TSQL - Loop over column to query other table - sql-server

I'm stuck with the following task:
via Excel the user types in an ID then clicks a button (macro) to trigger SP or function
this ID usually "returns" more than one row
from this result I need the values of a single column (LookupNumber) in order to use those values to query or join another view. Looping required?
as a result I want to join the initial ID request table with the result of the other queried table.
In below image, the first table holds the ID the user wants to search.
The second table should be queried by the LookupNumber values that were retrieved from table A.
The third table shows the desired output:
The problem I have is how do I loop (if needed) through the LookupNumber once the search ID has been passed? I don't know what methods I should use for this task.
Because sqlfiddle doesn't seem to work, I put the tables from above screenshot in this link
Hopefully you can give me some ideas how to solve this.

Something like this should work:
select t1.*, t2.*
from table2 t2
inner join (
select ID, Subject, Project, LookupNumber
from table1
where id = <entered id>
) t1 on t1.LookupNumber = t2.LookupNumber


How to sync to tables in MS Access?

I have two tables in MS Access: table1 and table2. In table1 I have fields: ID, name (text), short_name (text), description (text), use_in_table2 (checkbox). In table2 I have fields: ID, name (text), max (num), min (unm) and others. I want to copy object from table1 to table2 with use_in_table2 == True. Also if I reset checkbox use_in_table2 in table1, I will delete corresponding object from table2. I use same ID for same objects in both tables. I use simple python script for my task. How can I solve this problem in MS Access?
The short answer is don't do it this way. Don't Repeat Yourself(DRY). In most cases there is no need for Table 2. Just create Table 2 every time you need it with a select query. You can use the Query Designer to help you write the sql. You can even hit make table and create a table rather than a query but for most purposes they work the same.
'select query
SELECT Table1.Table1ID, Table1.Month, Table1.X, Table1.Y, Table1.use_in_table2
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Table1.use_in_table2)=True));
'make table query
SELECT Table1.Table1ID, Table1.Month, Table1.X, Table1.Y, Table1.use_in_table2 INTO Table2
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Table1.use_in_table2)=True));
To answer the question posed. Note the Delete and Update Tabs. After Making Table2 you must run two queries rather than just 1. A delete Query for records where use_in_table2 is false and an update query where use_in_table2 is true. I ran out of time; look those up

Join Multiple result tables into permanent

I have a number of queries that are run at the same time but now I want the result to populate a permanent table that I've created.
Each of the queries will have a column called 'Descript' which is what I want all the results to join to so i want to make sure that if the Descript column is out of order (or null) on one of the queries it will link the figures to the correct Descript.
I performed an INTO after the end of each query being run but this didn't work.
The first level of data went in but the second level just went underneath the first (if that makes sense) creating more rows.
INSERT INTO dbo.RESULTTABLE (Descript, Category, DescriptCount)
SELECT Descript, Category, DescriptCount
FROM #Query1
I have around 15 queries to join into 1 table so any help to understand the logic is appreciated.
If I understood your question clearly, you want to insert query results which is not stored in the Temptable and update already existing records in the table.
update R set Category = Q.Category, DescriptCount = Q.DescriptCount,
from #ResultTable R inner join #Query1 Q ON R.Descript = Q.Descript
INSERT INTO dbo.RESULTTABLE (Descript, Category, DescriptCount)
SELECT Descript, Category, DescriptCount FROM #Query1 where Descript NOT IN (select Descript from #ResultTable)
Then you can process the same approach for other queries.

