Solr / rdbms, where to store additonal data - solr

What would be considered best practice when you need additional data about facet results.
ie. i need a friendlyname / image / meta keywords / description / and more.. for product categories. (when faceting on categories)
include it in the document? (can lead to looots of duplication)
introduce category as a new index in solr (or fake by doctype=category field in solr)
use a rdbms to lookup additional data using a SELECT WHERE IN (..category facet result ids..)

use fast NoSQL db that fits your data
BTW Lucene, which is Solr's underlying layer, is in fact also NoSQL-type storage facility.
If I were you, I'd use MongoDB. That's the first db that came to mind, since you need binary data and they practically invented BSON, which is now widespread mean of transferring binary data in a JSON-like fashion.
If your data structure is more graph-shaped (like social network) check out Neo4j, which has blindingly fast graph traversal algorithms.

A relational DB can reliably enforce the "category is first class entity" thing. You would need referential integrity: a product may not belong to a category that doesnt exist. A deleted category must not have it's child categories lying around. A normalized RDB can enforce referential integrity through schema. A NoSQL DB must work with client-side code (you must write) to enforce referential integrity.
Lets see how "product's category must exist" and "subcategories' parents must exist" are done:
RDB: The table that assigns categories to products (an m:n relation) must be keyed up to the product and category by an ON DELETE CASCADE. If a category is deleted, a product simply cannot have such a category. A category that links up to another category as a child: the relavent field has an ON DELETE CASCADE. This means that if a parent is deleted, it's children cannot exist. This entire method is declarative ("it is declared thus"), all complexities exist in the data, we dont need no stinking code to do it for us. You can model a DB as naturally as you understand their real world implications.
Document store-type NoSQL: You need to write code to do everything. A "category is deleted" is an use case, and you need to find products that have that category, and update each one. You have to write code for each use case. Same goes for managing subcategories. The data model may be incredibly stupid, but their real-world implications must be modeled in the code. And its tougher to reason in code and control flow rather than in data structures.
Do you really have performance needs that require NoSQL databases?
So use RDBMSs to manage your data. Then use Direct Import handler or client-side code to insert/update denormalized entities for searching. If most requests to your site can be expressed in Solr queries, great!
As for expressing hierarchial faceting in Solr, see ' Ways to do hierarchial faceting in Solr? '.

I would think about 2 alternatives:
1.) strong the informations for every document without indexing it (to keep the index small as possible). The point is, that i would not store the image insight Lucene/Solr - only an file pointer.
2.) store the additional data on an rdbms or nosql (linke mongoDB) to lookup, as you wrote.
My favorite is the 2nd. one, because an database is the traditional and most optimized way to storing data.
But finally it depends on your system, because you should keep in mind, that you need time for connecting an database, searching through the data and sending the additional information back to the application.
So it could be faster to store everything on lucene.
Probably an small performance test would be useful.

maybe I am wrong, but if you are on Solr trunk you could benefit from Solr join suport, this would allow you to index several entities with relations among them while enforcing conditions on both.


What is the best practice of SQL Database table analogy in RocksDB

In a SQL database, we generally have related information stored in different tables in a database. From what I read from RocksDB document, there's really no clear or 'right' way to represent this kind of structure. So I'm wondering what is the practice to categorize information?
Say I have three types of information, Customer, Product, and Employee. And I want to implement these in RocksDB. Should I use prefix of the key, different column families, or different databases?
Thanks for any suggestion.
You can do it by coming up with some prefix which will mean such table, such column, such id. You could for simplicity store in one column family and definetely in one db since you have atomic operations, snapshots and so on. The better question why would you want to store relational data in nosql db unless you are building something higher level.
By the way, checkout linqdb which is an example of higher-level db where you can store entities, perform linq-style operations and it uses rocksdb underneath.
The way data is organized in key-value store is up the the implementation. There is no "one good way to go" it depends on the underlying key-value store features (is it key ordered in particular).
The same normalization/denormalization technics applies.
I think the piece you are missing about key-value store application design is the concept of key composition. Quickly, is the practice of building keys in such a way that they are amenable to querying. If the database is ordered then it will also also for prefix/range/scan queries and next/previous navigation. This will lead you to build key prefixes in such a way that querying is fast ie. that doesn't require a full table scan.
Expand your research to other key value stores like bsddb or leveldb here on Stack Overflow.

