Can the uv_write() send a large amount of data at one time? - libuv

For example, my buffer to send has 20K bytes (user lists).
I wonder if uv_write() can send the 20K bytes at once, not sepearted.
So will the callback function, after_write_cb, returns the status 0 of success?
That is, Don't I need to care about the leftover while sending?

You can pass megabyte sized buffers to uv_write if you want, libuv will only call the write callback after all data has been sent.


What happens to the data in the socket when read and write system calls are used?

This refers to C sockets. Say I have written some data into the socket, then I call read, will read system call read buffer size(say 4096 etc) information and delete all the information in the socket? Basically will read just move the seek pointer forward to those many bytes that it read or will it read and just delete all the information from socket, so that next time when read is called, it reads from the 0th index?
Or say I write into the socket without calling read from anywhere else? Will the data be replaced or appended?
If there is more data available on a socket than the amount that you read(), the extra data will be kept in the socket's buffer until you read it. No data is lost during a short read.
Writing works similarly. If you call write() multiple times, each write will append data to the buffer on the remote host. Again, no data is lost.
(Eventually, the buffer on the remote host will fill up. When this happens, write() will block -- the local host will wait for the buffer to empty before sending more data.)
Conceptually, each direction in a socket pair behaves like a pipe between the two peers. The overall stream of data sent will be received in the same order it was sent, regardless of how much data was read/written at a time.

how to design a server for variable size messages

I want some feedback or suggestion on how to design a server that handles variable size messages.
to simplify the answer lets assume:
single thread epoll() based
the protocol is: data-size + data
data is stored on a ringbuffer
the read code, with some simplification for clarity, looks like this:
if (client->readable) {
if (client->remaining > 0) {
/* SIMPLIFIED FOR CLARITY - assume we are always able to read 1+ bytes */
rd = read(client->sock, client->buffer, client->remaining);
client->buffer += rd;
client->remaining -= rd;
} else {
/* SIMPLIFIED FOR CLARITY - assume we are always able to read 4 bytes */
read(client->sock, &(client->remaining), 4);
client->buffer = acquire_ringbuf_slot(client->remaining);
please, do not focus on the 4 byte. just assume we have the data size in the beginning compressed or not does not make difference for this discussion.
now, the question is: what is the best way to do the above?
assume both small "data", few bytes and large data MBs
how can we reduce the number of read() calls? e.g. in case we have 4 message of 16 bytes on the stream, it seems a waste doing 8 calls to read().
are there better alternatives to this design?
PART of the solution depends on the transport layer protocol you use.
I assume you are using TCP which provides connection oriented and reliable communication.
From your code I assume you understand TCP is a stream-oriented protocol
(So when a client sends a piece of data, that data is stored in the socket send buffer and TCP may use one or more TCP segments to convey it to the other end (server)).
So the code, looks very good so far (considering you have error checks and other things in the real code).
Now for your questions, I give you my responses, what I think is best based on my experience (but there could be better solutions):
1-This is a solution with challenges similar to how an OS manages memory, dealing with fragmentation.
For handling different message sizes, you have to understand there are always trade-offs depending on your performance goals.
One solution to improve memory utilization and parallelization is to have a list of free buffer chunks of certain size, say 4KB.
You will retrieve as many as you need for storing your received message. In the last one you will have unused data. You play with internal fragmentation.
The drawback could be when you need to apply certain type of processing (maybe a visitor pattern) on the message, like parsing/routing/transformation/etc. It will be more complex and less efficient than a case of a huge buffer of contiguous memory. On the other side, the drawback of a huge buffer is much less efficient memory utilization, memory bottlenecks, and less parallelization.
You can implement something smarter in the middle (think about chunks that could also be contiguous whenever available). Always depending on your goals. Something useful is to implement an abstraction over the fragmented memory so that every function (or visitor) that is applied works as it were dealing with contiguous memory.
If you use these chunks, when the message was processed and dropped/forwarded/eaten/whatever, you return the unused chunks to the list of free chunks.
2-The number of read calls will depend on how fast TCP conveys the data from client to server. Remember this is stream oriented and you don't have much control over it. Of course, I'm assuming you try to read the max possible (remaining) data in each read.
If you use the chunks I mentioned above the max data to read will also depend on the chunk size.
Something you can do at TCP layer is to increase the server receive buffer. Thus, it can receive more data even when server cannot read it fast enough.
3-The ring buffer is OK, if you used chunked, the ring buffer should provide the abstraction. But I don't know why you need a ring buffer.
I like ring buffers because there is a way of implementing producer-consumer synchronization without locking (Linux Kernel uses this for moving packets from L2 to IP layer) but I don't know if that's your goal.
To pass messages to other components and/or upper-layers you could also use ring buffers of pointers to messages.
A better design may be as follows:
Set up your user-space socket read buffer to be the same size as the kernel socket buffer. If your user-space socket read buffer is smaller, then you would need more than one read syscall to read the kernel buffer. If your user-space buffer is bigger, then the extra space is wasted.
Your read function should only read as much data as possible in one read syscall. This function must not know anything about the protocol. This way you do not need to re-implement this function for different wire formats.
When your read function has read into the user-space buffer it should call a callback passing the iterators to the data available in the buffer. That callback is a parser function that should extract all available complete messages and pass these messages to another higher-level callback. Upon return the parser function should return the number of bytes consumed, so that these bytes can be discarded from the user-space socket buffer.

