NHibernate Criteria SQL Inner Join on Sub Select Same Table - sql-server

I can't for the life of me figure out how to translate the following SQL query using NHibernate's Criteria API:
SELECT r.* from ContentItemVersionRecords as r
SELECT ContentItemId as CID, Max(Number) as [Version]
FROM ContentItemVersionRecords
GROUP BY ContentItemId
) AS l
ON r.ContentItemId = l.CID and r.Number = l.[Version]
WHERE Latest = 0 and Published = 0
The table looks like this:
The result of the SQL query above will return the highlighted records.
The idea is to select the latest version of content items, so I basically need to group by ContentItemId and get the record with the highest Number.
So the result will look like this:
I started out with a detached criteria, but I am clueless as to how to use it in the criteria:
// Sub select for the inner join:
var innerJoin = DetachedCriteria.For<ContentItemVersionRecord>()
.Add(Projections.GroupProperty("ContentItemId"), "CID")
.Add(Projections.Max("Number"), "Version"));
// What next?
var criteria = session.CreateCriteria<ContentItemVersionRecord>();
Please note that I have to use the Criteria API - I can't use LINQ, HQL or SQL.
Is this at all possible with the Criteria API?
UPDATE: I just came across this post which looks very similar to my question. However, when I apply that as follows:
var criteria = session
I get 2 results, which looks promising, but all of the integer properties are 0:
UPDATE 2: I found out that if I supply aliases, it will work (meaning I will get a list of ContentItemVersionRecords with populated objects):
var criteria = session
.Add(Projections.Max("Id"), "Id")
.Add(Projections.GroupProperty("ContentItemId"), "ContentItemId")
.Add(Projections.Max("Number"), "Number"))
However, I can't use the projected values as the end result - I need to use these results as some sort of input into the outer query, e.g.
SELECT * FROM ContentItemVersionRecord WHERE Id IN ('list of record ids as a result from the projection / subquery / inner join')
But that won't work, since the projection returns 3 scalar values (Id, ContentItemId and Number). If it would just return "Id", then it might work. But I need the other two projections to group by ContentItemId and order by Max("Number").

OK, so in a nutshell, you need to unwind that nested query, and do a group by with a having clause, which is pretty much a where on aggregated values, as in the following HQL:
SELECT civ.ContentItem.Id, MAX(civ.Number) AS VersionNumber
FROM ContentItemVersionRecord civ
JOIN ContentItem ci
GROUP BY civ.ContentItem.Id " +
HAVING MAX(civ.Latest) = 0 AND MAX(civ.Published) = 0
This gives you, for each deleted content items (those have all their latest and published flags to zero on all their content item version records), the maximum version number, i.e. the latest version of each deleted content item.


SQL query based on list from another query

I am trying to build a query that will generate a list of records based on the results of a very similar query.
Here are the details and examples
Query 1: Generate a list if part #'s in a specific location of the warehouse.
Query 2: Use the list of part #'s generated in #1 to show all locations for the list of part #'s, assuming they will be in both the location specified in #1 and other locations.
Query 1 looks like this:
ItemMaster.ItemNo, BinInfo.BIN, ItemDetail.Qty, ItemDetail.Whouse_ID
Left Join
ItemMaster on ItemMaster.ID=ItemDetail.Item_ID)
Left Join
BinInfo on BinInfo.ID = ItemDetail.Bin_ID)
ItemDetail.Whouse_ID = '1'
And BinInfo.Bin = 'VLM';
Query 2 needs to be almost identical except the ItemMaster.ItemNo list will come from query #1.
Any help here would be great. I don't know if I need to learn Unions, Nested Queries, or what.
make sure that your first query returns the list of ids that you need.
then write the second query with the WHERE id IN (...) syntax:
(SELECT id FROM table2 WHERE...) -- first query

