Angular jS Multiple Checkbox dropdown filter - angularjs

I have a Multiple Checkbox Dropdown. I want to make it as a Filter.
So, That if I check one or more boxes it should display data in Table accordingly.
How can I map this Multiple checkbox dropdown with a Table.
Kindly share an example.
Thanks In advance

You can use $watch in angularjs like
$scope.$watch('chkFilterData', function () {
where chkFilterData is the data for Multiple Checkbox Dropdown


angularjs: invoking a function when a selected item in ui-select is unselected

I am using ui-select in a angular template to provide select feature.
In my usecase I have to perform some actions when user selects from dropdown OR unselects one of the selected item. For select event I am making use of on-select to invoke a function where then I do necessary stuff:
<ui-select multiple
But I am not sure how to invoke a function when user UNSELECTS a selected item. I tried on-dismiss but that didn't help.
Does ui-select provide this facility? Or is there any other way of doing this?

Angularjs ng-repeat filter with multiselected values from multiselect dropdown

I have bind data to table from Json Object,i need to implement column wise multiselect dropdown filter for the data. i have done the single dropdown selection.filter required on multiple selections on each column dropdown.
I dont really understand the question but you can take a look Here .
it works really nice and it works also on mobile phones .

Angularjs editable drop down in ng-repeat

I have a table made out of div tags with an ng-repeat to populate the divs from an array. I want to be able to make one of the div options an editable dropdown where the default option is a value stored from the array and the rest of the elements are loaded from another array. When a user selects an element from the drop down, the default option is then changed to whatever they selected. Does anything exist for this?
Try select2 dropdown.I have added a plunkr of the same.
You can use angular ui-select directive

How to enable autocomplete for a search input box depending upon a category dropdown value?

I have situation like below:
The textbox is now a open search box and the select box is a dropdown with different values; now the scenario is to enable autocomplete for couple of category values
So how to manage the autocomplete enabling and other categories as open search and not autocomplete.
We are using AngularJS 1.x in our application as the base framework.
use anguComplete module for autocomplete,when ever you want autocomplete code than you push the data into countries array the relative data to the autocomplete,if you are not interested than you don't push the data into countries array in to that array.
Easy way, add angularjs material that contains directive mdAutocomplete . It's already contains a lot of possible options that you could need in future.

Dynamic dropdown in angularjs

I am new to angular, i am having requirement like create dynamically a dropdown with 3 buttons(add,edit,delete) by clicking on a link(create drop down button). We can create a multiple dropdown by clicking on a link Add/delete button should show with dropdown by default. If click on add/delete should display edit and viceversa.
See angularjs directives
For dynamic handling of DOM directive is the best
You can also check for more features make with directive