Datastore efficiency, low level API

Every Cloud Datastore query computes its results using one or more indexes, which contain entity keys in a sequence specified by the index's properties and, optionally, the entity's ancestors. The indexes are updated incrementally to reflect any changes the application makes to its entities, so that the correct results of all queries are available with no further computation needed.
Generally, I would like to know if
datastore.get(List<Key> listOfKeys);
is faster or slower than a query with the index file prepared (with the same results).
Query q = new Query("Kind")(.setFilter(someFilter));
My current problem:
My data consists of Layers and Points. Points belong to only one unique layer and have unique ids within a layer. I could load the points in several ways:
1) Have points with a "layer name" property and query with a filter.
- Here I am not sure whether the datastore would have the results prepared because as the layer name changes dynamically.
2) Use only keys. The layer would have to store point ids.
KeyFactory.createKey("Layer", "layer name");
KeyFactory.createKey("Point", "layer name"+"x"+"point id");
3) Use queries without filters: I don't actually need the general kind "Point" and could be more specific: kind would be ("layer name"+"point id")
- What are the costs to creating more kinds? Could this be the fastest way?
Can you actually find out how the datastore works in detail?
faster or slower than a query with the index file prepared (with the same results).
Fundamentally a query and a get by key are not guaranteed to have the same results.
Queries are eventually consistent, while getting data by key is strongly consistent.
Your first challenge, before optimizing for speed, is probably ensuring that you're showing the correct data.
The docs are good for explaining eventual vs strong consistency, it sounds like you have the option of using an ancestor query which can be strongly consistent. I would also strongly recommend avoiding using the 'name' - which is dynamic - as the entity name, this will cause you an excessive amount of grief.
In the interests of being specifically helpful, one option for a working solution based on your description would be:
Give a unique id (a uuid probably) to each layer, store the name as a property
Include the layer key as the parent key for each point entity
Use an ancestor query when fetching points for a layer (which is strongly consistent)
An alternative option is to store points as embedded entities and only have one entity for the whole layer - depends on what you're trying to achieve.

