Datastore efficiency, low level API - google-app-engine

Every Cloud Datastore query computes its results using one or more indexes, which contain entity keys in a sequence specified by the index's properties and, optionally, the entity's ancestors. The indexes are updated incrementally to reflect any changes the application makes to its entities, so that the correct results of all queries are available with no further computation needed.
Generally, I would like to know if
datastore.get(List<Key> listOfKeys);
is faster or slower than a query with the index file prepared (with the same results).
Query q = new Query("Kind")(.setFilter(someFilter));
My current problem:
My data consists of Layers and Points. Points belong to only one unique layer and have unique ids within a layer. I could load the points in several ways:
1) Have points with a "layer name" property and query with a filter.
- Here I am not sure whether the datastore would have the results prepared because as the layer name changes dynamically.
2) Use only keys. The layer would have to store point ids.
KeyFactory.createKey("Layer", "layer name");
KeyFactory.createKey("Point", "layer name"+"x"+"point id");
3) Use queries without filters: I don't actually need the general kind "Point" and could be more specific: kind would be ("layer name"+"point id")
- What are the costs to creating more kinds? Could this be the fastest way?
Can you actually find out how the datastore works in detail?

faster or slower than a query with the index file prepared (with the same results).
Fundamentally a query and a get by key are not guaranteed to have the same results.
Queries are eventually consistent, while getting data by key is strongly consistent.
Your first challenge, before optimizing for speed, is probably ensuring that you're showing the correct data.
The docs are good for explaining eventual vs strong consistency, it sounds like you have the option of using an ancestor query which can be strongly consistent. I would also strongly recommend avoiding using the 'name' - which is dynamic - as the entity name, this will cause you an excessive amount of grief.
In the interests of being specifically helpful, one option for a working solution based on your description would be:
Give a unique id (a uuid probably) to each layer, store the name as a property
Include the layer key as the parent key for each point entity
Use an ancestor query when fetching points for a layer (which is strongly consistent)
An alternative option is to store points as embedded entities and only have one entity for the whole layer - depends on what you're trying to achieve.


Use Objectify to get projection of entity by Id

I have the id of an entity from which I only need a single field. Is there a way to get that projection or must I fetch the whole entity? Here is the code that I thought should do it.
bookKey =OfyService.ofy().load().type(Page.class).id(pageId).project("bookKey").now();
The datastore is a key-value store which loads objects whole, not field-by-field. This is quite different from how you work with a relational database.
There is an exception to this which allows you to load data directly out of an index (projection queries), however it is a performance optimization with very limited and specific use. In general, if you don't understand the fairly exotic detail of how projections work, you should not be using them - it's a premature optimization.

