TSQL query to filter directory - sql-server

I'm trying to create a business directory in which I'm using the following query to pull data from 2 tables that contain the business info.
select *
from BND_Listing
left join BND_ListingCategories on BND_Listing.CatID = BND_ListingCategories.CatID
order by Company asc
I have a form that has 3 dropdowns I'm using to filter the above query using "Filters" that really are just components I need to add to my query above that will listen to query string values passed in by the form.
On submit of my form I'm redirecting back to the same URL but adding the following in my URL based on values selected from 3 dropdown fields.
I've got this working correctly but am having difficulties when no value is passed into my URL. This happens when a user filters only by 1 of the 3 possible fields. To fix this I'm thinking I can create an "All" value that would be like filter-State=ALL
How can I update my query to pull data to listen for these filters in the query-string?
Any insight, examples really appreciated.
Hope I make sense I'm still new to programming.
The following query returns 0 results until all filters are set. If only 1 filter is set it crashed my application.
select *
from BND_Listing
(Category = '[querystring:filter-Category]'
or '[querystring:filter-Category]'='All')
(City = '[querystring:filter-City]'
or '[querystring:filter-City]'='All')
(State = '[querystring:filter-State]'
or '[querystring:filter-State]'='All')
Thanks for all the input everyone.
I've tried this simplified query in SQL Server Management Studio to test.
FROM BND_listing
WHERE city = IsNull('Trinity', city)
It returns no results even though 'Trinity' is in fact a city in one of my records in the BND_Listing table.
I understand the ALL would add more filters but this basic query is still not pulling anything?
On page load where I have not pressed the sort button and there are no query string values passed yet. If I want my grid to load ALL table records should I use a UNION command for my basic query.
select *
from BND_Listing
Plus the more complex query used for filtering the results? So far all query examples below pull in nothing from my grid because of the WHERE statement.

Are you limited to just a select query that has to be placed in the plug-in? If not, I would create a stored procedure and read up on dynamic SQL. Dynamic SQL would allow you to dynamically generate and execute a completely different query based on whatever conditions you specify. With dynamic SQL, you could also dynamically generate the entire predicate instead of having to hard code each condition.
Another (less efficient) alternative would be to use LIKE instead of = in your predicate. For example:
FROM BND_Listing
WHEN [querystring:filter-Category] = 'All' THEN '%'
ELSE '[querystring:filter-Category]'
WHEN [querystring:filter-City] = 'All' THEN '%'
ELSE '[querystring:filter-City]'
WHEN [querystring:filter-State] = 'All' THEN '%'
ELSE '[querystring:filter-State]'

Assuming you want to search for 'All' for a given category when no filter is present, you can just treat an empty filter as meaning all:
FROM BND_Listing
WHERE (Category = '[querystring:filter-Category]' OR
'[querystring:filter-Category]' = 'All' OR
COALESCE([querystring:filter-Category], '') = '') AND
(City = ... )

Perhaps you could try something like this.
FROM BND_listing
WHERE category = IsNull('[querystring:filter-Category]', category)
AND city = IsNull('[querystring:filter-City]', city)
AND state = IsNull('[querystring:filter-State]', state)
This functionality will check for an active filter if present and compare the appropriate field to ensure it matches.
In the case the filter has not been set it will compare the field to itself so it will always return a true result.

When you want all the records when the input is NULL then handle it using IS NULL.
FROM BND_listing
WHERE (category = '[querystring:filter-Category]' OR [querystring:filter-Category]' is NULL)
AND (city = '[querystring:filter-City]' OR '[querystring:filter-City]' IS NULL)
AND (state ='[querystring:filter-State]' OR '[querystring:filter-State]' IS NULL)
Note : This method will use any INDEX present on Category or city or state where as ISNULL or COALESCE method will restrict the optimizer from using INDEX


Peewee join query can't get data

I have the following 2 tables in my database.
cid (int auto)
name (text)
I am trying to write the following sql query in peewee, but just can't get it to work
SELECT tbl_customers.cid, tbl_contacts.name
FROM tbl_customers
INNER JOIN tbl_contacts ON tbl_customers.cid = tbl_contacts.cid
WHERE tbl_customers.cid = '5';
I am trying to get the data to display like this
tbl_customer.cid = 5
tbl_contacts.name = 'Test User'
I tried the following in peewee, based on google searches that i am finding.
tbl_customers.select(tbl_customers.cid, tbl_contacts.name).join(tbl_contacts, on=(tbl_customers.cid == tbl_contacts.cid)).where(tbl_customers.cid == '5')
Peewee automatically puts your models into a graph, so the contact name would be accessed something like:
If you just want all data on a single model instance, you can append ".objects()" to your query and it will put all the column data on the instance-type being selected.
This is documented thoroughly:

Convert SSRS parameter to Null

I have SSRS report that showing Marketing Features. we have in the MF a field called "Test", the values are "PSI 1" or PSI 2" and also the field can be empty.
I added a dataset for the Test parameter with this query:
FROM [Tfs_Warehouse].[dbo].[CurrentWorkItemView]
WHERE ProjectNodeGUID = #ProjectGuid
AND System_WorkItemType = 'Marketing Feature'
ORDER BY Corp_Test
Now in the report, the values are PSI 1 PSI 2 and Null:
In the Main Query I filtered the results according to the parameter like this:
where COALESCE(Corp_Test, 'Null') IN (#TestParam)
The report works fine, and if I selected all values I get also Marketing Features with empty Test field.
My question is:
Instead of Null on the dropdown, I want it to be written No PSI and actually in the main query it will be Null. is it possible?
In your parameter properties, on the Available Values screen you will see an option for the Value and the Label. This allows you to show one thing to the end user (eg: user friendly description) whilst passing another (eg: key value) to the report.
In your dataset for the test parameter add a column to hold the Label of the value you want to pass through to the query. This can be the same as your Value if you so wish, but gives you the flexibility you require on the Null entry:
SELECT DISTINCT Corp_Test as Value
,Corp_Test as Label
FROM [Tfs_Warehouse].[dbo].[CurrentWorkItemView]
WHERE ProjectNodeGUID = #ProjectGuid
AND System_WorkItemType = 'Marketing Feature'
UNION ALL -- As you have DISTINCT above, UNION ALL will work faster and give the same results as UNION (which removes duplicates)
SELECT 'Null' as Value
,'No PSI' as Label
ORDER BY Corp_Test
Once you have done this, change your parameter to use the Value field as the parameter value and the Label field as the label shown to the user.
ISNULL(Corp_Test,'No PSI') AS Corp_Test
FROM [Tfs_Warehouse].[dbo].[CurrentWorkItemView]
WHERE ProjectNodeGUID = #ProjectGuid
AND System_WorkItemType = 'Marketing Feature'
) AS Corp
Remember to implement the change in your where clause main query. By main query, I mean the query that is feeding your report
The simple and easiest way is what #sgeddes answered in his comment.
I just repleced the where COALESCE(Corp_Test, 'Null') IN (#TestParam) with where COALESCE(Corp_Test, 'No PSI') IN (#TestParam), and in the dataset I replaced the SELECT 'Null' with SELECT 'No PSI'.

SSRS avoid WHERE clause if select all is selected

I am working on an SSRS report and a part of my sql query is like
WHERE SuperVisorId IN (#SupervisorIDs) AND CreatedDate> #StartDate
where the #SupervisorIDs is a dropdown with option of "select all" and individual supervisors.
So if the supervisors "all" option is selected , then I don't need to include that in the where clause and my where clause is only this
WHERE CreatedDate> #StartDate
So how can I make the WHERE clause looks different according to Selection of dropdown?
This only applies if you are using a single valued parameter with a manually added All option to the list of available values. Multi-value parameters do not know when all options are selected.
SQL Server doesn't always execute the conditions in a where clause in the order you write them, so if you are using where (#p = 'all' or col = #p) and ... you may still be comparing your values.
If performance is a concern, you can avoid this by using a short circuiting case, that only progresses to the actual data comparison if it is necessary:
where case when #SupervisorIDs = 'All' then 1
else case when SuperVisorId = #SupervisorIDs then 1
else 0
end = 1
and CreatedDate > #StartDate
Assuming that you are using a dataset query to populate the supervisor parameter dropdown, then you can try this.
Create an additional hidden parameter of a boolean type. For this example, I'll call it #AllSupsSelected. Set the default value of the parameter to:
Replace the field and dataset names accordingly. If the dataset is returning non-distinct values, you may have to tinker further to get this working.
Now your query can read:
WHERE #AllSupsSelected OR SupervisorId IN (#SupervisorIds)
Make your where clause like below
(SuperVisorId IN (#SupervisorIDs))
OR (
#SupervisorIDs = 0
AND CreatedDate > #StartDate
And pass 0 when selected "select all"
As an actual answer to your particular problem, set your multi-valued parameter dataset up similar to this to return all Supervisors as well as a value at the bottom of the list for No Supervisor:
select distinct SupervisorID as Value
,SupervisorName as Label
,1 as Sort
from Suppliers
union all
select <Uniquely identifiable value with the same data type as SupervisorID> as Value
,'No Supervisor' as Label
,2 as Sort
order by Sort
Then in your dataset set up your filtering similar to the below. I have structured it in this manner to avoid using the isnull function on your SupervisorID column, which will hurt the query performance:
select cols
from tables
where SupervisorID in(#SupervisorID)
or (SupervisorID is null
and <Unique value from above> in (#SupervisorID)
which version of ssrs ? in 2016, you don't need to alter your query. when you click "select all" by default it pass all the values. so your query works good without changing anything.