Using Doctrine 2 for large data models

I have a legacy in-house human resources web app that I'd like to rebuild using more modern technologies. Doctrine 2 is looking good. But I've not been able to find articles or documentation on how best to organise the Entities for a large-ish database (120 tables). Can you help?
My main problem is the Person table (of course! it's an HR system!). It currently has 70 columns. I want to refactor that to extract several subsets into one-to-one sub tables, which will leave me with about 30 columns. There are about 50 other supporting one-to-many tables called person_address, person_medical, person_status, person_travel, person_education, person_profession etc. More will be added later.
If I put all the doctrine associations ( in the Person entity class along with the set/get/add/remove methods for each, along with the original 30 columns and their methods, and some supporting utility functions then the Person entity is going to be 1000+ lines long and a nightmare to test.
FWIW i plan to create a PersonRepository to handle the common bulk queries, a PersonProfessionRepository for the bulk queries / reports on that sub table etc, and Person*Service s which will contain some of the more complex business logic where needed. So organising the rest of the app logic is fine: this is a question about how to correctly organise lots of sub-table Entities with Doctrine that all have relationships / associations back to one primary table. How do I avoid bloating out the Person entity class?
Identifying types of objects
It sounds like you have a nicely normalized database and I suggest you keep it that way. Removing columns from the people table to create separate tables for one-to-one relations isn't going to help in performance nor maintainability.
The fact that you recognize several groups of properties in the Person entity might indicate you have found cases for a Value Object. Even some of the one-to-many tables (like person_address) sound more like Value Objects than Entities.
Starting with Doctrine 2.5 (which is not yet stable at the time of this writing) it will support embedding single Value Objects. Unfortunately we will have to wait for a future version for support of collections of Value objects.
Putting that aside, you can mimic embedding Value Objects, Ross Tuck has blogged about this.
Lasagna Code
Your plan of implementing an entity, repository, service (and maybe controller?) for Person, PersonProfession, etc sounds like a road to Lasagna Code.
Without extensive knowledge about your domain, I'd say you want to have an aggregate Person, of which the Person entity is the aggregate root. That aggregate needs a single repository. (But maybe I'm off here and being simplistic, as I said, I don't know your domain.)
Creating a service for Person (and other entities / value objects) indicates data-minded thinking. For services it's better to think of behavior. Think of what kind of tasks you want to perform, and group coherent sets of tasks into services. I suspect that for a HR system you'll end up with many services that evolve around your Person aggregate.
Is Doctrine 2 suitable?
I would say: yes. Doctrine itself has no problems with large amounts of tables and large amounts of columns. But performance highly depends on how you use it.
For OLTP systems an ORM can be very helpful. OLTP involves many short transactions, writing a single (or short list) of aggregates to the database.
For OLAP systems an ORM is not suited. OLAP involves many complex analytical queries, usually resulting in large object-graphs. For these kind of operations, native SQL is much more convenient.
Even in case of OLAP systems Doctrine 2 can be of help:
You can use DQL queries (in stead of native SQL) to use the power of your mapping metadata. Then use scalar or array hydration to fetch the data.
Doctrine also support arbitrary joins, which means you can join entities that are not associated to each other according by mapping metadata.
And you can make use of the NativeQuery object with which you can map the results to whatever you want.
I think a HR system is a perfect example of where you have both OLTP and OLAP. OLTP when it comes to adding a new Person to the system for example. OLAP when it comes to various reports and analytics.
So there's nothing wrong with using an ORM for transactional operations, while using plain SQL for analytical operations.
Choose wisely
I think the key is to carefully choose when to use what, on a case by case basis.
Hydrating entities is great for transactional operations. Make use of lazy loading associations which can prevent fetching data you're not going to use. But also choose to eager load certain associations (using DQL) where it makes sense.
Use scalar or array hydration when working with large data sets. Data sets usually grow where you're doing analytical operations, where you don't really need full blown entities anyway.
#Quicker makes a valid point by saying you can create specialized View objects. You can fetch only the data you need in specific cases and manually mold that data into objects. This is accompanied by his point to don't bloat the user interface with options a user with a certain role doesn't need.
A technique you might want to look into is Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS).
I understood that you have a fully normalized table persons and now you are asking for how to denormalize that best.
As long as you do not hit any technical constaints (such as max 64 K Byte) I find 70 columns definitly not overloaded for a persons table in a HR system. Do yourself a favour to not segment that information for following reasons:
selects potentially become more complex
each extract table needs (an) extra index/indeces, which increases your overall memory utilization -> this sounds to be a minor issue as disk is cheap. However keep in mind that via caching the RAM to disk space utilization ratio determines your performance to a huge extend
changes become more complex as extra relations demand for extra care
as any edit/update/read view can be restricted to deal with slices of your physical data from the tables only no "cosmetics" pressure arises from end user (or even admin) perspective
In summary your the table subsetting causes lots of issues and effort but does add low if not no value.
Btw. databases are optimized for data storage. Millions of rows and some dozens of columns are no brainers at that end.

