Stack manipulation in C without using inline assembly [closed] - c

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been preparing for a coding contest, and came across this question on the Internet:
#include <stdio.h>
void a();
void b();
void c();
int main() { a(); printf("\n"); return 0; }
void a() { b(); printf("hi "); }
void b() { c(); printf("there "); }
void c()
int x;
// code here and nowhere else
The solution is to write code that would print out "hi there" instead of "there hi" (no additional printing functions may be used and code only goes in the comment block).
Since I've done some basic assembly coding, I realized that this could be done with stack manipulation using the integer x as the base.
I tried using gdb to find the return address of the functions and then swapped the return addresses of a and b. The compiler throws a segmentation fault, and thus I assume that I haven't used the proper return address.
How do I properly calculate the offset to find the return address? Info frame command on gdb wasn't helpful, as using the stack address value given there didn't work.
I'm running this on Linux using gcc.

I am not sure if the following will count. It's portable on POSIX. Basically you change the buffer of printf before its first call and manipulate that before before it's flushed to terminal
void c()
static int first = 1;
if (first) {
first = 0;
char buf0[BUFSIZ];
char buf1[BUFSIZ];
setvbuf(stdout, buf0, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
memcpy(buf1, buf0 + 6, 3);
memcpy(buf1 + 3, buf0, 6);
memcpy(buf0, buf1, 9);
buf0[8] = '\n';
You will get warnings on implicitly declaring library functions memcpy and exit. It's legal on C89 though discouraged. But in your case, no trick is too dirty, I guess. You can avoid the memcpy by copy the characters manually. You can avoid exit by instead redirect stdout through freopen. You can change BUFSIZ to a large constants if the system has a strangely small buffer size (smaller than 9). There are variants of this solution that don't require you to manually insert that \n and instead let the program exit normally from main and has the printf("\n") to put that end of line

This problem cannot be solved unless you smash the stack in the same way as an attacker smashes the stack of some process.
And to smesh the stack can be done only if you know each detail of implementation of the compiler, the problem is unsolvable otherwise.
If you know the details of the compilation (the stack structure in particular) you can use the address of the local x variable in order to obtain the addres of the current frame from the stack (of FRAME_C); in each frame is the base pointer of the previous frame and modify it.
The stack looks like that:
FRAME_MAIN = RET_OS some-data
FRAME_A = RET_MAIN some-data
FRAME_B = RET_A some-data
FRAME_C = RET_B some-data(including the variable `x`)
Using the &x we can detect the position of the FRAME_C.
One solution is
to print "Hi" in function c()
Modify FRAME_B such that RET_A to become RET_MAIN
return from function c() with return
The tricky operation is 2. but if each frame has a size that is known, then we can modify the return pointer RET_A of the frame B and detect RET_MAIN something like that:
*(&x+FRAME_C_SIZE+some-small-offset1) = /* *&RET_A = */
*(&x+(FRAME_C_SIZE+FRAME_B_SIZE)+some-small-offset2). /* *&RET_MAIN */
As you can see, you need to know a lot of details about the implementation of the compiler , so this is not at all a portable solution.
Other solution would be to print "hi, there" and redirect the stdout to /dev/null. I suppose that exit() or other compiler-depedent tricks are not allowed, otherwise the problem has no meaning for a contest.

my solution is for x86/x64 and for CL compiler, but think for gcc also exist.
question only - are exist equivalent for function :
void ** _AddressOfReturnAddress();
and are equivalent for __declspec(noinline) - for tell compiler to never inline a particular function
void* pb - is address in void b() just after c();
void* pa is address in void a() just after b();
because a and b almost the same - we can assume that
and of course stack layout in a and b must be the same. based on this and solution.
next code tested/worked with CL compiler - on both x86/x64 (windows) and with /Ox (Full Optimization) and with /Od (Disable (Debug)) - all worked.
extern "C" void ** _AddressOfReturnAddress();
void a();
void b();
void c();
int main() { a(); printf("\n"); return 0; }
__declspec(noinline) void a() { b(); printf("hi "); }
__declspec(noinline) void b() { c(); printf("there "); }
__declspec(noinline) void c()
void** pp = _AddressOfReturnAddress();
void* pb = *pp;
void* pa = (void*)((ULONG_PTR)&a + ((ULONG_PTR)pb - (ULONG_PTR)&b));
for (;;)
if (*++pp == pa)
*pp = pb;
*_AddressOfReturnAddress() = pa;


How to verify that a function X() is getting called from function Y() not from function Z()? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Could you Please provide me any example How to verify that a function X() is getting called from function Y() not from function Z()?
Using 'C' or assembly language?
Thanks in advance.
Suppose kernel source code there are so many drivers calling the same function, like driver source code of SPI (Serial Phepheral Interface) and GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) is calling same function say "bzero()".
void bzero(void *s, size_t n);
I am going to test SPI and GPIO driver (driver code can not be modified). For that I have written the test driver. I can only call the function exposed from my test driver.
uint8_t SPI_read_write(uint8_t byte_out, char *s) // Function 1
return byte_in;
uint8_t GPIO_read_write(uint8_t byte_out, char *s)// Function 2
return byte_in;
int main()// Test driver
SPI_read_write(arg1,arg2);// When I call this function from test driver it will call bzero
Both the finction SPI_read_write() and GPIO_read_write() function calls the "bzero" function.
I need to ensure that "bzero" is getting called at any instance from SPI_read_write() function only.
Updates 15-04-2017
I am not able to get which line is unclear? some function fun1() can be called from N number of other function. how to determine which function called fun1()?
Probably it is related to stack, link register...
There is no way to determine the name of the function that is calling your function. This is entirely by design, because functions are intended to provide an abstraction that encapsulates a computation or an activity that is independent of the invocation site. Therefore, if you want to know which function is calling your function, the caller needs to provide this information.
C99-compliant compilers provide a way to determine the name of the current function, which can be used to pass to the target function, like this:
#define X() x(__func__)
void x(const char* caller) {
printf("x() is called from %s()\n", caller);
void y() {
void z() {
The above prints
x() is called from y()
x() is called from z()
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void print_function(void *p) {
char cmd[128];
FILE *fp;
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "addr2line -e %s -f %p", "print_caller", p);
fp = popen(cmd, "r");
if (fp) {
char buf[128];
while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
printf("%s", buf);
void Y()
void X()
int main()
return 0;
$ gcc -g -o print_caller print_caller.c
$ ./print_caller
I would also recommend you to view the man page of BACKTRACE() which may provide you more insight on how to view the functions that were called before getting in to the current funciton.

