I have bunch of XML files named in Japanese. I use Lua to read them and put the necessary informations into tables. I could open files named only in a single kanji like 名.xml, but for multiple kanjis like 名前.xml it was contrawise. Before I ran the Lua file, I set the command line's code page to 65001 (as UTF-8). And to read the files I need to encode the filename using WinAPI library from ACP (ASCII code page?) to UTF-8, but this encoding only works for the single kanjis. I've tried several suggestions across internet, using short path to the file, etc. but none of them worked. I tried to use the short path by running Lua as administrator--as stated in other similar question that you need administrator previleges to use the short path--but no luck.
for fn in io.popen("DIR xml /B /AA"):lines() do
local f = assert(io.open("xml\\" .. winapi.encode(winapi.CP_UTF8, winapi.CP_ACP, fn), "rb"))
But my code produced "Invalid argument" error. I searched this error but none of them are Lua-related, so I opened the C/C++-related ones, but what I got was only 'use _wfopen' or something like that. It's not implemented in Lua and neither I want to implement it myself. So anyone have any idea how to solve this? For more information just be sure to let me know. Thanks!
I don't know why your program does not work, but try this workaround:
local pipe = io.popen([[for %G in (xml\*) do #(type "%G" & echo #FILENAMEMARKER#%G)]], "rb")
local all_files = pipe:read"*a"
for filecontent, filename in all_files:gmatch"(.-)#FILENAMEMARKER#(.-)\r?\n" do
-- process your file here
print('===== This is your file name:')
print('== This is your file content:')
print('== End of file')
I think you can use the Japanese alphabet in a table like
local jaAlphbet={"一","|","丶","ノ","乙","亅","<","二","亠","人","⺅","𠆢","儿","入","ハ","丷","冂","冖","冫","几","凵","刀","⺉","力","勹","匕","匚","十","卜","卩","厂","厶","又","マ","九","ユ","乃","𠂉","⻌","口","囗","土","士","夂","夕","大","女","子","宀","寸","小","⺌","尢","尸","屮","山","川","巛","工","已","巾","干","幺","广","廴,"廾","弋","弓","ヨ","彑","彡","彳","⺖","⺘","⺡","⺨","⺾","⻏","⻖","也","亡","及","久","⺹","心","戈","戸","手","支","攵","文","斗","斤","方","无","日","曰","月","木","欠","止","歹","殳","比","毛","氏","气","水","火","⺣","爪","父","爻","爿","片","牛","犬","⺭","王","元","井","勿","尤","五","屯","巴","毋","玄","瓦","甘","生","用","田","疋","疒","癶","白","皮","皿","目","矛","矢","石","示","禸","禾","穴","立","⻂","世","巨","冊","母","⺲","牙","瓜","竹","米","糸","缶","羊","羽","而","耒","耳","聿","肉","自","至","臼","舌","舟","艮","色","虍","虫","血","行","衣","西","臣","見","角","言","谷","豆","豕","豸","貝","赤","走","足","身","車","辛","辰","酉","釆","里","舛","麦","金","長","門","隶","隹","雨","青","非","奄","岡","免","斉","面","革","韭","音","頁","風","飛","食","首","香","品","馬","骨","高","髟","鬥","鬯","鬲","鬼","竜","韋","魚","鳥","鹵","鹿","麻","亀","啇","黄","黒","黍","黹","無","歯","黽","鼎","鼓","鼠","鼻","齊","龠"}
print(jaAlphbet[1])--and you can call the letters, letter by letter
sorry but thats all i know about the subject you are talking about but i hope this helps
I wish to save a random Vim dictionnary, let's say:
let dico = {'a' : [[1,2], [3]], 'b' : {'in': "str", 'out' : 51}}
to a file. Is there a clever way to do this? Something I could use like:
call SaveVariable(dico, "safe.vimData")
let recover = ReadVariable("safe.vimData")
Or should I build something myself with only textfiles?
You can put to good use the :string() function. Test these:
let g:dico = {'a' : [[1,2], [3]], 'b' : {'in': "str", 'out' : 51}}
let str_dico = 'let g:dico_copy = ' . string(dico)
echo str_dico
execute str_dico
echo g:dico_copy
... so you can save the str_dico string as a line of a vimscript file (e.g. using writefile()), and then source the vim file directly.
Thanks to VanLaser (cheers), I've been able to implement these functions using string, writefile and readfile. This is not binary serialization but it works well :)
function! SaveVariable(var, file)
" turn the var to a string that vimscript understands
let serialized = string(a:var)
" dump this string to a file
call writefile([serialized], a:file)
function! ReadVariable(file)
" retrieve string from the file
let serialized = readfile(a:file)[0]
" turn it back to a vimscript variable
execute "let result = " . serialized
return result
Use them this way:
call SaveVariable(anyvar, "safe.vimData")
let restore = ReadVariable("safe.vimData")
I used #iago-lito's answer in a script I wrote a few years ago. Yesterday I spent some time improving on it. The vim dictionary is very similar to a JSON object, but:
when I open the file and set filetype=json, the linter complains about the single quotes around the strings, and
the JSON formatter splits the text into multiple lines, and indents them to make a pretty file. As a result, reading only the 0'th line of text doesn't give a complete dictionary object.
Here are my modifications to fix both issues.
function! SaveVariable(var, file)
" Change all single quotes to double quotes.
" {'x':'O''Toole','y':['A',2,'d']} -> {"x":"O""Toole","y":["A",2,"d"]}
let serialized = substitute(string(a:var),"'",'"','g')
" Change all escaped double quotes back to apostrophes.
" {"x":"O""Toole","y":["A",2,"d"]} -> {"x":"O'Toole","y":["A",2,"d"]}
let serialized = substitute(serialized,'""', "'",'g')
call writefile([serialized], a:file)
function! ReadVariable(file)
execute 'let result = [' . join(readfile(a:file),'') . ']'
return result[0]
This seems to work well for all kinds of data. I tested it with an object, a list, and number and string scalar values.
Here is a word of warning that goes along with this and any other dynamically-generated code. Both #iago-lito's and my solution are vulnerable to code injection, and if you are reading files that are out of your control, bad things can happen to your machine. For example, if someone sneaks this into the file:
42|call system('rmdir /s /q c:\')|call system('rm -rf /')
calling #iago-lito's ReadVariable() will return 42, but your computer will be toast, whether it's a Windows, Mac, or Linux machine. My version also fails, albeit with a more complex version of the statement:
42]|call system('rmdir /s /q c:\')|call system('rm -rf /')|let x=[
A proper solution would be to parse the text, looking for the end of the actual data, and dumping everything after it. This means you lose the simplicity of this approach. Vim and Neovim have come a long way in recent years. lua and python are, from what I've read, easier than ever to integrate into vimscript. I wouldn't be surprised if either of those languages has a built-in answer to this question.