Why not use GCC constructor/destructor? - c

libabc recommends not using GCC constructors/desctructors, but the explanation is rather short:
Do not use gcc constructors, or destructors, you can only loose if
you do. Do not use _fini() or _ini(), don't even use your own
explicit library initializer/destructor functions. It just won't
work if your library is pulled in indirectly from another library
or even a shared module (i.e. dlopen())
Can someone explain what the problems are and what could break, especially with GCC on different platforms?

When writing a library, the best approach is to have no dependencies on other libraries, no dependencies on state data at all (certainly no use of global variables for state and synchronization within the library), clean and simple interfaces, and all of the other basic principles of good software engineering.
What the README for libabc is providing is a fairly good list of all the ways that the writers have found to make a library difficult to use or to introduce various kinds of subtle defects.
What the authors are saying is that it is difficult to predict how your library will be used and the environment in which it will be running therefore you should be paranoid about how you implement functionality and what kinds of services from the operating system and any other libraries you might use.
For instance see Shared Library Constructor is not executed.
Or When (and how) are C++ global static constructors called.
Or GCC constructor NOT execute.


What are the use cases of dlopen vs standard dynamic linking?

According to the doc, dlopen is used in conjunction with dlsym to load a library, and get a pointer to a symbol.
But that's already what the dynamic loader/linker does.
Moreover, both methods are based on ld.so.
There actually seems to be two differences when using dlopen:
The library can be conditionally loaded.
The compiler is not aware of the symbols (types, prototypes...) we're using, and thus does not check for potential errors. It's, by the way, a way to achieve introspection.
But, it does not seem to motivate the use of dlopen over standard loading, except for marginal examples:
Conditional loading is not really interesting, in terms of memory footprint optimization, when the shared library is already used by another program: Loading an already used library is not increasing the memory footprint.
Avoiding the compiler supervision is unsafe and a good way to write bugs... We're also missing the potential compiler optimizations.
So, are there other uses where dlopen is prefered over the standard dynamic linking/loading?
So, are there other uses where dlopen is prefered over the standard dynamic linking/loading?
Typical use-cases for using dlopen are
selecting optimal implementation for current CPU (Intel math libraries do this)
select implementation of API by different vendors (GLEW and other OpenGL wrappers do this)
delay loading of shared library if it's unlikely to be used (this would speed up startup because library constructors won't run + runtime linker would have slightly less work to do)
Avoiding the compiler supervision is unsafe and a good way to write bugs...
We're also missing the potential compiler optimizations.
That's true but you can have best of both worlds by providing a small wrapper library around delay loaded shared library. On Windows this is done by standard tools (google for "DLL import libraries"), on Linux you can do it by hand or use Implib.so.
I did this in a Windows environment to build a language switch feature. When my app starts it checks the configuration setting which language.dll should be used. From now on all texts are loaded from that dynamically loaded library, which even can be replaced during runtime. I included also a function for formatting ordinals (1st, 2nd, 3rd), which is language specific. The language resources for my native language I included in the executable, so I cannot end up with no texts available at all.
The key is that the executable can decide during runtime which library should be loaded. In my case it was a language switch, or as the commentators said something like a directory scan for plugins.
The lack of monitoring the call signature is definitely a disadvantage. If you really want to do evil things like overriding the prototype type definitions you could do this with standard C type casts.

How to prevent a dlopened library from using certain libc functions?

I'm writing a Linux/Unix program that has a lot of implementation in plugins that are dlopened by the program on-demand.
I'd like to prevent these plugin libraries from using some libc functions that mess with global state of the host process (such as manipulating signal handlers and suchlike).
What would be the best way to do this?
As far as I know I can't employ the classical LD_PRELOAD trick here since the libs are dlopened.
In practical terms, you can't. Code running from a library runs with the full privileges of the host application. Don't load libraries that you don't trust to not do stupid things.
You could conceivably examine the library before loading it and (for instance) reject libraries which have unexpected dependencies, or which have relocations for functions which they shouldn't be using. (This could be accomplished using ldd or readelf, for instance.) However, this will never be entirely reliable; there are numerous ways that a malicious library could hide its use of various functions.

Does NtDll really export C runtime functions, and can I use these in my application?

