variable sharing? Batch CMD - batch-file

I'm trying to set 2 variables in 3 categories, 6 variables total, copying out the categories three times seems like a poor option especially because my real code is much larger than this with almost 10 categories with 30 variables each.
First I ask which category to set variable (constant) and then asked to set the two variables in that category.
Which is fine, until I want to do something with the combined variable.
#echo off
echo which variable do you want to set?
echo (1),(2),(3)
choice /c 123 /n
if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto :3
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto :2
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :1
set const=one
goto :wizard
set const=two
goto :wizard
set const=three
goto :wizard
set /p %const%_varA= set %const% variableA:
set /p %const%_varB= set %const% variableB:
:: this line is the problem
echo %%const%_varA%
echo %%const%_varB%
goto :filewrite
echo one varA %one_varA%
echo one varB %one_varB%
echo two varA %two_varA%
echo two varB %two_varB%
echo three varA %three_varA%
echo three varB %three_varB%
goto :start

I have played around a bit and the problem you have is the fact that in batch-files the way to escape a % is another one. So your code will eventually look like echo %const%_varA% and as %var_A% is empty/does not exist, the only thing you should be getting is %const as output.
Luckily there is a way to bring another character into the game to prevent this from happening. Adding setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion under the first line will make variables accessable using exclamation marks. This is usually used to access variables in closed sets of parenthesis but comes in handy for this one:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set const=three
set %const%_varA=foo
echo Without exclamationmarks: %%const%_varA%
echo With exclamationmarks : !%const%_varA!
Is a tiny example that demonstrates the problem.
The upper line is what you currently have and not working. The lower one however uses above explaned delayed expansion.
Meaning: First (%) the value of %const% is calculated, changing the line to echo [...] !three_varA! and after (!) comes the whole thing!
Feel free to ask questions :)


Unknown glitch in batch

I need help with an unknown issue in a recent batch file executed on Windows 10.
Proper function:
I am trying to make a math quiz which generates two numbers, a basic operand (+-x/), finds the answer, then checks it against an answer from a user. Additionally, the program is made to track certain information after a user has put in their answer. (Question number, the problem and answer, and the users response.)
My issue:
In certain scenarios the program will display the problem/answer in the "game" window rather than writing the problem/answer in the text file as intended.
The command is:
echo [Q]%m%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
It is comment marked in the code below.
What I've done to fix the issue?
After testing for a descent while I discovered the issue seemed to revolve around the portion where it tries to move a problem/answer combo with division as the operation. This helped, but the issue started randomly popping up throughout future attempts to debug.
While I feel it is a bit frowned upon to ask two things at once I have two more issues.
Why does an operation like %a%%b%%c%=%d% (a,c,d being numbers and b being a /) break a certain command in my code consistently and how can I fix it?
Why does the same issue still randomly appear even if I erase all traces of division / which seems to cause my issue in the first place.
Here is the batch file:
#echo off
set /a prb=3
set file=Stat
set sss=s.
if %prb%==1 set tst=.
echo Welcome to math fire, you will get randomly generated
echo multiplication, addition, and subtraction problems. You
echo will go through a specified number before the game ends
echo and this window closes. You will be tracked in a file on
echo your desktop. You will have %prb% problem%sss%
echo Get ready
timeout 5
set start=%time%
set /a num=1
set /a good=0
set /a bad=0
::===========================Set up beggining of stat file.
echo =-=-=-=-=-=>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo ===Start===>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo =-=-=-=-=-=>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
::===================================Main Body============
::[A] Num1 [B] Operator [C] Num2 [D] Answer [E] The problem [M] Problem and answer
set /a a=%random% %% 30 + 1
::To remove the division section I changed the 4 below to 3
set /a b=%random% %% 4 + 1
set /a c=%random% %% 20 + 1
if %b%==1 set b=+
if %b%==2 set b=-
if %b%==3 set b=*
if %b%==4 set b=/
set /a d=%a%%b%%c%
set e=%a%%b%%c%
echo =============================%e%=?
timeout 1
set /p ans=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Answer:
set m=%e%=%d%
echo ===%num%===>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
::The following line is the glitching code
echo [Q]%m%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo [A]%ans%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
if %ans%==%d% goto p
echo -----------------------------Incorrect
set /a bad=%bad%+1
goto re
echo -----------------------------Correct
set /a good=%good%+1
goto re
if %num%==%prb% goto end
set /a num=%num%+1
goto main
echo ===========>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo [Start]%start%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo [-End-]%time%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo [Right]%good%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo [Wrong]%bad%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo =-=-=-=-=-=>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo ===-End-===>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo =-=-=-=-=-=>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo Congrats, check your desktop for your play info.
Use the syntax
>>"%filename1%" echo [Q]%m%
(my testfiles are allotted in variables)
Noting that m will contain a string such as 13/14=0
The character just before a redirector redirects the logical device number. You can get around this by moving the redirction to the start of the command or inserting a space before the redirector or using
>>"%filename1%" (
echo [Q]%m%
echo something else
echo more text
echo [Q]%m%
echo something else
echo more text
which does the same thing - gather the output of the echoes and redirect the sum-output to the file.
Oh, BTW - batch does integer mathematics, so 13/4=3 - no decimals.

