how to run existing C file onto Xcode have - c

I'm new on Xcode.
I need to make some files run:
they are the implementation of a model that I'd like to apply on my dataset, but at the moment I cannot use them.
Inside the folder there are:, Makefile, README
and other files with extentions
How do I put them on Xcode? And how can I run them from the Terminal?
I have:
OS X El Capitan;
Xcode Version 7.3.1 (7D1014)
Thank you in advance for your help! :)

You can set your build target to be the makefile, but, this will not give you all of Xcode's benifits as an IDE. As far as I know, importing a Makefile based project into Xcode is not easy.
Here is a blog post detailing one example.
You could create a new project with your desired language, and add files to it.
As for how to run from terminal, you cd to project directory, and then you type make. Then you find name of the program created, and you type ./[PROGRAM] to execute it.


How to setup eclipse with C for university work

I'm fairly new to eclipse but have figured out how to use it with Java.
However, we are now moving on to C and I am having a hard time using it. I just want to use eclipse for my labs - i.e. to create / compile / test / run C exercises or tasks that have been set.
I created a new 'Labs' C project and have been creating the files ex1.c, ex2.c etc in the src folder. Eclipse doesn't like this due to more than one main across multiple files, but the files aren't related and each is supposed to have their own main.
Can someone advise me as to whether there is a better way to setup / organise my workspace for this labwork or alternatively how to compile / run single files at a time in eclipse?
You have a few options:
Create one project per executable (the projects can be in the same workspace). This is pretty self-explanatory, but it might get annoying if you have a lot of executables. Also, if you need to share code between your executables, you'd have to create a separate project for the shared code and set up dependencies.
Create one project with multiple build configurations, one per executable. See this answer for how to do that.
Use Eclipse for navigating and editing your code only, and build (and run/debug) your executables from the command line. This way, the organization of the Eclipse project(s) is irrelevant, and you can build from the command line however you want (at this stage, a simple Makefile is probably the easiest).
I prefer option #3, but to some extent it's a matter of taste; if you like to do everything including building from the IDE, go with #1 or #2.
EDIT: A simple Makefile might look like this:
ex1 : src/ex1.c
gcc -o ex1 src/ex1.c
ex2 : src/ex2.c
gcc -o ex2 src/ex2.c
put into a file named makefile, and you would then run make to build. (If you're on Windows you would write ex1.exe instead of just ex1.)
Have a look at a tutorial like this one to understand how Makefiles work.

How to use CUDA 6.0 with XCODE 5

My question may completely be a noob. Sorry, for that but I have been trying to compile my first Cuda code in Xcode and I'm lost where and how I could set up the IDE to invoke NVCC.
I installed the latest CUDA toolkit CUDA 6.0 and have even installed GCC 4.8 using brew. I have XCODE 5.5
When I run my code from XCODE all the directives like global are marked as unidentified.
I don't where and to change the settings to invoke NVCC. I will be really thankful, if anyone could help me with this.
Further, when I created the XCODE project, I created it as a C project. So, I placed the CUDA code in this C file, which is what is giving me the above mentioned errors. I tried to replace this .C file with a .cu file (just change the extension), which too failed badly - XCODE didn't even know what to do with the .cu files
COuld anyone please help me?
Thanks in Advance
I have given it a try. Although I have not completely succeeded I thought I'd post my progress here in hopes of helping others. The steps I took were inspired by this page.
Create a new Xcode project
Under Build Settings add a new user defined setting CC with the value /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc.
Add /usr/local/cuda/include to Header Search Paths under Build Settings.
Set Enable Modules (C and Objective-C) to No.
Add /usr/local/cuda/lib/libcuda.dylib to Link Binary With Libraries under Build Phases.
For any C files you create set their extension to .cu in the File Inspector, after you have done that you have to set the type of that file to C source to get syntax highlighting, by going to Editor->Syntax Coloring->C.
Problems with this setup:
- Xcode can't run the executable, at least nog if it is compiled for debugging. However you can make it copy the executable to some reasonable location and run it in the terminal.
- Whenever you try 'Build for running' sometimes Xcode magically destroys the whole project.

"symbol not found" in C codes of makefile project in xcode

I create a makefile project in xcode4.5 (OSX -> Other -> External Build System) and add some c files into it. And I can make the project successfully.
But it tells me "symbol not found" when I try to jump to the definition of a function.
I try some ways from google, such as delete the xcworkspace and xcuserdata folders and delete derived data of project and so on. But all they fail. Any solutions?
BTW, my project is very simple and locates here.
Makefile and code works fine commandline.
Setup a quick project in xcode (5.1.1 btw, it's what I have
OSX->Other->External Build System
Set the project directory to the git checkout in the project creation
In the External Build Tool Configuration->Info, set the Directory to
the git checkout directory.
Builds fine, runs fine.
Nothing more can be done to help if there isn't a something in the steps I took that helps, would have to look at a dmg of your xcode project.

qmake -project: add new file extensions

I'm using QTCreator as a code editor for my C++ project, not using the real features of the qmake compilation process.
My project has several subdirectories, in all of which I ran qmake -project to create a duummy .pro file that simply lists the source and header files in the directory.
In my root folder, I simply created a "" file that includes all these "subdir/" files.
So it looks like this:
Now my problem is, I use some files that have a special file extension (say, .ccp), which are actually some C code but are used in a different step of my compilation process.
They are naturally ignored by the qmake -project command and do not appear in my project.
I read here that I could use the qmake setting QMAKE_EXT_CPP to tell it to gather my files as a C-code file, but it doesn't seem to be working.
If I run qmake -query QMAKE_EXT_CPP, I get .cpp::.c::.ccp (which I set right before), but when running a new qmake, it doesn't take my .ccp files in account.
So, three questions:
Is it possible to make qmake take some special extensions as a C++ file, when building the .pro file?
If yes, is it correct to use the QMAKE_EXT_CPP setting?
If yes, what should be the syntax of the QMAKE_EXT_CPP setting? (mine inspired by this forum post, but it might be bogus).
You cannot change QMAKE_EXT_CPP with -project option. The list of cpp extensions used at this stage is hardcoded into qmake. However after initial creation of .pro file you can edit it to extend with support for other extensions:
SOURCES += test.ccp
You have to add new files manually.

Creating Project from existing source code in Eclipse

I am new to Eclipse. Working on school project from source code provided by instructor. Project compiles without problems using provided makefile, but I want to compile/edit inside of Eclipse.
I have tried to import as Makefile project, but right away getting an error
make: *** No rule to make target `all'.
Here is a basic list of files.
Why I can't simply "Import" source, as I can do it in Visual Studio ?
Thanks !
CDT will attempt to build the project using make all, and it seems that your Makefile does not have that target. Easiest is to add:
all: your-target-to-make-stuff
to your Makefile. If you want to configure how CDT invokes make, you can right-click on the project, select Properties → C/C++ Build. Under the Behavior tab, you can select which make targets CDT should invoke when building and cleaning.
I don't have an Eclipse with C/C++ plugin at my hands right now, but I have an idea what it could be:
It appears that your Eclipse is starting make with the specific target 'all', which doesn't seem to exist in the Makefile - you should be able to reproduce this behavior on the command line with the command make all instead of just make.
If this is the case, there are two solutions: one is to modify the Makefile to introduce a target 'all'; or modify the C/C++ builder settings in Eclipse to execute the make without any argument.
You can install the C/C++ for developers plugin.
Or in many cases I would use Ant to create or call make files.
