ionic platform add android
ionic build android
source path does not exist :
so any one know how fix this ?
Save an icon.png file within the resources directory at the root of the Cordova project. The icon image’s minimum dimensions should be 192x192 px, and should have no rounded corners. Note that each platform will apply it’s own mask and effects to the icons. For example, iOS will automatically apply it’s custom rounded corners, so the source file should not already come with rounded corners. run below command that will generate icons for you.
ionic resources --icon
Or you can place drawble-hdpi-icon.png(72x72) file at resources/android/icon/ folder. you have to create file with name drawble-hdpi-icon.png and size (72x72)
i change the backslash (\) to slash (/) in config.xml under <platform name="android"> in resources\android\icon\drawable-hdpi-icon.png and it works for me ...
The error can be fixed by running the command :
ionic resources
Docs :
I built a website on NextJS and deployed it on vercel. On the local environment at localhost:3000, it shows the background image but on vercel it does NOT show the background image.
Below are screenshots
On Vercel :
On Local :
I am setting the background image with the tailwindCSS where I defined the images in tailwind.config.js file and using them in different components. But that is not the issue as it is working fine in local envirenment.
I don't know what is the reason that why it is behaving differently.
Project GitHub Link :
Instead of using relative imports to the public folder within your tailwind config, you should leverage next's static file serving to load images from it.
For example, if you look in the DOM, the URL pathing generated during the build process is trying to utilize mini-css-extract-plugin to create a path, but the path is not valid:
When using static file serving, your tailwind config would change from:
'day_sun' : "url('../public/back_big.jpg')",
'day_sun' : "url('/back_big.jpg')",
When compiled, the path may look incomplete, but it's actually directing that request to /public/[image].[ext]:
Working demo (the weather searching feature will not work since NEXT_PUBLIC_API_KEY_1 is undefined):
Even though I load my images from static file serving, similar bug still happened to my app.
The bug is at my /public/img folder. According to the document, seem like the /img folder have similar name with some next file or folder, which can cause bug.
To fix it make sure you don't have any folder name "img" or something like that . . . (name "pic" work for me)
ERROR ITMS-90023: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '167x167' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions supporting iPad Pro."
Hi got the above message when try to submit built IPA file, using Mac's Application Loader..
Can anybody advice how to overcome this? I try to unzip that IPA file and found there is no 167x167 icon file for ipad. I try to create one and zip it back, but I got another error said "Invalid Signature" when try to resubmit using that "cheat" ipa file... should this 167x167 ipad icon file build by the codenameone build server as well?
Kindly advice.
You can't modify the IPA after it's generated. This will break the signature. The icon also needs to be listed in a couple of places for it to work properly.
I've added this new 167px icon to the icon list so with the update tomorrow (Feb 9th 2018) it should "just work" for new builds.
Also notice that at this time only the standard build works properly for submission and we haven't yet tested the new 9.2 builds. It's also important you use Application Loader for upload and not xcode as that might break things.
I am new to EXT JS environment. I am working on a dynamic java project in eclipse indigo where i want to use ext-js calendar in one of my jsp.I saw the EXT_JS calendar demo from downloaded 'ext-4.1.1' sdk(index.html file in ext-4.1.1a\examples\calendar).
I want to create a .js file as like ext-js calendar page. So for that i followed the path given in to integrate ext-js in eclipse.
But now when i copy index.html to my webcontent folder then it is not working(Originally it is showing nothing). But when i copy the entire ext-js source code to my workspace web content then running the index.html file in example/calendar folder of ext-4.1.1a giving me required result.But I don't think this as a solution.
I could not find any way also how to start to do my task.
So Pls anybody help me here...
Regards :
When nothing shows up on the screen, it is commonly a case where the ExtJS library isn't loaded. Without seeing the code, it's hard to pinpoint the issue.
Using Chrome Dev tools or Firebug for Firefox, take a look at the console and/or network output.
The files you're looking for will be included in the <head> section of your index.html. There should be ext-all.js or possibly ext-all-debug.js at a minimum, plus the style sheets.
If this is your issue, then you need to include the proper paths to the ExtJS library. This can be the local installation, or you can use a CDN. For example:
<script src=""></script>
To my iPhones app's XCode project I have added the following launch images:
On the iPhone4, iPhone4s and iPhone5 the correct launch image is shown.
Also XCode's project summary tells me that every thing is ok with the launch images.
But if I launch the app on my iPod4 then the iPhone5 splash screen (Default~iphone-568h#2x.png) and not the iPhone4 screen (Default~iphone.png) is shown. There is iOS6 installed on my iPod.
Any idea, what's wrong here?
The files above have wrong names. They should be:
But giving the files the right names is not enough. You should:
Look into the info.plist file of your app, that there are the right launch images set
The wrongly named image Default~iphone-568h#2x.png can remain in the application bundle, even if you delete and reinstall the app. Thus it can be that the changes above have no effect.
To prevent this I had to delete my app, clean and recompile my XCode project and reboot my device. After that everything worked fine.
i am using the cell editing grid in my app. The js file has this:
Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', '../ux');
what will be the replacement for the relative path in my workspace?
i tried using:
but did not worked
please help.
The loader does not work locally. You will need to run your application within a webser like IIS or Apache. And the the loader will accept relative paths. Relative means relative to your webserver root path/scriptpath.