/appengine/tools/devappserver2/python/sandbox.py", line 963, in load_module
raise ImportError('No module named %s' % fullname)
ImportError: No module named pwd
which you can fix by changing ~/oauth2client/client.py [line 1392] from:
and adding the following to app.yaml:
HOME: '/tmp'
Ugly but works.
3) Download GCloud SDK and login from console
gcloud auth login
The issue here is that App Engine's dev_appserver.py doesn't include any Big Query replication (natch); so when you're interacting with Big Query tables it's the production data you're playing with; you need to login to get access.
Obvious in retrospect, but poorly documented.
4) Enable Big Query API in App Engine console; create a Big Query ProjectID
5) Test
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
bigquery=build('bigquery', 'v2', credentials=credentials)
print bigquery.datasets().list(projectId=#{ProjectId}).execute()
[or similar]
Good luck!

Load resource file in Google Cloud Endpoints

I'm using Google Cloud Endpoints as back end of a mobile application.
Now i want to implement push notifications for the iOS client but can't load the .p12 certificate from an #ApiMethod, get this error message:
Invalid keystore reference. File does not exist:
I added the certificate under /src directory but does not seem to recognize it.
I'm using IntelliJ IDEA, Appengine API 1.9.12, javapns (for Push Notifications) and Maven.
Maybe i made a step forward.
I put the .p12 file under /src/webapp/WEB-INF/ and added
in my pom.xml.
Then i run mvn clean install && mvn appengine:endpoints_get_discovery_doc and inspected the generated myws-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war. Within the .war file there is my MyCert.p12certificate, but i get this error message now:
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (\"java.io.FilePermission\" \"/WEB-INF/MyCert.p12\" \"read\")"
Could you check the code that is actually loading the cert? It may be that you need to remove a leading slash from the File constructor. This is not an App Engine thing but a java File thing.
Also, unrelated to your solution but helpful, is a thread here on best ways to store p12 files on App Engine.