Database storage design of large amounts of heterogeneous data

Here is something I've wondered for quite some time, and have not seen a real (good) solution for yet. It's a problem I imagine many games having, and that I can't easily think of how to solve (well). Ideas are welcome, but since this is not a concrete problem, don't bother asking for more details - just make them up! (and explain what you made up).
Ok, so, many games have the concept of (inventory) items, and often, there are hundreds of different kinds of items, all with often very varying data structures - some items are very simple ("a rock"), others can have insane complexity or data behind them ("a book", "a programmed computer chip", "a container with more items"), etc.
Now, programming something like that is easy - just have everything implement an interface, or maybe extend an abstract root item. Since objects in the programming world don't have to look the same on the inside as on the outside, there is really no issue with how much and what kind of private fields any type of item has.
But when it comes to database serialization (binary serialization is of course no problem), you are facing a dilemma: how would you represent that in, say, a typical SQL database ?
Some attempts at a solution that I have seen, none of which I find satisfying:
Binary serialization of the items, the database just holds an ID and a blob.
Pro's: takes like 10 seconds to implement.
Con's: Basically sacrifices every database feature, hard to maintain, near impossible to refactor.
A table per item type.
Pro's: Clean, flexible.
Con's: With a wide variety come hundreds of tables, and every search for an item has to query them all since SQL doesn't have the concept of table/type 'reference'.
One table with a lot of fields that aren't used by every item.
Pro's: takes like 10 seconds to implement, still searchable.
Con's: Waste of space, performance, confusing from the database to tell what fields are in use.
A few tables with a few 'base profiles' for storage where similar items get thrown together and use the same fields for different data.
Pro's: I've got nothing.
Con's: Waste of space, performance, confusing from the database to tell what fields are in use.
What ideas do you have? Have you seen another design that works better or worse?
It depends if you need to sort, filter, count, or analyze those attribute.
If you use EAV, then you will screw yourself nicely. Try doing reports on an EAV schema.
The best option is to use Table Inheritance:
id pk
id pk fk PRODUCT
id pk fk PRODUCT
att 5
For attributes that you don't need to search/sort/analyze, then use a blob or xml
I have two alternatives for you:
One table for the base type and supplemental tables for each “class” of specialized types.
In this schema, properties common to all “objects” are stored in one table, so you have a unique record for every object in the game. For special types like books, containers, usable items, etc, you have another table for each unique set of properties or relationships those items need. Every special type will therefore be represented by two records: the base object record and the supplemental record in a particular special type table.
PROS: You can use column-based features of your database like custom domains, checks, and xml processing; you can have simpler triggers on certain types; your queries differ exactly at the point of diverging concerns.
CONS: You need two inserts for many objects.
Use a “kind” enum field and a JSONB-like field for the special type data.
This is kind of like your #1 or #3, except with some database help. Postgres added JSONB, giving you an improvement over the old EAV pattern. Other databases have a similar complex field type. In this strategy you roll your own mini schema that you stash in the JSONB field. The kind field declares what you expect to find in that JSONB field.
PROS: You can extract special type data in your queries; can add check constraints and have a simple schema to deal with; you can benefit from indexing even though your data is heterogenous; your queries and inserts are simple.
CONS: Your data types within JSONB-like fields are pretty limited and you have to roll your own validation.
Yes, it is a pain to design database formats like this. I'm designing a notification system and reached the same problem. My notification system is however less complex than yours - the data it holds is at most ids and usernames. My current solution is a mix of 1 and 3 - I serialize data that is different from every notification, and use a column for the 2 usernames (some may have 2 or 1). I shy away from method 2 because I hate that design, but it's probably just me.
However, if you can afford it, I would suggest thinking outside the realm of RDBMS - it sounds like Non-RDBMS (especially key/value storage ones) may be a better fit to store these data, especially if item 1 and item 2 differ from each item a lot.
I'm sure this has been asked here a million times before, but in addition to the options which you have discussed in your question, you can look at EAV schema which is very flexible, but which has its own sets of cons.
Another alternative is database systems which are not relational. There are object databases as well as various key/value stores and document databases.
Typically all these things break down to some extent when you need to query against the flexible attributes. This is kind of an intrinsic problem, however. Conceptually, what does it really mean to query things accurately which are unstructured?
First of all, do you actually need the concurrency, scalability and ACID transactions of a real database? Unless you are building a MMO, your game structures will likely fit in memory anyway, so you can search and otherwise manipulate them there directly. In a scenario like this, the "database" is just a store for serialized objects, and you can replace it with the file system.
If you conclude that you do (need a database), then the key is in figuring out what "atomicity" means from the perspective of the data management.
For example, if a game item has a bunch of attributes, but none of these attributes are manipulated individually at the database level (even though they could well be at the application level), then it can be considered as "atomic" from the data management perspective. OTOH, if the item needs to be searched on some of these attributes, then you'll need a good way to index them in the database, which typically means they'll have to be separate fields.
Once you have identified attributes that should be "visible" versus the attributes that should be "invisible" from the database perspective, serialize the latter to BLOBs (or whatever), then forget about them and concentrate on structuring the former.
That's where the fun starts and you'll probably need to use "all of the above" strategy for reasonable results.
BTW, some databases support "deep" indexes that can go into heterogeneous data structures. For example, take a look at Oracle's XMLIndex, though I doubt you'll use Oracle for a game.
You seem to be trying to solve this for a gaming context, so maybe you could consider a component-based approach.
I have to say that I personally haven't tried this yet, but I've been looking into it for a while and it seems to me something similar could be applied.
The idea would be that all the entities in your game would basically be a bag of components. These components can be Position, Energy or for your inventory case, Collectable, for example. Then, for this Collectable component you can add custom fields such as category, numItems, etc.
When you're going to render the inventory, you can simply query your entity system for items that have the Collectable component.
How can you save this into a DB? You can define the components independently in their own table and then for the entities (each in their own table as well) you would add a "Components" column which would hold an array of IDs referencing these components. These IDs would effectively be like foreign keys, though I'm aware that this is not exactly how you can model things in relational databases, but you get the idea.
Then, when you load the entities and their components at runtime, based on the component being loaded you can set the corresponding flag in their bag of components so that you know which components this entity has, and they'll then become queryable.
Here's an interesting read about component-based entity systems.

