Angular material date range smDateTimeRangePicker - angularjs

I am planning to use the angular materials date range picker from smDateTimeRangePicker. From the demo I can add the picker as an directive element and it creates an input element which when clicked opens the picker. I would like to add the picker to a button click. Could anyone of you tell me how to add the picker to a button click?


react boostrap date range picker(customize showDropdows property)

So my question is :
Is there a way to customise the showDropdowns in react boostrap date
range picker ?
the scroll bar dropdown come with a default one and i want to add some
styles to it this possible ??
By using custom cssClass property. and also you can use the calendar’s renderDayCell event to customize the appearance of the each day cell.
for more info

Open date picker on TextField focus event | Material UI Library

I'm trying to use simple date picker as in this example:
Currently date picker on click/focus selects part of text:
How to make date-picker widget default on click/focus event (currently user must click on that bottom arrow to activate date picker widget).

Jquery date picker with button image in angular does not work with tab

I have created a directive in angular to use jquery date picker which opens datepicker on Click of a button using showOn: button. So it contains a input field and a button beside it. Its working fine.
But how can we make the button to be clicked and date picker to open on press of tab from the input field in which date is filled after selecting date from datepicker.

How to take input from user on second popup

I am new to angular/Ionic. I need your help.
I have a date time picker through which user can select date and time. On clicking the textbox (from the page) i get datetime picker popup through which date & time can be selected. It was working fine till I was using it in separate page (page that is having the textbox on clicking which popup of date & time picker appears).
All was working fine till I have put this page (having textbox) as popup. This means now I have two popup.
1st for page and
2nd for date & time Picker.
Now on clicking the page popup I am able to get 2nd popup, but when I try to select date or time (from popup 2) nothing happens to popup 2 but all these events are triggering on popup 1.
what changes should i make so that these events can be trigger to correct popup (popup 2) ?
thanks for the help in advance

The moment datepicker is not shown with the selected date (month) in datepicker

I wrapped momentjs datepicker into angularjs directive.
My question is
The datepicker is not shown with the selected date (month) in datepicker.
For example, I selected 05/05/2014;
After I hit submit button, I expand the input to get the datepicker, the current page is March not May (I am sure I update ng-model with the selected month).
Yes, I can navigate to May, and 05/05/2014 is selected.
What I want, the expanded datepicker should be May month page. Thanks.
Solved, just use options in datePicker which "startViewDate"
