Table Relationships - Access Front End with SQL Server Backend - sql-server

When our IT department converts Access databases to SQL Server the relationships do not transfer over. In the past, I have provided ERDs that they can use to build the relationships. In this case, I didn't.
What are the possible consequences of defining the table relationships in the MS Access Front End versus on the SQL Server itself?
It would be ideal if I could just create the relationships in Access and avoid submitting a request to IT, but I don't want to risk performance issues now or in the future.

There may be some misconceptions.
A relationship in SQL Server enforces referential integrity (an order cannot have a customer ID that doesn't exist). It does not automatically create an index on the Foreign Key, so it has per se no impact on performance.
But in most cases it is a good idea to define an index on a foreign key, to improve performance.
A relationship that you define in Access on linked tables does neither. It cannot enforce referential integrity (that's the server's job).
It is merely a "hint" that the tables are related via the specified fields, e.g., so that the Query Builder can automatically join the tables if they are added to the query design. (copied from here)
So you should
Create the relationships in SQL Server to avoid inconsistent data. ("But my application logic prevents that!", I hear you say. Well, applications have bugs.)
Create indexes on foreign keys where appropriate to avoid performance problems.
If you are working with queries in the Access frontend, additionally define the relationships there.
Ideally you should have a test server where you can yourself define the relationships, and just send the finished SQL script to IT.


SQL Server Foreign Keys across database boundaries - techniques for enforcement

I have two separate SQL Server 2005 databases (on the same server)
security database
main application database
The security database has a user table with everything needed to authenticate. -
The application database has a person table with extended user details. There is a 1-1 mapping between the security database user table and the application database person table.
I want to enforce a mapping between the user and the person table. I'm assuming that foreign keys can't be mapped across databases thus I am wondering what to do to enforce the integrity of the relationship.
Cross database foreign keys are indeed not supported
Msg 1763, Level 16, State 0, Line 2
Cross-database foreign key references are not supported.
If you really want to enforce the referential integrity on the database side you will have to rely on triggers. (which I don't recommend)
to make your code more maintainable you could create synonyms for the tables you want to check referential integrity on.
CREATE SYNONYM myTable FOR otherdatabase.dbo.myTable;
This would be to make the "manual" checks easier, as you can not create foreign keys on a synonym.
It's a lot of work but you may think about merging those two databases into a single database. If you want a logical difference between objects within the database, you can use a schema.

Separating weakly linked database schemas

I've been tasked with revisiting a database schema we designed and use internally for various ticketing and reporting systems. Currently there exists about 40 tables in one Oracle database schema supporting perhaps six webapps.
However, there's one unifying relationship amongst them all: a rooms table describing the room. Room name, purpose and other data are thrown into a shared table for each app. My initial idea was to pull each of these applications into a separate database, and perform joins between a given database and the room database. But I've discovered this solution prevents foreign key constraints in SQL Server 2005. It seems silly to duplicate one table for each app and keep those multiple copies synchronized.
Should I just leave everything in one large DB, or is there something else I can do separate the tables without losing FK constraints?
The only way to achieve built-in referential integrity is to have the table inside the database in which it is referenced. You might be able to achieve the equivalent of referential integrity using triggers but it would likely be deathly slow.
You might be able to use SQL Server replication, in it's "Transactional replication" mode/form.
if all the apps truly use and depend on the rooms - then keep them all in one DB.
you can still set privilege on the tables properly, and manage the data sets in the non overlapping areas normally -
is there any task you imagine you will not be able to perform when things are together?

