Hide or Unhide based on tablix in SSRS - sql-server

I am supposed to show textbox based on Tablix. It will be appear on the page where the tablix exists. It stops showing when the report page doesn't exist on the page. How can I achieve it?
I am thinking of using reportItems but I don't know exactly how.
I have already one column in my tablix for using reportitem. Can I have two report items in the same tablix( that one I am not sure too)?
Am I clear in explaining my issue?

Rather than checking if the Tablix exists on a page, perhaps think about what data causes the Tablix to exist.
Say your Tablix is displaying data on dogs, but on one of your pages you don't have any valid dogs, so no Tablix. In this case you could check for this in the Hidden property of the Text Box:
=IIF(Count(Fields!DOG_ID.Value) = 0, True, False)
(For the opposite of this, a Tablix has a NoRowsMessage property you can set rather than needing an extra Text Box.)

Goto the properties of the text box and then goto Visibility. Select "Show or hide based on expression" and click on the [fx] button.
To show or hide depending if the Tablix returns any data or not:
Then enter the below: =iif(CountRows("NameOfTheDataseOfTheTablix") < 1,True, False)


Tabbed Reports in SSRS

I have been working on reports in Sql Server Reporting services and I am trying to create a tabbed report.
I wish to have a main report which read in parameter details from the user then in the report there are tabs to other reports which use the same parameter details entered by the user on the main report.
Anyone got any idea how to go about this ? Have tried creating subreports but it doesnt quite create that overall feel of a tabbed report.
There is no native feature for tabs, but you can create that functionality with a combination of existing features.
Add textboxes along the top which will be your tab names.
Add a hidden parameter which will track which tab is selected. Have the first value selected by default.
Add an action to each textbox which goes back to the report with a specific value passed to the parameter.
Add an expression to the border properties of each textbox so that you can visually see which one is selected. For example you can remove the bottom border for the selected tab.
Add a visibility expression to everything else on the report so that the items only show up when their tab is selected.
Now each time you click a tab, it will refresh the report and show that tab highlighted along with the content it contains. It's a lot of steps, but it's the best workaround I've found for this feature.

Using where clause in SSRS expression

I have a data set with multiple rows. The columns are name and plot; plot is a binary image file. If I want to display the plot whose name is secondPlot, for example, how would I do this? I can display just the first plot with =First(Fields!plot.Value, "DataSet1") but haven't had any luck with retrieving a plot with a certain name value.
I found if IIf function but am unsure on its usage or whether it's actually what I'm looking for anyway. =First(IIF(Fields!name.Value = "secondPlot", Fields.plot.Value, Nothing)) gives the error "The definition of the report '/MainReport' is invalid", for example.
For clarification, I'm typing this in Insert>Image>Database source.
Add a tablix component to your report, then assign your dataset to your tablix in the DataSetName property.
Delete columns and rows leaving only a textbox. Right click in the tablix and select Tablix properties... go to filter tab and add a new filter.
For Expression select Name, operator = and value use ="secondPlot".
The tablix will filter the row that contain secondPlot name and you can show the image in the tablix textbox by configuring background image property in the Fill tab.
Right click the textbox and select Textbox properties / Fill tab, in background image pane use settings like this.
If your image is PNG, BMP, JPEG, GIF or X-PNG you can select the proper MIME Type.
Also if your image is encoded in Base64 you can try:
In the Use this field: expression.
Don't use any expression for the textbox. Just use the image field as textbox background.
Let me know if you need further help.

Add a user clickable check box in SSRS report

I am creating a report that for the most part is populated automatically by using variables, parameters with my datasource and dataset. I am trying to add in another column that will have a checkbox, where when the user pulls a report he or she can manually go in and click a check box for various rows. The clicked check box is done by the user and there is no need to send or retrieve data with this check box. Is there a simple solution to where I can add a checkbox for the user to check (and uncheck) various boxes?
SSRS does not deliver this kind of functionality. You would need to have a flag for every displayed row somewhere in your database and add two images to your report, a checked and one unchecked "checkbox" image, show those images on each row (source over expression) based on the flag of the row. Add an action to the image, that executes a storedProc and flags or unflags the row (pass an unambiguous id as parameter).
This is rather dirty, but would work.

SSRS : How to repeat header row of a table on each page that is embedded in a LIST?

I have a SSRS report that has a list which includes two embedded tables.
For these tables if I set the header rows to repeat on each page, I get an error "All tablix member elements in a TablixColumnHierarchy must have the RepeatOnNewPage Property set to false".
How do I fix this and make the headers repeat on each page?
Thank you.
In design mode while editing the rdl file, at bottom of the editor you will find Row Groups and Column Groups (left and right, respectively). Beside Column Groups you will find one arrow button ▼ (this arrow button is at the right side of the column groups portion). Click on this arrow button.
Check Advanced Mode
In the RowGroups section you will find '(Static)' and '(Details)'. click on/highlight (Static) and press F4 (to check its properties on the Properties window.)
Set Keep With Group to After
Set Repeat On New Page to True
Go back to table, right-click on the row header (the grey bar), and select to Tablix Properties.
Check on Repeat header columns on each page and repeat header column on each Row. (Edit as of VS2012 at least he might mean Repeat header rows on each page)
Its nothing but a property for the report named RepeatOnNewPage is false. If you click on the page header and go for page header properties
General --> Display header for this page -> Print on first page and print on last page(check all the boxes over here )and click ok
Run the report. This is done on report builder 3.0 .I am not sure which tool you are using.
Or you can follow this
Select the Tablix.
In the grouping pane, click on the small triangle and select "Advanced Mode" to show static members.
In the row group hierarchy, select the corresponding (static) item of the header row.
In the Properties grid:
set RepeatOnNewPage to True

The tablix 'Tablix1' is invalid. The value for the DataSetName Property is missing

For some weird reason i can not run my report, when i try to preview i get this error:
Here is how my tablix property looks like:
Any idea what to do? The current .rdl was copied from another one. I changed the newly copied .rdl values to match my needs. I always do that and works perfect, instead of creating the design from scratch every single time.
Just right click on your table => tablix properties=> and set dataset name you want from dropdown and then execute.
Looking at your pictures, in the picture up top the error mentions 'Tablix1' is invalid. The 2nd Screenshot, the name of the Tablix is 'Tablix2'. Try changing the name back to 'Tablix1', or using the Properties section see if you can select Tablix1 in the drop down, and possibly delete it.
You have an empty tablix in your report that is not associated with a data set. This will throw that error. Delete any tablix that does not contain data.
