The problem is the following: Given "ABC+DEF=GHI" format string, where A,B,C etc. represent unique digits, find the expression that gives maximum GHI. Ex: Input string is AAB+AAB=AAB, then there's no solution. If it is instead AAA + BBB = AAA, a solution is 999 + 000 = 999. Another example string: ABC + CBA = GGG, a result is => 543 + 345 = 888.
I have ruled out impossible cases easily. The algorithm I have in mind is a bruteforce, that simply tries maximizing the rhs first. However my problem was doing this fast, and also watching out for the unique digits. What's an efficient way to solve this problem?
Notes: I wish to solve this in a singlethreaded approach, and my current problem is detecting if a unique digit is used in "assign_value" function. Perhaps a better method to assign values is there?
EDIT: As per smci's suggestion, here's what I want to achieve, in the very end: ABRA + CADABRA + ABRA + CADABRA == HOUDINI ; 7457 + 1797457 + 7457 + 1797457 == 3609828 -- A system that can handle not only strings of the form I provided in the beginning (3 digit number + 3 digit number = 3 digit number) but also those. However it doesn't hurt to start simple and go with the solution of format I gave :)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_EXPRESSION_SIZE 11 + 1
int variables_read[MAX_VARIABLES] = { 0 };
struct variable {
int coefficient;
int* ptr;
int side;
int canhavezero;
unsigned value_max;
typedef struct variable Variable;
struct equation {
Variable* variables[9]; // max
unsigned distinct_on_rhs;
unsigned var_count;
typedef struct equation Equation;
int int_pow(int n, int k) {
int res = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
res *= n;
return res;
void AddVariable(Equation* E, Variable* V) {
E->variables[E->var_count++] = V;
int IsImpossible(char* expression) {
// if all letters are same or end letters are same, no solution
(expression[0] == expression[4] && expression[0] == expression[8]) ||
(!strncmp(expression, expression + 4, 3) && !strncmp(expression, expression + 8, 3))
return 1;
return 0;
int assign_value(Equation* E, int pos, int* values) {
if(!E->variables[pos]->value_count) {
if(pos < 0)
return 2;
// if no possible values left, reset this, but take one value count from the closest variable
E->variables[pos - 1]->value_count--;
E->variables[pos]->value_count = E->variables[pos]->value_max;
return 0;
int i;
for(i = 9; i >= 0 && values[i] == -1; --i)
printf("Assigning %d to %c\n", E->variables[pos]->value_set[E->variables[pos]->value_count - 1], 'A' + (E->variables[pos]->ptr - E->variables[0]->ptr));
*(E->variables[pos]->ptr) = values[i];
values[i] = -1; // we have unique numbers
return 0;
int isSolved(Equation E) {
int sum = 0, coeff = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < E.var_count; ++i) {
coeff = E.variables[i]->coefficient * (*E.variables[i]->ptr);
printf("%d ", *E.variables[i]->ptr);
coeff *= -1;
sum += coeff;
printf("\nSum was %d\n", sum);
return !sum;
char* evaluate(char* expression) {
char* res;
// check for impossible cases first
if(IsImpossible(expression)) {
res = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen("No Solution!"));
strcpy(res, "No Solution!");
return res;
res = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_EXPRESSION_SIZE);
// now try to find solutions, first describe the given characters as equations
Equation E;
E.var_count = 0;
E.distinct_on_rhs = 0;
int side_mode = 0, powcounter = 0;
int a = -1, b = -1, c = -1, d = -1, e = -1, f = -1, g = -1, h = -1, i = -1;
int* max_variables[MAX_VARIABLES] = { &a, &b, &c, &d, &e, &f, &g, &h, &i };
for(int j = 0; j < MAX_EXPRESSION_SIZE - 1; ++j) {
if(expression[j] == '+')
if(expression[j] == '=') {
side_mode = 1;
Variable* V = (Variable *) malloc(sizeof(Variable));
// we know we always get 3 digit numbers but we can easily change if we need to
V->coefficient = int_pow(10, 2 - (powcounter % 3));
V->ptr = max_variables[expression[j] - 'A'];
V->side = side_mode;
E.distinct_on_rhs += side_mode && !variables_read[expression[j] - 'A'];
if(!(powcounter % 3)) { // beginning of a number
V->value_count = 9;
V->value_max = 9;
V->canhavezero = 0;
else {
V->value_count = 10;
V->value_max = 10;
V->canhavezero = 1;
AddVariable(&E, V);
variables_read[expression[j] - 'A'] = 1;
for(int j = 0; j < E.var_count; ++j)
printf("%d %c %d\n", E.variables[j]->coefficient, 'A' + (E.variables[j]->ptr - max_variables[0]), E.variables[j]->side);
// we got a representaion of the equation, now try to solve it
int solved = 0;
// O(9^N), where N is number of distinct variables.
