Database in ionic ios app? - angularjs

I have to develop a simple app with ionic for ios and I am not really sure how to implement the model of my app.
I need to read some data and the user have to be able to save some data alse.
The app might be able to work offline also.
Any idea? I think firebase only supports offline in ios and android but not with web.
Thank you!

what you need is persistent data storages.
localforage is one of many


Migrate link from mobile web browser to mobile app

I want that my online website link that is opened in my mobile browser checks whether my mobile app is installed or not and then opens it in my mobile app.
I want my functionality as I have shown in this
I am using AngularJS,Express,NodeJS in my application.I tried node deeplink
but it does not work for me.Please provide me with the appropriate solution.
This functionality is known as Mobile Deep Linking. The easiest way to get started is with a deep linking service like (full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team), Yozio, or Firebase Dynamic Links. They all do exactly what you're describing.
this could Help you perhaps:
Check this

Using phonegap for an app for Web,iOS & Android which is more on content display

I am a webdeveloper. Have experiences in web development languages i.e PHP, HTML, CSS, jQuery. Ive been googling for sometime and still not clear for me if I should use phonegap.
I have a project which will be deployed in Web, iOS & Android.
The project is more on displaying data like belows :
User Profile (save profile / view proifle)
User Activities (displays all activities of users. get the new/latest activities everytime for display)
User Feeds (displays all feeds. get the new/latest feeds everytime for display)
User Subscription (displays all subscribers and subscribed by user)
Login/Logout/Register/Facebook Connect
Basically, it is more on displaying data.
So i assume the API calls will handle all the data saving and retrieval.
I will be making an API using PHP for retrieving and saving of data and i got no issue regarding this.
Also i should use a websocket/node.js kind of plugin for the realtime activities/feeds data.
All i want to know is if Phonegap fits for my needs.
We all know phonegap has many disadvantages and i want to ask the advice of experienced experts out there if Phonegap is good to go for this kind of project.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Even though I don't have experience with phonegap, I'm kind of in the same boat as you. I recently started using titanium studio with the alloy mvc framework, definitely worth checking it out.
So far I have build myself a todo app working on both android and iOS, using a remote mysql database server to store my data on. They offer cloud services also, havent looked into that yet.
You can also buy modules in their store, often not that expensive and it will save you a lot of coding time.
Head over here for more information:

Integrating mobile app and mobile web

Currently I am developing an app in corona sdk. It is still very early in the development stage so I can change the IDE or SDK if needed to achieve my goal.
I wish to create an app that can be played on multiple platforms(mainly ios and android) and I eventually want the users to be able to use the browser to continue playing at home with their progress saved. It is a simple app and could probably be recreated in html. They will have to login their accounts in order to play
How do i go about to achieve this? Should I complete my app in corona first, and then recreate the app in html and php and link the database to it separately or is there a specific development kit I could use that has this ability. Also, I am new to the development scene, how do I detect if the user is logged in a particular platform as I realize if they are logged in, in multiple places and give multiple entries it may cause problems.
If you are new to the development scene then you should continue developing with Corona.
Corona doesn't povide any web port but I know Unity does.
I think first you should complete your game for mobile platforms and if it will have success you can port it to web.
You can read this:
You might want to try phonegap ( I have never used it, I just know that it exists, so do some research to see if it would be a good fit. This might allow you to create the app once for both browsers and mobile.

Best way to integrate external mobile site in an app

I have a mobile website made in jQuery Mobile and I would like to integrate some parts of it in a Phone Gap mobile app.
The app will provide some offline features (using local html and JS) and will integrate with the mobile website sending forms and receiving its pages (that are already in jQuery Mobile).
What do you think is the best strategy to do this? Should I write services or should I keep the ongoing html pages?
After seeing your comment above, Yes You can wrap it with phonegap and launch in app store. Then consider this, you can create services to return JSON(only for dynamic data) and load all your HTML templates on to the app (wrap with phonegap).
So static data/contents gets loaded from within the app and the dynamic content comes from server. Now enable offline caching for the dynamic contents which you want to enable for offline access.
TO enable offline access, you can either use webkit local storage(5Mb~50Mb) or a native phonegap plugin for more storage.
Hope this helps.

Persistence solution for mobile Phonegap / HTML5 App

I am developing a mobile app for Android and iOS using jQuery Mobile.
The app will be deployed to Android and iOS devices utilizing Phonegap.
My problem is that I need a local offline data storage mostly for read operations.
I am planning to pull a data set from a web server (MySQL/web service) about once a month (whenever there is new data) and store it for local use on the device.
Now the question, what persistence solution should I use?
There is a tool called lawnchair by a member of the Phonegap team. Anyone tried it? What are the pros and cons?
What about sqlite? Is it working across Android and iOS devices?
You could simply use HTML5 Storage / SQL Lite for this. Take a look at:
I`ve been using Localstorage on iOs and Android without any problems, and since localstorage is backed up by sqllite i think you should be fine. (but i canĀ“t say anything for sure for sqllite on android)
HTML5 storage works fine on Android. A nice tool to make reading and writing to the database easier is persistenceJS.
I've just started on setting up the iPhone version of my jQueryMobile / Phonegap app. It stalls right at the point where the first call to localdb is made. This may be a problem of the iOS simulator, since the regular Safari runs my app just fine from the browser.
The HTML5 LocalStorage option will works fine until iOS 5.0. But there might be some problems from iOS 5.1 and later.
So my suggestion is to write some javascript code to back up to the document folder via fileAPI, and reconstruct the WebSQL database periodically.
