replace not working after specific number - sql-server

I have a table with a column vouchn. The recod of this column eg-if it receipt voucher it will record like RV103 AND LIKE payment it stores like PV99. I also use this sql for gettin max records.
SELECT MAX(REPLACE(vouchn, 'RV', '')) AS vcno
FROM dbo.dayb
WHERE (vouchn LIKE '%RV%')
it is ok until i reach RV999. After then even record RV1000 is there the above sql retrieve RV999. What is the error of the above code.

If REPLACE(vouchn, 'RV', '') always return numeric result, you can as the below:
SELECT MAX(REPLACE(vouchn, 'RV', '') * 1) AS vcno
FROM dbo.dayb
WHERE (vouchn LIKE '%RV%')

Add CONVERT to numeric type:
FROM dbo.dayb
WHERE (vouchn LIKE '%RV%')


Extracting data from JSON column defined as String

A table has a ports column (defined as VARCHAR) which has the following data:
[{u'position': 1, u'macAddress': u'00:8C:FA:C1:7C:88'}, {u'position':
2, u'macAddress': u'00:8C:FA:5E:98:81'}]
I want to extract the data from just the macAddress fields into separate rows. I tried to flatten the data in Snowflake but it is not working as the column is not defined as VARIANT and the the fields have a 'u' in front of them (this is my guess).
Could someone please help with the requirement.
The provided JSON is not a valid JSON but it is possible to treat it as one with text operations and PARSE_JSON:
SELECT s.value:macAddress::TEXT AS macAddress
,LATERAL FLATTEN(INPUT => PARSE_JSON(REPLACE(REPLACE(col, 'u''', ''''), '''', '"')))
AS s;
For input:
SELECT $$[{u'position': 1, u'macAddress': u'00:8C:FA:C1:7C:88'}, {u'position': 2, u'macAddress': u'00:8C:FA:5E:98:81'}]$$;

Report Builder 3.0 optional parameter

is there a chance to use optional parameters in report builder?
for example: i have a query with 3 parameters
#Pa1 date
#Pa2 date
#Pa3 varchar(3)
if i run View report without inform one of then i got the message:
Select a value for the parameter #Pa3 (for example)
is it possible?
I tried to use a empty field but i got no data
select a.legajo,c.nombres,e.Descripcion,CONVERT (char(10), a.fecha, 103) as Fecha,a.hora as ENTRADA,
b.hora as SALIDA,
DATEDIFF(HOUR,a.hora,b.hora) as Horas_trabajadas,
c.hor_x_jor Horas_jornada,
DATEDIFF(HOUR,a.hora,b.hora) -hor_x_jor as Diferencia
from fichadas_in a, fichadas_out b, empleados c,sucursales d,Clasificacion e
where a.Legajo=b.Legajo
and a.fecha=b.fecha
and a.fecha between #fecha1 and #fecha2
and d.codigo=#sucursal
and a.legajo=c.legajo
and c.CCO=d.Codigo
and e.Codigo=c.Clasif
Order by a.fecha,legajo
Allow Null Values or Blank values for your parameter.
As already mentioned you need to select ALLOW BLANK VALUES, and ALLOW NULL VALUE.. But you also have to ensure your SQL knows what to do with those VALUES in your WHERE clause.
((#Pa3 IS NOT NULL AND #Pa3 != '') AND d.codigo = #Pa3)
((#Pa3 IS NULL OR #Pa3 = '') AND d.codigo LIKE '%'))
There are other ways to do this, but make sure you account for those values/lack of values.
For the date range, I would recommend declaring another variable that calculates what the date value is before running the SELECT statement.. Create a variable that is calculates what the value is if the value is blank, null, or entered.
The variable may go in to #Pa1 but then calculates into #fecha1, then in the WHERE clause you us #fecha1.

error converting datatype conversion on single vendoritemnumber in duplicate rows

Sql server query shows error :
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
Here is the query:
WITH employee AS (
SELECT distinct vendoritemnumber,VendorItemId,
conceptwhereused,priceupdatedate,size_uom,pack_uom,isdeleted,'' as id,'' itemid,'' as oldprice,
'' as newprice,'' as dateupdated,'' as weekenddate,'' as lastpurdate
FROM VendorItems WHERE BrgItemId=6056)
SELECT * FROM employee
SELECT '' as ven,v.VendorItemId,
from [dbo].[VendorItems] v join PriceHistory ph
on ph.ItemId=v.VendorItemId join brgitems brg on
WHERE v.BrgItemId=6056
group by vendoritemnumber,v.VendorItemId,v.VendorItemDescription,v.VendorItemDescriptionAlias,v.VendorId,v.BrgItemId,v.itemconversionFactor,
I want to show single vendoritemnumber in duplicate rows..Any suggestion??
Where is the error??
SQL Server cannot convert an empty string to NUMERIC data type. For example, the following will yield the same error:
Replace empty strings ('') with 0 or NULL.
#manoj .Just FYI to know exact error point , double click on the error in message window .It shows the exact line of code on error, Also try to check if any empty values are there for that column and as mentioned by #Serge SQL throws error while any data type is converted to numeric and if its value is empty. Best solution is to add WHERE clause and filter those cases.

How can I add text to my column's select statement

I want to prepend text to sql select,
I can do this:
SELECT (1328724983-time)/60/60 AS status
FROM voting
WHERE account = 'ThElitEyeS' AND vid = 1
This will show time left.
What I'd like to do is this though:
SELECT 'Please try after' + (1328724983-time)/60/60 AS status
FROM voting
WHERE account = 'ThElitEyeS' AND vid = 1
Is there any way I can accomplish this?
Just use cast or convert to convert it all to varchar for instance.
SELECT 'Please try after' + CAST((1328724983-time)/60/60 as varchar(80)) AS status
FROM voting
WHERE account = 'ThElitEyeS' AND vid = 1;
See the MSDN on Cast / Convert
Based on your comments you can do:
SELECT 'Please try again after' + CAST(MyColForHours as varchar(25)) + ' hours', AnyOtherColumns FROM Table
Was trying this today and getting an error
SQL0420N Invalid character found in a character string argument of the function "DECFLOAT". SQLSTATE=22018
Apparently we now need to use || instead of + to join the sections.

Oracle split text into multiple rows

Inside a varchar2 column I have text values like :
aaaaaa. fgdfg.
bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ccccccccc
dddddd ddd dddddddddddd,
if i do select column from table where id=... i get the whole text in a single row, normally.
But i would like to get the result in multiple rows, 5 for the example above.
I have to use just one select statement, and the delimiters will be new line or carriage return (chr(10), chr(13) in oracle)
Thank you!
Like this, maybe (but it all depends on the version of oracle you are using):
WITH yourtable AS (SELECT REPLACE('aaaaaa. fgdfg.' ||chr(10)||
'bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ccccccccc ' ||chr(13)||
'dddddd ddd dddddddddddd,' ||chr(10)||
'asdasdasdll ' ||chr(13)||
'sssss '||chr(10),chr(13),chr(10)) AS astr FROM DUAL)
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR ( astr, '[^' ||chr(10)||']+', 1, LEVEL) data FROM yourtable
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH(astr) - LENGTH(REPLACE(astr, chr(10))) + 1
see: Comma Separated values in Oracle
The answer by Kevin Burton contains a bug if your data contains empty lines.
The adaptation below, based on the solution invented here, works. Check that post for an explanation on the issue and the solution.
WITH yourtable AS (SELECT REPLACE('aaaaaa. fgdfg.' ||chr(10)||
'bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ccccccccc ' ||chr(13)||
'dddddd ddd dddddddddddd,' ||chr(10)||
'asdasdasdll ' ||chr(13)||
'sssss '||chr(10),chr(13),chr(10)) AS astr FROM DUAL)
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR ( astr, '([^' ||chr(10)||']*)('||chr(10)||'|$)', 1, LEVEL, null, 1) data FROM yourtable
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH(astr) - LENGTH(REPLACE(astr, chr(10))) + 1;