// An optimization we can do is, we first assign possible max values to rhs number, then go down. We need max number.
printf("Distincts: %d\n", E.distinct_on_rhs);
do {
// try to assign values to all variables and try if it solves the equation
// but first try to assign rhs as max as possible
int values[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
int temp = E.var_count - E.distinct_on_rhs;
while(temp < E.var_count) {
solved = assign_value(&E, temp, values);
for(int j = E.var_count - 1 - E.distinct_on_rhs; j >= 0; --j)
solved = assign_value(&E, j, values);
if(solved) // can return no solution
solved = isSolved(E);
} while(!solved);
if(solved == 2) {
res = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen("No Solution!"));
strcpy(res, "No Solution!");
else {
return res;
int main() {
char expression[MAX_EXPRESSION_SIZE] = { 0 };
do {
printf("Enter the formula: ");
scanf("%s", expression);
char* res = evaluate(expression);
printf("%s\n", res);
} while(expression[0] != '-');
return 0;
I would start with the result. There are not that many different cases:
All other cases can be reduced to these by renaming the variables. ABC + CBA = GGG would become DBC + CBD = AAA.
Then you have
10 possible solutions for the one-variable case AAA
90 (10*9) for the two variable cases
720 (10*9*8) for the three variable case
assuming that zero is allowed anywhere. If not, you can filter out those that are not allowed.
This sets the variables for the right side of the equation. Each variable that appears only on the left, adds possible solutions. B adds a factor of 9, C a factor of 8, D 7 and so forth.
The most "efficient" solution would take all knowledge of the task and simple print the result. So the question is how much of the conditions can be coded and where and what flexibility is needed.
An alternative is to view the generation of test cases and evaluation of them separately.
A simple recursion function can generate the 10! (362880) test cases of unique digits.
unsigned long long count = 0;
unsigned long long sol = 0;
void evaluate(int object[]) {
int ABC = object[0] * 100 + object[1] * 10 + object[2];
int DEF = object[3] * 100 + object[4] * 10 + object[5];
int GHI = object[6] * 100 + object[7] * 10 + object[8];
if (ABC + DEF == GHI) {
printf("%4llu %03d + %03d = %03d\n", ++sol, ABC,DEF,GHI);
void form_combos(int pool[], size_t pool_count, int object[],
size_t object_count, size_t object_count_max) {
if (object_count >= object_count_max) {
assert(pool_count > 0);
int *pool_end = pool + pool_count - 1;
for (size_t p = 0; p < pool_count; p++) {
int sample = pool[p]; // take one out
pool[p] = *pool_end; // replace it with the end
object[object_count] = sample;
form_combos(pool, pool_count - 1, object, object_count + 1,
pool[p] = sample; // restore pool item
int main() {
int pool[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
size_t pool_size = sizeof pool / sizeof pool[0];
#define object_count 9
int object[object_count];
form_combos(pool, pool_size, object, 0, object_count);
printf("Evaluate() iterations %llu\n", count);
1 091 + 762 = 853
2 091 + 763 = 854
3 091 + 735 = 826
1726 874 + 061 = 935
1727 875 + 046 = 921
1728 876 + 045 = 921
Evaluate() iterations 3628800
What is nice about this approach is that if the task was now find
Changing only 2 lines of code:
printf("%4llu sqr(%03d) + sqr(%03d) = sqr(%03d)\n", ++sol, ABC,DEF,GHI);
results in
1 sqr(534) + sqr(712) = sqr(890)
2 sqr(546) + sqr(728) = sqr(910)
3 sqr(712) + sqr(534) = sqr(890)
4 sqr(728) + sqr(546) = sqr(910)
Evaluate() iterations 3628800
Ok, so for a trivial solution (a base to build a generalization on, so far it only works on the format <3 digit number> + <3 digit number> = <3 digit number>) inspired from #chux and #alain's suggestions is the following code. It truly runs on O(10^N) where N is the distinct number of digits present, or variables if you'd like to call them that. I'll see if I can generalize this even further.
