I'm currently working on a C application sending message to a Meteor server over websocket.
I'm using jansson for JSON conversion and nopoll as websocket library.
Everything is working fine in both way (sending / receiving) except when I try to send very large messages (about 15 000 000 characters). I think (I'm not sure) that the message is sent to the server so the nopoll library should not be the source of the issue. But, I'm sure that the message is not treated by Meteor as he should be, because the method (RPC) is never called.
I found that the websocket limitation is equal to the maximum value of a 64-bit unsigned value so this shouldn't be the problem.
On the other hand, I didn't found the maximum length for a DDP message even in the DDP specification.
Have you any idea of the DDP limitation or other parameters that I didn't think about ?
As I was working on an architecture where the client and the server was on the same machine, I was not limited by the network. I think I was pushing too much informations too fast, and the socket was simply full of data.
The solution is simple : cut the data in several fragments as LPs suggests and implement flow-control.
I also found the Mongo C driver that could be another solution because I should be able to push data directly on the database as suggests Mikkel.
Thank you both for your help.
I have a simple networking program for sending and responding to HTTP requests/responses. However, if I wanted to send a HTTP or another request via a SOCKS5 proxy, how would I go about this? I'm using C Unix sockets.
I could solve this by creating a proxy server in Linux. However, my intention is so that I can send this to a proxy server I do not own so that it can be forwarded to the destination server. I couldn't seem to find a library. I found an RFC for it which I've read https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1928.txt , but i'm still not 100% unsure how to format my request.
Am I supposed to send the segments for the handshakes as hex? If so, would I send a string of hex 0F3504 or \x0F \x35 \x04 or 0x0F3504? Another question is do i need to denote that header = value in the message, or does the SOCKS5 server know what header i am referring to by the position of the byte it is looking at from the message I've sent?
Any clear up would be very much appreciated
Some time ago I wrote an open source C library that may help you: https://github.com/brechtsanders/proxysocket
Maybe you can use the library. Its quite easy, just replace the connect() with stuff from the library and for the rest you can keep the rest of your code that uses the socket that is returned.
Or you can take a peek in the code to see how it's done there.
What I'm doing
I'm implementing a websocket server on a stellaris board as the title says. At the moment I'm able to establish connection to the client and send a few frames.
The way I'm implementing the websocket
The way I'm developing it is something like a master slave communication. Whenever the client sends a string, the server decodes it and then answers. At the moment I'm simply responding to a character 'e', which is designed to be just a counter. The thing is that I implemented the websocket on the client side to send 'e' whenever it receives a message and then displays the message on the page.
The problem
The problem is that it does about 15 transactions and then I can see the communication being re-transmitted from and to the stellaris board and then the communication closes. After the connection closes I noticed that that I can't access any other page on the board. It simply doesn't respond anymore.
My assumptions of what may be causing it
This lead me to believe that the transactions are being too fast and there may be an implementation bug, lwIP bug or hardware bug (I'm using the enet_io example as base).
My assumptions on how to fix it
After seeing this I can imagine that what I need is to control the string being sent to the microcontroller so that it sends once a second, or maybe even less, because at the moment it was doing something like 1000 transactions per second and sometimes more.
The question
So ... after my trials I still have a few questions that need to be answered. Do websockets need this kind of relationship? Where client asks and server serves? Or can I simply stream data from the server to the client as long as the connection is open? Is my supposition that slowing down my rates will work?
Do websockets need this kind of relationship [request-response]? Where client asks and server serves? Or can I simply stream data from the server to the client as long as the connection is open?
The Websocket protocol doesn't require a request-response model (except for the connection establishing handshake).
The server can stream data to the client without worrying about any response or request from the client.
However, it's common practice to get a response or a ping from a client once in a while, just to know they're alive.
This allows the client to renew a connection if a message or ping fails to reach the server - otherwise the client might not notice an abnormally dropped connection (it will just assume no updates are being sent because there's no new data).
It also allows the server to know a connection is still alive even when no information is being exchanged.
Is my supposition that slowing down my rates will work?
I guess this question becomes less relevant due to the first question's answer... however, I should probably note that the web socket client (often a browser) will have limited resources and a different memory management scheme.