Primary Keys in Oracle and SQL Server

What's the best practice for handling primary keys using an ORM over Oracle or SQL Server?
Oracle - Should I use a sequence and a trigger or let the ORM handle this? Or is there some other way ?
SQL Server - Should I use the identifier data type or somehow else ?
If you are using any kind of ORM, I would suggest you to let it handle your primary keys generation. In SQL Server and Oracle.
With either database, I would use a client-generated Guid for the primary key (which would map to uniqueidentifier in SQL Server, or RAW(20) in Oracle). Despite the performance penalty on JOINs when using a Guid foreign key, I tend to work with disconnected clients and replicated databases, so being able to generate unique IDs on the client is a must. Guid IDs also have advantages when working with an ORM, as they simplify your life considerably.
It is a good idea to remember that databases tend to have a life independent from a front end application. Records can be inserted by batch processes, web services, data exchange with other databases, heck, even different applications sharing the same database.
Consequently it is useful if a database table is in charge of its own identify, or at least has that capability. For instance, in Oracle a BEFORE INSERT trigger can check whether a value has been provided for its primary key, and if not generate its own.
Both Oracle and SQL Server can generate GUIDs, so that is not a sufficient reason for delegating identity generation to the client.
Sometimes, there is a natural, unique identifier for a table. For instance, each row in a User table can be uniquely identified by the UserName column. In that case, it may be best to use UserName as the primary key.
Also, consider tables used to form a many to many relationship. A UserGroupMembership table will contain UserId and GroupId columns, which should be the primary key, as the combination uniquely identifies the fact that a particular user is a member of a particular group.

Moving client data from one database to a new one

Our application architecture allows us to host multiple clients in a single database, and also host multiple databases. This allows us to scale out by distributing clients across multiple databases. For example, 20 clients can be in database A, and another 15 could be in database B. We use a ClientID field in almost every table to partition client data. All our table's primary keys are INT identity TableID fields.
I'm looking for a tool/script that would help me extract client data from one database, and move it to a brand new database (so the PKs can stay the same). I'm hoping this exists already so we don't have to build our own. Pretty flexible in how this could work, but ideally it just generates a large .sql file with all the necessary INSERTS in the right order to move the data, and another sql file with all the necessary DELETES to erase the data from the source.
If it makes any difference we are on SQL Server 2008.
If you have standard or enterprise, you do have SSIS. Although it may not qualify as a "tool", it is fairly easy to implement in this scenario.
I can recomend redgate SQL DataCompare for this, we use it for syncing data, and use their SQL Compare to sync the database schema.
Both tools can either output sql, you can execute yourself, or the tools can execute the sql scripts themself.
They have a command line version of the tools to, so you could use them in an deployment script, tho i haven't tried this.
They both work really well, and are no doubt worth the price.
Not the answer you may be looking for, but you should consider using a GUID as a key. This will ensure that you have some type of unique identifier for your all records and that you can avoid collisions with identity keys / integer based indexes. It would add another degree of traceability should something go wrong when you migrate between databases.
SplendidCRM uses this technique when importing data from other DB systems.
My assumption was that the operation of transferring data between databases was not that frequent and that you needed database architecture for that task. I would use the GUID as lookup key specifically validation for the transfer of data, but I would NOT use that as a primary key for joins for standard operations like URL's. Although unique across databases, the trade-off is that GUIDs are slow.
In other words, the GUIDS would in addition to your existing primary keys now, and act as a means of validation for you should something go wrong. If you need ClientID in Database A to retain the same value in Database B then an identity column as that identifier will be an issue. You may have to create another identifier that is not "auto-generated". This could something other than the GUID, but my instinct is that integers alone will not be enough. Maybe you can create a columns that is a hash of the identity key, customer name and database name, or more simply, just concatenate those columns into a varchar column.

SQL Server Replication (cross-database queries & constraints)

We want to replicate data from one database to several others (on another server). Would it make sense to replicate these tables to a shared database on the other server and have our cross-database queries reference the shared database... or would it make more sense to replicate out to each individual database on the other server? Would cross database joins pose a performance hit? Would cross-database constraints work as expected?
Replicating once to a shared database would help replication performance... I'm trying to evaluate whether or not any performance hit as a result of cross-database queries or constraints would be worth it.
Edit: It looks like cross database constraints are not possible in sql server? If this is true then we would have to replicate to each database
Cross database queries are somewhat slower that within the same DB. Foreign keys work within the same DB only. Usual approach is to create a separate schema in each DB (like ETL) and then replicate those tables to that schema. This approach is actually frequently used when replicating dimension tables between data marts.
When using cross-db approach, use triggers to implement constraints -- may be slow and complicated.
Depending on your application, you may implement foreign keys as "logical only" and run periodic "look for orphans" queries to deal with referential integrity.
