How to prevent a dlopened library from using certain libc functions? - c

I'm writing a Linux/Unix program that has a lot of implementation in plugins that are dlopened by the program on-demand.
I'd like to prevent these plugin libraries from using some libc functions that mess with global state of the host process (such as manipulating signal handlers and suchlike).
What would be the best way to do this?
As far as I know I can't employ the classical LD_PRELOAD trick here since the libs are dlopened.

In practical terms, you can't. Code running from a library runs with the full privileges of the host application. Don't load libraries that you don't trust to not do stupid things.
You could conceivably examine the library before loading it and (for instance) reject libraries which have unexpected dependencies, or which have relocations for functions which they shouldn't be using. (This could be accomplished using ldd or readelf, for instance.) However, this will never be entirely reliable; there are numerous ways that a malicious library could hide its use of various functions.


How to manage features that depend on libraries that may or may not be installed?

I'm writing some new functionality for a graphics program (written mostly in C, with small parts in C++). The new functionality will make use of libgmic. Some users of the program will have libgmic installed, quite a lot will not. The program is monolithic: I'm not writing a plugin, this will be part of the main program. Compiling the program with the right headers is easy, but I need to be able to check at runtime whether the library is installed on the user's system or not in order to enable / disable the particular menu item so that users without the library installed can't invoke this piece of functionality and crash the program. What's the best way of going about this?
You need to load the library at runtime with dlopen (or LoadLibrary on Windows) instead of linking to it, get function pointers with dlsym (GetProcAddress on Windows) and use them instead of function prototypes from the headers. Otherwise your program will simply fail to startup without the library (or crash, in some cases).
Some libraries support such usage well, such as providing types for all the functions you need. With others you’re on your own but that’s still possible.

Why not use GCC constructor/destructor?

libabc recommends not using GCC constructors/desctructors, but the explanation is rather short:
Do not use gcc constructors, or destructors, you can only loose if
you do. Do not use _fini() or _ini(), don't even use your own
explicit library initializer/destructor functions. It just won't
work if your library is pulled in indirectly from another library
or even a shared module (i.e. dlopen())
Can someone explain what the problems are and what could break, especially with GCC on different platforms?
When writing a library, the best approach is to have no dependencies on other libraries, no dependencies on state data at all (certainly no use of global variables for state and synchronization within the library), clean and simple interfaces, and all of the other basic principles of good software engineering.
What the README for libabc is providing is a fairly good list of all the ways that the writers have found to make a library difficult to use or to introduce various kinds of subtle defects.
What the authors are saying is that it is difficult to predict how your library will be used and the environment in which it will be running therefore you should be paranoid about how you implement functionality and what kinds of services from the operating system and any other libraries you might use.
For instance see Shared Library Constructor is not executed.
Or When (and how) are C++ global static constructors called.
Or GCC constructor NOT execute.

Proxy shared library (sharedlib, shlib, so) for ELF?

On Windows, it's more or less common to create "proxy DLLs" which take place of the original DLL and forward calls to it (after any additional actions as needed). You can read about it here and here for example.
However, shlib munging culture under Linux is quite different. It starts with the fact that LD_PRELOAD is the builtin feature with under Linux, which simply injects separate shlib into process and uses any symbols it defines as override. And that "injection" technique seems to define whole direction of thought - here's a typical ELF hacking tool or this question, where gentleman seems to have the same usecase as me, but starts with asking how he can patch existing binaries.
No, thanks. I don't want to inject into or modify something which is nor mine. All I want to do is to make a standalone proxy shlib which will call out to the original. Ideally, there would be a tool which can be fed with the original .so and create a C source code which would just redirect to original's functions, while letting me easily override anything I want. So, where's such tool? ;-) Thanks.
Using LD_PRELOAD doesn't really involve modifying something which isn't yours, and the injection isn't all that different from normal dynamic library loading. The “typical ELF hacking tool” from the ERESI project is unrelated to LD_PRELOAD. You should not be afraid of it. A good introduction to writing LD_PRELOAD-able “proxies” is here.
That being said, if you want to create a system-wide proxy for some library, you might argue that globally setting LD_PRELOAD (and thus loading your proxy into every binary that ever runs on your system) is undesirable. It is commonly used to override functions from glibc by tools such as libeatmydata or socksify, but if you're overriding a function in a library that is bigger and/or less widespread than glibc, it makes sense to try to find another approach, to really create a proxy for just that one library.
One such approach is to use patchelf --replace-needed or --add-needed to hardcode the full pathname of the original library and then make sure the proxy library is found first by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH¹. So, the complete procedure is:
create an LD_PRELOAD-able library that overrides some functions of the original one (test that it works using only LD_PRELOAD before proceeding further!)
compile and link this library with the original library so that ldd includes something like: => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x0000deadbeef0000)
hardcode the full path using patchelf:
patchelf --replace-needed /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
symlink to
now LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ldd $(which program-that-uses-libfoo) should include these lines: => ./ (0x0000dead56780000)
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x0000dead1234000000)
set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to full path to the wrapper library in your .bashrc or somewhere
A real-life example of such proxy libary is my wrapper for libpango that enables subpixel positioning for all applications.
¹) It might also be possible to put this proxy library into /usr/local/lib, but ldconfig (the tool that updates shared libraries cache) refuses to use libraries with hardcoded absolute paths.
apitrace is a tool which covers detailed tracing of graphic libs (OpenGL, DirectX) calls for a number of platform. It's probably too detailed and complex for generic solution, but at least provides some reference and affinity.

