How to show autocomplete drop-down when first clicking in text box? - angularjs

I am using a Angular md-autocomplete which starts showing users the auto completion options in a drop-down after they first type in the text box. Is there anyway to have this dropdown shown when the user first clicks in the text box as well?
Here is the md-autocomplete html:
<md-autocomplete flex
md-items="item in getMatches(searchText)"
md-selected-item-change="$parent.selectedItemChange(item)" on-enter ng-cloak>
<span id="autocompleteText" md-highlight-text="searchText" md-highlight-flags="^i">{{item.autocompleteVal}} </span>

I was having same issue but setting the value of md-min-length to zero starts working
If it still does not work then make sure that the searchTerm is initially set to null
vm.searchTerm = null

As #Hodglem pointed out, the current Material docs use the valueChanges observable of the FormControl object to detect changes and filter the options to display on the autocomplete panel. They prime the initial value as "null" so that all the available options will display.
However, often your list of options comes from a service (as in my use case) and your list is empty when startsWith(null) runs, especially if this code is in the ngOnInit() method like it is in the Material docs. This method runs immediately, while the service takes time to fill the list.
Autocomplete is smart enough to not open the panel if there are no options, so the initial focus on the element will not open the panel since there are no options to display. Even after the list fills from the service, the filter only gets triggered with a change in value on the control, so until the user starts typing, autocomplete's list of options remains empty, and therefore the panel remains closed.
I have two solutions:
Move the observable set up out of the ngOnInit() method, and into the subscribe() method that follows the call to the service that retrieves the options. After setting the list, run the observable set up. Now the panel will open on focus since the panel has options to display. (Make sure that the initialization of the FormControl remains in the ngOnInit() method, or the binding in the template will throw an error.)
Scratch the observable approach, and bind the filter method to the control's native events, such as (focus) and (input). In the filter method, check if the passed-in value is null or empty, and if it is, return the entire list. This way, the filter gets triggered every time the user clicks on the control or changes its value, and as long as the user clicks on the control at least once after the service filled the list of options, the panel will display. Depending on your use case, I found that by the time the user moves the mouse and focuses on the control, the service already delivered the goods, and the panel opens.

Seems like demo from site works as you expected.

For Angular 2 and Material 2, setting startWith() on the valueChanges() observable of the control to null will show all of the values. Omitting this will result in the user first needing to type a value in to see results.
All values displayed on focus:
.map(value => value ? this.fuelTypeFilter(value) : this.fuelTypes));
No values displayed until entry:
.map(value => value ? this.fuelTypeFilter(value) : this.fuelTypes));
I haven't, but I imagine you could play around with startWith() to set the on focus list to be filtered by something also.

Just add the following line
This will trigger a md-items calls even when just clicked


Dynamic radio/checkbox solution in Aurelia

I have a gist demonstrating my problem here:
The checkbox version works fine, if you remove a check, it updates the model right, but if you change the selected radio button, it will keep the true value on the radio that got it's selection removed. If I remove the model.bind="true" value, it will write "on" instead of true. I do want true/false, and not on/off.
I want the object to get it's property updated to be a true or false depending on if it's chosen or not, dynamically. In my scenario I don't know how many radio buttons or checkboxes will need to be selected. I only know that in the cases of it not being a collection, I only want one, and in the case that it is a collection, I want an unknown number selected.
Like the other answer mentions - <input type="checkbox"> behavior is different from <input type="radio">.
I have forked your gist and made the following changes to make your scenario with the radio button work in aurelia:
1) Added a function to the first object in your params collection called selectedChanged(it doesn't have to be there, could be on the viewmodel class instead, perhaps a better place for it). It is responsible for handling selection change in the radio button group, specifically it will iterate over a collection of options (second parameter), and set selected property to true on the option who's id matches the first parameter of the function, and to false on all other options.
2) There is an event on the input called change, I delegate it to a function called selectedChanged mentioned above, passing the value and options as parameters.
I think what you want to achieve (turning individual value on/off) is not achievable with radio, as the way it works (select a single value out of a set) is different with check-box (turning individual value on/off) (MDN reference). So If you truly want to have radio like appearance, with check-box behavior, consider employing some CSS and extra DOM elements to make it look like so, and behave like so.

How to get the attributes of an invisible WebElement

The webpage I'm testing has a collection of 35 checkboxes.
The input tag is styled in such a way that it is positioned outside the visible part of the page (-9999px). When I want to click on it an ElementNotVisibleException appears. I can click on the label of the checkbox instead so this is not a problem but how to get the information if a checkbox is selected or not. The only way I can imagine is by analysing the page source. Is there another more convenient possibility to get this information?
Things you could try:
you should already have a method like isChecked() to test this, find that method
find the element and check his attribute for when is checked (example checked="checked")
write another selector for that element and check that this selector exists(not visible), example with css: input#elementID[checked=checked] or by value, depending if is a checkbox or radio box
For invisible element you can get his attributes, you just are not able to interact with him and it will fail to check that is visible/displayed.
Use a method to find the element, this will return an object, and see what autocomplete offers, what methods you have available and you can use, you should have getAttribute, isChecked etc.

AngularJS ng-class Expression Not Updating Properly

So I'm trying to build a custom autocomplete dropdown for a text input. To do it, I am listening for the keydown event and if it's an up or down arrow press, I'm setting a $scope.arrowSelectedItem variable to the proper one in the list. (As a side note, all the functionality works as far as selecting an item from the list that pops up. All I'm trying to do is highlight the current one that they've marked with the up/down arrows).
On the markup side, the items in the autocomplete list are output with ng-repeat, with ng-repeat="item in itemList". The ng-class expression I'm using is ng-class="{highlighted: item === arrowSelectedItem}". I know that the $scope.arrowSelectedItem is being updated on each arrow press by using console.log, but for some reason the class isn't being updated to the list item properly.
What I've found is that after the first time of hitting an arrow key, if I make the text input box lose focus, then the class is added. Then if I click back in the box, move the arrow to select a different item, click out of the input box, then click back in, the class is added to the new one. I know that sounds weird, but that's what I've found.
What I'm not sure about is why the ng-class expression isn't being evaluated on every arrow key press. Does anyone have any ideas why?
The answer here is that "raw" DOM events which fire outside of one of angular's built in directives (such as click events via ng-click etc) will not trigger a $digest cycle update. Until this happens the $scope properties will not be updated.
If you are in a position where you are listening for DOM events by using another framework, or simply using addEventListener(), you will need to let angular know about any changes by using $scope.$apply(), or by wrapping the code in a $timeout().
If you do this in your event handler, angular will trigger a new $digest cycle update for every keypress and your new scope values will propagate to the view.

Angular Formly - HideExpression on page load

I have a number of fields on my form. When the user changes the selected value in a dropdown, there is a hideExpression on each field that shows/hides the fields depending on what the user has selected. This currently works fine.
However, I am trying to make the dropdown default to the first option in the select. This also works fine.
My issue is that all of the hideExpression logic is not being fired upon loading of the screen. So the select is defaulting correctly but none of the fields (that should be shown) that go with that option are visible.
If I manually change the dropdown value then everything is shown correctly. Is there a way to make the hideExpression logic get kicked off even when the select is being defaulted via code?
Here is a JSBin for my issue:,console,output
The page defaults to Option2. Yet, there is a hidden field that should show whenever Option2 is selected. So if you change the dropdown to Option1 and then back to will see the hidden field. The hide/show logic doesn't seem to get kicked off if you set a dropdown to a certain value by default.
I'm not 100% sure why what you had wasn't working, but querying the DOM in your controller is a very very bad idea. Also, angular-formly intentionally tries to make field IDs non-deterministic so you can't do that (should probably make it more random). Here's what I think you're trying to accomplish:,console,output

Angular-UI: Force Typeahead results

I have a text field that uses AngularUI's typeahead feature. It looks like this:
<input typeahead="eye for eye in autocomplete[column] | filter:$viewValue">
I'd like to force the user to select an option from the list that is generated. If they type something that is not on the list exactly as it appears, on blur (clicking outside of the text field), i'd like the value of the text field to reset to it's original value.
Is this functionality part of the typeahead directive, or will I need to extend it? I searched for about 10 minutes on google and stackoverflow, but couldn't find any relevant documentation.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction to accomplish this?
There is an attribute in the plugin to force existing values only: typeahead-editable="false". The default value is true.
Only the $modelValue is being set to empty when there is a wrong value selected, and this is actually necessary otherwise we would not be able to write anything. The $viewValue stays with the last text entered. You might be able to bind a blur event of your own to the field to reset the $viewValue?
Here is your JsFiddle with the selected value displayed:
You could also use the attribute typeahead-on-select which required a callback when a value is selected, but I am not sure it would work with typeahead-editable="false" because no value is being selected.
