Google Map with Spring Rest Service - angularjs

I never used Google API in my web project but now it's time to use so have no idea how to integrate it. I read so many tutorial but for beginner like me its quite tough to understand those tutorial. I have the following requirements:
1) I have spring rest service ready which will send the JSON data having the information
longitude:"some value"
lattitude:"some value"
I want to plot all the JSON data to the google map.
2) Also I want to capture the current location of the user and then want to navigate the user from current location to the location send by the server.
I don't have any idea how to start this in my angular application, at least I want few good resource so that I can read and can obtain this result.

After so many tutorial ,this is what I got :


Integrate Payment Gateway with IONIC

Don't mark question as duplicate or already asked. If know please answer.
I am trying to integrate payumoney payment gateway in my hybrid app. I went through some tutorials and finally reached to plugin cordovaInAppBrowser and using its events, loadstart, loadstop but not able to send and get parameters.Since last One Week I stucked and so finally posting here. Thanks, in advance
Finally I succeed in integrating the payment gateway in ionic. Its very easy, jsut follow the following steps,
add the cordovaInAppBrowser plugin and Inject the dependency.
make all the fields you get that to send to that Gateway with all validations.
now you needed some 3 files as success.php, failure.php and paymentfile.html.
$"filename?"+params, '_blank',options)
make note that success and faliure php file are in server and access them through server
get the response in the php file than to controller, based on the response traverse the path and its done.
Most important you need to serialize the data while sending as its should be global and assign it to window object.
Also we have to use the cordovaInAppBrowser events loadstop() and all the stuff i had done in this event and later i call the close() function when its done.
Its Done.

Share tweet with image from my web app

When user clicks "Share on Twitter" button on my site, I'd like to prepopulate that tweet with an image (let's assume that image is served from my server).
It would be great if I could do it with Twitter's web intent, but that's apparently not possible:
It seems like I could use Twitter's POST media/upload API, but in that case I would have to implement 3-legged oAuth authorization? It also seems that is not possible to do it directly from the client (due to CORS issues and I'd have to expose my app's secret key in JavaScript code).
So I guess for this to work I'd need to have some server as middleman between the client running my API and Twitter's oAuth provider?
Is there any service that you could recommend that takes care of it - I found about, I guess they act as a described middleman?
The third possible approach I found would be via Twitter Cards. Is it possible to make it work since I dynamically generate the content via AJAX calls?
This lit a beam of hope in me, but I'm not totally sure what it means yet:
My actual situation: I'm developing an Angular app that displays Highcharts charts and I'd like my users to be able to share their screenshots.
My current high-level idea is: Highcharts' export feature sends request to their server to generate the image, it creates an image and serves it there for 30 seconds - and I'm given it's link in a callback on client.
Now I can store that image somewhere else (my or Twitter's server?) and then we come to the problem described above.
I'd be grateful on any advice how to do this in a most elegant way that would also be as frictionless as possible for the users. (e.g. oAuth requires that they authorize the app to post on their behalf)

How do I get Google Realtime to move the revision number up

I'm playing with the Google realtime API, specifically the Quickstart example.
I have a string at the root named 'text' and I have it bound to the DOM element in the example.
No matter how much typing I do, I can't seem to figure out a way to get it to actually save to google Drive. The file is there, but when I do a realtime/get API call for the file, I just get this:
API Endpoint: GET{fileId}/realtime
"revision": 1,
"data": null
You need to perform the GET call with the same app credentials as you use to do the writing. The realtime document is scoped to a particular app.

Is it possible using the GAE Logs API to retrive front-end logs only?

How can we we send a query to the Log API such that it only retrieves logs from the front end and not the backends?
I don't know what runtime you're asking about, but looking at the Python source for SDK 1.8.8 you have the following arguments for the google.appengine.api.logservice.fetch function:
module_versions: A list of tuples of the form (module, version), that
indicate that the logs for the given module/version combination should be
fetched. Duplicate tuples will be ignored. This kwarg may not be used
in conjunction with the 'version_ids' kwarg.
(This isn't yet reflected in the Google Developers site)
This does not mean you can directly access front-end logs, but if you convert your app from using backends to using two named modules, one for front-end requests and another for backend work, you'll be able to fetch the logs of each independently.

Get position data from mobile browser

I am developing a web app that will be hit frequently by mobile browsers. I am wondering if there is a way to get enough information from the browser request to lookup position data (triangulation or GPS) Not from the request directly, of course. A colleague suggested there some carriers supply a unique identifier in the request header that can be sent to a web service exposed by said provider that will return position data if the customer has enabled that. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this or any other method for gleaning position data, even very approximate. Obviously this is app candy, e.g. if the data is not available the app doesn't really care...
Or perhaps a web service by carrier that will provide triangulated data by IP?
Google has ClientLocation as part of their AJAX APIs. You'll need to load Google's AJAX API (requires an API key) and it'll try to resolve the user's location data for you.
I've got blackberry gps to javascript working OK in a GMaps mashup. Pretty simple, actually. -- help yrself to view source.
(I don't currently have a bb. A user emailed me with "... it seems to be polling every 15 seconds or so, so it keeps adding new locations ... ".)
I'm looking for javascript gps info on an iPhone equivalent. And Nokia, and ... .
Any information appreciated.
I have used this javascript library sucessfully:
The examples work great. The user will always be prompted to share their location--don't know a way to avoid that.
Use the source IP address to approximate a network location. No, you won't get latitude and longitude in an HTTP request from an iPhone. Not unless you write a 3rd party app and ask them to run it.
You might be better off just running a poll on your website.
I know that some providers in Japan have a tracking service for location of cellphones.
I also know that the information is not public. I think you need to have a very good reason before the provider gives that information free as it is in my opinion sensitive personal data. Of course they will give the information to police officers but not to the general public.