How many bytes should I read/write to a socket?

I'm having some doubts about the number of bytes I should write/read through a socket in C on Unix. I'm used to sending 1024 bytes, but this is really too much sometimes when I send short strings.
I read a string from a file, and I don't know how many bytes this string is, it can vary every time, it can be 10, 20 or 1000. I only know for sure that it's < 1024. So, when I write the code, I don't know the size of bytes to read on the client side, (on the server I can use strlen()). So, is the only solution to always read a maximum number of bytes (1024 in this case), regardless of the length of the string I read from the file?
For instance, with this code:
wouldn't it be better if SIZE is 10 instead of 1024 if I want to read a 10 byte string?
In the code in your question, if there are only 10 bytes to be read, then it makes no difference whether SIZE is 10 bytes, 1,024 bytes, or 1,000,024 bytes - it'll still just read 10 bytes. The only difference is how much memory you set aside for it, and if it's possible for you to receive a string up to 1,024 bytes, then you're going to have to set aside that much memory anyway.
However, regardless of how many bytes you are trying to read in, you always have to be prepared for the possibility that read() will actually read a different number of them. Particularly on a network, when you can get delays in transmission, even if your server is sending a 1,024 byte string, less than that number of bytes may have arrived by the time your client calls read(), in which case you'll read less than 1,024.
So, you always have to be prepared for the need to get your input in more than one read() call. This means you need to be able to tell when you're done reading input - you can't rely alone on the fact that read() has returned to tell you that you're done. If your server might send more than one message before you've read the first one, then you obviously can't hope to rely on this.
You have three main options:
Always send messages which are the same size, perhaps padding smaller strings with zeros if necessary. This is usually suboptimal for a TCP stream. Just read until you've received exactly this number of bytes.
Have some kind of sentinel mechanism for telling you when a message is over. This might be a newline character, a CRLF, a blank line, or a single dot on a line followed by a blank line, or whatever works for your protocol. Keep reading until you have received this sentinel. To avoid making inefficient system calls of one character at a time, you need to implement some kind of buffering mechanism to make this work well. If you can be sure that your server is sending you lines terminated with a single '\n' character, then using fdopen() and the standard C I/O library may be an option.
Have your server tell you how big the message is (either in an initial fixed length field, or using the same kind of sentinel mechanism from point 2), and then keep reading until you've got that number of bytes.
The read() system call blocks until it can read one or more bytes, or until an error occurs.
It DOESN'T guarantee that it will read the number of bytes you request! With TCP sockets, it's very common that read() returns less than you request, because it can't return bytes that are still propagating through the network.
So, you'll have to check the return value of read() and call it again to get more data if you didn't get everything you wanted, and again, and again, until you have everything.

Are repeated recv() calls expensive?