How can I create a function object in C

I would like to create a wrapper for c functions, so that I can convert a function call of the form ret = function(arg1,arg2,arg3); into the form /*void*/ function_wrapper(/*void*/);. That is similar to function objects in C++ and boost bind.
Is this possible? how can I do it?
To explain in more details what I am looking for:
We start with this function:
int f(int i){
//do stuff
return somevalue;
Obvioulsy, it is called like this:
// do stuff
int x = 0;
ret = f(0);
// do more stuff.
I would like to do some magic that will wrap the function into void function(void)
struct function_object fo;
fo.function_pointer = &f;
fo.add_arg(x, int);
Note: I saw that there was a vote for closing this question and marking it as unclear. Please do not do that. I have a legitimate need to get this question answered. If you need explanation, ask and I will be glad to elaborate.
I came up with a better code that might allow you to do what you want. First I'll explain how it works, show the code and explain why I still don't think it's a good idea to use it (though the code might open doors for improvements that addresses those issues).
Before you start using the "function objects", you have to call an initialization function (FUNCTIONOBJ_initialize();), which will initialize the mutexes on every data structure used in the library.
After initializing, every time you want to call one of those "function objects", without using the parameters, you will have to set it up first. This is done by creating a FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t pointer and calling get_function_handler(). This will search for a free FUNCTIONOBJ_handler data structure that can be used at the moment.
If none is found (all FUNCTIONOBJ_handler data structures are busy, being used by some function call) NULL is returned.
If get_function_handler() does find a FUNCTIONOBJ_handler data structure it will try to lock the FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder data structure, that holds the ID of the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler of the function about to be called.
If FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder is locked already, get_function_handler() will hang until it's unlocked by the thread using it.
Once FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder is locked, the ID of the grabbed FUNCTIONOBJ_handler is wrote on it and the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler pointer is returned by get_function_handler.
With the pointer in hand, the user can set the pointer to the arguments and the return variable with set_args_pointer and set_return_pointer, which both take a void * as arguments.
Finally, you can call the function you want. It has to:
1 - Grab the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler ID from the FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder data structure and use it to get a pointer to the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler itself.
2 - Use the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler to access the arguments.
3 - Return by using one of the return function (on the example we have ret_int, which will return an integer and unlock the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler)
Below is a simplified mind map describing a bit of what is going on:
Finally, the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
typedef struct {
//Current ID about to be called
int current_id;
pthread_mutex_t id_holder_mutex;
} FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder_t;
typedef struct {
void *arguments;
void *return_pointer;
pthread_mutex_t handler_mutex;
} FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t;
FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder_t FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder;
void set_return_pointer(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, void *pointer);
void set_args_pointer(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, void *pointer);
void ret_int(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, int return_value);
void FUNCTIONOBJ_initialize(void);
FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *get_function_handler(void);
#include "funcobj.h"
void set_return_pointer(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, void *pointer){
this->return_pointer = pointer;
void set_args_pointer(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, void *pointer){
this->arguments = pointer;
void ret_int(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, int return_value){
*((int *) (this->return_pointer)) = return_value;
void FUNCTIONOBJ_initialize(void){
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_CALLS; ++i){
pthread_mutex_init(&FUNCTIONOBJ_handler[i].handler_mutex, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder.id_holder_mutex, NULL);
FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *get_function_handler(void){
int i = 0;
while((0 != pthread_mutex_trylock(&FUNCTIONOBJ_handler[i].handler_mutex)) && (i < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_CALLS)){
return NULL;
//Sets the ID holder to hold this ID until the function is called
FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder.current_id = i;
return &FUNCTIONOBJ_handler[i];
#include "funcobj.h"
#include <string.h>
void print(void){
//First the function must grab the handler that contains all its attributes:
//The FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder is mutex locked, so we can just access its value and
//then free the lock:
FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this = &FUNCTIONOBJ_handler[FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder.current_id];
//We dont need the id_holder anymore, free it!
//Do whatever the function has to do
printf("%s\n", (char *) this->arguments);
//Return the value to the pointed variable using the function that returns an int
ret_int(this, 0);
void *thread_entry_point(void *data){
int id = (int) data;
char string[100];
snprintf(string, 100, "Thread %u", id);
int return_val;
FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this;
for(int i = 0; i < 200; ++i){
do {
this = get_function_handler();
} while(NULL == this);
set_args_pointer(this, string);
set_return_pointer(this, &return_val);
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv){
//Initialize global data strucutres (set up mutexes)
//testing with 20 threads
pthread_t thread_id[20];
for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i){
pthread_create(&thread_id[i], NULL, &thread_entry_point, (void *) i);
for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i){
pthread_join(thread_id[i], NULL);
return 0;
To compile: gcc -o program main.c funcobj.c -lpthread
Reasons to avoid it:
By using this, you are limiting the number of "function objects" that can be running simultaneously. That's because we need to use global data structures to hold the information required by the functions (arguments and return pointer).
You will be seriously slowing down the program when using multiple threads if those use "function objects" frequently: Even though many functions can run at the same time, only a single function object can be set up at a time. So at least for that fraction of time it takes for the program to set up the function and actually call it, all other threads trying to run a function will be hanging waiting the the data structure to be unlocked.
You still have to write some non-intuitive code at the beginning and end of each function you want to work without arguments (grabbing the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler structure, unlocking the FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder structure, accessing arguments through the pointer you grabbed and returning values with non-built-in functions). This increases the chances of bugs drastically if care is not taken, specially some nasty ones:
Increases the chances of deadlocks. If you forget to unlock one of the data structures in any point of your code, you might end up with a program that works fine at some moments, but randomly freeze completely at others (because all function calls without arguments will be hanging waiting for the lock to be freed). That is a risk that happens on multithreaded programs anyways, but by using this you are increasing the amount of code that requires locks unnecessarily (for style purposes).
Complicates the use of recursive functions: Every time you call the function object you'll have to go through the set up phrase (even when inside another function object). Also, if you call the recursive function enough times to fill all FUNCTIONOBJ_handler structures the program will deadlock.
Amongst other reasons I might not notice at the moment :p

C is there a workaround to allow dynamic function calls?