Browsers are easy to overwhelm with too much data because they often keep references to all the exchanges since the page was loaded (or refreshed).
This is especially true when logging events to a browser's console.
I have a simple c program to copy an image from the server using TCP
The problem is it always fails to work with certain images, it only receives 'x' bytes and then times out.
The program is not the problem here since i have tried with different programs(C and python using bigger recv buffers) using TCP and they still fail at 'x'th bytes.
server: vxworks
client: linux
if i try connecting from SUN client using the same code, it has no problem receiving the image. I did a bit of packet sniffing and found that my client is requesting packet 'A' which has the 'x'th byte in it. The server sends it or re-transmits it, but the client never acknowledges it and timesout eventually.
Question is why is this image specific ? and only happens on linux client?
the file written to the client is always 'x' bytes long
It looks like network issue for me. What is the size of packet? Sounds strange but could not it be MTU blackhole between server and linux?
My friend once experienced this exact same problem and it turned out to that the payload of the binary image he was transferring was triggering a bug in a filtering router along way. The route would just drop the connection when a particular byte sequence passed through. Bizarre but true.
So, i am assuming that i will need to use sockets(i am a newbie to C).
The program will be for Windows(in pure C). And i shall be using these examples
My question is, instead of the client program connecting via TCP, i want the server to accept connections via a web browser i.e via HTTP.
So if the server program is running you type http://yourip:port/?gettemps and the server responds, but how do i do it?
As you might have guessed, this program will be for monitoring temps, remotely, via a web browser. But not for the CPU, for the GPU using AMD's ADL library(so yeah, only AMD cards).
The simplest option that is supported by most web servers is CGI - Common Gateway Interface.
Microsoft, of cource, has their own way of running web apps - ISAPI.
HTTP is quite a big standard, you might want to use some library such as libcurl to handle the details for you.
If you decide to code it yourself, HTTP is running over TCP so you first need to open a TCP socket at the standard HTTP port 80. Then simply listen on the socket and parse the incoming HTTP data - a great summary is given here: http://www.jmarshall.com/easy/http/.
Web browsers sends http get request to the server via tcp. If you are writing a web server from scratch than, you will need to parse data from web browser. http get request are string like for example GET /images/logo.png HTTP/1.1. So tokenize that string as it comes through tcp and get the command.
As you received your commands to the server call appropriate functions to handle your request.
Here is an great example of simple http server. You might want to make server multi-threaded as you may have multiple simultaneous users.
If you have already set up your web server to run the app on the appropriate port you can use getenv("QUERY_STRING") to access the web equivalent of command line parameters.
It would be better to call your program directly rather than just using the server to access a single default program as your example does, thus you could use http://yourip:port/yourprogram?cmd=gettemps. In this example getenv("QUERY_STRING") would return 'cmd=gettemps'.
I'm sort of new to web programming, but I wanted to write a HTML interface for a embedded device (coded in C) that I am developing. I've already implemented a stream server (a la beej's socket server example) and a java client, but I'm interested in implementing a HTML5 Socket interface instead.
I am having some trouble with the handshaking (in so much as the server accepts the connection but the web page does not), and was wondering if there was a specification available somewhere on line. The w3c spec seems to only describe the API (as far as I can tell) and not the details of the handshake. I'm not looking for a fully written example (I can do that!) just a reference for the handshaking that is better than the Wikipedia entry (or an explanation of why that entry should be enough to fully understand the spec).
If anyone could help me get it up and running I will happily package it all in a library and demo and put it up on google code.
Thanks... and please let me know if you need more info to help answer the quesiton!
It looks like this is the specifiction here. I'm not much of a web prgrammer myself either. However, based on my limited understanding, I'm curious about whether you really need to implement WebSockets. Could you just using a series of HTTP messages instead?
Did you check your code against existing servers :
http://www.codeproject.com/KB/webservices/c_sharp_web_socket_server.aspx?msg=3364691 ?
with updated to last websocket specification here :
Another one here :
or http://superwebsocket.codeplex.com/
Not much difference betwee c# eand C in this case...