How to think in data stores instead of databases?

As an example, Google App Engine uses Google Datastore, not a standard database, to store data. Does anybody have any tips for using Google Datastore instead of databases? It seems I've trained my mind to think 100% in object relationships that map directly to table structures, and now it's hard to see anything differently. I can understand some of the benefits of Google Datastore (e.g. performance and the ability to distribute data), but some good database functionality is sacrificed (e.g. joins).
Does anybody who has worked with Google Datastore or BigTable have any good advice to working with them?
There's two main things to get used to about the App Engine datastore when compared to 'traditional' relational databases:
The datastore makes no distinction between inserts and updates. When you call put() on an entity, that entity gets stored to the datastore with its unique key, and anything that has that key gets overwritten. Basically, each entity kind in the datastore acts like an enormous map or sorted list.
Querying, as you alluded to, is much more limited. No joins, for a start.
The key thing to realise - and the reason behind both these differences - is that Bigtable basically acts like an enormous ordered dictionary. Thus, a put operation just sets the value for a given key - regardless of any previous value for that key, and fetch operations are limited to fetching single keys or contiguous ranges of keys. More sophisticated queries are made possible with indexes, which are basically just tables of their own, allowing you to implement more complex queries as scans on contiguous ranges.
Once you've absorbed that, you have the basic knowledge needed to understand the capabilities and limitations of the datastore. Restrictions that may have seemed arbitrary probably make more sense.
The key thing here is that although these are restrictions over what you can do in a relational database, these same restrictions are what make it practical to scale up to the sort of magnitude that Bigtable is designed to handle. You simply can't execute the sort of query that looks good on paper but is atrociously slow in an SQL database.
In terms of how to change how you represent data, the most important thing is precalculation. Instead of doing joins at query time, precalculate data and store it in the datastore wherever possible. If you want to pick a random record, generate a random number and store it with each record. There's a whole cookbook of this sort of tips and tricks here.
The way I have been going about the mind switch is to forget about the database altogether.
In the relational db world you always have to worry about data normalization and your table structure. Ditch it all. Just layout your web page. Lay them all out. Now look at them. You're already 2/3 there.
If you forget the notion that database size matters and data shouldn't be duplicated then you're 3/4 there and you didn't even have to write any code! Let your views dictate your Models. You don't have to take your objects and make them 2 dimensional anymore as in the relational world. You can store objects with shape now.
Yes, this is a simplified explanation of the ordeal, but it helped me forget about databases and just make an application. I have made 4 App Engine apps so far using this philosophy and there are more to come.
I always chuckle when people come out with - it's not relational. I've written cellectr in django and here's a snippet of my model below. As you'll see, I have leagues that are managed or coached by users. I can from a league get all the managers, or from a given user I can return the league she coaches or managers.
Just because there's no specific foreign key support doesn't mean you can't have a database model with relationships.
My two pence.
class League(BaseModel):
name = db.StringProperty()
managers = db.ListProperty(db.Key) #all the users who can view/edit this league
coaches = db.ListProperty(db.Key) #all the users who are able to view this league
def get_managers(self):
# This returns the models themselves, not just the keys that are stored in teams
return UserPrefs.get(self.managers)
def get_coaches(self):
# This returns the models themselves, not just the keys that are stored in teams
return UserPrefs.get(self.coaches)
def __str__(self):
# Need to delete all the associated games, teams and players
def delete(self):
for player in self.leagues_players:
for game in self.leagues_games:
for team in self.leagues_teams:
super(League, self).delete()
class UserPrefs(db.Model):
user = db.UserProperty()
league_ref = db.ReferenceProperty(reference_class=League,
collection_name='users') #league the users are managing
def __str__(self):
return self.user.nickname
# many-to-many relationship, a user can coach many leagues, a league can be
# coached by many users
def managing(self):
return League.gql('WHERE managers = :1', self.key())