SQL-Server join issue when filtering on a freetext (vchar) column

I am stuck with a SQL Server view I am trying to create. The view returns a list of resources that are assigned to a project along with a few other details such as contract information.
I'm having issues with the resource_contracts table though because I'm stuck dealing with what is essentially a free-text field.
CONCAT(RTRIM(res.first_name),' ', RTRIM(res.surname)) AS fullname ,
res.main_res_id ,
res.resource_id ,
res.resource_typ ,
res.status ,
rel.rel_value ,
asn.booking_project AS project ,
asn.booking_project_descr AS project_descr ,
asn.assignment_position AS position ,
asn.date_from AS commencement_date ,
DATEADD(DAY,1,asn.date_to) AS end_date ,
FROM resourcees res
INNER JOIN resource_relations rel
res.main_res_id = rel.resource_id
AND res.client = rel.client
LEFT OUTER JOIN resource_relations cc
res.client = cc.client
AND res.resource_id = cc.resource_id
AND cc.rel_attr_id = 'C1'
AND res.date_to BETWEEN cc.date_from AND cc.date_to
AND cc.status = 'N'
INNER JOIN relation_values ar2
cc.rel_value = ar2.dim_value
AND ar2.client = res.client
INNER JOIN assignments asn
res.main_res_id = asn.resource_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN resource_contracts con
con.dim_value = res.main_res_id
AND res.client = con.client
AND con.comment_fx LIKE '%CONAU%'
AND con.date_to_fx >= asn.date_to
asn.booking_project = '123456'
I guess the above looks fairly large. It's the last join causing the issue for reference.
The resource_contracts table contacts three columns. I hate this setup, but it's outside of my control unfortunately.
date_from_fx = DATETIME
date_to_fx = DATETIME
comment_fx = VCHAR 255
It's used to record contracts date from and date to, and a free text field that could contain anything annoyingly. Sample values might be "CONAU SPP" or "CONSG ABC" etc..
I'm stuck on the comment_fx field above however.
I specifically want to see contracts containing CONAU, or return a NULL value if they do not have one that meets the date require, or do not have a row at all. Unfortunately this logic is getting mixed up any other contract they have such as "CONSG ABC"
No matter what join I apply, I either can see all the resources with the contract required, or duplicate rows with null values and a mix of the non-applicable contracts. I guess I am missing something simple
Ultimately I need to produce a list of resources that are assigned to a project, but do not have the required contract (CONAU), that list will trigger another process that I've already sorted out.
Let me show you the data that gets returned if we removed the resource_contracts table causing my issues:
Data result
Apologies, I couldn't format the table into something that resembled a table to paste here.
Here is the data from the contracts table:
contracts table
There's kind of multiple things I want to do here but I'll simplify it into a single one.
I'm trying to send a parameter to the query, 'CONAU' for example. So it will return all resources that do NOT have a valid row containing the string CONAU.
Problem is, they might have other rows like CONSG, or no rows at all.
During my attempts I would often get the wrong rows to show or when using ISNULL in the SELECT part, I would get null rows and duplicated data.
The conditions could be inverted but I'm trying to learn this myself.
SQL fiddle too: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!18/7558f/2
asn.booking_project = '123456'
AND con.comment_fx LIKE '%CONAU%'
To the trailing end.

SQL SUM() function with parameters returned by query for each row

First of all, sorry for that weird title. Here is the thing:
I work for a online shop, which sells products on amazon. Since we sell sets of different items, it happens that we send the same item within multiple sets to amazon fba. To give out the total sum of one item in all sets, I wrote the following query:
AS [total]
FROM [amazon_fba]
FROM [tArtikel]
FROM [tStueckliste]
WHERE [kArtikel] = (SELECT
FROM [tArtikel]
WHERE [cHAN] = 12345)) [bar]
ON [tArtikel].[kStueckliste] = [bar].[kStueckliste]) [foo]
ON [amazon_fba].[cSellerSKU] = [foo].[cArtNr]
The cHAN=12345 part is just used to pick one specific item for which we want to know the total number of items. This query itself works fine, so this is not the problem.
However, I also know that all products that are part of sets have [tArtikel].[kStueckliste]=0, which -in theory- makes identifying them pretty easy. Which got me to the idea, that I could use this query to instantly generate a list of all these products with their respective total, like:
kArtikel | total
01234 | 23
56789 | 42
So basically I needed something like
foreach (
select [kArtikel]
from [tArtikel]
where [tArtikel].[kStueckliste]=0
) do (
< the query I made >
Thus I tried the following statement:
AS [total]
FROM [amazon_fba]
FROM [tArtikel]
FROM [tStueckliste]
FROM [tArtikel]
WHERE [tArtikel].[tStueckliste] = 0) [baz]
ON [tStueckliste].[kArtikel] = [baz].[kArtikel]) [bar]
ON [tArtikel].[kStueckliste] = [bar].[kStueckliste]) [foo]
ON [amazon_fba].[cSellerSKU] = [foo].[cArtNr]
This did not -as I hoped- return a list of sums, but instead gave me the total sum of all sums I wanted to create.
Since I am pretty new to SQL (about two weeks in maybe), I have neither any idea what to do, nor where my mistake is, NOR what phrasing I should use to google my way around -thus that wierd Title of this post. So if anyone could help me with that and/or point me into the right direction I'd be really happy :)
I write MySQL rather than SQL but I believe it's very similar other than a few functions and syntaxes. Here's what I think should work for you:
select am.cArtNr, sum(am.nQuantity) as total
from amazon_fba am
join tArtikel ar on ar.cArtNr=am.cArtNr
join tStueckliste st on st.kStueckliste=ar.kStueckliste
where ar.kStueckliste=0
group by am.cArtNr;
Adding the group by will do the split out by articles, but reducing the number of brackets (in this instance derived tables) will speed up the query provided you're using indexes. Again, this is how I would do it in MySQL, and the only other query language I have experience in is BigQuery which won't help here.

