Show design if Dataset not returns any row in SSRS - sql-server

I've designed my SSRS Report like below,
Where First row, Third row and Fifth row has default value so I have used it as Header part for this tablix.
Now, the question is - when I run this report, it prompts to enter one number to get result. But if dataset does not returns any rows then I just want to show designed header part only? But currently it is not showing anything. What could be the problem or any solution to get only designed header part?
Please help me!
Note: When it returns the rows it is showing Records as well as designed header part also.

So I tried to achieve this by many ways, it was working fine in Report Builder 3.0 but when I run this report in IE,Firefox,Chrome browser it was not showing designed report tablix. If there would be data it will show whole report with designed header part as well as data.
1. I have created Two Tablix inside one SubReport-
First tablix
Just for design. (Without data part)
Second tablix
Contains both Header part as well as Data part.
Then I have Set visibility based on CountRows("Dataset") to show/hide Tablix1 and Tablix2.
It was working fine in Report Builder 3.0 but not in browser.
2. This one is the final option that I have tried and I achieved my goal with this way.
I have created two SubReport.
1 SubReport:
Only designed part (Without data part)
2 SubReport:
Which contains both Header Part as well as Data Part.
Then, I have added two Rows inside my Main report Tablix. and added both reports to different row.
Then, On Row Visibility I have checked =IIF(CountRows("Dataset")>0,True,False)
And it's working fine now in all browsers as well.

You have to add headers Outside Group in following:


How show a static number of rows using Ag datagrid

I'm new on reactjs, and I want to create a table to show some data. In the project I'm working, we are using Ag-Grid datagrid.
I already have created it with basic usage, but my question is:
Supose I have 100 rows as enter, how I can display in datagrid just the 10 firsts?
I stil wanna load all data (for filtering, sort, etc), just don't wanna show all by default.
I'm looking at documentation and do some search, but don't find the proper way to do it.
Edit: I already see the pagination options (the default solution provided by documentation), but in my case, at least for now I don't want pagination. Just wanna render the X first rows (the extra will be ommited in table, but have to be loaded in UI, if not, I could use autoHeight).
Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming you are using the Client Side Row Model and not loading data from a Server. In which case, the easiest way to achieve this would be to show the 10 rows, and add more rows (depending on when you want to load them) via Transaction Updates, please see the documentation on this here
you can use pagination:
documentation reference

SSRS mobile reports display date

I am sure this should be simple but can't find it answered here.
I am creating some mobile reports and all going well, but I want to add a field that holds a date time (last sale). So far all my fields are shown in gauges, but I can't show a date or string in a number gauge (i don't think). There is a time navigator and selection list filtering the data in the gauges.
I tried creating a simple data grid with one field in it, but doesn't look great with the column header etc.
Any suggestions?

Print Format SSRS Report For Excel Export

I created a SSRS Report and I am Exporting it to an Excel Sheet. I am manually print formatting the excel sheet every time I want to print it.
The width of the report that I've created is slightly bigger so every time I print the excel sheet I go to Page Layout --> and set Width to 1 page.
Is it possible to do this in SSRS itself so that I don't have to make any manual changes to the excel sheet when I export.?
I googled, Couldn't really find any solution.
Layout of my report -
Other problem I am facing is -
When I export the SSRS report the footer doesn't exported properly
Check This -
The date doesn't get exported and I want the 'ABC' to appear in the center box but both date and the text appears in the same box.
This is how my footer looks in ssrs -
Please help. TIA
Regarding the issue with your Footer. It is exported to Excel, but you will not see it on the sheet like you do with the rest of the data. It uses the built in Footer functionality so that it can be repeated on every page.
Go to the Insert menu and click Header & Footer. You should see the footer like this:
Also, if you go to the Print Preview, you'll see that the footer is indeed repeated on each page.
Regarding the width issue, make sure you take the page margins into account when calculating the width of the report. These can be adjusted in the Report Properties. By default they are set to 1 inch on either side. So right off the bat you may be loosing 2 inches of space.

Control executing of hidden subreports inside tablix (SSRS)

I am using SSRS2008R2, On my main report there is tablix inside tablic there is row (merged cells) which contain sub report. Subreport is initially hidden and toggled by other cell.
When I preview my report it is working fine, I can show and hide sub report clicking on "referat" cell.
But my problem is that for every row inside tablix SSRS generating subreport, That task take a lot of time. I want to make my hiden reports do not contain data and do not call SQL during first execution of report when they are hidden. I want to subreport do SQL call just before user expand (show). I know that I should pass different params to sub report so it can realize to do or not calling sql (sprocs). .
But I do not know how to pass that parameter to subreport, or how to check is something hidden or not so i can change my param to subreport.
The problem is that the Value of the parameter is not recalculated when you click on "referat" and the sub-report becomes visible. In other words, all sub-reports are run up front regardless of whether or not they are hidden. My suggestion would be to use linked reports instead. Under the Action section on a textbox properties you can select "Go to report". This may not be as visually appealing, but the sub-report will only be run when it is specifically requested.

The tablix 'Tablix1' is invalid. The value for the DataSetName Property is missing

For some weird reason i can not run my report, when i try to preview i get this error:
Here is how my tablix property looks like:
Any idea what to do? The current .rdl was copied from another one. I changed the newly copied .rdl values to match my needs. I always do that and works perfect, instead of creating the design from scratch every single time.
Just right click on your table => tablix properties=> and set dataset name you want from dropdown and then execute.
Looking at your pictures, in the picture up top the error mentions 'Tablix1' is invalid. The 2nd Screenshot, the name of the Tablix is 'Tablix2'. Try changing the name back to 'Tablix1', or using the Properties section see if you can select Tablix1 in the drop down, and possibly delete it.
You have an empty tablix in your report that is not associated with a data set. This will throw that error. Delete any tablix that does not contain data.
