The tablix 'Tablix1' is invalid. The value for the DataSetName Property is missing - sql-server

For some weird reason i can not run my report, when i try to preview i get this error:
Here is how my tablix property looks like:
Any idea what to do? The current .rdl was copied from another one. I changed the newly copied .rdl values to match my needs. I always do that and works perfect, instead of creating the design from scratch every single time.

Just right click on your table => tablix properties=> and set dataset name you want from dropdown and then execute.

Looking at your pictures, in the picture up top the error mentions 'Tablix1' is invalid. The 2nd Screenshot, the name of the Tablix is 'Tablix2'. Try changing the name back to 'Tablix1', or using the Properties section see if you can select Tablix1 in the drop down, and possibly delete it.

You have an empty tablix in your report that is not associated with a data set. This will throw that error. Delete any tablix that does not contain data.


How do you remove a dimension in a Google Data Studio report?

How do you remove an obsolete column from a GDS PostgreSQL-based report?
I updated my base SQL to remove some columns, but when I click the "Fields->" button to list all columns, it still lists the removed columns/dimensions. And for some reason that I can't determine, the "Remove" option is disabled so I can't even manually remove them
This is a huge problem/bug because if I then click "Create Report", it throws an error message, presumably because it's trying to access a column that no longer exists in my base SQL.
Am I missing something there, or is this just a buggy interface? How do I remove a dimension?
I can remove dimensions and metric by clicking in the right side of the green container, right next to the ellipsis.
Whenever you add/remove any column/field in the data source. You need to click Refresh Fields to refresh data source fields.
When you refresh data source fields:
Removed fields in the data set are removed from the data source.
For more details, visit Data Studio official documentation on Refresh data source fields.

Hide or Unhide based on tablix in SSRS

I am supposed to show textbox based on Tablix. It will be appear on the page where the tablix exists. It stops showing when the report page doesn't exist on the page. How can I achieve it?
I am thinking of using reportItems but I don't know exactly how.
I have already one column in my tablix for using reportitem. Can I have two report items in the same tablix( that one I am not sure too)?
Am I clear in explaining my issue?
Rather than checking if the Tablix exists on a page, perhaps think about what data causes the Tablix to exist.
Say your Tablix is displaying data on dogs, but on one of your pages you don't have any valid dogs, so no Tablix. In this case you could check for this in the Hidden property of the Text Box:
=IIF(Count(Fields!DOG_ID.Value) = 0, True, False)
(For the opposite of this, a Tablix has a NoRowsMessage property you can set rather than needing an extra Text Box.)
Goto the properties of the text box and then goto Visibility. Select "Show or hide based on expression" and click on the [fx] button.
To show or hide depending if the Tablix returns any data or not:
Then enter the below: =iif(CountRows("NameOfTheDataseOfTheTablix") < 1,True, False)

Show design if Dataset not returns any row in SSRS

I've designed my SSRS Report like below,
Where First row, Third row and Fifth row has default value so I have used it as Header part for this tablix.
Now, the question is - when I run this report, it prompts to enter one number to get result. But if dataset does not returns any rows then I just want to show designed header part only? But currently it is not showing anything. What could be the problem or any solution to get only designed header part?
Please help me!
Note: When it returns the rows it is showing Records as well as designed header part also.
So I tried to achieve this by many ways, it was working fine in Report Builder 3.0 but when I run this report in IE,Firefox,Chrome browser it was not showing designed report tablix. If there would be data it will show whole report with designed header part as well as data.
1. I have created Two Tablix inside one SubReport-
First tablix
Just for design. (Without data part)
Second tablix
Contains both Header part as well as Data part.
Then I have Set visibility based on CountRows("Dataset") to show/hide Tablix1 and Tablix2.
It was working fine in Report Builder 3.0 but not in browser.
2. This one is the final option that I have tried and I achieved my goal with this way.
I have created two SubReport.
1 SubReport:
Only designed part (Without data part)
2 SubReport:
Which contains both Header Part as well as Data Part.
Then, I have added two Rows inside my Main report Tablix. and added both reports to different row.
Then, On Row Visibility I have checked =IIF(CountRows("Dataset")>0,True,False)
And it's working fine now in all browsers as well.
You have to add headers Outside Group in following:

Control executing of hidden subreports inside tablix (SSRS)

I am using SSRS2008R2, On my main report there is tablix inside tablic there is row (merged cells) which contain sub report. Subreport is initially hidden and toggled by other cell.
When I preview my report it is working fine, I can show and hide sub report clicking on "referat" cell.
But my problem is that for every row inside tablix SSRS generating subreport, That task take a lot of time. I want to make my hiden reports do not contain data and do not call SQL during first execution of report when they are hidden. I want to subreport do SQL call just before user expand (show). I know that I should pass different params to sub report so it can realize to do or not calling sql (sprocs). .
But I do not know how to pass that parameter to subreport, or how to check is something hidden or not so i can change my param to subreport.
The problem is that the Value of the parameter is not recalculated when you click on "referat" and the sub-report becomes visible. In other words, all sub-reports are run up front regardless of whether or not they are hidden. My suggestion would be to use linked reports instead. Under the Action section on a textbox properties you can select "Go to report". This may not be as visually appealing, but the sub-report will only be run when it is specifically requested.

How to Insert conditional hyperlink in Crystal Reports

I have Crystal reports, and I'd like to modify a field to be a hyperlink, depending on another field. But the other field may or may not have data. How do I define the field?
Fields: IDNumber, LinkField
If LinkField is not NULL, show IDNumber as its own value, with a underline and hyperlink set to LinkField.
If LinkField is NULL, then just show IDNumber as itself, with no hyperlink.
So, if the report had three IDNumbers, and only the second had a hyperlink, starting with data (3455, NULL; 4933, http://nothing; 4939, NULL)
It would look something like the following:
I could make a field that had a value and another field with the hyperlink. The hyperlink field was suppressed but on top of the field with the value. That worked from within Crystal Developer, but not when it was moved to our server.
Since I was short of space, I tried displaying just part of the link. That worked both in development and on the server, but I was ultimately wishing to print the files to PDF and maintain the links. The links in the PDF only worked if they showed entirely.
I eventually had to show the entire link in the report, giving it a separate line (to make room). (I also tried printing it in 1 point font, which did make it look like an underline, but that was hard to click on and also still overwrote fields.)