NHibernate Criteria SQL Inner Join on Sub Select Same Table

I can't for the life of me figure out how to translate the following SQL query using NHibernate's Criteria API:
SELECT r.* from ContentItemVersionRecords as r
SELECT ContentItemId as CID, Max(Number) as [Version]
FROM ContentItemVersionRecords
GROUP BY ContentItemId
) AS l
ON r.ContentItemId = l.CID and r.Number = l.[Version]
WHERE Latest = 0 and Published = 0
The table looks like this:
The result of the SQL query above will return the highlighted records.
The idea is to select the latest version of content items, so I basically need to group by ContentItemId and get the record with the highest Number.
So the result will look like this:
I started out with a detached criteria, but I am clueless as to how to use it in the criteria:
// Sub select for the inner join:
var innerJoin = DetachedCriteria.For<ContentItemVersionRecord>()
.Add(Projections.GroupProperty("ContentItemId"), "CID")
.Add(Projections.Max("Number"), "Version"));
// What next?
var criteria = session.CreateCriteria<ContentItemVersionRecord>();
Please note that I have to use the Criteria API - I can't use LINQ, HQL or SQL.
Is this at all possible with the Criteria API?
UPDATE: I just came across this post which looks very similar to my question. However, when I apply that as follows:
var criteria = session
I get 2 results, which looks promising, but all of the integer properties are 0:
UPDATE 2: I found out that if I supply aliases, it will work (meaning I will get a list of ContentItemVersionRecords with populated objects):
var criteria = session
.Add(Projections.Max("Id"), "Id")
.Add(Projections.GroupProperty("ContentItemId"), "ContentItemId")
.Add(Projections.Max("Number"), "Number"))
However, I can't use the projected values as the end result - I need to use these results as some sort of input into the outer query, e.g.
SELECT * FROM ContentItemVersionRecord WHERE Id IN ('list of record ids as a result from the projection / subquery / inner join')
But that won't work, since the projection returns 3 scalar values (Id, ContentItemId and Number). If it would just return "Id", then it might work. But I need the other two projections to group by ContentItemId and order by Max("Number").
OK, so in a nutshell, you need to unwind that nested query, and do a group by with a having clause, which is pretty much a where on aggregated values, as in the following HQL:
SELECT civ.ContentItem.Id, MAX(civ.Number) AS VersionNumber
FROM ContentItemVersionRecord civ
JOIN ContentItem ci
GROUP BY civ.ContentItem.Id " +
HAVING MAX(civ.Latest) = 0 AND MAX(civ.Published) = 0
This gives you, for each deleted content items (those have all their latest and published flags to zero on all their content item version records), the maximum version number, i.e. the latest version of each deleted content item.

Cursor variable not updated

I'm not understanding why the variable, #NextURLId, in this cursor is not being updated. Here is the code
DECLARE #varContact_Id INT
FROM obp.Contacts
OPEN GetURL_Cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM GetURL_Cursor INTO #varContact_id
-- Available URLs have the used value as NULL. Used has value of 1.
UPDATE obp.Contacts SET URL = (
SELECT url from obp.URL WHERE id = #NextURLId)
used = 1,
contact_id = #varContact_Id,
date = GETDATE()
WHERE id = #NextURLId
FETCH NEXT FROM GetURL_Cursor INTO #varContact_id
The code is supposed to retrieve a unique URL from a table (obp.URL), enter that URL in the Contacts table and then update the URL to indicated that the URL has been used. It seems to me that after the URL table is updated with 'used = 1' then the next iteration of the code should get a new URLId when I query for it.
However, when I run this code I get the same URL every time. No doubt I am missing something obvious but need some help to point it out.
As a side, if there is a set based solution for this, I'd be happy to hear it.
UPDATE obp.Contacts SET URL = (
SELECT url from obp.URL WHERE id = #NextURLId)
updates every row with the same. Add a proper WHERE clause like
WHERE contact_id=#varContact_id
About the requirement for this: I understand that you want to associate a Contact with a URL and that there is no logical rule for which with what. At first sight I would consider a match table the right way to do this. It feels better to me to put such associations into a seperate table, even if there is a strong belief in a 1:1-relationship between the two objects associated. obp.URL and obp.Contacts are dimensional tables (I assume/hope). Keeping the association in one different table requires one action if changes occur. In your model a change must be reflected in both those tables.
Here is an idea for such a table:
create table Contact_URL_match
(ID int identity (1,1)
,URL_id int not null unique
,contact_id int not null unique
,created datetime)
the unique constraints disallow insertion of the same URL or the same Contact_id twice. On each insert/update prior content is being checked for duplicates and if found the action is denied, thus uniqueness protected.
For manifesting new matches in a first large initial action try this (haven't tested, just an idea)
,ROW_NUMBER() over (ORDER BY contact_id asc) rn
obp.Contacts) contacts
,ROW_NUMBER() over (ORDER BY id) rn
obp.URL) urls
Within the subqueries this creates a row number in both the source tables based on the ORDER BY clauses. It then joins the resultsets of the subqueries by that rownumber which is an act of deliberate randomness. I hope you want that. The result of that join is inserted into the match table.
If later you want to manifest a single new association you could add WHERE clauses to the subqueries that specify what URL you want matched with what Contact. Before picking a URL or Contact check the match table with NOT EXISTS to make sure it is not used in there.
EDIT : syntax errors cleaned