Note that this is for the initial problem of finding the largest rhs. Take that into account as well.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_DIGITS 10
int IsImpossible(char* expression) {
// if all letters are same or end letters are same, no solution
(expression[0] == expression[4] && expression[0] == expression[8]) ||
(!strncmp(expression, expression + 4, 3) && !strncmp(expression, expression + 8, 3))
return 1;
return 0;
int ArePointersAssigned(int*** pointers) {
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_VARIABLES; ++i) {
if(**pointers[i] == -1)
return 0;
return 1;
int evaluate(int*** pointers) {
int ABC = *(*pointers[0]) * 100 + *(*pointers[1]) * 10 + *(*pointers[2]);
int DEF = *(*pointers[3]) * 100 + *(*pointers[4]) * 10 + *(*pointers[5]);
int GHI = *(*pointers[6]) * 100 + *(*pointers[7]) * 10 + *(*pointers[8]);
if (ABC + DEF == GHI) { // since we use dfs, if this is a solution simply return it
//printf("%d + %d = %d\n", ABC, DEF, GHI);
return 1;
return 0;
// use the solved pointer to escape recursion early
// check_end checks if we reached 6 for the 2nd time, if it's first time we ignore (because it's start state)
void form_combos(int pool[], int pool_count, int object_count, int*** pointers, int* solved) {
if(object_count == MAX_DIGITS - 1)
object_count = 0;
if(*solved) // if a branch solved this, escape recursion
if (ArePointersAssigned(pointers)) { // that means we got a full equation set
*solved = evaluate(pointers);
int *pool_end = pool + pool_count - 1;
for (int p = pool_count - 1; p >= 0 && !*solved; p--) {
int sample = pool[p]; // take one out
pool[p] = *pool_end; // replace it with the end
int temp = **pointers[object_count];
if(**pointers[object_count] == -1)
**pointers[object_count] = sample;
form_combos(pool, pool_count - 1, object_count + 1, pointers, solved);
pool[p] = sample; // restore pool item
**pointers[object_count] = temp;
int main() {
char expression[MAX_EXPRESSION_SIZE] = { 0 };
printf("Enter the formula: ");
scanf("%s", expression);
while(expression[0] != '-') {
printf("No solution!\n");
else {
int digits[MAX_DIGITS] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
int object[MAX_VARIABLES] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; // stack for dfs
int *A = &object[0], *B = &object[1], *C = &object[2],
*D = &object[3], *E = &object[4], *F = &object[5],
*G = &object[6], *H = &object[7], *I = &object[8];
// set same pointers
int** pointers[MAX_VARIABLES] = { &A, &B, &C, &D, &E, &F, &G, &H, &I };
// analyze the equation
int var = 0;
for(int p = 0; p < MAX_EXPRESSION_SIZE; ++p) {
if(expression[p] >= 'A' && expression[p] <= 'I') {
*pointers[var++] = &object[expression[p] - 'A']; // link same pointers
int solved = 0, check_end = 0;
form_combos(digits, MAX_DIGITS, MAX_DIGITS - 4, pointers, &solved);
if(!solved) // it can be unsolvable still
printf("No solution!\n");
printf("%d%d%d + %d%d%d = %d%d%d\n", *A, *B, *C, *D, *E, *F, *G, *H, *I);
printf("Enter the formula: ");
scanf("%s", expression);
return 0;
I'm trying to implement the Join Five game. It is a game where, given a grid and a starting configuration of dots, you have to add dots in free crossings, so that each dot that you add forms a 5-dot line with those already in the grid. Two lines may only have 1 dot in common (they may cross or touch end to end)
My game grid is an int array that contains 0 or 1. 1 if there is a dot, 0 if there isn't.
I'm doing kinda well in the implementation, but I'd like to display all the possibles moves.
I made a very long and ugly function that is available here : (it was way too long for my post i'm sorry)
here is a code snippet :
if(jeu->plat[i][j] == 0) // if we're on a empty spot
for(k = 0; k < lineSize; k++) // for each direction
if(jeu->plat[i-1-k][j] == 1) // if there is a dot north
n++; // we count it
break; //we change direction
} //
This code repeats itself 7 other times changing directions and if n or any other variable reaches 4 we count the x and y as a possible move.
And it's not even treating all the cases, if the available spot is between 2 and 2 dots it will not count it. same for 3 and 1 and 1 and 3.
But I don't think the way I started doing it is the best one. I'm pretty sure there is an easier and more optimized way but i can't figure it out.