SQL Selecting all but newest result per id

I need to set a "waived" flag in my table for all but the newest result per id. I thought I had a query that will work here, but when I run a select on the query, I'm getting incorrect results - I saw one case where it selected both of the only two results for a particular id. I'm also getting multiple results with the same exact data.
What am I doing wrong here?
Here's my select statement:
select t.test_row_id, t.test_result_id, t.waived, t.pass, t.comment
from EV.Test_Result
join EV.Test_Result as t on EV.Test_Result.test_row_id = t.test_row_id and EV.Test_Result.start_time < t.start_time and t.device_id = 1219 and t.waived = 0
order by t.test_row_id
Here's the actual query I want to run:
update EV.Test_Result
set waived = 1
from EV.Test_Result
join EV.Test_Result as t on EV.Test_Result.test_row_id = t.test_row_id and EV.Test_Result.start_time < t.start_time and t.device_id = 1219 and t.waived = 0
If I understand this correctly, you are having problems because the Cardinality of the ON predicate returns all matching rows.
EV.Test_Result.test_row_id = t.test_row_id
and EV.Test_Result.start_time < t.start_time
This ON will compare all of the start_time values that have the same id and return every combination of result sets where start_time is lesser than the t.start_time. Clearly, this is not what you want.
and t.device_id = 1219
and t.waived = 0
This is actually a predicate (ON technically is one), but I would prefer to use this in a subquery/CTE for several reasons: You limit the number of rows SQL has to retrieve and compare.
Something like the following might be what you needed:
SELECT A.test_row_id
, A.test_result_id
, A.waived
, A.pass
, A.comment
FROM EV.Test_Result A
INNER JOIN (SELECT MAX(start_time) AS start_time
, test_row_id
FROM EV.Test_Result
WHERE device_id = 1219
AND waived = 0
GROUP BY test_row_id
) AS T ON A.test_row_id = T.test_row_id
AND A.start_time < T.start_time
ORDER BY A.test_row_id
This query then returns a 1:M relationship between the values in the ON predicate, unlike the M:M query you had run.
Since I sheepishly screwed up trying to alter my Query on SO, I'll redeem myself by explaining the physical and logical orders of basic SQL Query operators:
As you know, you write a simple SELECT statement like the following:
SELECT <aggregate column>, SUM(<non-aggregate column>) AS Cost
FROM <table_name>
WHERE <column> = 'some_value'
GROUP BY <aggregate column>
HAVING SUM(<non-aggregate column>) > some_value
ORDER BY <column>
Note that if you use a aggregate function, all other columns MUST appear in the GROUP BY or another function.
Now, SQL Server requires them to be written in that order although it actually processes this logically by the following order that is worth memorizing:
There are more details found on SELECT - MSDN, but this is why any columns in the SELECT operator must be in the group by or in a aggregate function (SUM, MIN, MAX, etc)...and also why my lazy code failed on your first attempt. :/
Note also that the ORDER BY is last (technically TOP operator occurs after this), and that without it the result is not deterministic unless a function such as DENSE_RANK enforces it (thought this occurs in the SELECT statement).
Hope this helps solve the problem and better yet how SQL works. Cheers
Can you try ROW_NUMBER () function order by timestamp descending and filtering out values having ROW_NUMBER 1 ;
Below query should fetch all records per id except the latest one
I tried below query in Oracle with a table having fields : id,user_id, record_order adn timestamp and it worked :
row_number() over (partition by id order by record_order desc) as record_number
) <table_name_alias>
record_number <>1;
If you are using Teradata DB, you can also try QUALIFY statement. I'm not sure if all DBs support this.
from table_name
QUALIFY row_number() over (partition by id order by record_order desc) <>1;

Solving Duplicated in Access

i had a table depends on more than one tables and i get this final
ScrrenShoot have a look in picture
i need to choose from values if firstdate duplicated in specific criteria
for ex . i need one row for 18.2.2016 / max value ( get the greater one ) / min value (get the less one )
You need to provide us with better information, but here is what I think you're looking for.
You need a separate query for each min/max value you want to find. Where you see "MyTable" you need to replace it with the object name shown in the screenshot.
Query 1 "Max"
SELECT MyTable.FirstOfDate, Max(MyTable.MaxValue) AS MaxOfMaxValue
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY MyTable.FirstOfDate;
Query 2 "Min"
SELECT MyTable.FirstOfDate, Min(MyTable.MinValue) AS MinOfMinValue
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY MyTable.FirstOfDate;
Query 3 "Merge"
SELECT DISTINCT MyTable.FirstOfDate, Max.MaxOfMaxValue, Min.MinOfMinValue
FROM (MyTable
INNER JOIN [Max] ON MyTable.FirstOfDate = Max.FirstOfDate)
INNER JOIN [Min] ON MyTable.FirstOfDate = Min.FirstOfDate
GROUP BY MyTable.FirstOfDate, Max.MaxOfMaxValue, Min.MinOfMinValue;
