Plastic SCM full distributed mode license - licensing

If I can use full distribute mode with local server. Can I use this same license from remote server?

Each Plastic SCM server requires his own license. If you are working distributed, please contact us at support at codicesoftware dot com and we will generate a new license in your user account for that purpose.


How to deploy a MSI only in a single OU?

I have a VirtualBox laboratory with a Windows Server 2019 machine and two Windows 10 machines. Each machine can ping the other ones and the Server machine is a Domain Controler. The clients are part of the domain that is labs.local. The Server has a static IP, and the IP of clients are given by the DHCP Server.
Then I built an Active Directory structure of OUs, users and groups. There are three independent OUs from each others. My goal is to deploy an MSI file only in one OU, lets say "IT". For that, I downloaded the MSI file and put it in a shared folder in the Server. I can access the shared folder from the clients by its UNC path with any user.
Now in Group Policy Management I created a new GPO and then I edited it. In the Group Policy Editor I chose User Configuration > Software Settings > Software Installation. Then I created a new assigned package with the UNC path of the MSI file. At the end I closed the Group Policy Editor and linked the GPO with the OU "IT".
However, after updating the group policies it seems that the GPO applies to the computer (Windows 10 machine) and not to the users because users from other OUs also have the MSI installed, in this case it's Firefox.
Can you give me a hint on how to deploy (and install) a MSI file only in a singles OU ? Thanks.
• Please check the ‘OU’ that you have applied the GPO to whether it has only computer systems or does it include users also. If it includes users also, then this group policy will be applied to the systems on which these users will be logged on to. This is the publishing method of installing a package in AD environment wherein the software package will be installed in those systems where the users in selected OUs have logged on to. This software package will be available in ‘Add or Remove Programs’ section of the control panel.
• Similarly, if the OU has computer systems only, and you have applied the GPO as specified in the question, then no computer system or user will be able to install that software package. And if the following GPO setting has been applied with users as well as computer systems in the OU, then when the user logs on to the computer, the software package gets installed and when the computer system starts, the software package gets installed. This is known as assigning method of software package deployment in AD environment.
‘ Group policy Management --> Select the GPO --> Edit --> Computer Configuration --> Software settings --> Software Installation --> New --> Package --> Type the UNC path of the share where the software package is placed --> Open --> Ok --> Save ’
Please find the below link for more information on the above topics: -

ClearTeam Explorer contacting expired license host

I can't get ClearTeam Explorer to register a new license server. It keeps referring to the old one.
The error I get back when I try to connect is that it can't connect to LICENSE_HOST_X.
I've changed the setting in 'Home Base's control panel to point to the new LICENSE_HOST_Y, which works for the clearlicense tool and clearcase doctor but not for the team explorer.
The license settings are contained in the Windows Registry at HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion\Licensehost for Atria licenses.
For FlexNet licenses, the PortAtHost value at HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Rational Software\Licensing\8.0\ServerList comes into play as well.
The odds are VERY good that you're dealing with Windows registry virtualization. If you open the legacy "control panel" on Windows 10, run the "ClearCase" control panel as Administrator (or open "cc.cpl" from an elevated command prompt) and check the server information there. If you see different values for EXPLICITLY elevated and non-explicltly elevated control panel starts, you have entries in the "user specific" virtual registry store. Please note that this is a WINDOWS function, and not a ClearCase one.
Disabling the albd service on the license server is a very bad idea unless that is the only function the albd is providing. Disabling it on the client will essentially kill any local views AND the ability to map views to drives when the "credential manager" service that depends on this service fails to start.
Check if any of elements mentioned in "How to change the hostname in the IBM Rational ClearCase environment" might have an influence in your case.
IBM Rational ClearCase supports two types of licenses, the Rational Common Licensing (FlexLM) and the Classic Atria licensing.
Update these files with the new host name:
Rational common licensing (FlexLM):
Rational ClearCase Classic/Atria licensing:
So it can help to know if the new license server is of a different nature than the old one.
At the client level:
UNIX/Linux clients:
Update the new registry server's host name in the file /var/adm/rational/clearcase/config/rgy_svr.conf
Update the License Server using the instructions in the server configuration guidelines.
Windows clients:
Update the new registry and license server hostname information using the IBM Rational ClearCase control panel located under the Windows control panel.
If nothing work, I would, if my client is on Windows, search for the old license server name in the Windows Registry, and replace or even delete those entries.
On Windows, the OP V.Bogd confirms in the comments:
The problem went away after I disabled an "Atria Location Broker" service.
That was the service needed, as seen in this thread, for the old license manager:
No license available from ClearCase license manager;
Use clearlicense to display license usage
You can see more on albd_server.exe here.

Knime with database

How to add new driver into database through KNIME preferences? Generally,
File-> Preferences -> Add File/ Add Directory
The files accepted are only of *.jar or *.zip.
I have installed ODBC64 into my PC. Now I need to add that file into knime preferences and use the Driver into Database Connector node.
How to add and use the file into my Knime?
And What is meant by Database URL jdbc:mysql://host:port/database_name
Host and port?
Can anyone please briefly explain and help me out?
I'm assuming based on your database URL of jdbc:mysql:// that you are wanting to connect to a MySQL database? Based on that, then there is a thread on the KNIME forum which explains pretty much all of your question, but the process is the same for any other sort of database. The steps are as follows:
Download the jdbc driver (e.g. from for MySQL) - NB KNIME now comes bundled with several drivers already installed - MySQL is one of those - in the Database Connector node the drivers installed are listed.
In the database URL, you need to change those parts in <> - i.e. the hostname, port number and database name. Hostname may be localhost if it is a local database. The port number you will need to find from your database administrator, or will be what you set it up to be if you are running a local database (3306 is the default for MySQL), so for a database called 'myDB' on the default port on your local machine, the url should be jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myDB
For some of the shipped drivers, there are also connector nodes, e.g. MySQL Connector, SQLite Connector, PostgreSQL Connector etc, which still require the server name/port and database name, but take them as individual inputs rather than requiring editing of the URL
Recent versions of KNIME are based on Java 8, which dropped support for ODBC, so you should first find an alternative driver for your database and only after you can connect to that with KNIME as described on the KNIME documentation page for DB connectors.
You have several nodes which allow you to connect to a DB (especially MySQL).
I remember there was a dedicated MySQL node for connecting with the DB.
Just remember this: you have to input the IP adress : port, then insert credentials and point to the DB you want to open by default.

