Cordova Paytm plugin integration - angularjs

I integrated the cordova paytm plugin in our ionic app.It is working fine. But after successful payment transaction, it is redirecting to specified call back url. it is not coming back to the app. If callback url is not specified, it is redirecting to error page.I want to get back to app after payment transaction.How i can get the response to the app itself ?
Plugin :
Please help me to sort out this problem.


GMail API Node.js quickstart - ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

I am trying the GMail API Node.js quickstart on Windows 10.
I do get the expected
However when I visit the url I get
for http://localhost/?code=4/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&scope=
I get this error after going through 'This app isn't verified'/'Advanced > Go to {Project Name} (unsafe)'. message.
No Proxy active and also tried with AntiVirus disabled.
Any ideas what the problem could be?
The issue you are having is that you are runing a Authorization credentials for a desktop application. Google made a change recently which deprecated the oob redirect. This means that now you need to use localhost or as a redirect endpoint for installed applications.
Resulting them in returning the authorization code back to the browser showing site can not be reached because your not running a web app you are running an installed application.
If you check the url the authorization code you are looking for to add to your code can be found there. just take that code and submit it where it asks for it.
Enter the code from that page here:
There is currently no other option and no way to fix this unless you want to start up a web server in node. basicly its working as intended and Google is in the process of updating all the Javascript samples to reflect that.

apiRTC.disconnect(); does not appear to work with cordova

I have setup both a classic ASP site and a cordova angularjs ionic app that allow video conferencing with apiRTC. When the user logs out of the web site apiRTC.disconnect(); works so a new apiRTC.init can be used when a different user logs in.
In the app, apiRTC.disconnect(); does not do anything so the user appears to still be online to other users, and when a different user logs in, it has no affect since init does not work.
Can you look at apiRTC.disconnect() under cordova and see if there is a general issue?
I have checked the issue by doing a test using our tutorial : and adding a button that call apiRTC.disconnect() on Android.
Others users receive the disconnection information and remove the user from the connectedUsersList.

How to Test Facebook Connect Locally with Monaca

I am currently working into a project with AngularJS and OnsenUi in Monaca Localkit and i need your help with the integration of facebook login to the application.
I followed the instructions
here but i didn't make it to work.
On Site URL field i use the http://localhost/
Although, i achieved the desired result with plain javascript and serving my index.html from http://localhost:8080. (of course i changed the Site URL to http://localhost:8080)

Angular2 vs Rails Api vs Facebook Auth

I am using a rails api with devise gem to login to facebook. When i use a link from an html under the rails app directly to login. It works perfectly.
Now if i try to move to a client with angular2 and call the same route in the rails app. The problem occur in the redirect to facebook. I can hit the route cause i have already setuped "cors rack gem" but when behind the scene "devise gem" call the facebook api the origin for this call is null. I didn't find a way to get it work after 3h searching.
anyone setuped angular (1 or 2) with rails api and devise/omniauth?
the rails api and the angular app are under different domain
I endup using this gem for token based auth.
I have removed devise totally from my gem file and i am using only "devise_token_auth" now.
You need to use a frontend library as for angular1 to call the api.
In my case i just used the demo from ng-token-auth, i extract the parameters from the call to register and used this parameters in a normal ajax call in my angular2 app => i was able to create a user.
normally devise_token_auth handle facebook proprely for ajax call (didn't try it yet)

Login Authentication work on browser (lab) BUT not on ionicview or ios emulator

I am having difficulties testing my application on Ionic View or iOS emulator.
When I run my app from browser (ionic serve --lab) I am able to send the login http post request, get a proper response and login. However, when I test my app from ionic view or ios emulator, my http request does not seem to be even sent as I get a strange response status code of -1 and no response data (null).
just to note my server has been set up to accept the CORS and it allows cross origin requests.
Has anyone had any similar issue?
Any help or instruction would be much appreciated.
