Angular JS Directive for bootstrap-datepicker - angularjs

I am looking for the angular directive for bootstrap-datepicker
I tried finding it but couldn't get success with that.
Does anyone know the angular directive of the plugin I mentioned?


How to call Angular Directive inside Vue Js Component

<chat-system options="chatOpts"></chat-system>
which is defined as Directive in Angular Js (1.Ox)
and we are using globally for other systems
Now we want to Integrate the same directive for Vuejs Component.
Could you help me?

Angular hybrid: How to upgrade an attribute directive?

I am talking about Angular 1.x directives that do not have a template. Directives with the restrict property set to 'A' (attribute directive).
I can't find any documenten on how to upgrade these directives from Angular 1.x to an Angular 5 directive. Is this at all possible? If so how?
I am using UpgradeModule from '#angular/upgrade/static'. Upgrading and downgrading of regular components and services is working fine.

why Angular JS is named Angular JS?

Please don't insult if I ask that in the bad website or bad section with the bad tags but I would like to know .
why the javascript framework angularJS has been named angularJS?
Just googled: "why is angular js called angular".
Because HTML has Angular brackets and "ng" sounds like "Angular".
Because Angular JS can be written inside the angle brackets of HTML that is why it is known as Angular JS .
The use of 'ng' commonly in all its directives is to make the browser understand that this html page is making use of aNGular JS(Note the capital Letters)
Because html has angular brackets and ng rhymes with angular, ng = next generation, as in angular is the next generation of html

Angular Meteor - Blaze is not defined

I want to use blaze from my angular controller, similar use as
Blaze.render(Template.loginButtons, element[0]);
When I try that from my own directive I get - "ReferenceError: Blaze is not defined".
My angular app decleration includes angular-meteor and I also tried to call angular-blaze-template but it's still not being recognized.
I'm not sure why it's working on accounts-ui-angular directive and not on mine

Angular-ui-bootstrap typehead not working with AngularJS 1.2.0-rc3

Here is a working example of Angular-ui-bootstrap typehead working with AngularJS 1.0.5:
The template uses ng-bind-html-unsafe witch is deprecated in AngularJS 1.2.0-rc3.
How can I bind html unsafe in that template? I would have used ng-bind but the filter typeaheadHighlight:query adds tags in match.model.title.
AngularJS removed the ng-bind-html-unsafe tag in its 1.2RC version which breaks the default typeahead template. But you have at least 2 ways to work-around it:
Move to the version 0.6.0 of the angular-ui/bootstrap library that has an equivalent tag named bind-html, here is a working plunk:
Include the ngSanitize module and use AngularJS built-in ng-bind-html directive:
