Portrait images are rotated when displayed - codenameone

Portrait images are rotated when displayed. I found a related issue that was supposedly fixed in github https://github.com/codenameone/CodenameOne/issues/801.
I tried setting
Display.getInstance().setProperty("normalizeImage", "true"); on startup but that did not work on a Samsung Note 5

The code for doing this was removed for some reason, I've reopened the issue to investigate.


React-Three-Fiber's Canvas freaks out on Android phone

I'm creating my first web app using React and I've implemented some 3D animations using React-Three-Fiber.
I've already deployed the page in github pages and while in Chrome on the desktop, both in the webpage and in localhost the website works flawlessly (has some freezes but that's not the point).
However, when I visit the page on an Android Phone, all the Canvas stop working and display the text multiple times whenever I scroll (I don't really know how to explain what's happening, so I'll leave this video: https://youtube.com/shorts/O0xXEElAjJs?feature=share . You can see that the problem only exists on the Canvas, since the Header is not a Canvas element).
I've tried to load the page on iPhones but it doesn't even load and just crashes.
On two of the Android phones I've tried, the page loaded nicely at start but after some time it started glitching like in the video.
I have absolutely no clue on what is going on, other than the problem lies on the Canvas that I have created.
I assume this is a simple thing that I might have missed but I'm really lost.
Thanks in advance! :D
Here is the webpage: https://pedrochaps.github.io/
Here is the code: https://github.com/PedroChaps/pedrochaps.github.io

Images in fotorama look crappy in chrome and edge

the images in fotorama look crappy in chrome and edge on 1x display, but they are ok in FF. I have tried different settings, but the result is all the same.
Here's the preview http://rgbits.com/dev/houseup/test/test.html#7
I have added a plain image below the gallery for comparison.
I can't find any particular reason for this behaviour, please advice.

Lightbox2 Stopped Working on Chrome

Using straight-out-of-the-box lightbox2 (no edits, no mods). It has worked faithfully for the past couple of years since it's been in use. Suddenly noticed the other day that the image no longer fades in/out using Chrome. Image just displays on a new browser page. Works okay on Edge, but not sure about Safari as I've not yet checked that. Is this a Chrome issue? Any fixes?
I had the same problem. Tried many things.
Then I used "lightbox with jquery" javascript that's on their website: http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2
Update: It is not necessary to combine lightbox with jquery. The issue in my case was that I was using jquery older than version 2. If you user 2.0 or above version of Jquery, lightbox will start working again.

ipad safari scroll freeze in landscape mode on iOS 6

We're experiencing a very strange problem on Safari of iOS6. We have a url which will execute a web program to show a list of newspaper page images with 2 images per row, it works fine on iPad Safari for over 2 years. However, our users reported recently that when they try to scroll down to bottom so as to see images on last row, Safari just freezes and shows only top half part of the images. Following is our tested results:
The problem only exists in iPad/iPhone Safari of iOS6. For iOS5,it's ok.
The problem only exists while in landscape mode.
The problem only exists when url points to our dynamic web problem. (We've run this url on Safari of iOS5, then save the result as a static web page on client side and then upload the static web page (including it's images, js, css files, etc.) to server, then we try to connect this static page on Safari of iOS6 under landscape mode, but the result is ok? the static page's url is (note: Sorry!, Stackoverflow doesn't allow numeric ip, so please copy the url to your own browser)
Does anyone know or ever have solve same/similar problem as we do?
We've found the cause and astonishingly, this problem actually exists in Safari on all version of iOS. Our servlet is called within a frame of our index.html, as following codes:
<frameset rows="0,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="/untitled.htm" name="top">
<frame src="/myapp/myIndex">
In page generated by myIndex, there's an anchor:
<a href='myapp/iPadNews'>
If we connect to index.html, page generated by ipadNews is actually a descendant of the frame. We guess, for unkown reason, Safari calculates wrong for scrolling and think the bottom of page is already reached before it is actually shown on screen. The reason why it's only happened in landscape mode is maybe the image is larger when in landscape mode and the problem happens earlier than that in portait mode. If we add more images in the page, maybe the problem will happen even in portait mode.
The alternative we take is adding a 'target=_blank' in ahchor and the problem goes away, as following code:
<a href='myapp/iPadNews' target=_blank>

CKEditor in IE7

In using CKEditor latest version available now. In Chrome and Firefox it is working without any issues. But in IE7 I am facing some display issues.
When I click Image button the background goes black
body p in the bottom is not looking same as shown in Chrome
Also I get JavaScript error undefined is null or not an object
Please help
Are you sure that your page isn't running in Quirks mode (that the source is correct)? I don't see this issues e.g. on http://ckeditor.com/demo.
CKEditor 4.0 doesn't have support for Quirks mode - we're working on it right now.
