how test scripts interact with oFono firmware - dbus

I need to use ofono in yocto project for modem testing. I have gone through the basics of ofono at
and we can use dbus to send ofono test scripts on command line.
But I couldn't find how ofono test scripts interact with ofono firmware using dbus ?
Please explain


How to configure build input packages/dependencies within Nix development shells?

I'm not using NixOS but I wrote a flake that I'm using to generate a dev shell to build a Rust project (this is essentially just the audio example from the Bevy repository). My issue is that I encounter the following error when attempting to run the project in the dev shell:
$ nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes develop
bash-4.4$ cargo run
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 6.62s
Running `target/debug/audio`
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1075:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: NoDevice', /home/a/.cargo/registry/src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
One of the dependencies of the project is the Bevy crate which requires ALSA, so I'm assuming the issue is because the ALSA package exposed by the dev shell is probably misconfigured. I use PipeWire on my actual system (I think it also uses ALSA as a backend) and I tried adding ALSA and PipeWire as one of the buildInputs for the flake, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to configure these within the dev shell. According to this issue on the Bevy repository, the usual fix for this issue, at least for Arch-based distros, is to install the pipewire-alsa package. I'm not sure what the equivalent of doing that is in the context of a Nix dev shell is though, since there is no pipewire-alsa package in nixpkgs that I can add to my flake. So with that said, how should I go about configuring ALSA or PipeWire in the dev shell?

SSH Agent Plugin v1.17 with Jenkins Declaritive Pipeline not working with Windows

I have been having issues getting my multibranch pipeline to perform git commands with an SSH key via the SSH Agent plugin on Windows.
I am able to successfully perform a git clone with the ssh from Git Bash on windows server that is running Jenkins.
In my pipeline log I am getting the following error when trying to use the sshagent plugin:
[ssh-agent] Looking for ssh-agent implementation... Could not find
ssh-agent: IOException: Cannot run program "ssh-agent": CreateProcess
error=2, The system cannot find the file specified Check if ssh-agent
is installed and in PATH [ssh-agent] FATAL: Could not find a suitable
ssh-agent provider
I have seen that installing Apache Tomcat Native libraries has helped some people, but the steps for doing so are not very descriptive.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

How to build and run a dotnet core project with a .bat file?

I am trying to figure out how to do so for a batch file that can be ran on startup of my PC.
You can use dotnet-build and dotnet-run commands.
dotnet-build: builds a project and all of its dependencies.
dotnet-run: provides a convenient option to run your application from the source code with one command.
For more information, refer these links-
dotnet-build and

Tosca and Jenkins

Does anybody work with Tosca and Jenkins?
I have problems to run my batch script from Jenkins. It does not open browser, but job is finished successfully. Batch script runs normally when I try to run in on Windows, without Jenkins.
Anybody has an experience using these two tools together?
In order to use Tosca CI with Jenkins you need to:
Configure your Jenkins build project
Add an additional build step (Execute Windows batch command)
Call ToscaCIClient.exe/ToscaCIClient.jar with parameters
e.g. "PathToTosca\ToscaCI\Client\ToscaCIClient.exe" -t junit -r PathToResults\result.xml
Further information can be found here:
The issue your facing is because your running Jenkins as windows service, in this case headless execution happens technically your script is executed for other user account.
Instead of installing Jenkins host it on Apache Tomcat server
Download Jenkins war file
Copy it inside webapps folder of Tomcat
Run startup.bat
I had faced the same issue.
I am guessing your slave machine running the test has jenkins services installed as services.
Uninstall the service. (.jenkins/jenkins-slave.exe uninstall)
Use the .jnlp or slave.jar to connect the machine as a slave.
Your test should run fine after that.
If it does just create a batch file to connect the machine as slave whenever it is logged in.
I tried that. But in any case, Jenkins does not open the browser, so Tests from Execution List and I do not know why.
We use Tosca 10.

Unix text based browser with javascript support

I need to perform smoke-test of my AngularJS application on Unix, from terminal.
I tried accessing application from
All above-mentioned browsers show empty screen. In most of them I am able to view source using \ (backslash), so I could do basic verification if application server works properly at least.
Is there any unix text browser with javascript support? I am not looking for complete support (so application would be usable).
It would be great to have ability just to view some elements of the page
Try to install libmozjs (on debian/ubuntu aptitude install libmozjs185-dev), then (don't forget to do a sudo ldconfig first) compile from the source elinks.
tar xjvf elinks-current-0.13.tar.bz2
cd elinks-0.13*
make -j8
sudo make install
Check after ./configure if ECMAScript is flagged SpiderMonkey document scripting.
p.s. Ubuntu 14.04 here.
I guess the best way to do it would be with a headless browser such as PhantomJS It has a programmable interface, so you can run a simple JS script to open your webpage, and do a simple check.
Or, you can write a more complete test using Protractor It will give you a nice API to write tests targeting Selenium Webdriver, that can target many browsers, including PhantomJS.
If you do a lot of AngularJS development you should take a look a Protractor anyway.