Google App Engine / NDB - Strongly Consistent Read of Entity List after Put

Using Google App Engine's NDB datastore, how do I ensure a strongly consistent read of a list of entities after creating a new entity?
The example use case is that I have entities of the Employee kind.
Create a new employee entity
Immediately load a list of employees (including the one that was added)
I understand that the approach below will yield an eventually consistent read of the list of employees which may or may not contain the new employee. This leads to a bad experience in the case of the latter.
e = Employee(...)
Now here are a few options I've thought about:
I only care about a consistent list read for the user who added the new employee. I don't care if other users have an eventual consistent read.
Let's assume I do not want to put all the employees under an Ancestor to enable a strongly consistent ancestor query. In the case of thousands and thousands of employee entities, the 5 writes / second limitation is not worth it.
Let's also assume that I want the write and the list read to be the result of two separate HTTP requests. I could theoretically put both write and read into a single transaction (?) but then that would be a very non-RESTful API endpoint.
Option 1
Create a new employee entity in the datastore
Additionally, write the new employee object to memcache, local browser cookie, local mobile storage.
Query datastore for list of employees (eventually consistent)
If new employee entity is not in this list, add it to the list (in my application code) from memcache / local memory
Render results to user. If user selects the new employee entity, retrieve the entity using key.get() (strongly consistent).
Option 2
Create a new employee entity using a transaction
Query datastore for list of employees in a transaction
I'm not sure Option #2 actually works.
Technically, does the previous write transaction get written to all the servers before the read transaction of that entity occurs? Or is this not correct behavior?
Transactions (including XG) have a limit on number of entity groups and a list of employees (each is its own entity group) could exceed this limit.
What are the downsides of read-only transactions vs. normal reads?
Thoughts? Option #1 seems like it would work, but it seems like a lot of work to ensure consistency on a follow-on read.
If you don not use an entity group you can do a key_only query and get_multi(keys) lookup for entity consistency. For the new employee you have to pass the new key to key list of the get_multi.
Docs: A combination of the keys-only, global query with a lookup method will read the latest entity values. But it should be noted that a keys-only global query can not exclude the possibility of an index not yet being consistent at the time of the query, which may result in an entity not being retrieved at all. The result of the query could potentially be generated based on filtering out old index values. In summary, a developer may use a keys-only global query followed by lookup by key only when an application requirement allows the index value not yet being consistent at the time of a query.
More info and magic here : Balancing Strong and Eventual Consistency with Google Cloud Datastore
I had the same problem, option #2 doesn't really work: a read using the key will work, but a query might still miss the new employee.
Option #1 could work, but only in the same request. The saved memcache key can dissapear at any time, a subsequent query on the same instance or one on another instance potentially running on another piece of hw would still miss the new employee.
The only "solution" that comes to mind for consistent query results is to actually not attempt to force the new employee into the results and rather leave things flow naturally until it does. I'd just add a warning that creating the new user will take "a while". If tolerable maybe keep polling/querying in the original request until it shows up? - that would be the only place where the employee creation event is known with certainty.
This question is old as I write this. However, it is a good question and will be relevant long term.
Option #2 from the original question will not work.
If the entity creation and the subsequent query are truly independent, with no context linking them, then you are really just stuck - or you don't care. The trick is that there is almost always some relationship or some use case that must be covered. In other words if the query is truly some kind of, essentially, ad hoc query, then you really don't care. In that case, you just quote CAP theorem and remind the client executing the query how great it is that this system scales. However, almost always, if you are worried about the eventual consistency, there is some use case or set of cases that must be handled. For example, if you have a high score list, the highest score must be at the top of the list. The highest score may have just been achieved by the user who is now looking at the list. Another example might be that when an employee is created, that employee must be on the "new employees" list.
So what you usually do is exploit these known cases to balance the throughput needed with consistency. For example, for the high score example, you may be able to afford to keep a secondary index (an entity) that is the list of the high scores. You always get it by key and you can write to it as frequently as needed because high scores are not generated that often presumably. For the new employee example, you might use an approach that you started to suggest by storing the timestamp of the last employee in memcache. Then when you query, you check to make sure your list includes that employee ... or something along those lines.
The price in balancing write throughput and consistency on App Engine and similar systems is always the same. It requires increased model complexity / code complexity to bridge the business needs.

Is Couchbase an ordered key-value store?

Are documents in Couchbase stored in key order? In other words, would they allow efficient queries for retrieving all documents with keys falling in a certain range? In particular I need to know if this is true for Couchbase lite.
Query efficiency is correlated with the construction of the views that are added to the server.
Couchbase/Couchbase Lite only stores the indexes specified and generated by the programmer in these views. As Couchbase rebalances it moves documents between nodes, so it seems impractical that key order could be guaranteed or consistent.
(Few databases/datastores guarantee document or row ordering on disk, as indexes provide this functionality more cheaply.)
Couchbase document retrieval is performed via map/reduce queries in views:
A view creates an index on the data according to the defined format and structure. The view consists of specific fields and information extracted from the objects in Couchbase. Views create indexes on your information that enables search and select operations on the data.
source: views intro
A view is created by iterating over every single document within the Couchbase bucket and outputting the specified information. The resulting index is stored for future use and updated with new data stored when the view is accessed. The process is incremental and therefore has a low ongoing impact on performance. Creating a new view on an existing large dataset may take a long time to build but updates to the data are quick.
source: Views Basics
and finally, the section on Translating SQL to map/reduce may be helpful:
In general, for each WHERE clause you need to include the corresponding field in the key of the generated view, and then use the key, keys or startkey / endkey combinations to indicate the data you want to select.
In conclusion, Couchbase views constantly update their indexes to ensure optimal query performance. Couchbase Lite is similar to query, however the server's mechanics differ slightly:
View indexes are updated on demand when queried. So after a document changes, the next query made to a view will cause that view's map function to be called on the doc's new contents, updating the view index. (But remember that you shouldn't write any code that makes assumptions about when map functions are called.)
How to improve your view indexing: The main thing you have control over is the performance of your map function, both how long it takes to run and how many objects it allocates. Try profiling your app while the view is indexing and see if a lot of time is spent in the map function; if so, optimize it. See if you can short-circuit the map function and give up early if the document isn't a type that will produce any rows. Also see if you could emit less data. (If you're emitting the entire document as a value, don't.)
from Couchbase Lite - View

GAE Datastore: Normalization?

