C macros with operator explanation - c

I'm wondering how operator passing into macros works. They are macros from glib sources (glib/testutils.h).
In code you are using assert as g_assert_cmpint(1, ==, 2);, so operator just passed as is. How it works? What does # token mean in this macro?
#define g_assert_cmpint(n1, cmp, n2) \
gint64 __n1 = (n1), __n2 = (n2); \
if (__n1 cmp __n2) ; \
else \
g_assertion_message_cmpnum( \
#n1 " " #cmp " " #n2, __n1, #cmp, __n2, 'i'); \
and g_assert_message_cmpnum has such interface:
void g_assertion_message_cmpnum(const char *domain, \
const char *file,\
int line,\
const char func,\
const char *expr,\
long double arg1, \
const char *cmp,\
long double arg2,\
char numtype);
does this mean that # converts cmp operator to a string?
But then how to understand this line #n1 " " #cmp " " #n2 from a macro?

Because macros are processed before compile time (preprocessor stage). So it would simply "replaced" cmp with the passed operator.
Using "macros" is unsafed because it doesn't perform type checked.
Example bellow:
#define DOUBLE(x) x << 1 /// shift 1 bit left = multiple by 2
cout << DOUBLE(5) << endl; /// result "51" instead of "10"
/// because the result of processed code is:
cout << 5 << 1 << endl;

Yes # in the preprocessor is "stringification".
Then, in a later phase after preprocessing, all adjacent string literals are joined into one big string.


Use macro with token-pasting operator

I am facing a problem while making a code more general, I want to replace hardcoded values with macro but I am facing this issue :
Original code :
#define io_dir_in(port, pin) NRF_P##port->PIN_CNF[pin] = (GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Input << GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Pos) + (GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Connect << GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Pos)
io_dir_in(0, 0);
I added :
#define A_Port 0
#define A_Pin 0
And replaced :
io_dir_in(A_Port, A_Pin);
But I get the error identifer "NRF_PA_Port" is undefined because NRF_P and A_Port are getting concatenated. Anyway to make it work ?
The problem is that "concatenation of tokens" is done before an expansion of tokens. You need to add an extra step of expansion in between.
#define io_dir_in_impl(port, pin) NRF_P##port->PIN_CNF[pin] = (GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Input << GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Pos) + (GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Connect << GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Pos)
#define io_dir_in(port, pin) io_dir_in_impl(port, pin)
Now before io_dir_in_impl() is expanded all its arguments are expanded. Thus A_Port will be replaced with 0.
With this tweak io_dir_in(A_Port, A_Pin); expands as:

#define string with numeric define

For example, here is a C common #define:
#define USERNAME_LEN 100
#define SCAN_FMT "%100s"
// str is input from somewhere
char username[USERNAME_LEN + 1];
ret = sscanf(str, SCAN_FMT, username);
// check ret == 1 ?
can we have something like:
#define SCAN_FMT "%" USERNAME_LEN "s"
of course, this syntax is not what we want, but the ultimate goal
is to mix numeric #define into string #define
Note: I know we can do something like:
sprintf(SCAN_FMT, "%%ds", USERNAME_LEN); // char SCAN_FMT[10];
but this is not what I am looking for, because it requires run-time generation,
the best is to base on ANSI-C or std99.
You might like to do it like this:
#define SCAN_FMT_STRINGIFY(max) "%"#max"s"
#define USERNAME_MAXLEN (100)
char username[USERNAME_MAXLEN + 1] = ""; /* Add one for the `0`-terminator. */
int ret = sscanf(str, SCAN_FMT(USERNAME_MAXLEN), username);
You can use the preprocessor directives for these kind of tasks.
1.The first directive is # allows you to do such things:
#define str(x) #x
cout << str(test);
This will be translated into:
cout << "test";
2.The second directive is ##:
#define glue(a,b) a ## b
glue(c,out) << "test";
will be translated into:
cout << "test";
Look here for more info preprocessor

c macro for setting bits

I have a program that compares variables from two structs and sets a bit accordingly for a bitmap variable. I have to compare each variables of the struct. No. of variables in reality are more for each struct but for simplicity I took 3. I wanted to know if i can create a macro for comparing the variables and setting the bit in the bitmap accordingly.
struct num
int a;
int b;
int c;
struct num1
int d;
int e;
int f;
enum type
val1 = 0,
val2 = 1,
val3 = 2,
int main()
struct num obj1;
struct num1 obj2;
int bitmap = 0;
if( obj1.a != obj2.d)
bitmap = bitmap | val1;
if (obj1.b != obj2.e)
bitmap = bitmap | val2;
printf("bitmap - %d",bitmap);
return 1;
can i declare a macro like...
#define CHECK(cond)
if (!(cond))
printf(" failed check at %x: %s",__LINE__, #cond);
//set the bit accordingly
#undef CHECK
With a modicum of care, you can do it fairly easily. You just need to identify what you're comparing and setting carefully, and pass them as macro parameters. Example usage:
CHECK(obj1.a, obj2.d, bitmap, val1);
CHECK(obj1.b, obj2.e, bitmap, val2);
This assumes that CHECK is defined something like:
#define STRINGIFY(expr) #expr
#define CHECK(v1, v2, bitmap, bit) do \
{ if ((v1) != (v2)) \
{ printf("failed check at %d: %s\n", __LINE__, STRINGIFY(v1 != v2)); \
(bitmap) |= (1 << (bit)); \
} \
} while (0)
You can lay the macro out however you like, of course; I'm not entirely happy with that, but it isn't too awful.
Demo Code
Compilation and test run:
$ gcc -Wall -Wextra -g -O3 -std=c99 xx.c -o xx && ./xx
failed check at 40: obj1.a != obj2.d
failed check at 42: obj1.c != obj2.f
bitmap - 5
Actual code:
#include <stdio.h>
struct num
int a;
int b;
int c;
struct num1
int d;
int e;
int f;
enum type
val1 = 0,
val2 = 1,
val3 = 2,
#define STRINGIFY(expr) #expr
#define CHECK(v1, v2, bitmap, bit) do \
{ if ((v1) != (v2)) \
{ printf("failed check at %d: %s\n", __LINE__, STRINGIFY(v1 != v2)); \
(bitmap) |= (1 << (bit)); \
} \
} while (0)
int main(void)
struct num obj1 = { 1, 2, 3 };
struct num1 obj2 = { 2, 2, 4 };
int bitmap = 0;
CHECK(obj1.a, obj2.d, bitmap, val1);
CHECK(obj1.b, obj2.e, bitmap, val2);
CHECK(obj1.c, obj2.f, bitmap, val3);
printf("bitmap - %X\n", bitmap);
return 0;
Clearly, this code relies on you matching the right elements and bit numbers in the invocations of the CHECK macro.
It's possible to devise more complex schemes using offsetof() etc and initialized arrays describing the data structures, etc, but you'd end up with a more complex system and little benefit. In particular, the invocations can't reduce the parameter count much. You could assume 'bitmap' is the variable. You need to identify the two objects, so you'll specify 'obj1' and 'obj2'. Somewhere along the line, you need to identify which fields are being compared and the bit to set. That could be some single value (maybe the bit number), but you've still got 3 arguments (CHECK(obj1, obj2, valN) and the assumption about bitmap) or 4 arguments (CHECK(obj1, obj2, bitmap, valN) without the assumption about bitmap), but a lot of background complexity and probably a greater chance of getting it wrong. If you can tinker with the code so that you have a single type instead of two types, etc, then you can make life easier with the hypothetical system, but it is still simpler to handle things the way shown in the working code, I think.
I concur with gbulmer that I probably wouldn't do things this way, but you did state that you had reduced the sizes of the structures dramatically (for which, thanks!) and it would become more enticing as the number of fields increases (but I'd only write out the comparisons for one pair of structure types once, in a single function).
You could also revise the macro to:
#define CHECK(cond, bitmap, bit) do \
{ if (cond) \
{ printf("failed check at %d: %s\n", __LINE__, STRINGIFY(cond)); \
(bitmap) |= (1 << (bit)); \
} \
} while (0)
CHECK(obj1.a != obj2.d, bitmap, val1);
CHECK((strcmp(obj3.str1, obj4.str) != 0), bitmap, val6);
where the last line shows that this would allow you to choose arbitrary comparisons, even if they contain commas. Note the extra set of parentheses surrounding the call to strcmp()!
You should be able to do that except you need to use backslash for multi-line macros
#ifndef CHECK
#define CHECK(cond) \
if (!(cond)) { \
printf(" failed check at %x: %s",__LINE__, #cond); \
//set the bit accordingly
#endif /* CHECK */
If you want to get really fancy (and terse), you can use the concatenation operator. I also recommend changing your structures around a little bit to have different naming conventions, though without knowing what you're trying to do with it, it's hard to say. I also noticed in your bit field that you have one value that's 0; that won't tell you much when you try to look at that bit value. If you OR 0 into anything, it remains unchanged. Anyway, here's your program slightly re-written:
struct num {
int x1; // formerly a/d
int x2; // formerly b/e
int x3; // formerly c/f
enum type {
val1 = 1, // formerly 0
val2 = 2, // formerly 1
val3 = 4, // formerly 2
// CHECK uses the catenation operator (##) to construct obj1.x1, obj1.x2, etc.
#define CHECK(__num) {\
if( obj1.x##__num != obj2.x##__num )\
bitmap |= val##__num;\
void main( int argc, char** argv ) {
struct num obj1;
struct num obj2;
int bitmap = 0;
As a reasonable rule of thumb, when trying to do bit-arrays is C, there needs to be a number that can be used to index the bit.
You can either pass that bit number into the macro, or try to derive it.
Pretty much the only thing available at compile time or run time is the address of a field.
So you could use that.
There are a few questions to understand if it might work.
For your structs:
Are all the fields in the same order? I.e. you can compare c with f, and not c with e?
Do all of the corresponding fields have the same type
Is the condition just equality? Each macro will have the condition wired in, so each condition needs a new macro.
If the answer to all is yes, then you could use the address:
#define CHECK(s1, f1, s2, f2) do \
{ if ((&s1.f1-&s1 != &s2.f2-&s2) || (sizeof(s1.f1)!=sizeof(s2.f2)) \
|| (s1.f1) != (s2.f2) \
{ printf("failed check at %d: ", #s1 "." #f1 "!=" #s1 "." #f1 "\n", \
__LINE__); \
(shared_bitmap) |= (1 << (&s1.f1-&s1)); // test failed \
} \
} while (0)
I'm not too clear on whether it is a bitmap for all comparisons, or one per struct pair. I've assumed it is a bit map for all.
There is quite a lot of checking to ensure you haven't broken 'the two rules':
(&s1.f1-&s1 != &s2.f2-&s2) || (sizeof(s1.f1)!=sizeof(s2.f2))
If you are confident that the tests will be correct, without those constraints, just throw that part of the test away.
WARNING I have not compiled that code.
This becomes much simpler if the values are an array.
I probably wouldn't use it. It seems a bit too tricky to me :-)

Why brack an rval

Please see the following snippet of C code:
PM_RAISE(retexn, exn)
retexn = (exn);
gVmGlobal.errFileId = __FILE_ID__;
gVmGlobal.errLineNum = (uint16_t)__LINE__;
} while (0)
On the 4th line, why is exn surrounded by brackets?
EDIT (In reply to IntermediateHacker) Here is the original snippet of code:
#if __DEBUG__
#define PM_RAISE(retexn, exn) \
do \
{ \
retexn = (exn); \
gVmGlobal.errFileId = __FILE_ID__; \
gVmGlobal.errLineNum = (uint16_t)__LINE__; \
} while (0)
#define PM_RAISE(retexn, exn) \
retexn = (exn)
It's just considered good practice to wrap macro arguments in brackets. It doesn't help much in your example, but say you had:
#define multiply(a, b) a * b
and used it with:
multiply(4 + 3, 2)
it would expand to
4 + 3 * 2
which is obviously not the expected result (3 would be multiplied by 2 first).
Well, this is guess work on my part, but I think it's to enable entering an arithmetic expression as exn.
Here's what I mean:
/ * If I use: */
PM_RAISE( whatever, 18 / 9 + 5 );
/* It will generate */
whatever = (18 / 9 + 5);
/* which is good. */
Also, it's good practice to include brackets in macro functions like #James has pointed out.

Writing a C Macro

I have to write a macro that get as parameter some variable, and for each two sequential bits with "1" value replace it with 0 bit.
For example: 10110100 will become 10000100.
And, 11110000->00000000
I'm having a troubles writing that macro. I've tried to write a macro that get wach bit and replace it if the next bit is the same (and they both 1), but it works only for 8 bits and it's very not friendly...
P.S. I need a macro because I'm learning C and this is an exercise i found and i couldn't solve it myself. i know i can use function to make it easily... but i want to know how to do it with macros.
#define foo(x,i) (((x) & (3<<i)) == (3<<i)) ? ((x) - (3 << i)) : (x)
#define clear_11(x) foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(foo(x,8),7),6),5),4),3),2),1),0)
This will do the job. However the expansion is quite big and compilation may take a while. So do not try this at work ;)
#define clear_bit_pairs(_x) ((_x)&~(((_x)&((_x)>>1))*3))
#define clear_bit_pairs(_x) ((_x) ^ ((((_x)&((_x)>>1))<<1) | ((_x)&((_x)>>1))) )
This will work, but it does not pair up. If it finds the consecutive '1' it will just erase. for example 11100000 will become 00000000 because the first 111 are consecutive.
#define foo(x) ({ \
typeof(x) _y_ = x; \
for(int _i_ = 0; _i_ < (sizeof(typeof(x)) << 3) + 1; _i_++) { \
if((_y_ >> _i_ & 3) == 3) { \
_y_ &= ~(3 << _i_); \
} \
} \
_y_; \
This probably only works in GCC, since it uses inline statements. I haven't tested it, so it probably doesn't work at all. It is your job to make it work. :-)
The nice thing about this is that it will work with any integral type. It also doesn't rely on any external functions. The downside is that it is not portable. (And I realize that this is sort of cheating.)
