Automating (DevOps) the deployment of SQL Server Databases with Large Datasets - sql-server

I'm in the middle of a DevOps project automating the deployment of apps of varying code stacks and DB's using a variety of DevOps Tools. I am seeking advice on automating an MS SQL DB deployment and subsequent updates.
Current approach is to build DB VM via a VM blueprint using Terraform or Cloudify. I currently have a VM with MSSQLServer configured and can script sql files against it to instantiate my DB. However once i get to scripting the raw data, size-wise,I often run out of memory. I know, manually i can increase memory etc in properties or use a sql file in CLI. I also know of things like DTS or BCP but what I think I am looking for is advice on best methods in automatically deploying an MS SQL DB via a DevOps pipeline. The intention is to use jenkins and deploy scripts via a power-shell.
Initial thoughts were to force DB owners to provide a bak/mdf file and subsequent updates are scripted. But I'd really appreciate council on best approaches in business especially if you have done this on large scale e.g. 1000's of apps.
If it helps the nature of my pipeline the approach I take needs to work for both small DB's 100MB, and larger ones - say up to 1-2TB.

Another approach (as of early 2018) is to use SQL Server database cloning, which restores a full byte copy of a set of databases into a Windows Virtual Hard Drive (VHD), which the supports delivery of clones (differencing disks) with mountable replicas. Clones can be mounted t conventional SQL Server instances or containers, and you can check out cloning support from Red Gate and Windocks.


Advice on Azure platform to host Data Warehouse

I am a Data Warehouse developer currently looking into using the Azure platform to host a new Data Warehouse.
My experience is with using on premise servers hosting standard SQL Server Databases, one for the staging database and one for the Data Warehouse. Typically I would use a combination of SSIS and stored procedures running in a scheduled SQL server agent job for the ETL.
How can I replicate this kind of setup within Azure?
The storage size will be less than 1TB so could I just use Azure SQL Server Database over Azure SQL Data Warehouse?
If so would I need separate databases for staging and the data warehouse using the elastic pool option?
The data that I will be loading into staging will all be on premise. Will SSIS still be suitable for loading to Azure or will Azure Data Factory be a better fit?
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Leon has lots of good information there. But from a Data Warehouse perspective, I wouldn't use Data Sync for ETL purposes (mensioned as "not preferred" in the link Leon provided, Data Sync, in the list "When to use Data Sync").
For DW, Azure DB is a good option. Azure SQL Data Warehouse (known as Azure Synapse Analytics nowadays) is a heavy duty beast for handling DW. Are you really sure you need this kind of system with < 1Tb data? I'd personnally leave Azure Synaptics for now, and tried with Azure DB first. It's a LOT cheaper and you can upgrade later if necessary.
One thing to note about Azure DB though: Azure DB doesn't support queries over databases. That's not a deal breaker though, everything can be handled in the same database. I personally use a schema to differentiate staging from the DW (and of course I use other schemas in the DW as well). It's not very difficult to use separate databases of course, but the border between them is a lot deeper in Azure DB than on-premise SQL Server or other Azure solutions (Managed Instance for example).
SSIS is still an option, but the problem is, what you use to run the packages? There are options like:
continue running them from on-premise (all the hard work is still done in the cloud)
rent a VM with SQL Server from Azure, deploy the packages to the VM and run them from VM
use Data Factory to run the SSIS packages
None of those are a perfect solution for every use case. First two options come with quite a heavy cost, if running SSIS is the only thing you need them for. Using Data Factory to run SSIS is a bit cumbersome at the moment, but it's an option anyway.
Data Factory itself is a good option as well (I haven't personally tried it, but I have heard good things about it). If you use Data Factory to run your SSIS, why not start using Data Factory without SSIS packages in the first place? Of course Data Factory has some limitations compared to SSIS which might be the reason, but if your SSIS packages are simple enough, why not give Data Factory a try.
I would suggest you using Azure SQL database. It provides many price tier with difference storage for you. You can select the most suitable price tier for you. Azure SQL database also support scale up/down base on the usage.
Ref: Service tiers in the DTU-based purchase model
And as you said, the data that I will be loading into staging will all be on premise.
Azure SQL database has the feature Data Sync can help you do that:
Data Sync is useful in cases where data needs to be kept updated across several Azure SQL databases or SQL Server databases. Here are the main use cases for Data Sync:
Hybrid Data Synchronization: With Data Sync, you can keep data
synchronized between your on-premises databases and Azure SQL
databases to enable hybrid applications. This capability may appeal
to customers who are considering moving to the cloud and would like
to put some of their application in Azure.
Distributed Applications: In many cases, it's beneficial to separate
different workloads across different databases. For example, if you
have a large production database, but you also need to run a
reporting or analytics workload on this data, it's helpful to have a
second database for this additional workload. This approach minimizes
the performance impact on your production workload. You can use Data
Sync to keep these two databases synchronized.
Globally Distributed Applications: Many businesses span several
regions and even several countries/regions. To minimize network
latency, it's best to have your data in a region close to you. With
Data Sync, you can easily keep databases in regions around the world
When you create the SQL database, you can migrate the schema or data to Azure with many tools, such as Data Migration Assistant(DMA).
Then Set up SQL Data Sync between Azure SQL Database and SQL Server on-premises, it will help sync the data auto every 5 mins.
Hope this helps.
If you want to start on the less expensive options in Azure, go with a general purpose SQL database and an Azure Data Factory pipeline with a few activities.
Dynamic Resource Scaling ETL
You can scale up the database by issuing an alter database statement and then move onto your stored proc based ETL. I would even use a "master" proc to call the dimension and fact proc's to control the execution flow. Then scale down the database with another alter database statement. I even created my own stored proc to issue these scaling statements.
You also cannot predict when the scaling will be completed, so I have a wait activity. You could be a little more nerdy with a loop that checks the service objective property and then proceeds when it is complete. But it was just easier to wait for 10 minutes. I have only been burnt a couple times when the scaling took longer.
Data Pipeline Activities:
Scale up, proceed if successful
Wait about 10 minutes, proceed always
Execute the ETL, proceed always
Scale down
Elastic Query
You can query across databases with vertical partition Elastic Query. Performance isn't great, and they don't recommend it for ETL, but it will work. To improve performance try dumping any large table you need into a temp table and then transform the data locally.

copy Azure SQL database (PaaS) to IaaS (SQL server on VM)

Is it possible to use Create Database [] as copy of [] to create a copy of database that is hosted as Azure SQL database (PaaS) towards IaaS (SQL server on VM)?
Can you recommend an alternative of Import/Export that can limit the downtime of such transition?
Reason for this migration is the restriction of cross databases queries in PaaS mode that complicate one-time migration towards new database used in newer application version process
The answer depends on whether you want to copy database schema, data, or both.
As Jaxidian said, ApexSQL tools can do the job but as far I know DataDiff will only synchronize database data, while Diff will synchronize schema.
Here is the article describing processes of copying database data:
If you want to copy both schema and data, process is described here:
There are lots of tools available that can accomplish this. Which one is best for you depends on your needs. However, the "Copy" feature in the Azure Portal will not accomplish this for you but can be a partial solution to the approach you finalize on.
I'll make the following assumptions:
You have an always-on 24/7 production load so there are no regularly/nightly/weekly/monthly maintenance windows
You can schedule a maintenance window but you wish to keep it as small as possible
You can easily configure your applications' connectionstrings
Your database isn't huge. Gigabytes is fine.
Your database is mostly static data (i.e. an incremental approach is much faster than a dump-and-fill)
If I were to do this today/right now, my approach would be like this (this is only one option):
Use the Copy feature to make a copy of the database that I can use this as a staging area/reference point while minimizing the load on the Production database
Create a backup (bacpac file) from the copied database
Restore the bacpac file onto your IaaS-hosted SQL Server to form your base deployment
Start your maintenance window and effectively put your database into read-only mode so the data is now no longer changing (lots of strategies on how to do this whether you turn applications off, revoke permissions, etc.)
Use a tool such as ApexSQL Data Diff (Redgate and others have options) to compare data between the two databases and sync the data over to the new IaaS DB. Be careful - depending on your data needs you may have to tweak the generated scripts that sync the data.
Verify that the new DB is now indeed a duplicate copy of your old DB (ApexSQL Data Diff can also help with this - several options exist here)
Change connectionstrings on your apps to point to the new DB
Turn applications back on and end your maintenance window.
So of course, if you do something like this, practice it numerous times and test the results numerous times well before your maintenance window. Get a good idea of the timing for everything, especially how long it will take for you to generate and restore the bacpac file. This is because you want to do that as late as possible before your maintenance window to minimize the time it takes to generate and run the final "Data Diff" script that you'll use. The longer that script takes, the longer your outage will be.

SQL Server Analytics and Reporting services in a remote location

We have 3 separate environments: a production ,a staging and an archive/backup environment
A) Is it possible to have Analytics and Reporting services set up only on the archive environment? The archive environment would basically be a duplicate of the production, or is it critical that they operate on the environment that the original transaction happens? (Maybe the services need all exact logs etc?)
The point of this is to be able to "lighten" the critical system that is production, and move the burden to the archive where the services can consume more resources freely, without querying/disturbing the production environment.
B) Is there a reliable way to keep the archive/backup automated and reliable? We are looking into the Redgate SQL tools, but any (preferably open source) suggestions or experience in this part would be invaluable.
A) Yes, and this is a very common reporting or data warehousing configuration. You run your queries or build your data warehouse on a copy of production, in order to avoid impacting performance.
B) There are plenty of options supported by SQL Server itself: backup/restore, replication, log shipping. But you will need to look into the pros and cons of each one to find the best fit, e.g. how up to date do you need data to be on the reporting system?
Basically, you seem to be asking about implementing a reporting solution using a copy of a production database. As I mentioned, this is a very common scenario and you will find a lot of information on this site and elsewhere by Googling.

How do you manage databases during development?

My development team of four people has been facing this issue for some time now:
Sometimes we need to be working off the same set of data. So while we develop on our local computers, the dev database is connected to remotely.
However, sometimes we need to run operations on the db that will step on other developers' data, ie we break associations. For this a local db would be nice.
Is there a best practice for getting around this dilemma? Is there something like an "SCM for data" tool?
In a weird way, keeping a text file of SQL insert/delete/update queries in the git repo would be useful, but I think this could get very slow very quickly.
How do you guys deal with this?
You may find my question How Do You Build Your Database From Source Control useful.
Fundamentally, effective management of shared resources (like a database) is hard. It's hard because it requires balancing the needs of multiple people, including other developers, testers, project managers, etc.
Often, it's more effective to give individual developers their own sandboxed environment in which they can perform development and unit testing without affecting other developers or testers. This isn't a panacea though, because you now have to provide a mechanism to keep these multiple separate environments in sync with one another over time. You need to make sure that developers have a reasonable way of picking up each other changes (both data, schema, and code). This isn't necesarily easier. A good SCM practice can help, but it still requires a considerable level of cooperation and coordination to pull it off. Not only that, but providing each developer with their own copy of an entire environment can introduce costs for storage, and additional DBA resource to assist in the management and oversight of those environments.
Here are some ideas for you to consider:
Create a shared, public "environment whiteboard" (it could be electronic) where developers can easily see which environments are available and who is using them.
Identify an individual or group to own database resources. They are responsible for keeping track of environments, and helping resolve the conflicting needs of different groups (developers, testers, etc).
If time and budgets allow, consider creating sandbox environments for all of your developers.
If you don't already do so, consider separating developer "play areas", from your integration, testing, and acceptance testing environments.
Make sure you version control critical database objects - particularly those that change often like triggers, stored procedures, and views. You don't want to lose work if someone overwrites someone else's changes.
We use local developer databases and a single, master database for integration testing. We store creation scripts in SCM. One developer is responsible for updating the SQL scripts based on the "golden master" schema. A developer can make changes as necessary to their local database, populating as necessary from the data in the integration DB, using an import process, or generating data using a tool (Red Gate Data Generator, in our case). If necessary, developers wipe out their local copy and can refresh from the creation script and integration data as needed. Typically databases are only used for integration testing and we mock them out for unit tests so the amount of work keeping things synchronized is minimized.
I recommend that you take a look at Scott AllenĀ“s views on this matter. He wrote a series of blogs which are, in my opinion, excellent.
Three Rules for Database Work,
The Baseline,
Change scripts,
Views, stored procs etc,
Branching and Merging.
I use these guidelines more or less, with personal changes and they work.
In the past, I've dealt with this several ways.
One is the SQL Script repository that creates and populates the database. It's not a bad option at all and can keep everything in sync (even if you're not using this method, you should still maintain these scripts so that your DB is in Source Control).
The other (which I prefer) was having a single instance of a "clean" dev database on the server that nobody connected to. When developers needed to refresh their dev databases, they ran a SSIS package that copied the "clean" database onto their dev copy. We could then modify our dev databases as needed without stepping on the feet of other developers.
We have a database maintenance tool that we use that creates/updates our tables and our procs. we have a server that has an up-to-date database populated with data.
we keep local databases that we can play with as we choose, but when we need to go back to "baseline" we get a backup of the "master" from the server and restore it locally.
if/when we add columns/tables/procs we update the dbMaintenance tool which is kept in source control.
sometimes, its a pain, but it works reasonably well.
If you use an ORM such as nHibernate, create a script that generate both the schema & the data in the LOCAL development database of your developers.
Improve that script during the development to include typical data.
Test on a staging database before deployment.
We do replicate production database to UAT database for the end users. That database is not accessible by developers.
It takes less than few seconds to drop all tables, create them again and inject test data.
If you are using an ORM that generates the schema, you don't have to maintain the creation script.
Previously, I worked on a product that was data warehouse-related, and designed to be installed at client sites if desired. Consequently, the software knew how to go about "installation" (mainly creation of the required database schema and population of static data such as currency/country codes, etc.).
Because we had this information in the code itself, and because we had pluggable SQL adapters, it was trivial to get this code to work with an in-memory database (we used HSQL). Consequently we did most of our actual development work and performance testing against "real" local servers (Oracle or SQL Server), but all of the unit testing and other automated tasks against process-specific in-memory DBs.
We were quite fortunate in this respect that if there was a change to the centralised static data, we needed to include it in the upgrade part of the installation instructions, so by default it was stored in the SCM repository, checked out by the developers and installed as part of their normal workflow. On reflection this is very similar to your proposed DB changelog idea, except a little more formalised and with a domain-specific abstraction layer around it.
This scheme worked very well, because anyone could build a fully working DB with up-to-date static data in a few minutes, without stepping on anyone else's toes. I couldn't say if it's worthwhile if you don't need the install/upgrade functionality, but I would consider it anyway because it made the database dependency completely painless.
What about this approach:
Maintain a separate repo for a "clean db". The repo will be a sql file with table creates/inserts, etc.
Using Rails (I'm sure could be adapted for any git repo), maintain the "clean db" as a submodule within the application. Write a script (rake task, perhaps) that queries a local dev db with the SQL statements.
To clean your local db (and replace with fresh data):
git submodule init
git submodule update
rake dev_db:update ......... (or something like that!)
I've done one of two things. In both cases, developers working on code that might conflict with others run their own database locally, or get a separate instance on the dev database server.
Similar to what #tvanfosson recommended, you keep a set of SQL scripts that can build the database from scratch, or
On a well defined, regular basis, all of the developer databases are overwritten with a copy of production data, or with a scaled down/deidentified copy of production, depending on what kind of data we're using.
I would agree with all the LBushkin has said in his answer. If you're using SQL Server, we've got a solution here at Red Gate that should allow you to easily share changes between multiple development environments.
If there are storage concerns that make it hard for your DBA to allow multiple development environments, Red Gate has a solution for this. With Red Gate's HyperBac technology you can create virtual databases for each developer. These appear to be exactly the same as ordinary database, but in the background, the common data is being shared between the different databases. This allows developers to have their own databases without taking up an impractical amount of storage space on your SQL Server.

Is it 'ok' to develop with a DEV database residing on the same SQL server as the live production app?

Sometimes we have upwards to 4-6 people either RDPed looking at data in SQL Management Studio, or hitting the server with LINQpad, Toad, etc from various locations while developing in mostly ASP.NET and Flex with WebOrb. Is this bad? Bad in the sense that we are trying to keep our live production app stable and as lag free as possible for global users?
i don't think i'd do that. if it was just me, then sure:) but if there's a bunch of people god only knows what queries they might run. we always use a test server for such things.
best regards,
Best practice would be separate servers. Next best, separate instances on same server. Next best, separate databases on a instance.
However, I wouldn't be letting any developers RDP into a production SQL Server (or production anything), regardless of choice of segregation mechanism. Use a separate terminal server with tools and everything there.
You can have dev and prod db on the same instance. Just make sure the permission are setup so that developers cannot touch the prod db. The negative is a long running query in dev will impact prod.
In SQL SERVER 2005 a better solution is to have a dev "instance" and a prod "instance".
Then is someone mis-behaves on the dev instance you and just bring down that insance.
In SQL server 2008 you can setup up CPU usage plans which can help throttle how much resources can be used. You should investigate that.
It depends on a lot of variables. It's generally better to have them on different servers. This is really depending on how you use sql server. If you just have databases, don't use a lot of the management tools, like nightly processes to alter data and other jobs you might be OK. You are running a real risk of having bleed over code from developing on the dev database to the production one though. It's safer to have them separated out, especially for the small amount of money needed to create a dev instance of sql server.
I find this a poor practice for several reasons:
First suppose one of your devs messes up and does something that ends up taking all of the processing power of your server. Oops prod is down for no good reason.
Second, devs could easliy change the wrong database. Oops prod is down for no good reason. At least you can avoid this by not giving any production rights to devs (which you should be doing anyway as a best practice.)
Third, if the database is the on the same server it has to have a different name, this can make moving things to prod difficult and error prone. I think it also means it will be less likely that you deploy correctly through source controlled scripts. If you choses to copy objects from one database to the other, then you can have issues with that as well. First if there is data in the object already, you may accidentally wipe it out (hope you have a backup) or you may move the new table structure but miss things like the PKs and FKS and default values and triggers and constraints and indexes or the wizard might take much longer to do the move because in the background it is creating and populating a new table and then droping the old and renaming the new one rather than using alter table. Oops prod is down or seriously slowed for no good reason.
I tend to agree with the "separate servers" folks, although with my company we actually do most of our day to day development work on our local machines -- so we have SQL Server installed locally. This can be a pain, of course, if you're developing reporting or something that needs production data. In that scenario, developers here usually get a subset of production data exported to work with.
For acceptance testing vs. deployment though, we do use separate instances.
Developers probably shouldn't have production access UNLESS they're also the ones who do application deployments (as can be the case with small teams like the one I'm in). If you do end up using separate DBs on the same server, I would at least lock down RDP access and grant access to each development DB on an individual basis. That's how it works here -- I don't have admin rights to any of our servers at this time, and can only admin databases for applications that belong specifically to my team.
It depends how much you value your live service. I know I wouldn't trust me and my fat hands running SQL on the same hardware as a live application.
Even if the application is not business critical, and the app is not data-bound, you can set up a development environment on an unused desktop machine, so why wouldn't you do that instead of take the risk?
The set up I use is typically DEV database on a local instance of SQL Server (Development Version for me, but Express would probably also work), a QA database on a test instance of SQL Server. In our environment, this is located on a virtual instance of W2K3 -- soon to be W2K8. Production databases live either on dedicated instances of SQL server or on one of various clustered instances. We don't mix PROD/QA/DEV at all. I use RedGate SQL Compare to synchronize schemas between the various systems, including different developer instances of the database.
It will be 'OK' as much as the team don't had any administrator privileges over the server (either SQL or Windows), and their user log-ins just grant access to potentially destroy just the development database and it's associated files, having denied access to production databases
For other application testing reasons, we created a copy of our production server (which is a virtual server) on a separate domain. This allowed the Windows Server Name, SQL Serer Name, Database name to be exactly the same (lots of settings on 3rd party apps require this level of configuration to get different processes to work.). Now we can rebuild a test environment by creating an exact virtual image of our production server.
I was sceptical about running SQL Server on a virtual machine, but it has given our small company a lot of flexibility. We like to think our databases are critical, but it is for internal uses and having some down time would just have workers shift their lunch hour.