Echo &variable% in a loop is delayed by 1 count. Echo is off error

Im trying to make a CMD batch script that will do the following.
Read the first line of a text file. The first line of the text file contains a date.
Delete the text file if the date is 3 months old from current date.
For illustration,
the first line of file A is Hello1, the first line of file B is Hello2
I want to get an output showing this
%counter% %first line of text file%,
so for my example it should look like this:
2 Hello2
1 Hello1
but instead, i am getting this:
1 Hello2
My current code is this.
set file.1=A.txt
set file.2=B.txt
set counter=2
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
set counter=%counter%
if %counter% NEQ 0 (
set /p texte=<!file.%counter%!
echo %counter% %texte%
set /a counter=%counter%-1
gotop loop)
How do I fix this?
You have set it up for delayed expansion with your setlocal command (which should probably have a corresponding endlocal by the way) but you don't appear to be using delayed expansion in all the places it's needed.
Delayed expansion of variables requires the use of ! for expansion, not %.
Of course, once you do that, you're going to find issues with an expression like !file.!counter!! because cmd.exe is not the, err, greatest tool in the world :-)
However, that fact has produced some of the sneakiest coders in the world by forcing them to work around such limitations and you can do double-indirection of variables by using call as per the following program:
#setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
#echo off
set file.1=A.txt
set file.2=B.txt
set counter=2
if !counter! NEQ 0 (
call :sneaky_set fspec file.!counter!
set /p texte=<!fspec!
echo !counter! !texte!
set /a counter=!counter!-1
goto loop
goto :eof
set %1=!%2!
goto :eof
The call statement there passesfspec and file.N (the first level of indirection and where N is the current value in counter) to sneaky_set. It in turn executes:
set fspec=!file.N!
which is the second level of indirection and therefore sets file to the correct *.txt value.

My text based game script is not working

I am making a text based rpg and the script is not working. It has something to do with the stamina. I also have a quest that is dependent on you having a certain amount of gold and that script is not working as well. I will include pictures.
echo Press 1) to harvest
set /p input17=enter:
if %input17%==1 set /a wheat= %wheat% + 5
if %input17%==1 set /a carrots= %carrots% +4
if %input17%==1 set /a stamina= %stamina% - 25 (this line)
if %stamina% < 0 goto nostamina (this line)
echo You get some wheat and some carrots.
echo check your inventory for accurate numbers.
echo Press 1) to go back.
pause >nul
goto insidehouse
echo You are now inside of your house.
echo Press 1) to harvest.
echo Press 2) to sell all crops.
echo Press 3) to go into your inventory.
echo Press 4) to sleep eight hours.
echo Press 5) to check for quests.
set /p input16=enter:
if %input16% EQU 1 goto harvest
if %input16% EQU 2 goto market
if %input16% EQU 3 goto Inventory1
if %input16% EQU 4 goto sleep
if %input16% EQU 5 (and) if %gold% LSS 0 goto shopping (this line)
You haven't provided much code to work with so, I can only guess at a solution.
My best guess is that you are atempting to update a variable from inside a for loop. If this is the case you need to add this line to the top of your batch file: setlocal enabledelayedexpansion. You will also need to access the affected variables like this !var! instead of this %var%.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion causes expansion of variables to delayed in your batch file. What this will mean in the context of your program is that variables can be updated from within a for loop.

how does this batch script works?

i got this script for a site but i have some problems how the script works
the script
#setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
#echo off
title movement
color 0a
set length=
set height=a
echo Use WASD to move your character ([]).
for %%a in ( %height% ) do echo.
echo %length%[]
choice /c wasd /n
if %errorlevel% equ 1 call:up
if %errorlevel% equ 2 call:left
if %errorlevel% equ 3 call:down
if %errorlevel% equ 4 call:right
set length=!length:~0,-1!
goto controls
set length=%length%
goto controls
set height=!height:~0,-2!
goto controls
set height=%height% a
goto controls
ok now can someone explain the first line?
i serached the web and i think it will give value to variables when the command is reached
also i dont know what this means
set height=!height:~0,-2!
and this
set length=!length:~0,-1!
For enabledelayedexpansion see this blog post. (In short it makes variables work in a sane fashion.)
enableextensions seems to be a safety feature in case the command extensions have been disabled (though they appear to be on by default). It also isn't clear to me from a quick read what they are exactly (other than some newer command features).
Edit: Linked from the page #user3245060 mentions in hist comment is the Cmd page which indicates (at least some) commands that are affected by enableextensions and indicates that further details may be available in those commands specific pages. (It would also seem that Noodles has some idea about what is involved here.)
set height=!height:~0,-2! appears to be string processing (as per this link.

Setting variables with variables - Batch

So I've just about finished a really complicated batch file (first big one I've wrote) and i'm stuck at the last part. The program needs variables to be generated as the user needs them. I figured that part out, but now i'm having trouble calling them.
This is what i have (sorry its easier to show you than explain)
set /A mquanto=%mquant%
set /p compname=Machine Number:
echo set /A comp%mquanto%=\\LAB-%compname%
set /A mquanto=%mquanto%-1
if %mquanto% lss 1 goto startloop
goto varmakerstart
set /A mquanto=%mquant%
set /A tcomp=
What i need is a way to set one of the variables created in the 4th line to the variable tcomp, and i can't have more or less variables than the value of mquant. I'm sorry about any vagueness and i will try to explain any thing that is needed.
if your going to set a variable to equal another then this is an easy solution....
set a=
set b=1
set /p a=?:
if %a%==%b% goto :NEXT
you have entered the correct number! The number was %b%.
ping localhost -n 3 >nul
I hope this helps a bit!
