Bind multiply Comboboxes to a TextBox - wpf

I've bound a ComboBox to my TextBox
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Name="DescriptionText" Text="{Binding ElementName=ScreenLocations, Path=SelectedItem.Description}" />
I have 4 ComboBoxes in my grid. What I want to do is, every time I select an item from any ComboBox, update the TextBox with the selected objects Description property.
Is it possible to bind multiple ComboBoxes to one TextBox, or would I need to use an event of some sort?

Create a property in your ViewModel and bind all your comboboxes' 'selectedItem' property to it (Use Mode="OneWayToSource", this will prevent changes on selectedItem of one ComboBox to affect the other), then bind your TextBox to the same property created in the VM with Mode="OneWay". Don't forget to implement INotifyPropertyChanged in your VM.


using WPF Caliburn, How do I change datagrid binding based on the combobox selection?

about to add the following features
If select this combobox, I want to change the itemssource of the datagrid.
Are there any examples related to this?
You can do the following:
Create a WPF project.
Create a view (xaml) with the combobox and datagrid inside it.
Create a view model for this newly created view and declare public properties (collection/list) for the ItemsSource of the combobox and the grid. Also have a property for the selected item of the combobox.
Set this view model as the data context of your view.
In the setter of the combobox's selected item - change the property which is bound to the datagrid's ItemsSource to the collection that you by calling a method or however you wish.
I did this:
Add the namespace for caliburn in xaml
Here is the combobox:
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding ComboBoxItemSource}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}" cal:Message.Attach="[Event SelectionChanged] = [ComboBoxSelectionChanged()]" />
and the viewmodel should be having this method:
public void ComboBoxSelectionChanged()
// here based on the SelectedItem you can change the ItemSource for the dataGrid.
Whenever you are changing the selectedItem of Combobox the method will get hit and based on the logic that you need you can assign the ItemSource for the dataGrid.
Hope this helps :)

WPF controls, disable changes to `SelectedItem` when bound property to `ItemsSource` changes

When I use ComboBox or other controls that have ItemsSource and SelectedItem property bindings then each time upon the initial binding during runtime and also each time when the bound collection to ItemsSource changes I experience that the content of bound SelectedItem object is changed.
How can I disable this?
For example:
I have <ComboBox MinWidth="300" ItemsSource="{Binding AvailableMasters}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedMaster}">
When I run the application the SelectedMaster property is assigned the first item in AvailableMasters. Also, each time the AvailableMasters collection changes (for example, by assigning a new collection to the property) the SelectedMaster is again adjusted.
The desired behavior is that SelectedItem (SelectedMaster) is only populated/changed when the end-user clicks with the mouse on that item / chooses that item from the ComboBox or other control.
Set a flag/bool property before you update the collection and use it in SelectedMaster property. Or do you need only XAML solution?

Binding UI-element to UI-element like Textbox to Textbox

I have UI-elements like a textbox and I want to bind them to a ViewModel. I need to access many properties of the textbox like the text- or the IsEnabled-property.
Is it possible that I bind the textbox directly to another textbox in the ViewModel with all their properties instead of binding every single property to properties?
Yes, using an ElementName, but you still bind all properties though.
<!-- Bound to ViewModel -->
<TextBox Name="tbOne" IsEnabled="{Binding OneIsEnabled}" Text={Binding TextOne}/>
<TextBox Name="tbTwo" IsEnabled="{Binding ElementName=tbOne, Path=IsEnabled}" Text={Binding ElementName=tbOne, Path=Text}/>
There is no built-in way to bind all dependency properties of the TextBox to another. Personally, I would prefer binding directly to the ViewModel.
An alternative solution would be to create a UserControl that internally clones the TextBox with all bindings:
<CloneControl Target="{Binding ElementName=tbOne}"/>
Here, the ControlControl would inspect the target, and have code that create a new TextBox, and sets the bindings in code. This is only useful if you are doing this very often, and there is a slightly performance price to pay, as you are adding another level of controls to the UI tree.

is it possible the binding to two properties?

I have a view model that has two properties. One of them is myDataGridSelectedItems, that is update in the selection changed event of the datagrid (I am using MVVM light to convert an event to command).
The second property is myText, that is the text that has a textbox in the view.
In my view I have a textBox which text depends on the selection of the dataGrid, if the selection is one item then I put the information of a column of the dataGrid in the textBox, if the selection is 0 or more than 1, then I clear the textBox.
To do that, I use the following code:
<TextBox Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="5,26,0,0" Name="mytextBox" VerticalAlignment="Top"
Text="{Binding ElementName=Principal, Path=DataContext.MyDatagridSelectedItems, Converter={StaticResource TextBoxValueConverter}}">
This works fine because when I select one row in the data grid the textBox has text (the text that the convert returns) and is empty when I select more that one or unselect all rows.
However, in this way the property myText is not update because I don't set the binding, because the binding of the Text property in the axml use the converter, not the property myText of the view model.
So I was wondering if it possible to set two bindings in the Text property of the textBox, or if exists some way to update the myText property in the view model when the text in the TextBox changes.
You are doing it the wrong way around:
Right now, you have view logic encoded in a converter in the view. But view logic is precisly what the view model is there for.
You should have a property for the text of that text box in the view model and bind the text box only to that property.
In the view model you change its value according to the selection.

How to enable wpf controls through data binding on a selected item from a combo box

I am looking for a way where a control can be enable when an item from a combo box is selected. Is there a simple way through data binding when a user selects an item from a combo box that it then enables another control to be used?
If you're using MVVM, you can bind the SelectedItem of the combobox to a property in your viewmodel.
Say this is your combobox:
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding widgetlist}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=selectedwidget, Mode=TwoWay}"></ComboBox>
And this is your control:
<DockPanel IsEnabled="{Binding controlenabled}">
Then in selectedwidget's setter, you can change the controlenabled property to False or True. Don't forget to notify that the controlenabled property changed (or if you want, make controlenabled a DependencyProperty.)
In summary, you've got 3 properties to bind to:
widgetlist, an ObservableCollection or some other collection that is the source for your combobox
selectedwidget, an item of that collection type that changes to whatever the combobox currently has selected
controlenabled, a bool that the other controls look at to decide if they are enabled/disabled.
Like many examples in MVVM, this way may require slightly more thought and code on the outset, but will be far more maintainable and scalable later. For example, say you want some more controls to also enable/disable themselves based on the same scenario. Piece of cake: add IsEnabled="{Binding controlenabled}"> to them.
Yes. You want to bind to IsEnabled in the target control which you want to dynamically enable or disable, and use a Value Converter to convert a matching string or item from the ComboBox to a true value for being enabled.
