Distribute apcahe corvoa windows 10 cause error Either you need a new certificate installed for this app package, or you need a new app - windows-10-universal

i have build ionic apache cordova app using visual studio 2015 , below is my ionic app info
Cordova CLI: 6.4.0
Ionic CLI Version: 2.1.12
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.1.7
ios-deploy version: Not installed
ios-sim version: Not installed
OS: Windows 10
Node Version: v6.9.1
Xcode version: Not installed
according to cordova documentation
Signing is required for distributing and installing Windows Store
apps. This process is normally handled by Visual Studio when you
deploy a package for release
here is content of my build.json
"windows": {
"release": {
"packageCertificateKeyFile": "res\\native\\windows\\CordovaApp.pfx"
and here is output of build in windows explorer
and here the content of CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.1_x86_Test folder
i have enabled sideLoading in windows
but whenever i run the app i get theis error
so what is wrong with the app , and how can i distribute it without windows app store .

what is wrong with the app , and how can i distribute it without windows app store.
From the error message there is something wrong with your certificate file. Please remake your .pfx file following the steps by How to create an app package signing certificate.
By Cordova App there is something to notice: Please make sure the publisher name is identical with your app's publisher name(it's "[Country Code]=Apache Cordova Team" by default.).

Looks like you need to import this certificate on this machine, please follow these steps:
In File Explorer, right click an appx that you've signed with a test cert and choose Properties from the context menu.
Click or tap the Digital Signatures tab.
Click or tap on the certificate and choose Details.
Click or tap View Certificate.
Click or tap Install Certificate.
In the Store Location group, select Local Machine.
Click or tap Next and OK to confirm the UAC dialog.
In the next screen of the Certificate Import Wizard, change the selected option to Place all certificates in the following store.
Click or tap Browse. In the Select Certificate Store window, scroll down and select Trusted People and click or tap OK.
Click or tap Next. A new screen appears. Click or tap Finish.
A confirmation dialog should appear. If so, click OK. If a different dialog indicates that there is a problem with the certificate, you may need to do some certificate troubleshooting.
Double-click .appx to install
See also How to troubleshoot app package signature errors


Is it possible to setup the ASK CLI profile without setting up an AWS profile

I've been trying to install and setup the ASK CLI for a days now. I've followed the setup instructions and was able to install it. Whenever I try to run the ask init command and choose the "No. Skip AWS credentials association step.", a browser opens up and asks me to login to my developer account. I enter my credentials and just get redirected to a page that says unable to connect (Here's the link:
I also tried using the ask init --no-browser command. I paste the generated url to a browser (I've tried Google Chrome, IE, Edge and Firefox and so far Firefox and IE works well). It gives me an authentication code but when I go back to the terminal, it's just frozen. I can't paste anything to it. I always get stuck at this point.
The reason I'm choosing "No. Skip AWS credentials association step." is because my skill endpoint is hosted as a web service in Azure and not using AWS Lambda. Am I missing anything? There were no errors in the installation process. I installed nodejs and git correctly. When I do ask --version in the terminal, the result is 1.4.7.
Does the ASK CLI not allow the skipping of the AWS profile setup?
A few details to make it clearer:
OS: Windows 10
Node JS: v10.13.0
NPM: 6.4.1
Git: git version 2.19.1.windows.1
ASK: 1.4.7
(I also found someone who experienced the same problem: ASK CLI INIT not working)

React native Google Signin Fail When i will build release apk

I will signin with google it's working but whenever I'll create release build it not working
GoogleErrorcode : DEVELOPERERROR
Please check if Google Play App Signing is enabled from the Google Play Console -> Release Management -> App Signing.
Please try below steps:
1] You have to copy the SHA1 from the 'App signing certificate' section and need to add it to the Firebase projects general settings section.
2] Afterward need to regenerate the json file and add it to the project.
3] Re-generate the apk and the error will get resolved.
If folks are still having this issue and have stumbled across this as i did. Here's what i figured out for my react native android firebase project
1. SHA-1 For Release Variant
This is found in the Keystore file. You would have to add it to your Firebase Console Project Settings
a. Get release variant SHA-1 by running command below from you RN project root
$ cd android && ./gradlew signingReport
b. Add the release SHA-1 from here to your Firebase Console Project Settings
2.SHA-1 After you upload to google play store for testing / prod rollout
a .SHA-1 is found in the left nav of your google playstore console.
Setup -> App signing -> App signing key certificate
b. Add this to your Firebase Console Project Settings
for google sign in to work in testing / prod
Solved by adding release keystore SHA-1 to firebase console.
Use below command to create release SHA-1 and Add it to firebase console:
keytool -list -v -keystore {keystore_name} -alias {alias_name}
Note : Apk not need to create again.
Yesterday same problem occurred to me.
Google has released a new signing service in playstore publish console in which google will signin your app with his keystore. After signing , it will give you a new SHA which you have to add in your firebase account.
see the image for the better understanding
enter image description here
I have got a solution to this problem.
You have to put both SHA key i.e. SHA for debug Keystore file and SHA for release jks file, into the firebase project setting.
Go to: https://console.firebase.google.com/
Now choose your project
Click the setting button near Project Overview
Choose Project Setting
Enter both SHA1 (debug SHA1 and release SHA1) in SHA certificate fingerprint
Save it
Download the google-services.json file
Run npx react-native run-android --variant=release in terminal
It worked for me very well.
After than many time trying i got the solution.
In GoogleSignin.configure i was place android client it, that why i getting the error
Finally i will place the web client id(Here)
iosClientId: 'client ID',
webClientId: 'My Web client ID'
There is a new signing service from Google in the Playstore publish console, in which Google will sign your app with his keystore. After signing, it will give you a new SHA, which you need to connect to your Firebase account.
Go to Google play store ->
Release -> Setup -> App Integrity
Copy: SHA-1 certificate fingerprint from "App signing key certificate"
Add this into Firebase Project
Project Setting -> Select your app -> Add Fingerprints and Paste it here

How to debug react native apps in visual studio code?

I am using visual studio code IDE to develop react native app and am not using expo library.
Before that I was working on the android studio, debugging in that is straightforward and simple.
Now for react-native, I wanted to know how to debug my app using visual studio code IDE?
If you want to debug the app in VS Code itself, like in other IDEs. Then on approach can be to follow the following steps:
Install React Native Tools Extension (provided by Microsoft) to VS Code.
This is a nice add on to VS Code's capabilities for React Native.
Then go to Debug option from left menu and click on Add Configuration.
If it initially says No Configuration then you can click on Add Configuration and then choose React Native option.
Now if already have Launch configuration added, then you can click on Add Configuration button then you will see more options related to React Native.
You can add configurations for React Native: Attach to Packager, React Native: Debug to Android, React Native: Debug to iOS in your launch.json file. It is present in .vscode folder.
Then add your breakpoints in code. Now suppose you already have your app running on emulator then you can choose option Attach to Packager.
Then on emulator or device open developer options (Ctrl + M for Windows + Android) and click on Debug JS Remotely.
Now your breakpoints should be working. Similarly if your app wasn't working already then you can go for Debug Android or Debug iOS accordingly.
Step1: Open app Setting in your mobile by shaking your mobile or by typing this command in your machine if your running android.
adb shell input keyevent 82
Step2: Select Debug JS Remotely which is the second option.
Step3: In your Browser type Url http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/
Step4: Again Open App Setting by shaking or running the command shown in step 1 and select Reload option which is first option
Now You can get all console logs in the browser and also you can debug your app remotely by putting breakpoints and analyze the values step by step.

Chrome Netbeans Plugin only shows blank page

I'm learning AngularJS at the moment and thought I would install netbeans as it supports debugging in chrome via a plugin. Or claims to at least...
I have followed the user guides and tutorials that I've found and always seem to falter at the same point:
Install Netbeans
Install chrome plugin
Create a simple sample project
Set the default web browser to Chrome with Plugin
Click run
At this point I always see a blank page loaded in Chrome. I suspect that this is a bug as all of the resources online seem sure that I should be able to see the default index.hmtl page in my browser...
I'm running on a MAC:
And my plugin version is:
My Netbeans version:
My Default Browser in Netbeans:
Does anyone know of any issues with running this configuration? No matter what I do I just see a blank page with a mangled URL like so when I hit run:
When I open this file in VI I see one line in it:
<html :netbeans_temporary="true"></html>
This seemed to work as a workaround for me:
Open the project configuration and change the browser from Chrome with netbeans connector to Chrome
Run the project (the correct page should come up in Chrome)
Click on the Netbeans Connector in the upper right corner of the Chrome window
Select "Debug in Netbeans" (You should get the yellow information notice across the top of the window)
Go back to Netbeans and click on the 'debug main project' button.
My configuration is os/x High Sierra, Netbeans 8.2

google-app-engine not running projects windows 7

Hello i have a problem with google app engine. i have installed python 2.7.4 from python.org and i also installed google app engine for python fro google's site. Then i create a new project, i load it, click on the run button. so far so good. then it stop doing anything and the little icon next to the name is yellow clock. if i click run again it says "cannot run check preferences or install python"
I checked in the cmd and python is already installed. In the preferences i have clicked both the "c/python27/python.exe and c/python27/pythonw.exe" but still no solution.
is there any way i can make it work?
