How do I create a multi step form using reduxForms? - reactjs

I need to create a tabbed multi step form with validation where data from one tab needs to be carried forward to the next. The user should be able to go back and edit the form in the previous tab.. How do I create one using reduxForms or any other method?

In redux-form its call Wizard Form. Here is the api and example api


When creating a microsoft forms trigger in a logic app I can only see forms I created

Sorry in advance if this question seems naïve.
I'm currently trying to configure a logic app that triggers based on a form being submitted via Microsoft Forms.
This form is located in one of my organizations groups (which my user has access to). When attempting to create the trigger the only forms I can see in the dropdown are ones that I created myself and are under My Forms in microsoft forms.
I'm unsure of the steps to make the form visible / available so I can create a trigger for it. Any help would be appreciated. FYI the logic app is going to be used to create a work item based on the form submission.
Ok I found the answer, not sure why I didn't catch this the first time I read this.

Using apex Code How to create Listview on Sobject, Having standard and custom fields

Anyone having idea about how to create Custom ListView on Standard Sobject, that can have both standard as well as custom fields.
Please share your knowledge.
Navigate to the tab for the custom object in you are in Classic salesforce click the "Create New View" link next to the list view droplist if in Lightning click the Cog to the right top of the UI then click the "New" menu option. Select the Standard and Custom fields that you want to appear in the list view, I believe up to 10 fields, and the criteria for the view and who can see the listview, then save.
You can create this via code using the metadata API. You would have to download one of the wsdl files, use the wsld to Apex generator to create a wrapper for it and use that to create a soap envelope with the request. It might be easier to use where he did the work already, see this posth

How do I submit two forms from a single page in adf?

I am using ADF to build the front end and Toplink for DB transactions. I wanted to show 2 create forms on a single jspx page. Both the forms are from two different objects i.e it doesn't have a parent child relationship. How can I submit the values of both the forms to the backend when the user clicks on the single submit button using ADF?
Any tutorials or examples would be appreciated.
ADF doesn’t work the way you think it does: each page is a single form.
You may, however use two distinct af:panelFormLayout components that look as two different forms from UI perspective. But an af:button button will submit the the entire page as a single form.
Check some examples of ADF pages. You will see that the structure goes like: <af:document><af:view><af:form> ... any other components .
You need to overwrite the button method to call the two methods you want it to execute.
Here are the basics of how to overwrite a declarative button:

Drupal 7: Add duplicates for form fields on the fly

I've got a form that's being generated using the Form API. There is a fieldset that contains several text fields. What I need to do is have a link or button that a user clicks if they want to add a duplicate of that fieldset to the form so they can add another set of similar information to the form. This is to essentially allow them to add multiple records without having to add each record individually. Is there a good way to go about adding this kind of functionality using the Forms API in Drupal 7?
There's a good example of this in the examples module package:
It's a little complex, but that is very well documented, so you should be able to follow along.
You'll want to look at the entire ajax_example module (part of for the relevant menu callbacks as well.

How to fire validation on Save button in Silverlight?

How do I fire validation on a Save button in Silverlight?
I am not using any data forms. I am using a RIA domain service for other operations but I want to validate everything on a save button before saving the data.
How can I do it?
Here is something I've used to validate multiple things within a page before a save commits changes. You could also follow Zoltan's blog for a more complete structure. He's also presented at Mix '11 about this.