I was looking at the NtDll export table on my Windows 10 computer, and I found that it exports standard C runtime functions, like memcpy, sprintf, strlen, etc.
Does that mean that I can call them dynamically at runtime through LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress? Is this guaranteed to be the case for every Windows version?
If so, it is possible to drop the C runtime library altogether (by just using the CRT functions from NtDll), therefore making my program smaller?
There is absolutely no reason to call these undocumented functions exported by NtDll. Windows exports all of the essential C runtime functions as documented wrappers from the standard system libraries, namely Kernel32. If you absolutely cannot link to the C Runtime Library*, then you should be calling these functions. For memory, you have the basic HeapAlloc and HeapFree (or perhaps VirtualAlloc and VirtualFree), ZeroMemory, FillMemory, MoveMemory, CopyMemory, etc. For string manipulation, the important CRT functions are all there, prefixed with an l: lstrlen, lstrcat, lstrcpy, lstrcmp, etc. The odd man out is wsprintf (and its brother wvsprintf), which not only has a different prefix but also doesn't support floating-point values (Windows itself had no floating-point code in the early days when these functions were first exported and documented.) There are a variety of other helper functions, too, that replicate functionality in the CRT, like IsCharLower, CharLower, CharLowerBuff, etc.
Here is an old knowledge base article that documents some of the Win32 Equivalents for C Run-Time Functions. There are likely other relevant Win32 functions that you would probably need if you were re-implementing the functionality of the CRT, but these are the direct, drop-in replacements.
Some of these are absolutely required by the infrastructure of the operating system, and would be called internally by any CRT implementation. This category includes things like HeapAlloc and HeapFree, which are the responsibility of the operating system. A runtime library only wraps those, providing a nice standard-C interface and some other niceties on top of the nitty-gritty OS-level details. Others, like the string manipulation functions, are just exported wrappers around an internal Windows version of the CRT (except that it's a really old version of the CRT, fixed back at some time in history, save for possibly major security holes that have gotten patched over the years). Still others are almost completely superfluous, or seem so, like ZeroMemory and MoveMemory, but are actually exported so that they can be used from environments where there is no C Runtime Library, like classic Visual Basic (VB 6).
It is also interesting to point out that many of the "simple" C Runtime Library functions are implemented by Microsoft's (and other vendors') compiler as intrinsic functions, with special handling. This means that they can be highly optimized. Basically, the relevant object code is emitted inline, directly in your application's binary, avoiding the need for a potentially expensive function call. Allowing the compiler to generate inlined code for something like strlen, that gets called all the time, will almost undoubtedly lead to better performance than having to pay the cost of a function call to one of the exported Windows APIs. There is no way for the compiler to "inline" lstrlen; it gets called just like any other function. This gets you back to the classic tradeoff between speed and size. Sometimes a smaller binary is faster, but sometimes it's not. Not having to link the CRT will produce a smaller binary, since it uses function calls rather than inline implementations, but probably won't produce faster code in the general case.
* However, you really should be linking to the C Runtime Library bundled with your compiler, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is security updates that can be distributed to all versions of the operating system via updated versions of the runtime libraries. You have to have a really good reason not to use the CRT, such as if you are trying to build the world's smallest executable. And not having these functions available will only be the first of your hurdles. The CRT handles a lot of stuff for you that you don't normally even have to think about, like getting the process up and running, setting up a standard C or C++ environment, parsing the command line arguments, running static initializers, implementing constructors and destructors (if you're writing C++), supporting structured exception handling (SEH, which is used for C++ exceptions, too) and so on. I have gotten a simple C app to compile without a dependency on the CRT, but it took quite a bit of fiddling, and I certainly wouldn't recommend it for anything remotely serious. Matthew Wilson wrote an article a long time ago about Avoiding the Visual C++ Runtime Library. It is largely out of date, because it focuses on the Visual C++ 6 development environment, but a lot of the big picture stuff is still relevant. Matt Pietrek wrote an article about this in the Microsoft Journal a long while ago, too. The title was "Under the Hood: Reduce EXE and DLL Size with LIBCTINY.LIB". A copy can still be found on MSDN and, in case that becomes inaccessible during one of Microsoft's reorganizations, on the Wayback Machine. (Hat tip to IInspectable and Gertjan Brouwer for digging up the links!)
If your concern is just the need to distribute the C Runtime Library DLL(s) alongside your application, you can consider statically linking to the CRT. This embeds the code into your executable, and eliminates the requirement for the separate DLLs. Again, this bloats your executable, but does make it simpler to deploy without the need for an installer or even a ZIP file. The big caveat of this, naturally, is that you cannot benefit to incremental security updates to the CRT DLLs; you have to recompile and redistribute the application to get those fixes. For toy apps with no other dependencies, I often choose to statically link; otherwise, dynamically linking is still the recommended scenario.
There are some C runtime functions in NtDll. According to Windows Internals these are limited to string manipulation functions. There are other equivalents such as using HeapAlloc instead of malloc, so you may get away with it depending on your requirements.
Although these functions are acknowledged by Microsoft publications and have been used for many years by the kernel programmers, they are not part of the official Windows API and you should not use of them for anything other than toy or demo programs as their presence and function may change.
You may want to read a discussion of the option for doing this for the Rust language here.
Does that mean that I can call them dynamically at runtime through
LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress?
yes. even more - why not use ntdll.lib (or ntdllp.lib) for static binding to ntdll ? and after this you can direct call this functions without any GetProcAddress
Is this guaranteed to be the case for every Windows version?
from nt4 to win10 exist many C runtime functions in ntdll, but it set is different. usual it grow from version to version. but some of then less functional compare msvcrt.dll . say for example printf from ntdll not support floating point format, but in general functional is same
it is possible to drop the C runtime library altogether (by just using
the CRT functions from NtDll), therefore making my program smaller?
yes, this is 100% possible.

