Hangfire: Azure SQL: Adding a new job is failing - distributed-transactions

Getting the below error
Inner Exception: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
Stack Trace:
at System.Transactions.Transaction.GetPromotedToken()
The error comes from the line connection.EnlistTransaction(Transaction.Current); in below code even if i set enlist=false in the connection string.
`internal T UseTransaction<T>([InstantHandle] Func<DbConnection, DbTransaction, T> func, IsolationLevel? isolationLevel)
using (var transaction = CreateTransaction(isolationLevel ?? _options.TransactionIsolationLevel))
var result = UseConnection(connection =>
return func(connection, null);
return result;
when we set enlist=true, then we get error at the line connection.Open(); from the below code
internal DbConnection CreateAndOpenConnection()
if (_existingConnection != null)
return _existingConnection;
var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);
return connection;
both the methods are present under Hangfire.SqlServer.SqlServerStorage class
Same code works when connected to the local DB (SQL server 2014).
Landed on a discussion WCF Transaction against Azure SQL DB, not sure if it is relevant for this issue.
HangFire Configuration
new SqlServerStorageOptions
QueuePollInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
PrepareSchemaIfNecessary = true
Job Enqueue
BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => Update(connectionToken, intFileUniqueId));
Please help.
Thanks in advance.

Found the issue. call to method to queue job was inside transaction which was somehow leading to Distribution Transaction and Azure SQL doesn't support it.
Consider the code below:
public override void UpdateFile(int intUniqueId)
using (var scope = GetTransactionScope(...))
QueueJob<Updater>(x => x.Update(token, intUniqueId));
private static void QueueJob<T>(Expression<Action<T>> action)
Removing the transaction scope in callee method works.
I'm checking the necessity of the transaction scope, if not required, I'll remove it.!!!


WPF how to dispose a running operation with Task

I've a method which check if a directory exists or not.
public static bool FileExists(string path, int timeout = 500)
Func<bool> func = () => File.Exists(path);
using (Task<bool> task = new Task<bool>(func))
return task.Wait(timeout) && task.Result;
It works fine but when I close my wpf application, sometimes I had this exception:
A task may only be disposed if it is in a completion state (RanToCompletion, Faulted or Canceled)
Any hints how to detect the exception? I tried to wrap my code into try...catch block but I think there's more elegand solution,
There is an overload of the Wait method accepts a CancellationToken. If you use this one, you could cancel it using a CancellationTokenSource as described in the docs.
You don't really need to dispose the task though:
public static bool FileExists(string path, int timeout = 500)
Func<bool> func = () => File.Exists(path);
Task<bool> task = Task.Run(func);
return task.Wait(timeout) && task.Result;
Stephan Toub explains more about this in his blog post:
Do I need to dispose of Tasks?

How to log SqlDataAdapter exceptions asynchronously?

I have ASP.NET MVC application and I'm using a SqlDataAdapter for handling sql server methods. The method below returns nothing when an exception occurs, so I don't have any information when there is an error with a sql server command.
public int ExecuteNonQuery(string pSql, List<SqlParameter> prm)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(pSql, sqlConnection);
int result = 0;
if (sqlConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
return 0;
How can I asynchronously log exceptions without disrupting the user experience?Additionally, I want to log it to database and if there is a timeout exception then logging this timeout can get timeout again when logging.
There is no SqlDataAdapter code in your sample. That being said, there are three DataAdapter events that you can use to respond to changes made to data at the data source.
RowUpdated, &
There is also a:
Status property to determine if an error has occurred during the
operation and, if desired, to control the actions against the current
and resulting rows.
You can asynchronously log exceptions in those events when there is an error.
Examples from MSDN:
protected static void OnRowUpdated(
object sender, SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs args)
if (args.Status == UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred)
args.Row.RowError = args.Errors.Message;
args.Status = UpdateStatus.SkipCurrentRow;
Task.Run(() => LogError());
protected static void FillError(object sender, FillErrorEventArgs args)
if (args.Errors.GetType() == typeof(System.OverflowException))
// Code to handle precision loss.
//Add a row to table using the values from the first two columns.
DataRow myRow = args.DataTable.Rows.Add(new object[]
{args.Values[0], args.Values[1], DBNull.Value});
//Set the RowError containing the value for the third column.
args.RowError =
"OverflowException Encountered. Value from data source: " +
args.Continue = true;
Task.Run(() => LogError());
private void LogError()
// logging code

VB.NET Webbrowser System.UnauthorizedAccessException in Loop

I've had this code working for at least a year and today it threw an exception that i haven't been able to figure out why its happening. Its a Forms.WebBrowser that hits a generic site first and then a secondary site.
'first site
wbr.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = False
Loop Until wbr.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete
'second site
wbr.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = True
Dim start As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim loopTimeout As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout)
'loop timer
If DateTime.Now.Subtract(start) > loopTimeout Then
'stop browser
'throw exception
Dim eExpTme As Exception = New Exception("A loop timeout occurred in the web request.")
Throw eExpTme
End If
Loop Until wbr.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete
The error happens on the second site access and it shows that it errors on the very last line with
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IHTMLLocation.GetHref()
at System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.get_Document()
at System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.get_ReadyState()
I just don't get why its errorring on the second site and not the first and what exactly that error message means. I've looked at some help forums but nothing concrete that i can use to troubleshoot.
The web site has a frame on ad.doubleclick.net, by default cross-domain frame access is disabled for the internet zone, so you get a security exception.
Catch the exception and move on. There isn't much you need to care about in the frame, doubleclick is an ad service.
You can implement IInternetSecurityManager and let IE to believe ad.doubleclick.net and FlightAware.com are the same web site, but this can cause security problem if you extend the trust to arbitrary web sites.
Here is a little hack in C# which you can convert in Vb.net:
public class CrossFrameIE
// Returns null in case of failure.
public static IHTMLDocument2 GetDocumentFromWindow(IHTMLWindow2 htmlWindow)
if (htmlWindow == null)
return null;
// First try the usual way to get the document.
IHTMLDocument2 doc = htmlWindow.document;
return doc;
catch (COMException comEx)
// I think COMException won't be ever fired but just to be sure ...
if (comEx.ErrorCode != E_ACCESSDENIED)
return null;
catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException)
// Any other error.
return null;
// At this point the error was E_ACCESSDENIED because the frame contains a document from another domain.
// IE tries to prevent a cross frame scripting security issue.
// Convert IHTMLWindow2 to IWebBrowser2 using IServiceProvider.
IServiceProvider sp = (IServiceProvider)htmlWindow;
// Use IServiceProvider.QueryService to get IWebBrowser2 object.
Object brws = null;
sp.QueryService(ref IID_IWebBrowserApp, ref IID_IWebBrowser2, out brws);
// Get the document from IWebBrowser2.
IWebBrowser2 browser = (IWebBrowser2)(brws);
return (IHTMLDocument2)browser.Document;
return null;
private const int E_ACCESSDENIED = unchecked((int)0x80070005L);
private static Guid IID_IWebBrowserApp = new Guid("0002DF05-0000-0000-C000-000000000046");
private static Guid IID_IWebBrowser2 = new Guid("D30C1661-CDAF-11D0-8A3E-00C04FC9E26E");
// This is the COM IServiceProvider interface, not System.IServiceProvider .Net interface!
[ComImport(), ComVisible(true), Guid("6D5140C1-7436-11CE-8034-00AA006009FA"),
public interface IServiceProvider
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)]
int QueryService(ref Guid guidService, ref Guid riid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out object ppvObject);