DB2: How to backup a DB2 database?

DB2 v10.1 database on WINDOWS 7.
Can somebody share about creating a database backup of the DB2? I could not find detailed instructions.
Thanks in advance for any help in this matter
Have you tried looking at the documentation? Perhaps the "Data Recovery Reference"?
In a db2cmd window type \DB2 HELP BACKUP\ for more complete command syntax. The simplest form of the command is
DB2 BACKUP DATABASE <database name>
Optim Studio in 9.7 and 10.1 and Control Center in 9.7 have GUI's to assist with these tasks as well.
For a local backup you can use a simple command line command also provided in the other answers:
db2 backup database <name>
If you want a more automated solution that's more for "enterprise" then you should look into IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for example. DB2 supports making backups to network storaged TSM on the fly with incremental backups without disrupting the local database from working. I.e. you can run queries while the backup is running.
For TSM you need log archiving enabled on the database, you can do that with command should be:
db2 update db cfg using LOGARCHMETH1 TSM
After you have enabled log archiving you can create a backup script and schedule it:
"C:\IBM\ProductName\db2\BIN\db2cmd.exe" /c DB2.EXE backup db WPSDB user <DOMAINUSERNAME> using <DOMAINUSERPASSWORD> online use tsm include logs
Here's a link to a full tutorial:
For detailed step by step guide to configure DB2 backup, you can refer:
DB2 v9.7 on AIX(x64) backup configuration for TSM v7.1
Every step form planning, preparation and execution is explained with diagrams.
Basic steps are:
Download Appropriate TSM API 32/64 bit based on db2level from passport advantage
Extract TSMCLI_AIX.tar
Login as root and enter "SMITTY INSTALL"
Select required components:,
tivoli.tsm.client.api.64bit etc.
If not using TSM client GUI then no need to install
Now apply steps mention in the link as example to configure for File level and DB2 level backup as per your environment.

Synchronizing Active Directory from Novell LDAP

Is there any tool which copies the structure(all ou's, all cn's) from Novell LDAP to Active Directory?
export all data from the source directory server into an LDIF file and then import that the resulting LDIF file into the destination directory
use the ldapsearch tool to retrieve the desired entries from the source directory server and deposit those into an LDIF file, then import the resulting LDIF file into the destination server
use the ldapsearch tool to retrieve the desired entries from the source directory server and input the results directly in the ldapmodify tool
write a tool using the UnboundID LDAP SDK to retrieve the desired entries from the source and then add them to the destination
use a commercial LDAP synchronization tool
If this is a one time LDIF export and import of the OU structure using Apache Directory Studio would be way easier than Identity Management (IDM). IDM is not easy to setup. Also the IDM Active Directory driver out of the box is not designed to sync OUs. You would have to create a custom IDM LDAP driver. This is a lot of work and doesn't make sence unless the OU tree you are importing is changing constantly.
There are few key tools that one can use:
Import Conversion Export Utility (ICE) from Novell iManager - this is a web based tool that will allow you to export entire structure in a ldif format with very little fuss. The following link will give more details on it.
The other way is to use the command line ICE tool as well - you can use if you more comfortable with using BASH.
Using command line utility like ldapsearch - i have found it to be very effective so will rate this very highly if you want to automate your LDAP extraction process. Bear in mind that the ldapsearch utility differs on each flavour of UNIX so some of command line options (e.g. ldapsearch -H or -y flag) will not work on Linux (e.g. RHEL) but may work on SUSE / Solaris / Aix. I have experienced this myself so just thought of warning you for the same (i tried moving from Suse to RHEL but got stuck in this trap).
Using command line utility (windows) called ldp.exe - this is another open source windows command line utility that allows one to write simple powershell script to perform LDAP search - useful if you have windows based workstation (i ran on my own pc). See below link for more details
Use open source LDAP browser such as Apache Directory Studio / Gawor's LDAP Browser which will help export data into CSV / Excel format. The only drawback with this tool is that heavy duty searches sometimes can lead to system being slowed down; for that the other alternative is using Light weight LDAP browser like Jerek Gawor's LDAP utility. will give more details. i have used this tool (Gawor's ldap tool) for large queries as well and its been giving results very quickly.
Having used each of the options over last 5 years, I will recommend using either ldapsearch (for UNIX) or ldp.exe (for windows commnand line) if you are looking to automate this; or Gawor's ldap browser / Apache Directory Studio as potential alternatives if you want to generate standalone extracts.
Novell has a product (now under the NetIQ Product line) called Identity Manager, which can synchronize objects (any object allowed in schema) from eDirectory to many other systems, Active Directory included. If you have Universal Passwords enabled in eDirectory you can even send the passwords.
This is meant to be used as an Identity Management system, where you can have HR provision users into a central eDirectory instance (as a hub) and then push that data out to all connected systems that meet the criteria you define.
It supports Roles Based Access Control, so that perhaps only people who fall into certain roles get provisioned into certain systems and the like.
Very powerful, and reasonably easy to set up. There is a free bundle edition included with many of the Novell/NetIQ products if you own them.