Program location in the memory and static/shared libraries

When I run a program (in linux) does it all get loaded into the physical memory? If so, is using shared libraries, instead of static libraries, help in terms of caching? In general, when should I use shared libraries and when should I use static libraries? My codes are either written in C or in C++ if that matters.
This article hits covers some decent ground on what you want. This article goes much deeper about the advantages of shared libraries
SO also has covered this topic in depth
Difference between static and shared libraries?
When to use dynamic vs. static libraries
Almost all the above mentioned articles are shared library biased. Wikipedia tries to rescue static libraries :)
From wiki,
There are several advantages to statically linking libraries with an
executable instead of dynamically linking them. The most significant
is that the application can be certain that all its libraries are
present and that they are the correct version. This avoids dependency
problems. Usually, static linking will result in a significant
performance improvement.
Static linking can also allow the application
to be contained in a single executable file, simplifying distribution
and installation.
With static linking, it is enough to include those
parts of the library that are directly and indirectly referenced by
the target executable (or target library).
With dynamic libraries, the
entire library is loaded, as it is not known in advance which
functions will be invoked by applications. Whether this advantage is
significant in practice depends on the structure of the library.
Shared libraries are used mostly when you have functionality that could be used and "shared" across different programs. In that case, you will have a single point where all the programs will get their methods. However, this creates a dependency problem since now your compiled programs are dependent on that specific version of the library.
Static libraries are used mostly when you don't want to have dependency issues and don't want your program to care which X or Y libraries are installed on your target system.
So, which one to use?. for that you should answer the following questions:
Will your program be used on different platforms or Linux distributions? (e.g. Red Hat, Debian, SLES11-SP1)
Do you have replicated code that is being used by different binaries?
Do you envision that in the future other programs could benefit from your work?
I think this is a case by case decision, and it is not a one size fits all kind of answer.

Why in Linux compiler we have to give additional arguments while compiling and running C programs?

I have implemented semaphores in Linux last year. But for that I have to use -lpthread.
Now while implementing log10() function in C, I surfed the INTERNET and I saw that I have to use -lm.
I want to know why these kind of command line arguments are necessary in Linux.And Does this rule is compiler oriented?
(In windows Turboc compiler, I never used these kind of arguments.)
You are instructing the compiler to look for certain libraries and use them to try and produce a final object file.
When you were doing your threading code, you used threading primitives. These threading primitives are implemented in a library called pthread, -lpthread tells the linker to use the library pthread, without providing this switch the compiler will not be able to produce a valid object file as it is missing threading code implementation.
On the file system the libraries can be found in /usr/lib and lib (among others) when you look in these directories you will see files start with the lib prefix. for example libpthreadxxxxxx. You will have to do your own research to figure out what the xxxx means.
The development cycle using unix style tools is very granular on the surface, when you use heavyweight IDE's (read: visual studiio for C++), the IDE implicetly links against loads of standard libraries, so often you do not need to supply the name of the libraries you will commonly use. However, when you start doing more advanced programming you will probably have to install and configure your IDE to use external code libraries. If you were to use threading primitives in visual studio, you most likely will not have to provide the compiler with information on where to look for threading primitives, Microsoft considers this a common library and every new project will implicitly link against it.
A little discussion on GCC
GCC is a very diverse compiler producing code for various different usage scenarios. As such they try to be neutral and do not make assumptions. For example pthread is a particular threading primitives implementation. However, even through now on Linux at least it is the defacto standard, it is not the only one. Other Unix implementation have had different implementation. When such choices exist it is not fair for the compiler developers to implicitly link against libraries. They do however implicitly link against standard libraries; for example G++ is just a wrapper command to the internal compiler code, it is a C++ front-end so it implicitly links against an implementation of the C++ standard library. Similarly the C front end links against a the standard C library.
People often do not want to use certain standard library implementation, and instead they might want to use another implementation, in such cases you have to explicetly inform the compiler to use an implementation that you provide. Such use cases are very granular and are surface level issues with G++. In visual studio, you would have to tinker a lot to make such changes generally, since it is not an anticipated use-case anymore.
wikipedia will provide you with more information.
Edit: I'll fix the spelling and Grammatical issues later :D
The option -l indicates to gcc what libraries must be used for linking. -lpthread stands for "use the pthread library", and -lm stands for "use the m library" which is the math library. These commands are relative to gcc, not linux.
Because by default, gcc only links the C library (libc), which contains the well-known functions printf, scanf, and many more.
log10 exists in a different library called libm, and thus you need to explictly tell gcc to link that library, with -lm. The same logic applies for -lpthread.
This is purely a backwards, harmful practice. Separating parts of the standard library into separate .so files does nothing but increase load time and memory usage. Good luck getting anyone to change it though... Just accept that you have to do it (and that POSIX specifically allows, but does not require, that an implementation require -lm for using the math functions and -lpthread for using threads, etc.) and move on to more important things.
Or, go pester Drepper about it on the glibc bug tracker/mailing list. He won't change his mind, but if you enjoy flamewars you can get some kicks...
