Using Vue and AngularJS Together - angularjs

Can we use AngularJS with Vue? As Vue is more like a library than a framework so what are pros and cons of using them together?

Yes you can use Angular with Vue. However, there isn't any reason to use both Vue and Angular 1 in same web app and certainly not in the same page.
As AfikDeri pointed out you probably won't notice any functionality differences.
You're correct in pointing out that Vue is more like a library but Angular 1 can also be used as a library so the decision is largely which one you're more comfortable with or see as more valuable long term. The comparison between Vue and Angular becomes more pronounced when you consider Angular version 2 (which is much harder to use as a library).


Why are we using angular js framework instead of using jQuery or JQLite directly?

I am using angularJS for my application development and I am using JQuery UI in few places of my code.
1. Whether it will end up in performance when I use JQuery in my code.
2. Why to use angular if I can use JQuery / JQLite directly to my application.
Angular is a framework and jQuery is a library. You can't really ask "why should I use AngularJs instead of Jquery?" since they are not the same.
Angular as a framework provides a lot of powerful tools that can help with building web applications. However if you are not building anything particularly over the top you could simply just use the few pieces of jQuery you need.
Overall it comes down to what you are trying to do. If you want to build a powerful SPA with a level of ease, Angular is great. If you're just adding some flair to a static web page jQuery is probably a better approach.
Well, this is a quite broad question!
To be short JQuery can be just considered as a set of tools while Angular is a framework so it (hopefully positively) impacts the design of application.
I typically use jQuery for UI purposes and on-page animations. In my experience, Angular is more powerful, capable and especially adaptable for cross platform use.

Is zurb-foundation compatible with Angular JS?

I need to migrate an site from one framework to another because I need to use Angular JS.
I found zurb-foundation very interesting. It happens that it seems to use jQuery.
According to this website
When building out Angular projects, you should not add on the full jQuery library. jQlite is already included in Angular and this should be all the jQuery that is necessary.
I had a bad experience running Bootstrap and Angular together and I don't want to repeat the same mistake.
It happens that I found the following line at zurb-foundation index.html
<script src="js/vendor/jquery.js"></script>
A quick search has shown that it seems to be a "simplified" version of jQuery (am I wrong?).
I've seem many people questioning things related to Angular in Foundation apps.
My question is: Is Angular compatible with Foundation?
While you'll read in many places that you should stay away from jQuery when using Angular, you'll also notice a subtle "at first" here and there. Angular is quite opinionated, and employs a declarative way of doing things, whereas jQuery is imperative. Check this out for more on the topic.
To answer your question:'s tutorial about Angular and Bootstrap involves UI Bootstrap, a library of directives written in Angular to be able to integrate common Bootstrap functionalities easier.
The equivalent of UI Bootstrap for Foundation is Angular Foundation. I recommend giving this thread a look-over as well, as it contains information that may be relevant to your use case.
So yes, Angular is compatible with Foundation. Happy hacking :)
a quick answer is of course they are compitable with each other. check this out from Zurb. However if you do not want to use JQuery, then the easiest way is to use pineconellc for foundation 5. foundation 6 does not have a port yet as far as I know.

AngularJS-based UI Components, quantumui vs. angular-strap vs. angular-bootstrap-ui

I have been looking for a component set for a start-up project which would be based on AngularJS.
After some research, I have found three common component sets which can be applicable.
The first is AngularJS Bootstrap UI. It seems clear, but there are no enough examples and documentation.
The second is angular-strap. I have seen that it is a simple implementation of bootstrap.js with some additional features, but it seem very simple.
And the last one is QuantumUI. I have seen that it is amazing, but it seems very new.
What is the experience with these frameworks? Can you list pros cons for them?
I am owner of QuantumUI and is is not truth to say anything about other's projects.
However I can say that in short;
ui-bootstrap: is pure angular based, but it is old and not compatiable with new angular versions. Also it's plugins are very simple.
Also angular-strap is a implementation of bootstrap.js. Namely, it isn't a project of angular thinking.
However QuantumUI is a compact angular solution. It's components are powerful, server and developer friendly and also there is no Jquery dependency. All components are results of angular thinking.

Native Bootstrap vs Angularjs Bootstrap directive

I am migrating an existing web application to AngularJS. As the application is already using Bootstrap 3 I am wondering if it is worth re-writing it with Boostrap Directives. My current understanding is that if I use the directives it will be more effective and I'll be able to scrap JQuery. On the other hand, implementing custom widgets should be more straightforward using native Bootstrap + JQuery. I am interested in Pros and Cons of the two approaches.
From the Angular-UI's github:
It is often better to rewrite an existing JavaScript code and create a
new, pure AngularJS directive. Most of the time the resulting
directive is smaller as compared to the original JavaScript code size
and better integrated into the AngularJS ecosystem.
Readability, code size, and Angular compatibility (since most directives allow promises) are enforced comparing to basic plain bootstrap.
That's why I rewrote myself all my bootstrap components using Angular-UI.
Always wonder: "Can I build this thing without importing JQuery?"

When combined with Meteor, what AngularJS can do that Handlebars can not?

I am considering using AngularJS instead of Handlebars with MeteorJS. I am more familiar with AngularJS, but it doesn't work well out-of-the-box with Meteor. Handlebars is default templating engine used in MeteorJS.
I would like to know the trade-off between the two, e.g., whether AngularJS provides more flexible front-end coding than Handlebars.
My question is: when pairing with Meteor, what AngularJS can do that Handlebars can not in terms of front-end programming?
(Note that people love AngularJS in part b/c of its two-way binding and data model, but Meteor-Handlebars do these very well too).
Update: Please do not vote to close this question if you think it is a duplicate of another question in SO that compares Angular and Handlebars. Meteor added significant power to Handlebars due to its "database on client" approach.
Angular and Meteor can be combined, and it's a pretty neat combo. Angular's templating system and its two-way bindings (DOM to JS model) can even be made to go the whole way and be kept in sync with a Meteor collection. Such a pairing of Angular and Meteor means you get instantaneous DOM to database syncing, which is very cool. Angular can't do that by itself, nor can Meteor (without writing more or less tedious event handlers) and even less Handlebars.
The angular-meteor Meteor package is pretty much ngMeteor's successor (it builds on ngMeteor code) and integrates Meteor collections with Angular models, the two templating systems, Meteor Session variables etc.
TL;DR: Meteor works best with packages (think jQuery, bootstrap, d3, underscore, stylus, less) since they enhance a framework. Those same packages would enhance Angular too (well, kind of). Angular is an end-to-end framework, so trying to integrate it on top of another end-to-end framework like Meteor is a recipe for headaches.
Handlebars has very similar expressions and bindings that you're probably familiar with in Angular. But while the templating engine is similar, it's the rest of the frameworks that differ greatly.
Angular leans heavily on its internal directives (ng-repeat, ng-form, ng-bind, etc.) to easily tie in javascript (i.e. power) to your markup. There's a lot of magic behind the scenes.
Meteor leans heavily on the pub/sub model and connecting to your true data stores. Their secret sauce comes from easily adding but abstracting packages (handlebars is one of their default packages, but some others are bootstrap, accounts-ui, d3, etc.).
Meteor follows very different ideologies and has different opinions on framework design than Angular does. In my opinion, Meteor's are superior though the project is still in its relative infancy. You'll find that Meteor is really, really good at prototyping quickly, especially if you need to tie in user support and want to use Twitter/Facebook/Google.
You'd be better off choosing one or the other, but if you're not strong on the server side, you could write a pretty slick Meteor app to just act as your API server.
If you want to use angularjs with meteor you can just install a package that does that. Then you can use both meteor and angular.
Meteor is realy nice for getting your data from server to client, angular is very nice in getting that data displayed (and stable).
mrt add angular-stack
mrt add ngMeteor
Generally speaking, AngularJS has passed the version 1.0 milestone and is considered ready for production use while meteor is still alpha software. Consequently, Angular is more polished, has directives, modules and rich third-party libraries like AngularUI.
But if you feel like experimenting with a bleeding-edge framework, don't think you'll have to do super-fancy templating-stuff but need a database built in, go with Meteor!
I think you might find this answer helpful.
Also I think it might be a duplicated question.
