How to add onSelect & onDeselect events Kendo multi-select AngularJS? - angularjs

I am using Kendo multi-select to implement a tag based filter widget. I am using Angular as my framework.
I have stucked in adding onSelect and onDeSelect events to be triggered when the user select, deselect a tag. I could only found this example. But I can't find a way how I can do it with Angular.
Can some one please help?

What about putting the handlers in the options object like this:

Adding a function for onSelect() and specify it as the onSelect method in HTML by
<select kendo-multi-select
workd for me.


angularjs: invoking a function when a selected item in ui-select is unselected

I am using ui-select in a angular template to provide select feature.
In my usecase I have to perform some actions when user selects from dropdown OR unselects one of the selected item. For select event I am making use of on-select to invoke a function where then I do necessary stuff:
<ui-select multiple
But I am not sure how to invoke a function when user UNSELECTS a selected item. I tried on-dismiss but that didn't help.
Does ui-select provide this facility? Or is there any other way of doing this?

Angular jS Multiple Checkbox dropdown filter

I have a Multiple Checkbox Dropdown. I want to make it as a Filter.
So, That if I check one or more boxes it should display data in Table accordingly.
How can I map this Multiple checkbox dropdown with a Table.
Kindly share an example.
Thanks In advance
You can use $watch in angularjs like
$scope.$watch('chkFilterData', function () {
where chkFilterData is the data for Multiple Checkbox Dropdown

bind unbind dynamically $document click event in angular JS custom directive

I want to bind body click event to custom directive. I have created a custom directive for drop down. My functionality is I want closed the option list when the user clicks on the body. The html code for drop down is created by using <ul> and <li> tag. I have used the directive several times on the page. but the page now became slow as the no. of usage of directive increased on the page. So i want to know how to dynamically bind and unbind body click event inside the directive. i used $document.bind('click',function(){//function body}); syntax to bind click event. Please help. Thanks in advance
Instead of using JQuery, you can use the link method to manipulate DOM elements and add listeners
See : the AngularJS doc
I hope it may help

is there any inbuilt right click event in ng-grid using angularjs

i am using angularjs to write right click event for selected row in ng-grid.but i want to know is any inbuilt right click event there in ng-grid.if it is there please suggest me.
A directive may be used to bind required actions on a right click, by using contextmenu event.
You can also refer to answers to this question.
I think you need to define a celltemplate with the required conditions. Something like this by defining a directive
insert ng-click event into ng-grid

ng-click does not work with Kendo grid cell template

I'm trying to use the kendo ui grid and display a link column in an AngularJS application. The column is rendered using a template. I'm using the AngularJS ng-click directive in the template to call a method when the link in a cell is clicked. ng-click does not appear to work in a column template.
Here is an example.
However a similar example that DOES NOT use a column template seems to work fine with ng-click.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
