Browser back functionality in angular js - angularjs

How to make the browser back functionality in angular? If the browser back button is clicked, the previous state data remain selected in the old page.
Please share your idea.


Is it possible in React to go back page if I didn't use react-router routes?

I made a page with the same url all the time. I show my div by hiding and showing components, but no route. So, now I need the user can go back page using the back arrow of the explorer. Is there any possibility?
The back button of the browser change the window history :
So i don't think you can link the browser back btn to a javascript variable and prevent his effect on history
You can find on the net solution where people force history.forward() when back btn is pressed, you can change your variable here. But it's a bit dirty
How can I stop the browser back button using JavaScript?

How to get back data entered in html controls on clicking of back button in browser in Angular

I am retain earlier values in web page controls once user click on back button in browser .
I want to do that in Angular application.
Please suggest
There is no specific way to tell when a user presses the back button.
What you can do, is call an ngDestroy hook and set local Storage items in the hook, refer to this article on how to set local storage items:

Redirecting to previous page without reloading

I have a question that suppose, I have an Admin Dashboard page, on which I have given a list of users. clicking upon a particular user the details of corresponding user is shown on a different page (say on userDetails.jsp). Now I have a back button on userDetails page, Clicking of which I need to redirect admin to the last visited page that is Admin Dashboard page, I have one solution that I can "Reload" the previos page on clicking back button, but then I feel that there is the overhead of calling a server side API, retrieving all the data, Again redraw the whole admin dashboard page even when there is no change made in the userDetails[because it is read only page, modification is not allowed there]. Is there anyway that I can make user of cache or anything else so that I will not need to go to the server to fetch all the data again. I am using spring MVC, angularjs, Thank you.
On your button's click event add the following code:
make sure to use $window rather than window since you're using AngularJS

adding history to browser from angularjs

I am using angularjs and ui-router. I have a page where i search certain content and show/hide some sections. I want to add history to browser, so that when user clicks on back. He can go to previous page where he was. How do i handle this requirement.

How should I use route&view

I am using backbone.js & Twitter Bootstrap in my client-end page.
On clicking the logout button on header, a confirmation dialog should open.
The question is that
should I use router such as /logout to change to logoutView ?
If click No in the dialog, how could I show the main content with data before the dialog is opened.
Yes, you can use a router and you should.
First thing to know, is you have to render application's layout before dispatching any route, because the layout is rendered and needed for every action, so it's independant, right ?
Second you create a "logout" route in your router and give it the "#logout" hash, then in your "logout" action you open the modal.
Don't use router for such thing. Just fire the modal directly because:
On changing the router, you are gonna push that to the History. Hitting the browser's back button shouldn't really open a modal window.
URLs should be crafted in a way to be bookmarked. You don't want a URL that would open a popup or a modal window!
It's much simpler just to start the modal than to create a variable to hold the previous view and to fall back to it when clicking No
I have build client-side apps using different MVC frameworks like AngularJS and Backbone.js. Every time I faced the same situation you are talking about and found that the easiest and most accurate way is to just show the modal.
Please watch this. This is Jeremy Ashkenas the author of backbone.js stating exactly your situation about how should URLs be used and weather if they should be used to open a pop up or not.