Catching a system call just before control enters a shared library

I have wrapped a number of system call function like write(), open() etc and LD-PRELOAD is used to override the original system calls. Moreover I have defined a few more functions and made this too a shred library.
I would like to catch all system calls from different application processes to these shared libraries before they enter the shared library. How can i do that?
LD_PRELOAD is not necessarily a good way to interpose system calls, because a) it only allows you to intercept library calls and b) it only allows you to intercept library calls. ;)
A) While in general, system calls are wrapped by the shared libC in your system, no one prevents you from calling a system call yourself, e.g., but setting up the right register content and then issuing INT 0x80 on an x86 system. If the program you're interested in does so, you'll never catch those with LD_PRELOAD-based libc-interposition.
B) While in general, most programs use the shared libC in your system to make system calls, sometimes applications are linked statically, which means the libC code is part of the application and does not come from the shared lib. In such cases, LD_PRELOAD also does not help.
A comment already suggested to use strace/ltrace -- my generalized advice would be to have a look at ptrace() which both of these tools use and which should give you what you want without the need of modifying the kernel.
Patch-free User-level Link-time intercepting of system calls and interposing on library functions may do the trick but I have not tested it.
I'm pretty sure the only way you can do this is by modifying the system call table. HIDS systems (such as Samhain) will report this as an intrusion and Linux kernel developers frown upon this, heavily. The implementation details are very specific to the OS (i.e. what works on FreeBSD won't necessarily work on Linux), but the general implementation details are going to be the same. A kernel module might be a better way to go with cleaner, more standardized APIs.

Standalone application in C, a good idea?

The term has several definition according to Wikipedia, however what I'm really interested in is creating a program that has all its needed dependencies included within the source folder, so the end user doesn't need to install additional libraries for the app to install. For example, how Mac apps has all its dependencies all within the program itself already...
or is there a function that autotools does this? I'm programming in the Linux environment...
Are you talking about the source code of your application, or about your application binary?
The answer I'd give for both the cases depends on what libraries you're using.
If you're using libraries that you can find anywhere, that are somehow standard and/or that are quite big, you shouldn't attach them to your application, just require them both to build and to run your application.
Anyway don't be much concerned about your source code: little people will build your application, and they probably know something about programming and how a Linux system works; it won't be a big deal to require many (also not-so-common) dependences to build your application.
For what concerns the binary version it could be a little more problematic, since it will be used by end users who often don't know anything about libraries and programming stuff: you could choose to statically link the smallest and most uncommon libraries to your binary, in order to have less dependences.
You could do it, if you link statically, but it'd be somewhat unusual, and depending on what your program is supposed to do, you might be limiting yourself.
The alternative, if this is not just a one-off project, is to create a Linux Standard Base compatible RPM package and restrict yourself to linking against the libraries and symbols that LSB defines.
Run ldd on your program to discover all dependencies, then copy these to your directory, and add a program-wrapper script that issues
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${0##*/}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" exec "${0##*/}/real-program" "$#";
Duplicating the Mac OS X .app behavior on a plain POSIX system is difficult because it is very hard to guarantee that a process can find it's own executable (there are several way that will almost always work...). Mac OS X provides a OS service for this, but Linux (for instance) does not.
Once you've accomplished that feat, this becomes possible. Though, as others have mentioned, it loses the ability to share resource demands (disk space, RAM space, cache space) with other programs that use the same libraries because you'd be using static copies, or dynamically loading your own copy from the .app-like bundle.