Session-Per-Request with SqlConnection / System.Transactions

I've just started using Dapper for a project, having mostly used ORMs like NHibernate and EF for the past few years.
Typically in our web applications we implement session per request, beginning a transaction at the start of the request and committing it at the end.
Should we do something similar when working directly with SqlConnection / System.Transactions?
How does StackOverflow do it?
Taking the advice of both #gbn and #Sam Safron I'm not using transactions. In my case I'm only doing read queries so it seems there is no real requirement to use transactions (contrary to what I've been told about implicit transactions).
I create a lightweight session interface so that I can use a connection per request. This is quite beneficial to me as with Dapper I often need to create a few different queries to build up an object and would rather share the same connection.
The work of scoping the connection per request and disposing it is done by my IoC container (StructureMap):
public interface ISession : IDisposable {
IDbConnection Connection { get; }
public class DbSession : ISession {
private static readonly object #lock = new object();
private readonly ILogger logger;
private readonly string connectionString;
private IDbConnection cn;
public DbSession(string connectionString, ILogger logger) {
this.connectionString = connectionString;
this.logger = logger;
public IDbConnection Connection { get { return GetConnection(); } }
private IDbConnection GetConnection() {
if (cn == null) {
lock (#lock) {
if (cn == null) {
logger.Debug("Creating Connection");
cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
logger.Debug("Opened Connection");
return cn;
public void Dispose() {
if (cn != null) {
logger.Debug("Disposing connection (current state '{0}')", cn.State);
This is what we do:
We define a static called DB on an object called Current
public static DBContext DB
var result = GetContextItem<T>(itemKey);
if (result == null)
result = InstantiateDB();
SetContextItem(itemKey, result);
return result;
public static T GetContextItem<T>(string itemKey, bool strict = true)
#if DEBUG // HttpContext is null for unit test calls, which are only done in DEBUG
if (Context == null)
var result = CallContext.GetData(itemKey);
return result != null ? (T)result : default(T);
var ctx = HttpContext.Current;
if (ctx == null)
if (strict) throw new InvalidOperationException("GetContextItem without a context");
return default(T);
var result = ctx.Items[itemKey];
return result != null ? (T)result : default(T);
public static void SetContextItem(string itemKey, object item)
#if DEBUG // HttpContext is null for unit test calls, which are only done in DEBUG
if (Context == null)
CallContext.SetData(itemKey, item);
HttpContext.Current.Items[itemKey] = item;
In our case InstantiateDB returns an L2S context, however in your case it could be an open SQLConnection or whatever.
On our application object we ensure that our connection is closed at the end of the request.
protected void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
Current.DisposeDB(); // closes connection, clears context
Then anywhere in your code where you need access to the db you simple call Current.DB and stuff automatically works. This is also unit test friendly due to all the #if DEBUG stuff.
We do not start any transactions per session, if we did and had updates at the beginning of our session, we would get serious locking issues, as the locks would not be released till the end.
You'd only start a SQL Server Transaction when you need to with something like TransactionScope when you call the database with a "write" call.
See a random example in this recent question: Why is a nested transaction committed even if TransactionScope.Complete() is never called?
You would not open a connection and start a transaction per http request. Only on demand. I'm having difficulty understanding why some folk advocate opening a database transaction per session: sheer idiocy when you look at what a database transaction is
Note: I'm not against the pattern per se. I am against unnecessary, too long, client-side database transactions that invoke MSDTC

'Invalid attempt to read when no data is present' - exception happens "sometimes" in Entity Framework

I get the above error sometimes during the read. The exception originates from ASP.NET SqlDataReader whenever you try to read data before calling the Read() method. Since EF does all these internally, I am wondering what else can cause this error. could it be network (or) db connectivity?
Additional Bounty Info (GenericTypeTea):
I've got the same error after upgrading to EF Code First RC (4.1):
"Invalid attempt to read when no data
is present"
This is the code in question:
using (var context = GetContext())
var query = from item in context.Preferences
where item.UserName == userName
where item.PrefName == "TreeState"
select item;
// Error on this line
Preference entity = query.FirstOrDefault();
return entity == null ? null : entity.Value;
The table structure is as follows:
Username [varchar(50)]
PrefName [varchar(50)]
Value [varchar(max)] Nullable
The table is standalone and has no relationships. This is the DbModelBuilder code:
private void ConfigurePreference(DbModelBuilder builder)
builder.Entity<Preference>().HasKey(x => new { x.UserName, x.PrefName });
Exactly the same code works perfectly in CTP5. I'm guessing this is an RC bug, but any ideas of how to fix it would be appreciated.
This error occurs when there is a large amount of data in the RC release. The difference between the RC and CTP5 is that you need to specify the [MaxLength] property that contains a large amount of data.
Are you re-using contexts? I would guess this is happening as a result of something you are doing within GetContext
If GetContext() provides a stale context, in which the DataReader is closed/corrupted, I could see the above happening.
I cannot reproduce your problem on EF4.1 RC1.
public class Preference
public string UserName { get; set; }
public string PrefName { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public class PreferenceContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Preference> Preferences {get;set;}
public PreferenceContext()
: base("Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=_so_question_ef41_rc;Integrated Security=SSPI;") {
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
private void ConfigurePreference(DbModelBuilder builder)
builder.Entity<Preference>().HasKey(x => new { x.UserName, x.PrefName });
My little Console App:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string userName = "Anon";
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
var p = GetPreference(userName);
private static string GetPreference(string userName)
using (var context = new PreferenceContext())
var query = from item in context.Preferences
where item.UserName == userName
where item.PrefName == "TreeState"
select item;
// Error on this line
Preference entity = query.FirstOrDefault();
return entity == null ? null : entity.Value;
I do 10,000 reads, and no error. You will need to post more complete code to continue.
Increase the CommandTimeout on the context.
I had the same issue with EF4 - In my case I was (trying to) return the list of entities within the using{} section. This is the same as you are doing in your question:
return entity == null ? null : entity.Value;
} // end using
I moved the return to after the } and it worked.
I think I had the problem because the code was in a function which had already queried the database in another using block, I suspect the table was locking but not reporting the error, ending the using block before the return released the database lock.