I have read that C does not support dynamic function calls. My program has an ever growing number of test cases implemented as separate functions like -
int testcase1(void);
int testcase2(void);
int testcase3(void);
Each time I add a new test case, I also have have to add the call to my main function like -
int main(int argc, char **argv){
I would prefer to call something like assert(!testcase*()) where * matches any string which resolves to a valid function name in my program.
Can you think of a more convenient solution?
If you all your testcases have same signature then you can use an array of function pointers:
void (*func[])() = { testcase1, testcase2 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(func)/sizeof(func[0]); i++) {
The best solution is likely to write a few extra lines of code when you add new test cases - it really isn't a big issue. I would recommend something along the lines of the function pointer array, as suggested in another answer.
However, just to show that everything is possible in C if you throw ugly macros at the problem, here is a not recommended alternative:
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define TEST_CASES \ // list of "x macros"
X(testcase1) \
X(testcase2) \
#define X(func) bool func (void); // declare function prototypes
#undef X
bool (*const test_cases[])(void) = // array of read-only function pointers
#define X(func) &func, // point at each function
#undef X
int main (void)
for(size_t i=0; i<sizeof(test_cases)/sizeof(test_cases[0]); i++)
bool testcase1 (void) { puts(__func__); return true; }
bool testcase2 (void) { puts(__func__); return true; }
bool testcase3 (void) { puts(__func__); return false; }
Assertion failed!
For each new test case, you would only have to write a function definition and then add it to the "x macro" list TEST_CASES. However, you need very good reasons to introduce ugly tricks like these in production code!
You can use function pointers. Read also about closures (but C99 or C11 don't have them) and callbacks.
Many operating systems provide dynamic loading. On POSIX operating systems (such as Linux or MacOSX) you can get a function pointer (actually an address) from its name in some library (or in the program executable) using dlopen & dlsym. Other operating systems may provide similar functionalities.
At last, you should consider having your testing main function be generated by some script (or some program emitting C code), using metaprogramming techniques. So you would write something which generates the C code of your testing main having a long sequence of assert, and improve your build procedure (e.g. your Makefile if using make) to run appropriately that specialized C code generator. Details are of course specific to your code. You might add some conventions (e.g. add some special comment to be parsed by your test generator, etc...).
I decided to follow #Nominal Animal and #Basile Starynkevitch's approach. In mymainprog.c, I added -
int runtests(void){
void *testh;
int (*testp)(void);
char *dlmsg;
int rc;
char funcname[8];
int testnum;
testh = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
if (!testh){
printf("%s\n", dlerror());
return 1;
for (testnum =1; testnum < 1000; testnum++){
sprintf(funcname,"testcase%d", testnum);
*(void **) (&testp) = dlsym(testh, funcname);
dlmsg = dlerror();
if (dlmsg == NULL) {
rc = (*testp)();
printf("%s called, rc=%d\n", funcname, rc);
return 0;
I add my testcases to a separate file (testcases.c) like this -
int testcase1(void){
return [some testcase expression]
int testcase2(void){
return [another testcase expression]
and then compile it as a shared library with position-independant code (-fPIC) to The advantage is slightly less typing since I don't need to code a call to testNNNN() after adding the implementation of a new functionint testcaseNNN(void) to testcases.c

Is it possible to exchange a C function implementation at run time?

