Setting Up Dynamic Redirects upon User registration/login - Joomla - joomla3.0

I'm not sure if this is possible at all but this is what I want to acheive:
The website I am working on for a martial arts school.I have program pages that give general info on them. Then I have a link that says 'register to view available times' (for a free trial).
I am wondering how to get the user to the specific page for that program's registration. After that, I want to apply the same sort of thing to each program page. E.g. If I am on kids classes > Register > Redirect to Kids Class Times
Womens > Register > Redirect to Women's Class Times.
Also, want the same thing to happen for a 'login' function.

Joomla natively does not support this. You will have to use a third party extension to achieve this. I have used Community Builder ( before that is both free and open-source that can do what you want.

If i understood your question you like to put some content in to view only for person who is registered on your website.
Here is how to.
1. Create menu item in menu manager >
Add content to your menu. ( modules , articles ) > .
Set the same menu item from Public to Registered.
Button to do so, will be on right side tab: " Details " in menu setting.
2.Then you create a link to these menu or item alias which is public. When the person will click on link the joomla will ask for login and redirect to the menu page.
Hope this helps.


wagtail modeladmin: is it possible to add "explore child pages" column?

I've been using wagtail-modeladmin to create custom lists of certain page types. That gives me the ability to edit those pages. But I'd also like to be able to click through somehow to the "normal" admin explorer version of those pages, and be able to view/add child pages to them.
essentially giving myself a column with the little arrows in on the right, just like in the normal wagtail admin page explorer...
OK I know it's bad form to answer your own question, but I've got this working by using a custom method on the model admin object that reverse wagtails admin urls:
class MySpecialPageModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
def view_children(self, obj):
url = reverse('wagtailadmin_explore', args=[])
return format_html(f'View Children')
list_display = ('title', 'live', 'view_children')
but actually, I think I'm not going to end up using this, just replacing this particular modeladmin with a direct link to the right place in the explorer.

Having problems trying to assign a component created in component creator to front page

I have returned to building a website in Joomla after quite a long time away from it. I've totally forgotten how you assign a module to the front page. I've installed a module that I created in Content Creator which is an online tool for creating MVC based components.
I've enabled the module and I can now create content for this module. It's a module called front page icons.
I select Menus > Main Menu and click on module assignment but it doesn't appear.
I try creating a menu item for this content type and I can do that fine. I can create the menu item right and you open the menu item and there appears a nice little list of my content I've created but I can't assign this to the main page.
I honestly can't remember how to do this, all I remember is that the process is counter intuitive and took me ages to find in the first place.
Any idea?
You need to set this up in Extensions > Modules.
1) Open the module you want to display.
2) Go to the 'Menu Assignment' tab
3) Select 'Only on the pages selected'
4) Check your home page
Also, double check that the module is assigned to a position and is published.
Joomla docs on modules is here:

New webpage needs to close previous page

I'm working with a hospital where we are implementing a web-application that is triggered from their own hospital information system (HIS).
The way the app works is that in their HIS, they select a patient and call the web-app with the patientId in the url.
Regarding patient safety, they want only one of those tabs open at the same time.
So if a second patient-tab is opened, the first one should be closed ..
Is this possible? And if it is, how?
Edit following danday74's answer
The url from the HIS is triggered via command line arguments (SAP system).
Firefox "http://url_to_webpage/"
when you link to the patient tab do this ...
<a ng-href="/your/patient/url" target="patientTab">open new patient tab</a>
When the link is clicked it should open the page in a new tab called "patientTab" - if another link is clicked with the target patientTab then it will use the existing "patientTab" - just make sure all your anchor tags that use the patientTab have the target set.
hope that does the job for you :)
So for the people that have a similar problem, the way we fixed it was the following:
On the init script for the page, we check if a session variable tab-token is found and if it contains a UUID
If the variable is not found, it means that no other open tab is found and we leave the tab active + create the variable and store a generated UUID in it
If a UUID is found, that means another tab is also active and we show a screen overlay with the message that another active tab was found
We watch on every change in the session variable and update the screen overlay whenever and wherever it needs to.
It is not a fool-proof solution, but in the context and usage of the application, it is sufficient ..

Drupal 7 basic page with a dynamic block with arguments

Can anyone guide me to a route to take as far as making a basic page in drupal 7 and then having that page load a block with images inside based on URL path.
So I have a content type that is for 1 type of pages and another content type for another type of page. Each content type has 30 pages. I don't want to create 30 pages for 1 page that will have the same content over and over but with a different logo.
I need to make the menu have an argument passed and then based on what is passed go get the correct image.
Sorry if this is confusing. Thanks for your help.
You should look into the views module - it allows you to easily create a view with dynamic parameters (contextual filters) that allow you to easily tackle things like this.
I used contextual filters on views and nodesymlinks along with panels that was already installed.
Modules Used:
Step 1: admin > Modules > Add Modules/Enable.
Enable Nodesymlinks
Enable Panels and panelizer
Step 2: admin > Structure > Views > Add View.
Make view, name it and check block not page (I used Fields).
Step 3: admin > Structure > Views > your view.
Add filtered Criteria - Content type = your type.
Content should be Published only.
Add contextual filter: title.
Configure contextual filter: Content: Title.
Provide default value. Select Raw Value from URL.
Path component select 2. You can add it where you want in the URL.
Use path alias and check it.
Under More you need to check this box: Transform spaces to dashes in URL.
Check it in Views and save.
Step 4: admin > Content > Add Page.
Add a basic page.
On the bottom of the page you will see: Provide a menu link. You want to check that box. Now you will be able to add all the menu links that you wish this page to show up on. Add links/Paths and titles. Make sure you use argument 2 in your link to be your content on the views block in step 3.
Step 5: admin > config > content > panelizer.
You want to go into this pages panelizer, could be basic or whatever your content type would be. Add your views block and save.
Step 6:
Test it. If it doesn't work then you need to check your titles in argument 2 in the URL. Worked for me. Saved me a ton of time.

How to change the label of view/results buttons in Webform drupal-7

I am a newbie in drupal, webform and php. Actually I have installed the drupal-7 with the webform module and I want to modify the text of options i.e. "view" to "create project" and "Results" to "View Projects"...
I searched for solution and I noticed that best option is to create a custom module and use hook_form_alter() to modify, so I have created a custom module. But I dont know how I can modify.
Kindly excuse me if the solution is already there (I could not find it :( )
"View" and "Results" are actually menu items, which you can modify by implementing hook_menu_alter().
The following code in a custom module (change MODULENAME to the name of your module) will update the "Results" tab without a hitch, however the "View" tab is trickier because that's the core "view node" menu item. The code below will update this menu item for ALL node types, not just webforms. If you don't see the changes, clear your cache.
As far as I know there is no way to alter menu items ("View" in this case) for specific node types. See for some attempts and discussion.
function MODULENAME_menu_alter(&$items) {
// change webform "Results" to "View Projects"
$items['node/%webform_menu/webform-results']['title'] = t('View Projects');
// change "View" to "Create Project" - affects *all* node types, not just webforms
$items['node/%node/view']['title'] = t('Create Project');
Ey I found one easy way to change everything in everything drupal 7 maybe in others try the moduls to install is String Overrides, link:, then you put the name in the configuration username and the newname
I hope this information is useful
add a picture how! >>