Need help on a sql query to get data from multiple tables

I have a couple of tables that have data in them that I am looking to get information from. Here is the rundown....In table 1 I have bunch of columns that I am pulling data from, one of the columns is a user ID (which is a number)that was the last userID to modify a record. In table 2 I want to pull in the name of that user based on the ID that is pulled from the other table (this table has both the userID and the username).
so my final query would have the columns in table 1 as well as the username from table 2 to show that was the user to last edit the record. I assume this has to be done in a nested select statement but for the life of me I cannot come up with the correct syntax.
Can anyone help me out?
Yes, you need a very basic join that link both tables together.
Select t1.UserID,
table2 t2 ON t1.userid=t2.userid
select t1.*, t2.{username} from table1 as t1
join table2 as t2 on t1.{userId}=t2.{userid};
change {username} with the actual column name of user
similarly {userId} with appropriate column name in tables.
Hope it helps you.
this is standard inner join query, to learn more consider reading: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/

Unique entries over to tables in database

I have a problem where I need to check that two columns in each table in a database are unique.
We have the database with barcode entries called uid and rid.
Table 1: T1.uid
Table 2: T2.rid
No barcodes in the two table columns must be the same.
How can we ensure that.
If a insertion of a barcode into table T1.uid matches an entry in
T2.rid we want to throw an error.
The tables are cleaned up and is in a consistent state where the entries in
T1.uid and T2.rid are unique over both table columns.
It is not possible to insert NULL values in the tables respective uid and tid column(T1.uid and T2.rid)
It is not possible to create a new table for all barcodes.
Because we don't have full control of the database server.
EDIT 19-02-2015
This solution cannot work for us, because we cannot make a new table
to keep track of the unique names(see table illustration).
We want to have a constraint over two columns in different tables without changing the schema.
Per the illustration we want to make it impossible for john to exist in
T2 because he already exists in table T1. So an error must be "thrown"
when we try to insert John in T2.Name.
The reason is that we have different suppliers that inserts into these tables
in different ways, if we change the schema layout, all suppliers would
need to change their database queries. The total work is just to much,
if we force every suppplier to make changes.
So we need something unobtrusive, that doesnt require the suppliers to change
their code.
A example could be that T1.Name is unique and do not accept NULL values.
If we try insert an existing name, like "Alan", then an exception will occur
because the column has unique values.
But we want to check for uniqueness in T2.Name at the same time.
The new inserted value should be unique over the two tables.
Maybe something like this:
SELECT uid FROM Table1
Where Exists (
SELECT rid FROM Table2
WHERE Table1.uid = rid )
This will show all rows from Table1 where their column uid has an equivalent in column rid of Table2.
The condition before the insertion happens could look like below. #Idis the id you need to insert the data for.
DECLARE #allowed INT;
SELECT #allowed = COUNT(*)
SELECT T1.uid FROM T1 WHERE T1.uid = #Id
SELECT T2.rid FROM T2 WHERE T2.rid = #id
IF #allowed = 0
---- insert allowed
Thanks to all who answered.
I have solved the problem. A trigger is added to the database
everytime an insert or update procedure is executed, we catch it
check that the value(s) to be inserted doens't exist in the columns of the two
tables. if that check is succesfull we exceute the original query.
Otherwise we rollback the query.
Instead Of Triggers

File Maker Pro 12: Possible to flag/remove matched fields from separate table?

Hi all. My first question here (after much googling/searching).
I am working on migrating a plethora of mailing list spreadsheets to a simple database, using File Maker. One stumbling block is - I need to be able to flag records as inactive, based on if their address exists in a separate table.
ie. To keep it simple:
table1 has name, address, and zip.
table2 has address and zip.
If an address/zip combination in table1 exists also in table2, then it needs to be flagged in table1 as inactive.
Thanks in advance.
First I would create a calculated field called something like addressZIP that combines address and ZIP into a single string.
Then, in table 1, create a calculated field.
Enter this
If (IsEmpty ( FilterValues ( List ( table2::addressZIP ) ; addressZIP )),"","FLAG").
I think that will work, but I'm not positive. I'm not at a computer with FM right now so I can't test it.
You can do a subquery to get the table1 ids and make an update with the IN clause. That can be done with UPDATE FROM too but I think this approach is more understandable. You can begin doing the subquery to check it and later include in the update.
flaged = 1
id IN(
table1 t1, table2 t2
t1.address = t2.address AND t1.zip = t2.zip