I have implemented a facade pattern that uses C functions underneath and I would like to test it properly.
I do not really have control over these C functions. They are implemented in a header. Right now I #ifdef to use the real headers in production and my mock headers in tests. Is there a way in C to exchange the C functions at runtime by overwriting the C function address or something? I would like to get rid of the #ifdef in my code.
To expand on Bart's answer, consider the following trivial example.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int (*functionPtr)(const char *format, ...);
int myPrintf(const char *fmt, ...)
char *tmpFmt = strdup(fmt);
int i;
for (i=0; i<strlen(tmpFmt); i++)
tmpFmt[i] = toupper(tmpFmt[i]);
// notice - we only print an upper case version of the format
// we totally disregard all but the first parameter to the function
int main()
functionPtr = printf;
functionPtr("Hello world! - %d\n", 2013);
functionPtr = myPrintf;
functionPtr("Hello world! - %d\n", 2013);
return 0;
Hello World! - 2013
It is strange that you even need an ifdef-selected header. The code-to-test and your mocks should have the exact same function signatures in order to be a correct mock of the module-to-test. The only thing that then changes between a production-compilation and a test-compilation would be which .o files you give to the linker.
It is possible With Typemock Isolator++ without creating unnecessary new levels of indirection. It can be done inside the test without altering your production code. Consider the following example:
You have the Sum function in your code:
int Sum(int a, int b)
return a+b;
And you want to replace it with Sigma for your test:
int Sigma(int a, int b)
int sum = 0;
for( ; 0<a ; a--)
sum += b;
return sum;
In your test, mock Sum before using it:
WHEN_CALLED: call the method you want to fake.
ANY_VAL: specify the args values for which the mock will apply. in this case any 2 integers.
*DoStaticOrGlobalInstead: The alternative behavior you want for Sum.
In this example we call Sigma instead.
void* context = NULL; //since Sum global it has no context
WHEN_CALLED(Sum (ANY_VAL(int), ANY_VAL(int))).DoStaticOrGlobalInstead(Sigma, context);
Assert::AreEqual(2, Sum(1,2));
It is possible to set other types of behaviors instead of calling an alternative method. You can throw an exception, return a value, ignore the method etc...
For instance:
WHEN_CALLED(Sum (ANY_VAL(int), ANY_VAL(int))).Return(10);
Assert::AreEqual(10, Sum(1,2));
I don't think it's a good idea to overwrite functions at runtime. For one thing, the executable segment may be set as read-only and even if it wasn't you could end up stepping on another function's code if your assembly is too large.
I think you should create something like a function pointer collection for the one and the other set of implementations you want to use. Every time you want to call a function, you'll be calling from the selected function pointer collection. Having done that, you may also have proxy functions (that simply call from the selected set) to hide the function pointer syntax.

How can I invoke buffer overflow?

I got a homework assignment asking me to invoke a function without explicitly calling it, using buffer overflow. The code is basically this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void g()
printf("now inside g()!\n");
void f()
printf("now inside f()!\n");
// can only modify this section
// cant call g(), maybe use g (pointer to function)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
Though I'm not sure how to proceed. I thought about changing the return address for the program counter so that it'll proceed directly to the address of g(), but I'm not sure how to access it. Anyway, tips will be great.
The basic idea is to alter the function's return address so that when the function returns is continues to execute at a new hacked address. As done by Nils in one of the answers, you can declare a piece of memory (usually array) and overflow it in such a way that the return address is overwritten as well.
I would suggest you to not blindly take any of the programs given here without actually understanding how they work. This article is very well written and you'll find it very useful:
A step-by-step on the buffer overflow vulnerablity
That is compiler dependent, so no single answer can be given.
The following code will do what you want for gcc 4.4.1. Compile with optimizations disabled (important!)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void g()
printf("now inside g()!\n");
void f()
int i;
void * buffer[1];
printf("now inside f()!\n");
// can only modify this section
// cant call g(), maybe use g (pointer to function)
// place the address of g all over the stack:
for (i=0; i<10; i++)
buffer[i] = (void*) g;
// and goodbye..
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
nils#doofnase:~$ gcc overflow.c
nils#doofnase:~$ ./a.out
now inside f()!
now inside g()!
now inside g()!
now inside g()!
now inside g()!
now inside g()!
now inside g()!
Segmentation fault
Since this is homework, I would like to echo codeaddict's suggestion of understanding how a buffer overflow actually works.
I learned the technique by reading the excellent (if a bit dated) article/tutorial on exploiting buffer overflow vulnerabilities Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit.
Try this one:
void f()
void *x[1];
printf("now inside f()!\n");
// can only modify this section
// cant call g(), maybe use g (pointer to function)
or this one:
void f()
void *x[1];
printf("now inside f()!\n");
// can only modify this section
// cant call g(), maybe use g (pointer to function)
While this solution doesn't use an overflow technique to overwrite the function's return address on the stack, it still causes g() to get called from f() on its way back to main() by only modifying f() and not calling g() directly.
Function epilogue-like inline assembly is added to f() to modify the value of the return address on the stack so that f() will return through g().
#include <stdio.h>
void g()
printf("now inside g()!\n");
void f()
printf("now inside f()!\n");
// can only modify this section
// cant call g(), maybe use g (pointer to function)
/* x86 function epilogue-like inline assembly */
/* Causes f() to return to g() on its way back to main() */
"mov %%ebp,%%esp;"
"pop %%ebp;"
"push %0;"
: /* no output registers */
: "r" (&g)
: "%ebp", "%esp"
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
Understanding how this code works can lead to a better understanding of how a function's stack frame is setup for a particular architecture which forms the basis of buffer overflow techniques.
