Angular Formly - HideExpression on page load - angularjs

I have a number of fields on my form. When the user changes the selected value in a dropdown, there is a hideExpression on each field that shows/hides the fields depending on what the user has selected. This currently works fine.
However, I am trying to make the dropdown default to the first option in the select. This also works fine.
My issue is that all of the hideExpression logic is not being fired upon loading of the screen. So the select is defaulting correctly but none of the fields (that should be shown) that go with that option are visible.
If I manually change the dropdown value then everything is shown correctly. Is there a way to make the hideExpression logic get kicked off even when the select is being defaulted via code?
Here is a JSBin for my issue:,console,output
The page defaults to Option2. Yet, there is a hidden field that should show whenever Option2 is selected. So if you change the dropdown to Option1 and then back to will see the hidden field. The hide/show logic doesn't seem to get kicked off if you set a dropdown to a certain value by default.

I'm not 100% sure why what you had wasn't working, but querying the DOM in your controller is a very very bad idea. Also, angular-formly intentionally tries to make field IDs non-deterministic so you can't do that (should probably make it more random). Here's what I think you're trying to accomplish:,console,output


Vuetify v-combobox automatically selects the typed word when updating items

When the user starts to typing something in the v-combobox component, an axios request is sending to search users in the database. The content of the list is updating dynamically. The problem is that when items in the combobox has been updated, it automatically selects the word previously typed by the user and updates v-model (and in my case, it creates a chip on the frontend). How to prevent automatic select when updating items?
You may want to use a v-autocomplete component to get the behaviour you're expecting. You can think of combobox as a select so any input is a change/selection and autocomplete as a text field where input filters the dropdown options.
I solved the problem as follows.
Changed the v-combobox component to v-autocomplete. Made a form for adding a new user. Since v-autocomplete does not allow displaying items outside of the list, I disabled the display of v-model contents using a slot and made a custom display of v-model items using v-chip component with deletion.

Ag-grid React Multiple Selection with Checkbox not getting selection change with Api

I want to basically know if I am having rows selected to activate an input, the thing is
"selectionChange" event is not capturing when the selection is being changed I have a small example.
What id expect to happen is to get the alert to show when something is selected on this example.
Turns out in React this property is onSelectionChange, following react pattern

clearing a material-UI autocomplete field on the press of a button

I am using material-UI autocomplete for a project that involves rendering a dynamic array based on what you select from the menu. I am finished with the project and now trying to implement multi-select to make choosing things from the menu easier. When you have everything you want from the menu, you click an "Add" button that takes everything you currently have selected and adds it to a table (and adds the properly formatted text into a query on the side, the goal is to build queries for users without them worrying about syntax). When I was not using multiselect, and only adding one thing at a time to the query, I was easily able to clear the autocomplete field by changing the value prop to null. This prevents users from adding the same fields to the query over and over (when add is clicked the options that were added are popped from the list of options). When using multi the rules seem to change and now changing value directly causes an error. My question is, does anyone know of a way to programattically click the x button built in to material-ui autocomplete fields to clear that text field in an event handler? Or is there any reliable way of clearing that on my end?

How to show autocomplete drop-down when first clicking in text box?

I am using a Angular md-autocomplete which starts showing users the auto completion options in a drop-down after they first type in the text box. Is there anyway to have this dropdown shown when the user first clicks in the text box as well?
Here is the md-autocomplete html:
<md-autocomplete flex
md-items="item in getMatches(searchText)"
md-selected-item-change="$parent.selectedItemChange(item)" on-enter ng-cloak>
<span id="autocompleteText" md-highlight-text="searchText" md-highlight-flags="^i">{{item.autocompleteVal}} </span>
I was having same issue but setting the value of md-min-length to zero starts working
If it still does not work then make sure that the searchTerm is initially set to null
vm.searchTerm = null
As #Hodglem pointed out, the current Material docs use the valueChanges observable of the FormControl object to detect changes and filter the options to display on the autocomplete panel. They prime the initial value as "null" so that all the available options will display.
However, often your list of options comes from a service (as in my use case) and your list is empty when startsWith(null) runs, especially if this code is in the ngOnInit() method like it is in the Material docs. This method runs immediately, while the service takes time to fill the list.
Autocomplete is smart enough to not open the panel if there are no options, so the initial focus on the element will not open the panel since there are no options to display. Even after the list fills from the service, the filter only gets triggered with a change in value on the control, so until the user starts typing, autocomplete's list of options remains empty, and therefore the panel remains closed.
I have two solutions:
Move the observable set up out of the ngOnInit() method, and into the subscribe() method that follows the call to the service that retrieves the options. After setting the list, run the observable set up. Now the panel will open on focus since the panel has options to display. (Make sure that the initialization of the FormControl remains in the ngOnInit() method, or the binding in the template will throw an error.)
Scratch the observable approach, and bind the filter method to the control's native events, such as (focus) and (input). In the filter method, check if the passed-in value is null or empty, and if it is, return the entire list. This way, the filter gets triggered every time the user clicks on the control or changes its value, and as long as the user clicks on the control at least once after the service filled the list of options, the panel will display. Depending on your use case, I found that by the time the user moves the mouse and focuses on the control, the service already delivered the goods, and the panel opens.
Seems like demo from site works as you expected.
For Angular 2 and Material 2, setting startWith() on the valueChanges() observable of the control to null will show all of the values. Omitting this will result in the user first needing to type a value in to see results.
All values displayed on focus:
.map(value => value ? this.fuelTypeFilter(value) : this.fuelTypes));
No values displayed until entry:
.map(value => value ? this.fuelTypeFilter(value) : this.fuelTypes));
I haven't, but I imagine you could play around with startWith() to set the on focus list to be filtered by something also.
Just add the following line
This will trigger a md-items calls even when just clicked

Angular UI-Grid: Clear All Filters with external filtering doesn't refresh rows

I'm using the external filtering and paging features of angular-ui-grid (v3.0.7) to filter and display my data. When I click on the built-in "Clear All Filters" button the filter text boxes get cleared but the data doesn't refresh, which should take me back to my original data set before it got filtered.
Before I updated to v3.0.7, I had my own custom button to clear the filters which, when clicked, called my own function that called the gridApi.grid.clearAllFilters and then pulled the data again so my data would be back the way it was before it got filtered.
Can I get this built-in "Clear All Filters" button to do somehow do the same thing or can I at least hide this button so that I can add my custom button back?
Okay I figured out my issue. I had changed the code so that the calls to the server wouldn't happen until the user clicked the Enter key, instead of each character they typed. This prevented the Clear All Filters button from doing it's job. I've since removed the logic to check for the Enter key and all's well now.
