Codename One SMS reading possible? - mobile

ive searched on official documentation but had no luck, is there any way to read SMS messages in codename one? Or ill have to go native?

This link discusses implementing this natively.
Notice that reading or intercepting SMS's isn't possible in platforms other than Android and even within Android itself it's a contested feature that underwent some limitations and restrictions.


Current support status of WebRTC in Codename One and AntMedia usage

Is there any information, updates, or documentation regarding Codename One's WebRTC support? There was a mention of it months ago in this comment on Stack Overflow (AntMedia Native Interface issues), but then I haven't heard anything more about it.
For the time being, I'm supporting live streaming on AntMedia via native interfaces that do live streaming with RMTP, as on my own I couldn't find a way to support WebRTC in Codename One. Unfortunately I realized just today that the RMTP support on Android doesn't work anymore (I don't know why, in the past months it worked)... anyway I've always considered RMTP as a temporary workaround, maybe this trouble is a good opportunity to switch to WebRTC.
I've seen that Steve has quietly created this cn1lib, which has not been announced (maybe because the work is not yet finished?) nor is it present among the extensions that can be installed via Codename One's Control Center:
I found the documentation here:
but comparing this javadoc with the documentation provided by AntMedia I just don't understand what I have to do, as AntMedia provides its own SDKs for Android and iOS, provides documentation to use them, but I don't understand how I can use in their place the cn1lib made by Steve. Obviously porting their SDKs is not easy, otherwise I would have already done it as the first option. In any case, the AntMedia server should be independent from the SDKs used, as it should use standard protocols, if I understand correctly.
Specifically, I have a server running AntMedia Enterprise Edition 2.1.0, whose documentation on WebRTC support is here:
Thank you
I haven't used AntMedia Server, so my following comment is based on 10 minutes looking through their documentation.
It looks like they provide their own API that is distinct from the standard WebRTC APIs. The Codename One WebRTC lib is built on the standard WebRTC APIs. I think that the best route, if you want to use AntMediaServer's APIs is to create native interface wrappers for it.
It is also possible and likely that you can just use the Ant Media Server and then use the standard WebRTC API to connect to it. If this is the case, then you would be able to use the cn1lib with it. However, their documentation only seems to show how to use their custom API for the client.

Screen sharing and screen control on android and iOS using WebRTC

I've to share a mobile screen and display it on a browser using WebRTC. I then have to take control of the mobile screen.
I've researched this and know I can share a screen browser to browser using chrome(with extension) or firefox(after certain flags are set). Some information I've read suggests that screen sharing on mobile is not possible and then another article said it was but I think they meant be sharing through the chrome browser on a mobile.
Some of the the information and posts I read are dating back to 2013/2015/2016 and I wondered if there is any new information on this?
Is screen sharing on mobile devices(android or iOS) possible using webrtc now?
is screen control on mobile devices possible?
Thanks Andrea
I also investigated this topic a few days ago and it seems to me we are on the verge of the next step and the technology hasn't totally settled yet. Screencapture is mostly working with (very) up-to-date browsers and (still) an extension or some kind of white-listing. I could not find any kind of hint that a "remote control" mechanisms are part of webrtc and the getUserMedia implementations. Unfortunately.
ICE seems to work fine for most scenarios (if you don't mind waiting a minute) and Tickled ICE adresses the problem in an interesting way.
Mobile is very confusing indeed as the market is even more heterogeneous.
Maybe we should open a wiki or a chat channel or whatnot they habe nowadays on stackoverflow :-) I think I will have to read about this "community wiki" checkbox down there...
The most promising thing I could find was
Still trying it out in different scenarios.
[This might not be an answer...] I was on the same topic and then I noticed there's an existing tool (SDK) to serve the similar purpose: It works good in both the demo video and the simulator web page. Yet I'm not sure if it utilises WebRTC... : Support for Non-embossed or Printed cards

I am trying to integrate sdk in my android app. I was wondering if it supports non-embossed cards as well as it is very important for the kind of app I am working on.
I went through some old posts where it was mentioned that it is not supported yet. I just wanted to know if -
With latest release 5.2.0, is there any support for printed cards?
Is there any plan for near future, to support non-embossed cards?
Unfortunately, printed/non-embossed cards are not supported as of Android SDK 5.2 (nor in iOS SDK 5.3).
The feature requires a non-trivial amount of work, but if you're interested in adding the feature, you may be able to look into the source repositories and try to get a few people on GitHub to help contribute. (Android, common dmz).

Will React Native work with ad SDK's?

I know this isn't a specific code question, but I have asked in a lot of places and haven't gotten a completely clear answer. I'm hoping SO can help me.
I'm about to start a moderately complicated React Native project for both iOS and Android.
I'm confident the whole app can be built just fine with RN or a mix of RN and native code.
The one thing I want to make 100% sure of before I start, is that there won't be any problems or hangups with any advertisement SDK (tremor media, bright roll, flurry, tap joy, etc, etc).
I'm ok with having to code them in pure native code, so long as there are no conflicts which RN might introduce which would make it flat out incompatible/impossible to have (probably intricate) ad SDK implementations.
I wrote admob wrapper for RN, If you want to admob please check this out: melihmucuk#react-native-admob-sample
If you want to others, you should find wrapper or write yourself.
I’ve been doing some digging on this myself. And here is what I've found so far.
AdMob: Supported and verified
I managed to make this work. In terms of dependency, AdMob requires FireBase. But FireBase does not support React Native out of box. I used a wrapper called React-Native-Firebase to make it work.
FB Ads: Supported
I haven’t verified it myself. But it seems to be well documented. (And React Native being related to Facebook, I’d be surprised if it weren’t supported.)
Flurry: NOT supported
Flurry Analytics supports React Native but Flurry Ads do not. Below is message from their support team when I asked them about this.
"Thank you for contacting Flurry Technical Support. We offer a React Native wrapper, however it does not currently support ads, only analytics. You can read more about it here: "
MoPub: Not really
I’ve found two React Native wrappers. One is old and no longer updated. (The authors seem to be actively monitoring the discussions and replying to queries. But they are no longer providing tech support.) And the other is very new and doesn’t seem to have enough documentation or evidence that it actually works.

Toolkit options to write a crossplatform mobile app in 2012?

I'm currently investigating the alternatives for crossplatform development for Android and iPhone (Windows 8 could be a nice addition). The app is basically a "map with an asociated app", and certainly not a game.
Searching here I see many outdated advice and tools from 2010/2011, but since then Apple has changed their policies and surely new things have appeared.
My current list and light research (might have facts wrong) is:
Monotouch/Monodroid: .NET (Mono) framework. Create "native" apps on both platforms. Requires rebuilding UI code (or similar things).
Appcelerator: Javascript framework to compile native apps.
Corona: Similar to Appcelerator.
Phonegap: Similar idea, but looks like it uses a wrapper to appify HTML5 content
SenchaTouch: Another HTML5 based platform.
Wink: Yet another HTML5 toolkit.
XVLM: Android to ObjC compiler, probably creating ugly iOS apps.
Unity3D: For games only.
Moai: For games only.
So, there are three main ideas, with some frameworks implementing each, it seems to me:
Have an abstraction layer over native iOS/Android code and build for each platform using the provided layer. (Monotouch, Unity3D)
Use HTML5 (coding in Javascript) and some kind of wrapper to "appify" the web content. (PhoneGap,Sencha,Wink)
Code using a framework that will output as a compilation pass (or similar) a native app for each supported platform (Moai, XVLM,Appcelerator,Corona)
The questions:
Is there a fourth idea I haven't yet found?
Is there any blatant mistake in my research for any of the specified frameworks?
Is there any known problem for map integration with any of these ideas or specific frameworks?
Only a partial answer:
Ad 2. Appcelerator / Titanium is more than just HTML5. I read this pretty extensive comparison between PhoneGap and Titanium the other day on Hackers News. I found it very informative. The link points to the HN comments, the link to the actual article is at the top.
My main experience is with Mono for Android and MonoTouch, so I can't personally speak much to the other options. I personally find it to be the best option there is, as it allows you to share a large amount of your code across the platforms (even extending to non-mobile platforms if you stick with .NET), while still allowing for a 100% native UI, which is extremely important. If you're looking for resources on getting started, I have this video which discusses approaches and libraries for sharing a lot of code across platforms, and also this book which covers the same thing, but also expands to talk about how to do things like store data, use maps, access the network, etc.
I also want to mention MonoGame, which is absent from your list. MonoGame is an open source XNA implementation that sits on top of Mono to allow you to target iOS/Android/Max OS X.
From what I have experienced, if you want to have a native app go Mono, if you don't need native go PhoneGap. Native is best of the UI is very important, ie games or fairly graphical apps. But from business type app, CRUD, Phone gap works well.