I have a question about a situation that I face quite often. From time to time I have to implement various TCP-based protocols. Most of them define variable-length data packets that begin with a common header ([packet ID, length, payload] or something really similar). Obviously, there can be two approaches to reading these packets:
Read header (since header length is usually fixed), extract the payload length, read the payload
Read all available data and store it in a buffer; parse the buffer afterwards
Obviously, the first approach is simple, but requires two calls to read() (or probably more). The second one is slightly more complicated, but requires less calls.
The question is: does the first approach affect the performance badly enough to worry about it?
yes, system calls are generally expensive, compared to memory copies. IMHO it is particularly true on x86 architecture, and arguable on RISC machine (arm, mips, ...).
To be honest, unless you must handle hundreds or thousands of request per second, you will hardly notice the difference.
Depending on what is exactly the protocol, an hybrid approach could be the best. When the protocol uses a lot of small packets and less big ones, you can read the header and a partial amount of data. When it is a small packet, you win by avoiding a large memcpy, when the packet is big, you win by issuing a second syscall only for that case.
If your application is a server capable of handling multiple clients simultaneously and non-blocking sockets are used to handle multiple clients in one thread, you have little choice but to only ever issue one recv() syscall when a socket becomes ready for read.
The reason for that is if you keep calling recv() in a loop and the client sends a large volume of data, what can happen is that your recv() loop may block the thread for long time from doing anything else. E.g., recv() reads some amount of data from the socket, determines that there is now a complete message in the buffer and forwards that message to the callback. The callback processes the message somehow and returns. If you call recv() once more there can be more messages that have arrived while the callback was processing the previous message. This leads to a busy recv() loop on one socket preventing the thread from processing any other pending events.
This issue is exacerbated if the socket read buffer in your application is smaller than the kernel socket receive buffer. In other words, the whole contents of the kernel receive buffer can not be read in one recv() call. Anecdotal evidence is that I hit this issue on a busy production system when there was a 16Kb user-space buffer for a 2Mb kernel socket receive buffer. A client sending many messages in succession would block the thread in that recv() loop for minutes because more messages would arrive when the just read messages were being processed, leading to disruption of the service.
In such event-driven architectures it is best to have the user-space read buffer equal to the size of the kernel socket receive buffer (or the maximum message size, whichever is bigger), so that all the data available in the kernel buffer can be read in one recv() call. This works by doing one recv() call, processing all complete messages in the user-space read buffer and then returning control to the event loop. This way a connections with a lot of incoming data is not blocking the thread from processing other events and connections, rather it round-robin's processing of all connections with incoming data available.
The best way to get your answer is to measure. The strace program is decent for the purpose of measuring system call times. Using it adds a lot of overhead in itself, but if you merely compare the cost of one recv for this purpose versus the cost of two, it should be reasonably meaningful. Use the -tt option to get times. Or you can use the -c option to get an overview of time spent separated by which syscall it was spent on.
A better way to measure, albeit with more of a learning curve, is oprofile.
Also note that if you do decide buffering is worthwhile, you may be able to use fdopen and the stdio functions to take care of it for you. This is extremely easy and will work well if you're only dealing with a single connection or if you have a thread/process per connection, but won't work at all if you want to use a select/poll-based model.
Note that you generally have to "read all the available data into a buffer and process it afterwards" anyway, to account for the (unlikely, but possible) scenario where a recv() call returns only part of your header - so you might as well go the whole hog and use option 2.
Yes, depending upon the scenario the read/recv calls may be expensive. For example, if you are issuing huge number of recv() calls to read very small amount of data every small interval, it would be a performance hit. In such scenario you could issue a recv() with reasonably large buffer, let say 4k, and then parse that 4k buffer. It may contain multiple header+data combo. By reading header first you can find the data and its length. And to avoid the mem copy of data into a new buffer, you can just use the offset from where the actual data start, and store that pointer.

Limit libcurl response data

i'm trying to get some number of bytes from source using libcurl by setting:
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE, 100); //get 100 bytes from source
But I get different size of data each time, not even close sometimes only 22 bytes. does this work?
From the documentation:
Pass a long specifying your preferred
size (in bytes) for the receive buffer
in libcurl. The main point of this
would be that the write callback gets
called more often and with smaller
chunks. This is just treated as a
request, not an order. You cannot be
guaranteed to actually get the given
size. (Added in 7.10)
This size is by default set as big as
possible (CURL_MAX_WRITE_SIZE), so it
only makes sense to use this option if
you want it want it smaller.
So there isn't really any easy way to get 100 bytes right away. You would need to keep track of how many bytes you have received and just stop reading once you've got 100.
