How to get the current object id in Admin::configureListFields?
$this->getSubject() returns null
Thank you
Since there are many objects in a list, your question makes no sense. I'll go ahead and assume you are in a child admin. If this is the case, I think you are looking for $this->getParent()->getSubject()->getId()
Based on the way you've phrased your question I assume you ran into the same issue as I did.
My assumption is thus: You are looking to use configureListFields to manipulate the content of the rows of the list / the "current" element.
As greg0rie pointed out - there is a misconception here in that there is no "current" element.
Specifically - configureListFields s called before the list is iterated for output so no current element exists.
Furthermore, as far as I can tell there is no method we can overwrite that is called specifically when the list is iterated over.
Therefore, what I ended up doing is the following:
First overwrite the twig template of whatever you're wanting to change in the list.
Then create a Twig extension function and pass in the "admin" and "object" properties that should be available at template level at this point:
{{ myTwigFunction(admin, object) }}
admin is the instance of the sonata admin rendering the list.
object is the current template.
Therefore, you now have access to the current entity object as well as the sonata admin that's handling it.
Personally I then passed this into a service to generate the changes I wanted to make.
Hi I have an array of models(images) which is the model property of an ArrayController.
I want to be able to sort the the array such that when click on the image it automatically moves itself to a predefined index. (E.g. when I click an item on the array it should move to middle of the array) and the UI is updated to reflect the new position.
Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve:,js,output
Also since ArrayController is/will be depreciated from v1.13 is there alternative way of doing this without using ArrayController ?
Here's an updated emberjsbin of what I think you're looking for -,js,output
ArrayController vs. ObjectController doesn't matter anymore, you can just use Ember.Controller.extend as you'll see in the updated bin.
I did the sorting in the model by creating an Ember Array for the model and tagging the .sortBy("index") onto it.
I also updated the templates with new syntax, you don't need {{bind-attr}} anymore and you should use {{#each itemCollection as |item|}} instead of just {{#each itemCollection}}, makes for easier to read templates and provides consistent scope.
Hope the updated bin is helpful!
I have seen this bunch of code in a tutorial:
var searchTerm = this.$('#searchTerm').val().trim();
I would like to understand the utility of the this. in front of the selector, it's the first time i see that.
In a Backbone.View, this.$ gives a scoped version of jQuery. It is in fact equivalent to using this.$el.find which is in turn equivalent to using $(this.el).find.
Anyhow, the reason it is a good idea to use it is that it will only access html elements from within the view's element/rendered template. Thus, you don't have to worry about the rest of the html page and you will always select the element you expect to.
Imagine that you have a view that spawns sub-views and that each of these have an editable field. If you don't use the scoped version of jQuery to get the right editable field, you will have to give a unique id to each of these html elements to make sure you will select the right one when retrieving it's content. On the other hand, if you use the scoped version, you will just have to give this editable field a class attribute and selecting this class will give you a unique element, the right one.
This is the same query as this.$el.find('#searchTerm').val().trim();
You haven't given any context to that code, but assuming it's a method inside a View, this refers to the View object.
this.$ is a shortcut to access jQuery from the View object, and is equivalent to the method this.$el.find.
I'm trying to create a custom rule (using the Rules module) so that every time the cron runs, this rule checks a date field in a custom content type I created. If that date has passed then I want to set a list widget from active to ended.
This is how far I get when trying to create this rule:
Set React on event to Cron maintenance tasks are performed
Add Condition > Set Select the condition to add to Data comparison > Continue
Here is the issue: Data selectors only has site and no access to field data.
Any ideas where I'm going wrong here?
The problem with Rules condition "Cron maintenance tasks are performed" is that at that point, there is no access to the node object so any checks/manipulations on the node are not possible. As a solution, instead of Event = Cron maintenance tasks are performed, use Event = Node: Content is viewed. You can leave it open for any content type so that when someone visits the website and opens at least one page, some action will be triggered.
