I have MDLAsset created from an SCNScene. How do I extract MDLMeshs, MDLCamera(s), and MDLLights? - scenekit

I am struggling trying to traverse an MDLAsset instance created by loading an SCNScene file (.scn).
I want to identify and extract the MDLMeshs as well as camera(s) and lights. I see no direct way to do that.
For example I see this instance method on MDLAsset:
func childObjects(of objectClass: Swift.AnyClass) -> [MDLObject]
Is this what I use?
I have carefully labeled things in the SceneKit modeler. Can I not refer to those which would be ideal. Surely, there is a dictionary of ids/labels that I can get access to. What am I missing here?
I had to resort to pouring over the scene graph in the Xcode debugger due to the complete lack of Apple documentation. Sigh ...
A few things. I see the MDLMesh and MDLSubmesh that is what I am after. What is the traversal approach to get it? Similarly for lights, and camera.
I also need to know the layout of the vertex descriptors so I can sync with my shaders. Can I force a specifc vertex layout on the parsed SCNScene?

MDLObject has a name (because of its conformance to the MDLNamed protocol), and also a path, which is the slash-separated concatenation of the names of its ancestors, but unfortunately, these don't contain the names of their SceneKit counterparts.
If you know you need to iterate through the entire hierarchy of an asset, you may be better off explicitly recursing through it yourself (by first iterating over the top-level objects of the asset, then recursively enumerating their children), since using childObjects(of:) repeatedly will wind up internally iterating over the entire hierarchy to collect all the objects of the specified type.
Beware that even though MDLAsset and MDLObjectContainerComponent conform to NSFastEnumeration, enumerating over them in Swift can be a little painful, and you might want to manually extend them to conform to Sequence to make your work a little easier.

To get all cameras,
[asset childObjectsOfClass:[MDLCamera class]]
Similarly, to get all MDLObjects,
[asset childObjectsOfClass:[MDLObjects class]]
MDLSubmeshes aren't MDLObjects, so you traverse those on the MDLMesh.
There presently isn't a way to impose a vertex descriptor on MDL objects created from SCN objects, but that would be useful.
One thing you can do is to impose a new vertex descriptor on an existing MDL object by setting a mesh's vertexDescriptor property. See the MDLMesh.h header for some discussion.


Extract motion vectors from versatile video coding

How do I go about extracting motion vector into a .txt or .xml file from VVC VTM reference software. I managed to extract the motion vectors to a text file but I don't have a proper index indicating which motion vector belongs where. If anyone could guide me on getting proper index along with motion vectors, that would be very helpful.
Are you doing it at the encoder side?
If so, I suggest that you move to the decoder side and do this:
Encode the sequence from which you want to extract MVs.
Modify the decoder so it prints the MV of each coding unit, if any (e.g. not intra). To do so, you may go to CABAC Reader.cpp file, somewhere inside coding_unit() function, and find the place where MV is parsed. There, in addition to the parsed MV, you have access to coordinates of the ongoing CU.
Decode your encoded bitstream with the modified VTM decoder and print what you wanted to be printed.
As Mosen's answer, I recommend you to extract any information(include MVs) from the decoder.
If you just want to extract MVs to file, you may utilize traverseCU().
VTM's picture class has CodingStructure class which traverses all CUs in picture(even CTU or CU can be treated as CodingStructure class, so you can use traverseCU() at block level too).
So I suggest you to
Access picture class(its name might be different, e.g., m_pcPic at DecLib.cpp) at the decoder side(insert you code before/after execute loop filters).
Iterate each CUs in picutre by using traverseCU().
Extract MVs from every CU you accessed, and save those information(MVs, indices, etc.)
Although there might be better ways to answer your question, i hope this answer helps you.

Appending a big number of nodes to an xml tree

I'm using libxml via C, to work with xml file creation and parsing. Until recently everything worked smoothly, but a case emerged where a single tree has a subnode, lets call it S, with approximately 200,000 children. This case works surprisingly slow and I suspect the function :
which I'm using to build the tree, has to iterate over every child of S to add one more child. Since a function that also accepts a hint (a pointer to the last added function) doesn't seem to exist, is there a better way to build the tree (maybe a batch build method) ? In case such numbers are insignificant and I should search for deficiencies elsewhere, please let me know.
Yeah, rather than keeping the entire XML in memory with xmlTree, you may want to use a combination of libxml's xmlReader and xmlWriter APIs. They're both streaming, so it won't have to keep the entire document in memory and won't have any scaling problems based on the number of elements.
Examples of both xmlReader and xmlWriter can be found here:

.obj file format - alternates between different data types

I'm writing a method to parse the data in wavefront obj files and I understand the format for the most part, however some things are still a bit confusing to me. For instance, I would have expected most files to list all the vertices first, followed by the texture and normal map coordinates and then the face indices. However, some files that I have opened alternate between these different sections. For instance, one .obj file I have of the Venus de Milo (obtained here: http://graphics.im.ntu.edu.tw/~robin/courses/cg03/model/ ) starts off with the vertices (v), then does normal coordinates (vn), then faces (f), then defines more vertices, normals and faces again. Why is the file broken up into two sections like this? Why not list all the vertices up front? Is this meant to signify that there are multiple segments to the mesh? If so, how do I deal with this?
Because this is how the file format was designed. There is no requirement for a specific ordering of the data inside the OBJ, so each modelling package writes it in its own way. Here is one brief summary of the file format, if you haven't read this one yet.
That said, the OBJ format is quite outdated and doesn't support animation by default. It is useful for exchanging of static meshes between modelling tools but not much else. If you need a more robust and modern file format, I'd suggest taking a look at the Collada format or the FBX.
not an direct answer but it will be unreadable in comment
I do not use this file-format but mesh segmentation is usually done for these reasons:
more easy management of the model for editing
separation of parts of model with different material or texture properties
mainly to speed up the rendering by cut down unnecessary material or texture switching
if the mesh has dynamically moving parts then they must be separated
Most 3D mesh file formats contains also transform matrix for each mesh part and some even an skeleton hierarchy
Now how to handle segmented meshes:
if your engine supports only unsegmented models then merge all parts together
This will loose all the advantages of segmented mesh. Do not forget to apply transform matrices of sub segments before merging
or you can implement mesh segmentation into your model class
By adding model hierarchy , transform matrices , ...
Now how to handle mixed model fileformat:
scan file for all necessary chunks of data
remember if they are present
also store their size,and start address in file
and do not forget that there may be more that one chunk of the same data type
preallocate space for all data you need
load/merge all data you need
load chunks of data to you model classes or merge it to single model
of course check if all data needed id present like number of points match number of normals or texture coords ...

How could we get a variable value from GLSL?

I'm doing a project with a lot of calculation and i got an idea is throw pieces of work to GPU, but i wonder whether could we retrieve results from GLSL, if it is posible, how?
GLSL does not provide outputs besides what is placed in the frame buffer.
To program a GPU and get results more conveniently, use CUDA (NVidia only) or OpenCL (cross-platform).
In general, what you want to do is use OpenCL for general-purpose GPU tasks. However, if you are insistent about pretending that OpenGL is not a rendering API...
Framebuffer Objects make it relatively easy to render to multiple outputs. This of course means that you have to structure your processing such that what gets rendered matches what you want. You can render to 32-bit floating-point "images", so you have access to plenty of precision. The biggest difficulty is what I stated: figuring out how to structure your task to match rendering.
It's a bit easier when using transform feedback. This is the ability to write the output of the vertex (or geometry) shader processing to a buffer object. This still requires structuring your tasks into something like rendering, but it's easier because vertex shaders have a strict one-vertex-to-one-vertex mapping. For every input vertex, there is exactly one output. And if you draw GL_POINTS, it's not too difficult to use attributes to pass the data that changes.
Both easier and harder is the use of shader_image_load_store. This is effectively the ability to read/write from/to arbitrary images "whenever you want". I put that last part in quotes because there are lots of esoteric rules about data race conditions: reading from a value written by another shader invocation and so forth. These are not trivial to deal with. You can try to structure your code to avoid them, by not writing to the same image location in the same shader. But in many cases, if you could do that, you could just render to the framebuffer.
Ultimately, it's pretty much impossible to answer this question in the general case, without knowing what exactly you're trying to actually do. How you approach GPGPU through a rendering API depends greatly on exactly what you're trying to compute.

Does using lists of structs make sense in cocoa?

This question has spawned out of this one. Working with lists of structs in cocoa is not simple. Either use NSArray and encode/decode, or use a C type array and lose the commodities of NSArray. Structs are supposed to be simple, but when a list is needed, one would tend to build a class instead.
When does using lists of structs make sense in cocoa?
I know there are already many questions regarding structs vs classes, and I've read users argue that it's the same answer for every language, but at least cocoa should have its own specific answers to this, if only because of KVC or bindings (as Peter suggested on the first question).
Cocoa has a few common types that are structs, not objects: NSPoint, NSRect, NSRange (and their CG counterparts).
When in doubt, follow Cocoa's lead. If you find yourself dealing with a large number of small, mostly-data objects, you might want to make them structs instead for efficiency.
Using NSArray/NSMutableArray as the top-level container, and wrapping the structs in an NSValue will probably make your life a lot easier. I would only go to a straight C-type array if you find NSArray to be a performance bottleneck, or possibly if the array is essentially read-only.
It is convenient and useful at times to use structs, especially when you have to drop down to C, such as when working with an existing library or doing system level stuff. Sometimes you just want a compact data structure without the overhead of a class. If you need many instances of such structs, it can make a real impact on performance and memory footprint.
Another way to do an array of structs is to use the NSPointerArray class. It takes a bit more thought to set up but it works pretty much just like an NSArray after that and you don't have to bother with boxing/unboxing or wrapping in a class so accessing the data is more convenient, and it doesn't take up the extra memory of a class.
NSPointerFunctions *pf = [[NSPointerFunctions alloc] initWithOptions:NSPointerFunctionsMallocMemory |
NSPointerFunctionsStructPersonality |
pf.sizeFunction = keventSizeFunction;
self.pending = [[NSPointerArray alloc] initWithPointerFunctions:pf];
In general, the use of a struct implies the existence of a relatively simple data type that has no logic associated with it nor should have any logic associated with it. Take an NSPoint for instance - it is merely a (x,y) representation. Given this, there are also some issues that arise from it's use. In general, this is OK for this type of data as we usually observe for a change in the point rather than the y-coordinate of a point (fundamentally, (0,1) isn't the same as (1,1) shifted down by 1 unit). If this is an undesirable behavior, it may be a better idea to use a class.
