i am using the cell editing grid in my app. The js file has this:
Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', '../ux');
what will be the replacement for the relative path in my workspace?
i tried using:
but did not worked
please help.
The loader does not work locally. You will need to run your application within a webser like IIS or Apache. And the the loader will accept relative paths. Relative means relative to your webserver root path/scriptpath.
I built a website on NextJS and deployed it on vercel. On the local environment at localhost:3000, it shows the background image but on vercel it does NOT show the background image.
Below are screenshots
On Vercel :
On Local :
I am setting the background image with the tailwindCSS where I defined the images in tailwind.config.js file and using them in different components. But that is not the issue as it is working fine in local envirenment.
I don't know what is the reason that why it is behaving differently.
Project GitHub Link : https://github.com/mohitm15/Weather-Lytics
Instead of using relative imports to the public folder within your tailwind config, you should leverage next's static file serving to load images from it.
For example, if you look in the DOM, the URL pathing generated during the build process is trying to utilize mini-css-extract-plugin to create a path, but the path is not valid:
When using static file serving, your tailwind config would change from:
'day_sun' : "url('../public/back_big.jpg')",
'day_sun' : "url('/back_big.jpg')",
When compiled, the path may look incomplete, but it's actually directing that request to /public/[image].[ext]:
Working demo (the weather searching feature will not work since NEXT_PUBLIC_API_KEY_1 is undefined): https://weather-lytics-refactor.vercel.app/
Even though I load my images from static file serving, similar bug still happened to my app.
The bug is at my /public/img folder. According to the document, seem like the /img folder have similar name with some next file or folder, which can cause bug.
To fix it make sure you don't have any folder name "img" or something like that . . . (name "pic" work for me)
I'm doing various projects in React.js with using awesome WebStorm by JetBrains.
Every time I type an existing component name WebStorm imports it automatically for me, which is awesome, but it is doing so by its relative path based on the file I'm doing the importation on.
Looks like so:
import vintageAxios from "../../../../services/api/index";
But I'm expecting it to be like:
import vintageAxios from "services/api/index";
I already setup my .env.local file with the NODE_PATH=src/ variable, I've used create-react-app to setup the project.
EDIT: I'm not having problems with the importations. What I want to know is if there is a way to configure WebStorm so it automatically does the importations with absolute instead of relative paths.
Found it (WebStorm 2017.2), after marking your source directory (ex. /src) as the source root (right click it to find that), you can then check this box:
For anyone using Typescript. Check the option Use paths relative to tsconfig.json in Editor > Code Style > Typescript
ionic platform add android
ionic build android
source path does not exist :
so any one know how fix this ?
Save an icon.png file within the resources directory at the root of the Cordova project. The icon image’s minimum dimensions should be 192x192 px, and should have no rounded corners. Note that each platform will apply it’s own mask and effects to the icons. For example, iOS will automatically apply it’s custom rounded corners, so the source file should not already come with rounded corners. run below command that will generate icons for you.
ionic resources --icon
Or you can place drawble-hdpi-icon.png(72x72) file at resources/android/icon/ folder. you have to create file with name drawble-hdpi-icon.png and size (72x72)
i change the backslash (\) to slash (/) in config.xml under <platform name="android"> in resources\android\icon\drawable-hdpi-icon.png and it works for me ...
The error can be fixed by running the command :
ionic resources
Docs : https://ionicframework.com/docs/cli/cordova/resources/
I am new to this and trying to figure this out. I have created a internal.ascx page and a Internal.css file for my internal page for a website. If I create a new page in DNN and apply this new skin it doesnt seem to apply the CSS. I copied the both ascx and css file to the _default/Skins/ folder.
Have also tried adding in the css via the following code
<dnn:DnnCssInclude runat="server" FilePath="/Internal.css" PathNameAlias="SkinPath" />
Nothing seems to be working. Have cleared my cache and tried different machine to view the page. But the style is still not coming through.
Thanks in advance
Create a new folder in the _default/Skins/. For example, call the folder "Internal" (/Portals/_default/Skins/Internal). Copy your ascx and css skin files into there. Rename the css to "skin.css". You shouldn't need to reference it in the ascx since DNN will pick it up based on the name.
Also, the reason your CSS include statement may not have worked was because filepath "/Internal.css" was probably trying to look for it in the root of the website. I would think it would simply be "Internal.css". But you could verify in Firebug what path it generated.
In my Extjs app I have kept custom.css file in the resources folder of the root for testing and in the build- resources folder. And add the css path to two both index.html files(test and build). But whenever I make it to convert to build production, index.html file overwrites and custom.css file finds missing. Somewhat problematic it is. I know that this is because I add this file externally. But Is there any permanent solutions to fix this, without violating the Extjs app structure ??
You can add your custom styles via scss. There are several articles around the web about styling your ExtJS app.
http://www.rallydev.com/community/engineering/guide-custom-themes-extjs-4 [dead link]
If you only want to add your single custom css file - which i do not recommend - you can do things like that:
Include an existing CSS file in custom extjs theme