So my question is: could somebody help me figure out how to find all the possible 5-dot alignments, or tell me if there is a better way of doing it?
Ok, the problem is more difficult than it appears, and a lot of code is required. Everything would have been simpler if you posted all of the necessary code to run it, that is a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example. Anyway, I resorted to putting together a structure for the problem which allows to test it.
The piece which answers your question is the following one:
typedef struct board {
int side_;
char **dots_;
} board;
void board_set_possible_moves(board *b)
/* Directions
7 3
654 */
static int dr[8] = { -1,-1,-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
static int dc[8] = { -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,-1,-1 };
int side_ = b->side_;
char **dots_ = b->dots_;
for (int r = 0; r < side_; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < side_; ++c) {
// The place already has a dot
if (dots_[r][c] == 1)
// Count up to 4 dots in the 8 directions from current position
int ndots[8] = { 0 };
for (int d = 0; d < 8; ++d) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) {
int nr = r + dr[d] * i;
int nc = c + dc[d] * i;
if (nr < 0 || nc < 0 || nr >= side_ || nc >= side_ || dots_[nr][nc] != 1)
// Decide if the position is a valid one
for (int d = 0; d < 4; ++d) {
if (ndots[d] + ndots[d + 4] >= 4)
dots_[r][c] = 2;
Note that I defined a square board with a pointer to pointers to chars, one per place. If there is a 0 in one of the places, then there is no dot and the place is not a valid move; if there is a 1, then there is a dot; if there is a 2, then the place has no dot, but it is a valid move. Valid here means that there are at least 4 dots aligned with the current one.
You can model the directions with a number from 0 to 7 (start from NW, move clockwise). Each direction has an associated movement expressed as dr and dc. Moving in every direction I count how many dots are there (up to 4, and stopping as soon as I find a non dot), and later I can sum opposite directions to obtain the total number of aligned points.
Of course these move are not necessarily valid, because we are missing the definition of lines already drawn and so we cannot check for them.
Here you can find a test for the function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
board *board_init(board *b, int side) {
b->side_ = side;
b->dots_ = malloc(side * sizeof(char*));
b->dots_[0] = calloc(side*side, 1);
for (int r = 1; r < side; ++r) {
b->dots_[r] = b->dots_[r - 1] + side;
return b;
board *board_free(board *b) {
return b;
void board_cross(board *b) {
board_init(b, 18);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
b->dots_[4][7 + i] = 1;
b->dots_[7][4 + i] = 1;
b->dots_[7][10 + i] = 1;
b->dots_[10][4 + i] = 1;
b->dots_[10][10 + i] = 1;
b->dots_[13][7 + i] = 1;
b->dots_[4 + i][7] = 1;
b->dots_[4 + i][10] = 1;
b->dots_[7 + i][4] = 1;
b->dots_[7 + i][13] = 1;
b->dots_[10 + i][7] = 1;
b->dots_[10 + i][10] = 1;
void board_print(const board *b, FILE *f)
int side_ = b->side_;
char **dots_ = b->dots_;
for (int r = 0; r < side_; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < side_; ++c) {
static char map[] = " oX";
fprintf(f, "%c%s", map[dots_[r][c]], c == side_ - 1 ? "" : " - ");
fprintf(f, "\n");
if (r < side_ - 1) {
for (int c = 0; c < side_; ++c) {
fprintf(f, "|%s", c == side_ - 1 ? "" : " ");
fprintf(f, "\n");
int main(void)
board b;
board_print(&b, stdout);
return 0;
I'm facing some difficulties in the last few days while trying to finish the following task, I hope you guys can assist :
I'm given a single number N, and I'm allowed to perform any of the two operations on N in each move :
One - If we take 2 integers where N = x * y , then we can change the value of N to the maximum between x and y.
Two - Decrease the value of N by 1.
I want to find the minimum number of steps to reduce N to zero.
This is what I have so far, I'm not sure what is the best way to implement the function to find the divisor (someFindDevisorFunction), and if this 'f' function would actually produce the required output.
int f(int n)
int div,firstWay,secondWay;
if(n == 0)
return 0;
div = SomefindDivisorFunction(n);
firstWay = 1 + f(n-1);
if(div != 1)
secondWay = 1 + f(div);
if (firstWay < secondWay)
return firstWay;
return secondWay;
return firstWay;
For example, if I enter the number 150 , the output would be :
75 - 25 - 5 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 0
I see this a recursive or iterative problem.
OP's approach hints at recursive.
A recursive solution follows:
At each step, code counts the steps of the various alternatives:
steps(n) = min(
steps(factor1_of_n) + 1,
steps(factor2_of_n) + 1,
steps(factor3_of_n) + 1,
steps(n-1) + 1)
The coded solution below is inefficient, but it does explore all possibilities and gets to the answer.
int solve_helper(int n, bool print) {
int best_quot = 0;
int best_quot_score = INT_MAX;
int quot;
for (int p = 2; p <= (quot = n / p); p++) {
int rem = n % p;
if (rem == 0 && quot > 1) {
int score = solve_helper(quot, false) + 1;
if (score < best_quot_score) {
best_quot_score = score;
best_quot = quot;
int dec_score = n > 0 ? solve_helper(n - 1, false) + 1 : 0;
if (best_quot_score < dec_score) {
if (print) {
printf("/ %d ", best_quot);
solve_helper(best_quot, true);
return best_quot_score;
if (print && n > 0) {
printf("- %d ", n - 1);
solve_helper(n - 1, true);
return dec_score;
int main() {
int n = 75;
printf("%d ", n);
solve(n, true);
75 / 25 / 5 - 4 / 2 - 1 - 0
If you start looking for a divisor with 2, and work your way up, then the last pair of divisors you find will include the largest divisor. Alternatively you can start searching with divisor = N/2 and work down, when the first divisor found will have be largest divisor of N.
int minmoves(int n){
return n;
int[] dp=new int[n+1];
int sqr;
for(int i=4;i<=n;i++){
int best=Integer.MAX_VALUE;
while(sqr >1){
int fact=i/sqr;
return dp[n];
I am fighting some simple question.
I want to get prime numbers
I will use this algorithm
and... I finished code writing like this.
int k = 0, x = 1, n, prim, lim = 1;
int p[100000];
int xCount=0, limCount=0, kCount=0;
p[0] = 2;
scanf("%d", &n);
start = clock();
x += 2; xCount++;
if (sqrt(p[lim]) <= x)
lim++; limCount++;
k = 2; prim = true;
while (prim && k<lim)
if (x % p[k] == 0)
prim = false;
k++; kCount++;
if (prim == true)
p[lim] = x;
printf("prime number : %d\n", p[lim]);
} while (k<n);
I want to check how much repeat this code (x+=2; lim++; k++;)
so I used xCount, limCount, kCount variables.
when input(n) is 10, the results are x : 14, lim : 9, k : 43. wrong answer.
answer is (14,3,13).
Did I write code not well?
tell me correct point plz...
If you want to adapt an algorithm to your needs, it's always a good idea to implement it verbatim first, especially if you have pseudocode that is detailed enough to allow for such a verbatim translation into C-code (even more so with Fortran but I digress)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int main (void){
// type index 1..n
int index;
// var
// x: integer
int x;
//i, k, lim: integer
int i, k, lim;
// prim: boolean
bool prim;
// p: array[index] of integer {p[i] = i'th prime number}
We cannot do that directly, we need to know the value of "index" first
int res;
res = scanf("%d", &index);
if(res != 1 || index < 1){
fprintf(stderr,"Only integral values >= 1, please. Thank you.\n");
The array from the pseudocode is a one-based array, take care
int p[index + 1];
// initialize the whole array with distinguishable values in case of debugging
for(i = 0;i<index;i++){
p[i] = -i;
Your variables
int lim_count = 0, k_count = 0;
// begin
// p[1] = 2
p[1] = 2;
// write(2)
// x = 1
x = 1;
// lim = 1
lim = 1;
// for i:=2 to n do
for(i = 2;i < index; i++){
// repeat (until prim)
do {
// x = x + 2
x += 2;
// if(sqr(p[lim]) <= x) then
if(p[lim] * p[lim] <= x){
// lim = lim +1
// k = 2
k = 2;
// prim = true
prim = true;
// while (prim and (k < lim)) do
while (prim && (k < lim)){
// prim = "x is not divisible by p[k]"
if((x % p[k]) == 0){
prim = false;
// k = k + 1
// (repeat) until prim
} while(!prim);
// p[i] := x
p[i] = x;
// write(x)
// end
printf("x = %d, lim_count = %d, k_count = %d \n",x,lim_count,k_count);
for(i = 0;i<index;i++){
printf("%d, ",p[i]);
It will print an index - 1 number of primes starting at 2.
You can easily change it now--for example: print only the primes up to index instead of index - 1 primes.
In your case the numbers for all six primes up to 13 gives
x = 13, lim_count = 2, k_count = 3
which is distinctly different from the result you want.
Your translation looks very sloppy.
for i:= 2 to n do begin
must translate to:
for (i=2; i<=n; i++)
until prim
must translate to:
do {
} while (!prim);
The while prim... loop is inside the repeat...until prim loop.
I leave it to you to apply this to your code and to check that all constructs have been properly translated. it doesn't look too difficult to do that correctly.
Note: it looks like the algorithm uses 1-based arrays whereas C uses 0-based arrays.
I am trying to write a code for calculating the number of trailing zeroes in a factorial of a specific number (large numbers). However, for small numbers, i get the correct result, but for large the deviations keeps increasing. What's wrong with my logic
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int t;
scanf("%d", &t);
while (t > 0) {
int factorten = 0, factorfive = 0, factortwo = 0, remainingfive = 0,
remainingtwo = 0;
unsigned int factors = 0;
unsigned int n;
scanf("%u", &n);
for (unsigned int i = n; i > 0; i--) {
if (i % 10 == 0) {
} else if (i % 5 == 0) {
} else if (i % 2 == 0) {
// int new = i;
// while(new % 2 == 0)
// new = new / 2;
factors = factors + factorten;
printf("%u\n", factors);
if (factorfive % 2 == 0 && factorfive != 0) {
factors = factors + (factorfive / 2);
} else {
remainingfive = factorfive % 2;
factors = factors + ((factorfive - remainingfive) / 2);
printf("%u\n", factors);
if (factortwo % 5 == 0 && factortwo != 0) {
factors = factors + (factortwo / 5);
} else {
remainingtwo = factortwo % 5;
factors = factors + ((factortwo - remainingtwo) / 5);
printf("%u\n", factors);
if ((remainingfive * remainingtwo % 10) == 0 &&
(remainingfive * remainingtwo % 10) != 0) {
printf("%u\n", factors);
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
Edit: ignore the first two, they are suboptimal. The third algorithm is optimal.
I think this does what you're trying to do, but is a lot simpler and works:
int tzif(int n)
int f2 = 0, f5 = 0;
for (;n > 1; n--)
int x = n;
for (;x % 2 == 0; x /= 2)
for (;x % 5 == 0; x /= 5)
return f2 > f5 ? f5 : f2;
It counts 2-factors and 5-factors of numbers N...2. Then it returns the smaller of the two (because adding 2-factors is useless without adding 5-factors and vice-versa). Your code is too strange for me to analyze.
I think this should work too, because a factorial will have enough 2-factors to "cover" the 5-factors:
int tzif(int n)
int f5 = 0;
for (;n > 1; n--)
for (x = n;x % 5 == 0; x /= 5)
return f5;
This only counts 5-factors and returns that.
Another method I think should work:
int tzif(int n)
int f5 = 0;
for (int d = 5; d <= n; d *= 5)
f5 += n / d;
return f5;
Count every fifth number (each has a 5-factor), then every 25-th number (each has another 5-factor), etc.
Have 3 counters - c2,c5,c10.
I think the checks should be
divisible by 5 but not by 10 -> c5++
divisible by 2 but not by 10 -> c2++
divisible by 10. Here if true, then count number of 0's. (c10++)
At last number of 0's will be
smaller_of(c2,c5) + c10
Try to code using this. Should work.
First the trailing 0 in N! are determined by factors 2 and 5 (10). The factors 2 always would be more that the factors 5 in this case you only need to calculate how factors 5 are in the N!.
(N!/5) would give you the number of multiple of 5 (5^1) in N!
(N!/25) would give you the number of multiple of 25 (5^2) in N!
(N!/125) would give you the number of multiple of 125 (5^3) in N!
(N!/5^n) would give you the number of multiple of 5^n in N!
When you add the multiple of 5 you are adding too the multiple of 25, 125, ..., 5^n, when you add multiple of 25 you are adding too the multiple of 125, ..., 5^n, etc...
In that case you only need to iterate the power of 5 less or equal than N and add the number of multiple of that 5 power.
long long trailing_zeros(long long N) {
long long zeros = 0;
for (long long power5 = 5; power5 <= N; power5 *= 5)
zeros += N / power5;
return zeros;
int main()
int size,i;
std::cin >> size;
fact = new int[size];
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
std::cin >> fact[size];
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
int con = 5;
int multiple = 0;
multiple = multiple+(fact[size] / con);
con = con * 5;
} while (con < fact[size]);
std::cout << multiple <<'\n';
return 0;
this code works perfectly for a single for multiple inputs it prints the o/p for the last entered number...what is wrong..i jst cant think off it
I have a simple (brute-force) recursive solver algorithm that takes lots of time for bigger values of OpxCnt variable. For small values of OpxCnt, no problem, works like a charm. The algorithm gets very slow as the OpxCnt variable gets bigger. This is to be expected but any optimization or a different algorithm ?
My final goal is that :: I want to read all the True values in the map array by
executing some number of read operations that have the minimum operation
cost. This is not the same as minimum number of read operations.
At function completion, There should be no True value unread.
map array is populated by some external function, any member may be 1 or 0.
For example ::
map[4] = 1;
map[8] = 1;
1 read operation having Adr=4,Cnt=5 has the lowest cost (35)
2 read operations having Adr=4,Cnt=1 & Adr=8,Cnt=1 costs (27+27=54)
#include <string.h>
typedef unsigned int Ui32;
#define cntof(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
#define ZERO(x) do{memset(&(x), 0, sizeof(x));}while(0)
typedef struct _S_MB_oper{
Ui32 Adr;
Ui32 Cnt;
typedef struct _S_MB_code{
Ui32 OpxCnt;
S_MB_oper OpxLst[20];
Ui32 OpxPay;
char map[65536] = {0};
static int opx_ListOkey(S_MB_code *px_kod, char *pi_map)
int cost = 0;
char map[65536];
memcpy(map, pi_map, sizeof(map));
for(Ui32 o = 0; o < px_kod->OpxCnt; o++)
for(Ui32 i = 0; i < px_kod->OpxLst[o].Cnt; i++)
Ui32 adr = px_kod->OpxLst[o].Adr + i;
// ...
if(adr < cntof(map)){map[adr] = 0x0;}
for(Ui32 i = 0; i < cntof(map); i++)
if(map[i] > 0x0){return -1;}
// calculate COST...
for(Ui32 o = 0; o < px_kod->OpxCnt; o++)
cost += 12;
cost += 13;
cost += (2 * px_kod->OpxLst[o].Cnt);
px_kod->OpxPay = (Ui32)cost; return cost;
static int opx_FindNext(char *map, int pi_idx)
int i;
if(pi_idx < 0){pi_idx = 0;}
for(i = pi_idx; i < 65536; i++)
if(map[i] > 0x0){return i;}
return -1;
static int opx_FindZero(char *map, int pi_idx)
int i;
if(pi_idx < 0){pi_idx = 0;}
for(i = pi_idx; i < 65536; i++)
if(map[i] < 0x1){return i;}
return -1;
static int opx_Resolver(S_MB_code *po_bst, S_MB_code *px_wrk, char *pi_map, Ui32 *px_idx, int _min, int _max)
int pay, kmax, kmin = 1;
if(*px_idx >= px_wrk->OpxCnt)
return opx_ListOkey(px_wrk, pi_map);
_min = opx_FindNext(pi_map, _min);
// ...
if(_min < 0){return -1;}
kmax = (_max - _min) + 1;
// must be less than 127 !
if(kmax > 127){kmax = 127;}
// is this recursion the last one ?
if(*px_idx >= (px_wrk->OpxCnt - 1))
kmin = kmax;
int zero = opx_FindZero(pi_map, _min);
// ...
if(zero > 0)
kmin = zero - _min;
// enforce kmax limit !?
if(kmin > kmax){kmin = kmax;}
for(int _cnt = kmin; _cnt <= kmax; _cnt++)
px_wrk->OpxLst[*px_idx].Adr = (Ui32)_min;
px_wrk->OpxLst[*px_idx].Cnt = (Ui32)_cnt;
pay = opx_Resolver(po_bst, px_wrk, pi_map, px_idx, (_min + _cnt), _max);
if(pay > 0)
if((Ui32)pay < po_bst->OpxPay)
memcpy(po_bst, px_wrk, sizeof(*po_bst));
return (int)po_bst->OpxPay;
int main()
int _max = -1, _cnt = 0;
S_MB_code best = {0};
S_MB_code work = {0};
map[ 4] = 1;
map[ 8] = 1;
map[64] = 1;
map[72] = 1;
map[80] = 1;
map[88] = 1;
map[96] = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < cntof(map); i++)
if(map[i] > 0)
_max = i; _cnt++;
// num of Opx can be as much as num of individual bit(s).
if(_cnt > cntof(work.OpxLst)){_cnt = cntof(work.OpxLst);}
best.OpxPay = 1000000000L; // invalid great number...
for(int opx_cnt = 1; opx_cnt <= _cnt; opx_cnt++)
int rv;
Ui32 x = 0;
ZERO(work); work.OpxCnt = (Ui32)opx_cnt;
rv = opx_Resolver(&best, &work, map, &x, -42, _max);
return 0;
You can use dynamic programming to calculate the lowest cost that covers the first i true values in map[]. Call this f(i). As I'll explain, you can calculate f(i) by looking at all f(j) for j < i, so this will take time quadratic in the number of true values -- much better than exponential. The final answer you're looking for will be f(n), where n is the number of true values in map[].
A first step is to preprocess map[] into a list of the positions of true values. (It's possible to do DP on the raw map[] array, but this will be slower if true values are sparse, and cannot be faster.)
int pos[65536]; // Every position *could* be true
int nTrue = 0;
void getPosList() {
for (int i = 0; i < 65536; ++i) {
if (map[i]) pos[nTrue++] = i;
When we're looking at the subproblem on just the first i true values, what we know is that the ith true value must be covered by a read that ends at i. This block could start at any position j <= i; we don't know, so we have to test all i of them and pick the best. The key property (Optimal Substructure) that enables DP here is that in any optimal solution to the i-sized subproblem, if the read that covers the ith true value starts at the jth true value, then the preceding j-1 true values must be covered by an optimal solution to the (j-1)-sized subproblem.
So: f(i) = min(f(j) + score(pos(j+1), pos(i)), with the minimum taken over all 1 <= j < i. pos(k) refers to the position of the kth true value in map[], and score(x, y) is the score of a read from position x to position y, inclusive.
int scores[65537]; // We effectively start indexing at 1
scores[0] = 0; // Covering the first 0 true values requires 0 cost
// Calculate the minimum score that could allow the first i > 0 true values
// to be read, and store it in scores[i].
// We can assume that all lower values have already been calculated.
void calcF(int i) {
int bestStart, bestScore = INT_MAX;
for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { // Always executes at least once
int attemptScore = scores[j] + score(pos[j + 1], pos[i]);
if (attemptScore < bestScore) {
bestStart = j + 1;
bestScore = attemptScore;
scores[i] = bestScore;
int score(int i, int j) {
return 25 + 2 * (j + 1 - i);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Set up map[] however you want
for (int i = 1; i <= nTrue; ++i) {
printf("Optimal solution has cost %d.\n", scores[nTrue]);
return 0;
Extracting a Solution from Scores
Using this scheme, you can calculate the score of an optimal solution: it's simply f(n), where n is the number of true values in map[]. In order to actually construct the solution, you need to read back through the table of f() scores to infer which choice was made:
void printSolution() {
int i = nTrue;
while (i) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
if (scores[i] == scores[j] + score(pos[j + 1], pos[i])) {
// We know that a read can be made from pos[j + 1] to pos[i] in
// an optimal solution, so let's make it.
printf("Read from %d to %d for cost %d.\n", pos[j + 1], pos[i], score(pos[j + 1], pos[i]));
i = j;
There may be several possible choices, but all of them will produce optimal solutions.
Further Speedups
The solution above will work for an arbitrary scoring function. Because your scoring function has a simple structure, it may be that even faster algorithms can be developed.
For example, we can prove that there is a gap width above which it is always beneficial to break a single read into two reads. Suppose we have a read from position x-a to x, and another read from position y to y+b, with y > x. The combined costs of these two separate reads are 25 + 2 * (a + 1) + 25 + 2 * (b + 1) = 54 + 2 * (a + b). A single read stretching from x-a to y+b would cost 25 + 2 * (y + b - x + a + 1) = 27 + 2 * (a + b) + 2 * (y - x). Therefore the single read costs 27 - 2 * (y - x) less. If y - x > 13, this difference goes below zero: in other words, it can never be optimal to include a single read that spans a gap of 12 or more.
To make use of this property, inside calcF(), final reads could be tried in decreasing order of start-position (i.e. in increasing order of width), and the inner loop stopped as soon as any gap width exceeds 12. Because that read and all subsequent wider reads tried would contain this too-large gap and therefore be suboptimal, they need not be tried.