def coaching(self):
return League.gql('WHERE coaches = :1', self.key())
# remove all references to me when I'm deleted
def delete(self):
for manager in self.managing:
for coach in self.managing:
super(UserPrefs, self).delete()
I came from Relational Database world then i found this Datastore thing. it took several days to get hang of it. well there are some of my findings.
You must have already know that Datastore is build to scale and that is the thing that separates it from RDMBS. to scale better with large dataset, App Engine has done some changes(some means lot of changes).
RDBMS VS DataStore
In database, we usually structure our data in Tables, Rows which is in Datastore it becomes Kinds and Entities.
In RDBMS, Most of the people folllows the One-to-One, Many-to-One, Many-to-Many relationship, In Datastore, As it has "No Joins" thing but still we can achieve our normalization using "ReferenceProperty" e.g. One-to-One Relationship Example .
Usually in RDMBS we make indexes like Primary Key, Foreign Key, Unique Key and Index key to speed up the search and boost our database performance. In datastore, you have to make atleast one index per kind(it will automatically generate whether you like it or not) because datastore search your entity on the basis of these indexes and believe me that is the best part, In RDBMS you can search using non-index field though it will take some time but it will. In Datastore you can not search using non-index property.
In RDMBS, it is much easier to count(*) but in datastore, Please dont even think it in normal way(Yeah there is a count function) as it has 1000 Limit and it will cost as much small opertion as the entity which is not good but we always have good choices, we can use Shard Counters.
Unique Constraints
In RDMBS, We love this feature right? but Datastore has its own way. you cannot define a property as unique :(.
GAE Datatore provides a better feature much LIKE(Oh no! datastore does not have LIKE Keyword) SQL which is GQL.
Data Insert/Update/Delete/Select
This where we all are interested in, as in RDMBS we require one query for Insert, Update, Delete and Select just like RDBMS, Datastore has put, delete, get(dont get too excited) because Datastore put or get in terms of Write, Read, Small Operations(Read Costs for Datastore Calls) and thats where Data Modeling comes into action. you have to minimize these operations and keep your app running. For Reducing Read operation you can use Memcache.
Take a look at the Objectify documentation. The first comment at the bottom of the page says:
"Nice, although you wrote this to describe Objectify, it is also one of the most concise explanation of appengine datastore itself I've ever read. Thank you."
If you're used to thinking about ORM-mapped entities then that's basically how an entity-based datastore like Google's App Engine works. For something like joins, you can look at reference properties. You don't really need to be concerned about whether it uses BigTable for the backend or something else since the backend is abstracted by the GQL and Datastore API interfaces.
The way I look at datastore is, kind identifies table, per se, and entity is individual row within table. If google were to take out kind than its just one big table with no structure and you can dump whatever you want in an entity. In other words if entities are not tied to a kind you pretty much can have any structure to an entity and store in one location (kind of a big file with no structure to it, each line has structure of its own).
Now back to original comment, google datastore and bigtable are two different things so do not confuse google datastore to datastore data storage sense. Bigtable is more expensive than bigquery (Primary reason we didn't go with it). Bigquery does have proper joins and RDBMS like sql language and its cheaper, why not use bigquery. That being said, bigquery does have some limitations, depending on size of your data you might or might not encounter them.
Also, in terms of thinking in terms of datastore, i think proper statement would have been "thinking in terms of NoSQL databases". There are too many of them available out there these days but when it comes to google products except google cloud SQL (which is mySQL) everything else is NoSQL.
Being rooted in the database world, a data store to me would be a giant table (hence the name "bigtable"). BigTable is a bad example though because it does a lot of other things that a typical database might not do, and yet it is still a database. Chances are unless you know you need to build something like Google's "bigtable", you will probably be fine with a standard database. They need that because they are handling insane amounts of data and systems together, and no commercially available system can really do the job the exact way they can demonstrate that they need the job to be done.
(bigtable reference:
