Redux & React: componentDidUpdate is called but rerendering doesn't happen - reactjs

I am loading data from Rest API, Container and Presentational components take it.
componentWillMount() {
componentDidUpdate() {
render() {
let view;
view = ? (<Foo data={} />) : (<H2>Loading</H2>)
return (
load - fetches data and dispatched event in reducer on success load.
function select(state) {
const { data } = state.modules;
return {
data: data
export default connect(select, {
As far as I understand, when action is dispatched and Container component receives updated data from store, rerender should happen.
Which is strange, componentDidUpdate, according to the docs, is called when component received updated props and rerendered.
But my Foo (dumb) component never shows up even though everything is successfully dispatched without state mutation.
What could be the cause? Thanks!

One of the most common reasons for a component not to re-render is that you modify the state instead of returning a copy of the state with changes applied.
This is mentioned in the Troubleshooting part of the Redux docs.

As #kjonsson was hinting, the issue is that you directly assign to the data property on the select object. The reference of that data object never changes and thus the component will never re-render. What you have to do is copying using the spread operator, such that whenever changes the data field on the select object will have a new reference.
Below the adjusted code snippet.
function select(state) {
const { data } = state.modules;
return {
data: { }
export default connect(select, {
Please let me know if this helps!


Does a react component get unmounted and remounted whenever redux store is updated?

My component has a button. By clicking the button, an action is dispatched and a corresponding API call is made. The response from the API call is stored in redux. But whenever there is an update to the redux store, the component (that I was working on) gets unmounted and remounted. So the component's internal state is destroyed and recreated when the component is remounted.
My question is:
Is it expected for components to unmount and remount whenever the redux store is updated? If it is expected, how should I persist the component's internal state?
export default function asyncComponent(importComponent) {
class AsyncComponent extends React.Component {
state = {
component: null
isComponentMounted = false;
componentWillMount() {
this.isComponentMounted = true;
async componentDidMount() {
const { default: component } = await importComponent();
if (this.isComponentMounted) {
this.setState({ component });
componentWillUnmount() {
this.isComponentMounted = false;
render() {
// eslint-disable-next-line react/destructuring-assignment
const C = this.state.component;
return C ? <C {...this.props} /> : <Loader />;
return AsyncComponent;
It totally depends on your implementation and not on Redux state.
If you have a condition to render the component then when the condition is false the component may get destroyed. If you're passing state as a prop then it may just update without unmounting.
In your case it seems like you're using state as a condition to render the component.
On redux store update the component will not re-mount, it will re-render.It may happen that the parent component is getting re-render and your current component is getting data through props from parent, hence you are observing the issue.Please check the parent component once.

componentWillReceiveProps not called after redux dispatch

I'm building a react native app and using redux to handle the state. I am running into a situation where one of my containers is not updating immediately when the redux state is changed.
class ContainerClass extends Component<Props, State> {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Object) {
console.log('WILL RECEIVE PROPS:', nextProps);
render() {
const { data } = this.props;
return <SubComponent data={data} />
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ContainerClass);
export default function reducer(state = initalState, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
case getType(actions.actionOne):
console.log('SETTING THE STATE');
return { ...state, data: action.payload };
In a different random component, I am dispatching a call with the actionOne action, which I confirm prints out the relevant console.log. However, the console.log in the componentWillReceiveProps in the container is not printed.
The component that dispatches the call is a modal that has appeared over the Container, and closes automatically after the call is dispatched and the state is updated. What is weird is that although the Container isn't updated immediately, if I navigate to a different page and then back to the Container page, the state is in fact updated.
EDIT: Initial state is:
const initialState: Store = {
data: []
And the way I dispatch is in a different component which gets called as a new modal (using react-native-navigation) from Container:
fnc() {
Where setData and data are the redux dispatch action and the part of the store respectively that is passed in on props from the Container (which has setData and data through mapStateToProps shown above and a mapDispatchToProps which I didn't show).
I solved my problem by updating from react-native v0.56 to v0.57. Apparently there was a problem with react-redux v6 working properly in the react-native v0.56 environment.
Assuming you're using a recent version of React, componentWillReceiveProps is actually deprecated:
Using this lifecycle method often leads to bugs and inconsistencies
You can't really rely on that lifecycle hook in a number of situations. You may want to look at a slightly different approach with componentDidUpdate instead.
I think more important is to get the value after changing in state of redux rather than in which lifecycle you are getting the value . so for getting the value you can use subscribe method of redux in componentDidMount
store.subscribe( ()=> {
var updatedStoreState = store.getState();
I believe that getDerivedStateForProps would solve your problem.
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
if( !== {
//Do something
} else {
//Do something else
You would check the state from the redux against the state from your component and then act accordingly.
Also, some info from the documentation that you might consider before using this method:
1. getDerivedStateFromProps is invoked right before calling the render method, both on the initial mount and on subsequent updates.
2. This method exists for rare use cases where the state depends on changes in props over time.
3. If you need to perform a side effect (for example, data fetching or an animation) in response to a change in props, use componentDidUpdate lifecycle instead.
You can read more at:

React Child Component Not Updating After Parent State Change

I'm attempting to make a nice ApiWrapper component to populate data in various child components. From everything I've read, this should work:
class ApiWrapper extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
response: {
"title": 'nothing fetched yet'
componentDidMount() {
_makeApiCall(endpoint) {
fetch(endpoint).then(function(response) {
response: response
render() {
return <Child data = {
class Child extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
render() {
console.log(, 'new data');
return ( < span > {
} < /span>);
var element = < ApiWrapper endpoint = "" / > ;
But for some reason, it seems the child component is not updating when the parent state changes.
Am I missing something here?
There are two issues with your code.
Your child component's initial state is set from props.
this.state = {
Quoting from this SO Answer:
Passing the intial state to a component as a prop is an anti-pattern
because the getInitialState (in our case the constuctor) method is only called the first time the
component renders. Never more. Meaning that, if you re-render that
component passing a different value as a prop, the component
will not react accordingly, because the component will keep the state
from the first time it was rendered. It's very error prone.
So if you can't avoid such a situation the ideal solution is to use the method componentWillReceiveProps to listen for new props.
Adding the below code to your child component will solve your problem with Child component re-rendering.
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
this.setState({ data: });
The second issue is with the fetch.
_makeApiCall(endpoint) {
.then((response) => response.json()) // ----> you missed this part
.then((response) => this.setState({ response }));
And here is a working fiddle:
If the above solution has still not solved your problem I'll suggest you see once how you're changing the state, if you're not returning a new object then sometimes react sees no difference in the new previous and the changed state, it's a good practice to always pass a new object when changing the state, seeing the new object react will definitely re-render all the components needing that have access to that changed state.
For example: -
Here I'll change one property of an array of objects in my state, look at how I spread all the data in a new object. Also, the code below might look a bit alien to you, it's a redux reducer function BUT don't worry it's just a method to change the state.
export const addItemToCart = (cartItems,cartItemToBeAdded) => {
return => {
// I can simply return item but instead I spread the item and return a new object
return {...item}
Just make sure you're changing the state with a new object, even if you make a minor change in the state just spread it in a new object and then return, this will trigger rendering in all the appropriate places.
Hope this helped. Let me know if I'm wrong somewhere :)
There are some things you need to change.
When fetch get the response, it is not a json.
I was looking for how can I get this json and I discovered this link.
By the other side, you need to think that constructor function is called only once.
So, you need to change the way that you retrieve the data in <Child> component.
Here, I left an example code:
I hope that helps.
Accepted answer and componentWillReceiveProps
The componentWillReceiveProps call in accepted answer is deprecated and will be removed from React with version 17 React Docs: UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps()
Using derived state logic in React
As the React docs is pointing, using derived state (meaning: a component reflecting a change that is happened in its props) can make your components harder to think, and could be an anti-pattern. React Docs: You Probably Don't Need Derived State
Current solution: getDerivedStateFromProps
If you choose to use derived state, current solution is using getDerivedStateFromProps call as #DiogoSanto said.
getDerivedStateFromProps is invoked right before calling the render method, both on the initial mount and on subsequent updates. It should return an object to update the state, or null to update nothing. React Docs: static getDerivedStateFromProps()
How to use componentWillReceiveProps
This method can not access instance properties. All it does describing React how to compute new state from a given props. Whenever props are changed, React will call this method and will use the object returned by this method as the new state.
class Child extends React.Component {
constructor() {
// nothing changed, assign the state for the
// first time to teach its initial shape.
// (it will work without this, but will throw
// a warning)
this.state = {
componentWillReceiveProps(props) {
// return the new state as object, do not call .setState()
return {
render() {
// nothing changed, will be called after
// componentWillReceiveProps returned the new state,
// each time props are updated.
return (
Re-rendering a component according to a change happened in parent component can be annoying for user because of losing the user input on that component.
Derived state logic can make components harder to understand, think on. Use wisely.

Accessing and setting state in an react/flux application

I'm working on a react app with a flux implementation.
I have a store which is bound to a component and in the ctor I set some default (blank) state values. In componentWillMount I populate the state by firing some actions which update the store data.
The store emits a change and the component handles that change by putting bits of the store data into state.
In my render method, I'm wanting the render to depend on the state data.
At the moment I have a couple of issues.
If in my render method I do something like this.state.MyThing.AProperty then the render method is called too early when MyThing hasn't been populated yet. This seems to occur in a lot of places where I want a render to use state data. Is there a sensible guard against this or am I doing this wrong?
I'm using a store to emit a change, and handling that change by getting data from the store and setting it to the state of the component. My thinking here is that if I set it as state then the component will know to re-render when the state changes. Is this correct? or should I be getting the data from the store in the emit handler and using it directly? or setting it to a local var in the component?
The reason I ask is that I seem to encounter issues with setState calls not being immediate and wanting to use state as soon as I set it. With this in mind it seems like I might be doing it wrong.
Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
If you use conditionals in your render, then you can guard against unpopulated data being rendered.
{typeof this.state.myThing == 'object' ?
<strong>this.state.myThing.aProperty</strong> :
<span>Nothing to see here</span>}
And with regards to your second question, yeah. That's totally fine and it's the expected way to work with Flux. You can even take inspiration from Redux & Co and make higher order components that map store state to props.
function connect(store, mapStateToProps, Component) {
return React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
const state = store.getState();
return { state };
componentWillMount() {
store.listen(state => this.setState({ state }));
render() {
const stateProps = mapStateToProps(this.state);
const passedProps = this.props;
const props = Object.assign({}, stateProps, passedProps);
return <Component {...props} />;
This pattern allows you to take an existing component and wrap it in a container that will re-render whenever the store changes, then use the mapStateToProps function to work out which props to pass down to your original component.
const MyStore = { ... };
const MyComponent = React.createClass( ... );
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return { foo: };
export default connect(MyStore, mapStateToProps, MyComponent);
setState is an asychronous method as it needs to be batched to keep React apps from being delaying repaints when they trigger lots of updates. You can reliably wait for the state to change by passing a callback as the second argument.
this.setState({ foo: 'bar' }, () =>;