Normalization not in a general relational database sense, in this context.
I have received reports from a User. The data in these reports was generated roughly at the same time, making the timestamp the same for all reports gathered in one request.
I'm still pretty new to datastore, and I know you can query on properties, you have to grab the ancestors' entity's key to traverse down... so I'm wondering which one is better performance and "write/read/etc" wise.
Should I do:
Option 1:
User (Entity, ancestor of ReportBundle): general user information properties
ReportBundle (Entity, ancestor of Report): timestamp
Report (Entity): general data properties
Option 2:
User (Entity, ancestor of Report): insert general user information properties
Report (Entity): timestamp property AND general data properties
Do option 2:
Because, you save time for reading and writing an additional Entity.
You also save database operations (which in the end will save money).
As I see from your options, you need to check the timestamp property anyhow so putting it inside the report object would be fine,
also your code is less complex and better maintainable.
As mentioned from Chris and in comments, using datastore means thinking denormalized.
It's better to store the data twice then doing complex queries, goal for your data design should be to get the entities by ID.
Doing so will also save on the amount of indexes you may need. This is important to know.
The reason why the amount of indexes is limited, is because of denormalization.
For each index you create, datastore creates a new table in behind, which holds the data in the right order based on your index. So when you use indexes your data is already stored more then one time. The good thing about this behavior is that writes are faster, because you can write to all the index tables in parallel. Also reads, because you read data already in right order based on your index.
Knowing this, and if only these 2 options are available, option 2 would be the better one.
We have lots of very denormalized models because of the inability to do JOINs.
You should think about how you are going to process the data, if you might expect request timeouts.

Solr / rdbms, where to store additonal data

What would be considered best practice when you need additional data about facet results.
ie. i need a friendlyname / image / meta keywords / description / and more.. for product categories. (when faceting on categories)
include it in the document? (can lead to looots of duplication)
introduce category as a new index in solr (or fake by doctype=category field in solr)
use a rdbms to lookup additional data using a SELECT WHERE IN (..category facet result ids..)
use fast NoSQL db that fits your data
BTW Lucene, which is Solr's underlying layer, is in fact also NoSQL-type storage facility.
If I were you, I'd use MongoDB. That's the first db that came to mind, since you need binary data and they practically invented BSON, which is now widespread mean of transferring binary data in a JSON-like fashion.
If your data structure is more graph-shaped (like social network) check out Neo4j, which has blindingly fast graph traversal algorithms.
A relational DB can reliably enforce the "category is first class entity" thing. You would need referential integrity: a product may not belong to a category that doesnt exist. A deleted category must not have it's child categories lying around. A normalized RDB can enforce referential integrity through schema. A NoSQL DB must work with client-side code (you must write) to enforce referential integrity.
Lets see how "product's category must exist" and "subcategories' parents must exist" are done:
RDB: The table that assigns categories to products (an m:n relation) must be keyed up to the product and category by an ON DELETE CASCADE. If a category is deleted, a product simply cannot have such a category. A category that links up to another category as a child: the relavent field has an ON DELETE CASCADE. This means that if a parent is deleted, it's children cannot exist. This entire method is declarative ("it is declared thus"), all complexities exist in the data, we dont need no stinking code to do it for us. You can model a DB as naturally as you understand their real world implications.
Document store-type NoSQL: You need to write code to do everything. A "category is deleted" is an use case, and you need to find products that have that category, and update each one. You have to write code for each use case. Same goes for managing subcategories. The data model may be incredibly stupid, but their real-world implications must be modeled in the code. And its tougher to reason in code and control flow rather than in data structures.
Do you really have performance needs that require NoSQL databases?
So use RDBMSs to manage your data. Then use Direct Import handler or client-side code to insert/update denormalized entities for searching. If most requests to your site can be expressed in Solr queries, great!
As for expressing hierarchial faceting in Solr, see ' Ways to do hierarchial faceting in Solr? '.
I would think about 2 alternatives:
1.) strong the informations for every document without indexing it (to keep the index small as possible). The point is, that i would not store the image insight Lucene/Solr - only an file pointer.
2.) store the additional data on an rdbms or nosql (linke mongoDB) to lookup, as you wrote.
My favorite is the 2nd. one, because an database is the traditional and most optimized way to storing data.
But finally it depends on your system, because you should keep in mind, that you need time for connecting an database, searching through the data and sending the additional information back to the application.
So it could be faster to store everything on lucene.
Probably an small performance test would be useful.
maybe I am wrong, but if you are on Solr trunk you could benefit from Solr join suport, this would allow you to index several entities with relations among them while enforcing conditions on both.
