Cannot receive any messages or push notification because being blacklisted by Google - blacklist

Recently, I got some feedbacks from my users said that they cannot receive any messages or push notification in my app. And I found that there is an issue-
String token = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken(); token
Value is "Blacklisted" in system.
Please help me removing the blacklist from Google.


Discord : how to post a message in channels as a user

I'm building an application connecting to Discord. Users can login with Oauth2.0 in the application. My application's goal is to post messages to the channel as a user, not a bot.
I've checked the documentation and the questions already asked, but I couldn't find a way to post as a user.
It would be nice to be APIs, but Execute Webhook and Create Message seem to be for bots.
Is there any API or other way to post to the channel as a user? If anyone knows, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.

Gmail API PubSub Push Endpoint is triggered twice

We have integrated Gmail API into our app to get the email inbox updates of Gmail accounts. We have used Gmail watch API to start listening to the updates of the Gmail inbox of a user. We have added a subscription and mentioned the endpoint of our app, Topic-Subscription details screenshot attached below, where we are ready to receive inbox updates.
But there are some Gmail accounts, whenever an email is received on those accounts then our "push endpoint" is triggered twice instead of once. That's causing a problem within our app.
Can you please explain that is it possible that a push endpoint can be triggered multiple times, on a single email received at the Gmail inbox?

Facebook Messenger Bot cannot send message to a given ID not working

I want to send message to a user any time using facebook messenger API.
I'm using developer version of messaging app and has not submitted for review yet.
We are two friends both as developer in the app. I want when my friend sends message to my page, Bot replies and a copy of message sent by friend comes to my inbox. But when I tried api throws following error.
{"error":{"message":"(#100) Parameter error: You cannot send messages to this id","type":"OAuthException","code":100,"fbtrace_id":"HRTLdvidA4u"}}
Is there any solution.

Mail GAE not sending but

I have a problem sending mail with JavaMail Service in GAE.
I did all the code in the documentation, i debug it online and it work fine, and it count the mail sended in the quota section the problem is, i didn't receive anything, and also checked with the account sender and it's the same there isn't any trace of mail sended. I tried this for some mails address and it's not working too.
Anyone had this problem yet? A solution to this?
The problem is that the mail sended as SPAM on gmail account.
Read doc:
The email used to send the mails must be a member of the application. It can be the problem... It was with me.
The link is about python but for sure that the same email rules apply to Java.
For security purposes, the sender address of a message must be one of the >following:
The Gmail or Google Apps Account of the user who is currently signed in
Any email address of the form or >
Any email address listed in Email API Authorized Senders found in the App >Engine Settings page of the Developers Console

Issue with push notification using cron in Google App Engine

I am trying to perform push notification activitiy using a cron within Google App Engine. I have setup the cron successfully and it is showing no failures. Also in logs i see that Multicasts are being created for all devices which are registered. However i am not getting any push notifications. Same code if i change using a form for sending Push notifications, its working perfectly fine. Can someone guide me on what can be the issue?
Below is the form i have created where i send a POST request via form. This form takes the Message from Text area and sends it to all devices.
out.print("<form name='form' method='POST' action='sendAll'>");
out.print("<textarea rows='10' cols='100' name='Message'>Enter HTML Message </textarea>");
out.print("<input type='submit' value='Send Message' />");
When i replace them with a normal post request which reads out the message from Data folder using below code,
getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/sendAll").forward(req, resp);
i get success messages in GCM Logs but doesnt receive any push notification. Can someone guide on what can be the issue?
It was nothing specific to Google App Engine. Message which was created for push notifications had issue.