Re-render React component when prop changes

I'm trying to separate a presentational component from a container component. I have a SitesTable and a SitesTableContainer. The container is responsible for triggering redux actions to fetch the appropriate sites based on the current user.
The problem is the current user is fetched asynchronously, after the container component gets rendered initially. This means that the container component doesn't know that it needs to re-execute the code in its componentDidMount function which would update the data to send to the SitesTable. I think I need to re-render the container component when one of its props(user) changes. How do I do this correctly?
class SitesTableContainer extends React.Component {
static get propTypes() {
return {
sites: React.PropTypes.object,
user: React.PropTypes.object,
isManager: React.PropTypes.boolean
componentDidMount() {
if (this.props.isManager) {
} else {
const currentUserId = this.props.user.get('id')
render() {
return <SitesTable sites={this.props.sites}/>
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const user = userUtils.getCurrentUser(state)
return {
sites: state.get('sites'),
isManager: userUtils.isManager(user)
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(SitesTableContainer);
You have to add a condition in your componentDidUpdate method.
The example is using fast-deep-equal to compare the objects.
import equal from 'fast-deep-equal'
this.updateUser = this.updateUser.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if(!equal(this.props.user, prevProps.user)) // Check if it's a new user, you can also use some unique property, like the ID ( !==
updateUser() {
if (this.props.isManager) {
} else {
const currentUserId = this.props.user.get('id')
Using Hooks (React 16.8.0+)
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
const SitesTableContainer = ({
}) => {
useEffect(() => {
if(isManager) {
} else {
const currentUserId = user.get('id')
}, [user]);
return (
return <SitesTable sites={sites}/>
If the prop you are comparing is an object or an array, you should use useDeepCompareEffect instead of useEffect.
componentWillReceiveProps() is going to be deprecated in the future due to bugs and inconsistencies. An alternative solution for re-rendering a component on props change is to use componentDidUpdate() and shouldComponentUpdate().
componentDidUpdate() is called whenever the component updates AND if shouldComponentUpdate() returns true (If shouldComponentUpdate() is not defined it returns true by default).
return nextProps.changedProp !== this.state.changedProp;
// Desired operations: ex setting state
This same behavior can be accomplished using only the componentDidUpdate() method by including the conditional statement inside of it.
if(prevProps.changedProp !== this.props.changedProp){
changedProp: this.props.changedProp
If one attempts to set the state without a conditional or without defining shouldComponentUpdate() the component will infinitely re-render
You could use KEY unique key (combination of the data) that changes with props, and that component will be rerendered with updated props.
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { // your code here}
I think that is the event you need. componentWillReceiveProps triggers whenever your component receive something through props. From there you can have your checking then do whatever you want to do.
I would recommend having a look at this answer of mine, and see if it is relevant to what you are doing. If I understand your real problem, it's that your just not using your async action correctly and updating the redux "store", which will automatically update your component with it's new props.
This section of your code:
componentDidMount() {
if (this.props.isManager) {
} else {
const currentUserId = this.props.user.get('id')
Should not be triggering in a component, it should be handled after executing your first request.
Have a look at this example from redux-thunk:
function makeASandwichWithSecretSauce(forPerson) {
// Invert control!
// Return a function that accepts `dispatch` so we can dispatch later.
// Thunk middleware knows how to turn thunk async actions into actions.
return function (dispatch) {
return fetchSecretSauce().then(
sauce => dispatch(makeASandwich(forPerson, sauce)),
error => dispatch(apologize('The Sandwich Shop', forPerson, error))
You don't necessarily have to use redux-thunk, but it will help you reason about scenarios like this and write code to match.
A friendly method to use is the following, once prop updates it will automatically rerender component:
render {
let textWhenComponentUpdate = this.props.text
return (
You could use the getDerivedStateFromProps() lifecyle method in the component that you want to be re-rendered, to set it's state based on an incoming change to the props passed to the component. Updating the state will cause a re-render. It works like this:
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
return { myStateProperty: nextProps.myProp};
This will set the value for myStateProperty in the component state to the value of myProp, and the component will re-render.
Make sure you understand potential implications of using this approach. In particular, you need to avoid overwriting the state of your component unintentionally because the props were updated in the parent component unexpectedly. You can perform checking logic if required by comparing the existing state (represented by prevState), to any incoming props value(s).
Only use an updated prop to update the state in cases where the value from props is the source of truth for the state value. If that's the case, there may also be a simpler way to achieve what you need. See - You Probably Don't Need Derived State – React Blog.