You need to create a rules component first:
Go to Rules > Components (admin/config/workflow/rules/components)
Then create a new component and select 'Rule' from select list
Set a name for this component and in the table below select:
Data type: Text Token
Label: A name that you want
Machine name: Use the same name of the label but set here only lower case and underscore
Usage: Parameter
In the component add the condition 'Data comparison' and select node:type
Add other conditions that you want
Set the actions that you want and save
Now go to Rules (admin/config/workflow/rules) and create the rule with action on cron maintenance (as you have already done)
Jump the conditions section and in the actions:
New action: Add a variable
Value: Text
Then write the value of this variable just like the machine name of content type that you want to cycle on (if you want you can change the name and machine name of this variable in the section below)
Now add another action 'Fetch entity by property'
Entity type value: Node
Property value: Type
Data selector: the variable created at the point 8
Now add a loop in parameter list use the variable provided by 'Fetch entity by property'
Add an action in the loop (click on the link to the right of loop row) and select the component created in the point 2 and pass the variable provided by loop
I state: I do not know if it works but at least it should direct you towards the right path
Sorry for my english, I hope you understand everything :)
Yes you should be able to get this to work using the Rules module to implement what you're looking for, but I recommend you to also combine that with the Views Rules module. Some details about this module (from its project page):
Provides Views directly as Rules actions and loops to seamlessly use view result data.
The previous quote may seem a bit cryptic (it may make you think like "so what, how can this help me?"). Therefor some more details about how to move forward using these modules:
Create a view (using Views) so that you have 1 Views result (row) with all the nodes you want to be processed (related to your custom content type and if possible filter somehow using your date field). Whereas that view has fields (columns) for whatever is needed in subsequent steps, e.g the node ID, the date field, and possibly other fields as well. You'll need these View fields later on as values to be processed by your rule, "to set a list widget from active to ended*" (as in your question). Important: use a Views display type of "Rules".
Remove that "add condition" (in the custom rule you started) and, instead, use the Views Rules module to iterate over each of these Views results in a Rules action, using the Rules technique known as a "Rules Loop".
For each iteration step in your Rules loop, perform a Rules Action to "do your thing" (= to set a list widget from active to ended). At that point you'll have all data from each column of your Views results available as so called Rules Parameters. So at that point it's a piece of cake to adapt the value of that list widget for the node you're processing in that loop.
Optionally, you may also want to add whatever extra Rules Condition(s), also up to your own imagination. Typically the things you cannot, or have not yet, expressed as a Views filter. However, if you have a choice between using a Views filter and an extra Rules Condition, I recommend to go for the Views filter, because that will reduce the number of your iterations in your Rules loop (performance!).
Easy, no?
I have a fragment with a table.
the value of this table comes from a list in the bean.
I need to fill the list when the fragment is loaded.
I was trying to do that as I saw here:
but I see that it's filling the list on load and then the constructor of the bean is called again,
so the list get a new instance and in fact its empty again.
Do you know why it happens?
Or is there any other way to fill a list in the bean when the fragment is loaded?
You need to change the scope of your bean.
I suggest trying the 'view scope' first.
You can have the default entry point to your taskflow be a method call that initialize a list in a pageflowscope managed bean. Then you should be able to refer to that list in all the pages in your flow.
I am new to Cakephp and indeed OOP, so forgive me if i haven't fully grasped the MVC concept yet. I have search a lot but cannot find an answer - perhaps my way of working below is not correct. I hope you can help.
I am building a site which will have many elements relating to their tables and data. I intend to use a view to pick and choose the relevant elements and any parameters needed.
For example, the homepage of my site will have two elements - a latestusers element and a latestscores element. I am trying to use a view not related to either the users or scores models/controllers, stored in 'other/index.ctp'.
I have tried using set() to pass a variable from the users controller (latestusers action) into the other/index.ctp view, but the viewVars remain empty. Could this be due to scope of the variable (i think it is fine for a view in the users folder, i.e. a view specific to the users controller).
I could achieve what i want to do by using global variables, but i think this is missing the point of MVC/OOP. Would be grateful for any suggestions.
I can include code if need be - it is fairly basic at this stage - but i feel my problem lies with how i am going about things, not the code itself.
Yes, the issue is with the scope. If you're going to use variables in the element you'll need to pass them in from your view. So the flow would look something like this
Controller $this->set()s the variable into your current view/layout
Your view/layout calls $this->element with the current element path.
Your element uses those variables.
In number 2 you need to pass your variables as an array of data. This section on the cookbook gives more information :
<?php echo$this->element('helpbox',
array("helptext" => "Oh, this text is very helpful."));?>
Note - I didn't understand part of the question. Just want to make sure you are passing data to the correct view. You should not be calling the view of another controller in your active controller.
Your other/index.ctp should be an element and that element should be called from your layout.